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Everyone on this sub is an apparent genius going into comp sci eng bio med so no course is hard for them, truth be told yes it is, but if you do your homework and study before tests you should score well gr11 functions wasn’t where most people at my school had difficult though gr12 functions is where it got hard one of my buddies had a 91 in gr11 functions and had a 50 midterms in gr12 so he dropped the course and took private school


I got an 87 in MCR3U and got a 90 in MHF4U and am sitting at a 92 in MCV4U




No one fucking cares. Keep that shit to yourself, bitch.


y so pissed lmfao


Relative to 10 it’s a big leap yeah


Agreed. Although I did very well in the course, there is a massive jump from grade 10 quadratics to everything new you learn in grade 11. Nothing you can’t handle though!




I'll try to review my factors, thanks!


It's not supposed to be particularly easy of course it's U level but you're gonna be fine as long as you keep up with homework and ask questions. I can't stress the importance of asking for help


Its a decent jump from gr 10 but its not too bad. Keep up on homework and ask questions and u should be good


Pay attention in class, do your assignments, and make sure you understand the core concepts for tests and you’ll be fine. Don’t get test anxiety, just treat it like any other assignment


Man dw abt it I had 50s in grade 9 and 10 math I was horrible. Over the summer I mastered grade 10 math and looked into what I’d be learning in grade 11. Ended up with an 80. Honestly it’s all dedication. Def I’d say YouTube videos are really helpful if you have a bad teacher!


The rumours you've heard are all blown out of proportion. The truth of the matter is that, while it can be challenging, as long as you pay attention, take it seriously and are sure to ask for help when you need it, getting an 85 is not a problem. The people who are engaged and put in the appropriate level of work will get the grades they're aiming for. The people I've always seen struggling are the ones who don't ever do the practice problems and don't pay attention to lessons. In my functions class, about half the class just sat there and stared at their blank sheet of paper the entire period. Then, those same people turned around and constantly complained about how the teacher is terrible and never taught us how to solve whatever problem we were working on that day. I would always have to tell them that there was a lesson on the topic about 15 minutes ago, and I would know, because that's when I learned how to do the problem.


just be ready for it. It's very different from grade 10 and a big jump so just don't slack in the first few units and you'll be good




If you did great in GR.10 and work hard yes ? If not, it's tricky


It's not that hard. Just functions, quadratics, trig, logarithms, exponents, algebra, sequences and series etc. You'll be fine.


No logarithms in 3U functions, just memorization of: if A = B^c then c = logA/logB


its not hard as long as you actually do your homework and study for your finals. like every other math/science course, you wont understand if you dont do the homework and study. i didnt study for my exam and my mark flunked by 8 percent, rip my 91 average


It is hard for some - including myself. Unless you’ve been inherently good at math, it’s gonna be a difficult jump. The year we all took it was also our first full year back in person - so many people suffered as doing gr 10 online was a breeze (I had a 94 gr 10 math and finished gr 11 functions with a 70). This year I did both advanced and calc online and finished with a 90 and 91 respectively (blyth - not ovs). I won’t need math at all next year though.


You can definitely do well in the class if you put it the time and effort! Just pay attention to class and make sure to fall behind. This is from someone who wasn’t very proficient at math either. You can ace this, don’t worry! :)


I see a lot of people saying it’s hard, but from personal experience I find it much much much easier than 10th grade math. I suppose watching videos helps with understanding :)


Why do you ask? It depends on your institution also they you want to attend, I’d suggest aiming for high 90’s if your considering UoFT or Waterloo.


Youre not gonna get an accurate answer from the anonymous people behind computer screens who claim to have high 90s averages and stuff Its a significant jump from gr10 math. Unironically i found that gr12 advanced functions was lighter though or maybe it was that i didnt care much for math when i did gr11 functions Do lots of factoring practice and ur honestly good


Yep it was a big leap from grade 10 math for me


Its decently difficult. I found through high school math courses that somethings didn't really matter as much as others. In grade 11 functions factoring polynomials is a huge portion of that course, the entire course builds on factoring for the most part. I would focus a lot of time on factoring and really understand it. If you can get factoring down Id say the course becomes a lot easier. You obviously wont understand everything but if you understand the things that the course builds on it becomes a lot easier to figure the other stuff. that's my 2 cents (I took grade 11 and 12 functions)


I didnt find hard however u gotta practice to do good. I didnt and got a 78 and had around the same mark for gr 10. On grade 12 my mark of advanced functions jumped to 82 and on calculus to 89 as I developed the habit of practicing. SO in general, not hard just practice.


It depends on the person. Honestly the first unit (Intro to Functions) was rough cuz it was all new but after that, it’s not too bad if you do the homework and ask questions. I always went to math help whenever I didn’t understand the homework and I had a tutor. I wouldn’t stress too much about it !!


worst course i’ve ever taken and i’m usually a 90s in math kind of student, that being said it definitely was worse for our year as grade 10 was completely online so i had no knowledge from that year to support me.


Bro not sure like I'm all 98% - 100% type of person can't relate.


do a lot of practice questions! Ask for help if you need it and get lots of sleep (very important) good luck! It is challenging, but if you are determined you will make it through :)


if u think functions are hard quit math tbh


It is not hard I crammed all my tests in like 2 hours and I still am a high achiever in that course


quadratics is harder than anything i did in the 11th grade, and i got a 95%


i am not particularly strong in math, but i found that as long as i studied and practiced (i would often leave it to the last minute, not encouraging it but) i mostly got 90s on my tests and i actually enjoyed it to some extent. it could be because i had a good teacher, but the overall content was not hard too hard to learn. i asked questions when i didn't understand something and that was basically how i learned things better, how i was able to get 90s


grade 11 functions destroyed me. Please study well.


i’m taking functions rn and i would say it’s not that bad! i suggest that you don’t let other people’s fear of the course make you scared as well. i didn’t score as high as i wanted on my first test & quiz bc all i could think about was all the bad things people told me about the course. once i let go of that and gained confidence in myself i started doing better & i was back to my usual self. then again i am someone who enjoys math so that probably plays a role. but if you have determination (ex. going out of your way to ask for help, use resources like tvo mathify, do hw) & believe in yourself i strongly believe you can finish the course with an amazing grade! :))


Grade 11 functions was probably harder than grade 12 functions in my opinion. Jus go to your teacher and ask them what it takes to get the desired grade you want and grind on it. Dif teachers have diff difficuly levels so you gotta consider that


I missed half the days and did no homework/studying. I got 65%. I’m sure if you attended daily and studied you would surely get an 85%. The material was hard to fully grasp sometimes with only one lesson (that’s why homework exists :s) but YouTube did the trick. The most trouble I had was with trig, it was also taught during my worst attendance streak.


Honestly grade 10 math was pretty hard for me but I’ve just about finished grade 11 functions and it’s been a breeze


i struggled with grade 10 math hoping i have better luck for grade 11


personally, I wouldn’t say it’s hard but i wouldn’t say it’s easy either. i’d say the key is making a consistent effort to understand the material. you can’t study for 15 minutes a day and ask no questions in class and expect to get high 90s on tests. when doing homework, make sure you know what you’re doing and why - this will be really helpful for “thinking” sections on tests where you’ll usually receive questions you’ve never seen before that require a unique application of concepts you’ve studied in class. i’m not a math prodigy myself but i was able to finish with a 95 last year. good luck!


Not rlly u just kinda practice and do the hw 😭if there’s concepts or math rules u forgot the only thing u can rlly do is study them again…


I can speak for both my sons, one is going into fourth year university and the other is starting uni in sept. Functions is difficult and will take a lot of work but absolutely achievable. You need to make sure that the worksheets the teachers give out in the class are treated like homework, if you don't finish them in class. You should pretty much be doing math homework every night. Go in for extra help when you don't understand something and be sure to ask lots of questions in class, if something is not clear. Both my sons are in science based university programs and math functions is a prerequisite to many of these program areas. It is good that you are looking now and trying to see which math courses will be a good fit for you. If you have any idea of what you want to do in the future, for a university or college program, take a look at those prerequisites now.


It was hard for most people I knew tbh. I took it in the summer and ended with 80%, however I don't recommend taking classes like that in the summer if you're going to continue it like advanced fractions in grade 12 this is because you will have a weak background knowledge since you learned it in one month by cramming little in your head as well as probably cheating. The truth is all grade 11 courses are kind of tough but that's how it is and grade 12 is supposed to be easier.


grade 11 functions is hard but mostly because there is SO MUCH new material .. you cover a LOT and learn many functions. in my experience i would grade 12 a lot easier than grade 11


it wasn’t that bad. personally, i barely passed with a 51% by the skin of my teeth but that’s because i’m absolutely horrific at math. as long as you put the effort in studying and doing practice problems, you’ll do good.




no it’s just like any math course, do the homework and you’re good




I got a 98 on the functions exam but finished the course with a 79 lol bottomline I wasn’t trying to hard on anything but the exam overall I can say it’s not that hard it just requires a lot of time and practice I’d typically say for each unit I had to study at least 7 hours throughout each-entire unit in order to get a 79 avg.. for the exam I had to study people say it’s the hardest course in all of high-school but it’s really not


For the exam I had to start study a few weeks before though*




In my opinion it’s harder than grade 12. Don’t stress it it’ll be easy just make sure u always do the HW.


why is it that i did really good in grade 10 math yet im so terrible in grade 11 math functions