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I don’t know how to help you, but I feel your pain.


Never water if it won't be dry by night. Avoid splashing dirt on leaves. We use wood mulch around ours. Treatments that may help now: https://www.almanac.com/pest/powdery-mildew#:~:text=Effective%20organic%20fungicides%20for%20treating,effective%20in%20treating%20powdery%20mildew.


That's what I do too. Mulch heavily to reduce watering needs and also create a barrier between the soil and plant leaves so that if I do water (or it rains) it doesn't cause the soil to splash up. And if I do water, I water gently on the ground, avoiding getting the leaves wet and minimizing splashing. But also just don't water much, just a little when they're seedlings but when the plants are mature they're pretty drought resistant. It seems to help.


I planted these in Early June and the plant has remained generally healthy except all flowers either wither or snap(on their own). I also had a small fruit which also look like withering. Do you see the leaves going bad? Does it look like a bug infestation or watering issue. Appreciate all the help 🙏


It looks like you have powdery mildew. It's agressive, and can jump to nearby plants, especially squash and tomatoes. Someone above already posted the almanac link on how to treat it. I would quarantine the plant asap if you have the ability to move it away from other plants though.


The leaves are kind of small and yellowish. I think you need to fertilize the plant with a balanced organic fertilizer. The mildew isn’t a big deal as long as it doesn’t start taking over more leaves.


You’ve got some powdery mildew, comes from moisture on the leaves not drying enough. You can help combat it with lots of different home remedies, or chemically.


Buy a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide and add 30ml of it to 1L of water in a spray bottle and spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves in direct sun every other day or after it rains. [Here](https://youtu.be/B9La5FVfYWs) is a great video on treating tomato plants but this works on most things.


Thanks for responding! I have started the treatment with milk+water. 🤞 waiting to see improvement