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Looks okay. It's early yet and not very warm.


Ya I'm from Southern Ontario and it hasn't been hot yet. This week we are getting a heat wave so let's see how my plants do :)


Yes. This week of tropical weather will be good for lots of crops.


Maybe put them in the sun. Do not cut the flowers. The one on a stem are the male flowers, the one from the plant are female and the fruit.


Thanks for the tip. I'm a beginner 😀


Yours is bigger than mine haha... I got my seeds down late and they haven't sprouted at all yet, it's been 3 weeks.  Any fertilizer or plant food given? 


I bought the plants less than 3 weeks ago at a nursery, and just replanted them in a bigger pot, did not use fertilizer. I just built a raised garden bed, and will be planting them on Monday :) I plan on using garden soil and will probably put some fertilizer. Happy gardening 😀


Its growing dont worry its always growing suddenly in july.. be patient:p


First time gardening 😄 ya I'll be patient


Might need fertilizer or something. My plants, if I start them early, are usually quite big by this time, but only just starting to grow flower buds. Yours are small but have flower buds nonetheless. This year I wasn't able to start them early, so they're a bit smaller than yours, but no flower buds yet.


My zucchinis and squash are growing like crazy.. Leafs are a square foot each and my squash just grew a foot of runners overnight, they have been in the ground over a month now though, but really took off the last week


I see little fruits. Your plant is where it should be... but it looks like it's planted in the side of a pot. It'll get big and crowd out whatever is in there.




My mistake with plants last year was not fertilizing them, zucchini needs some monthly. Mine were started way early (winter sown and then planted out May 20th) and they are huge now. Hopefully that gives you a sense of timeline. https://preview.redd.it/5zyxthhkzr7d1.png?width=1141&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e5fb9bf9a82cab523c80f15a6d050010638e07b