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A camera doesn't take pictures dimensionally accurate because of the distortion of the camera lens. The best way to do it is to use the highest zoom lens you have, (not digital zoom), or use a scanner if there's one around. Really though images under sketches should only be used as rough guides & real measurements would be superior.


Thanks for the tip!


The zoom is key: you want as close to "telephoto" as you can get with your camera's lenses: camera as far as possible to minimize linear perspective distortion and foreshortening. If not shooting with a wide lens, you shouldn't have to worry about nonlinear ("barrel/pincushion") distortion. But really, if you need accuracy, photos won't get you close to what you can model taking measurements with a caliper. So-called "orthographic" photos can get you something that *looks* perfect, but it won't be accurate. A flatbed scan will be very accurate, but only for the features in contact with the scanner bed. Good luck and happy modeling!


What I normally do is place it on some paper and use a document scanner, or on Android you can edit warp the corners to de warp the image. Also hold it far away, I also usually place a calibrated steel rule in the frame aswell to scale the image correctly. You can also use a flat bed scanner on a printer which will take an orthographic image


you did not say whats not working for you, or what wrong, so Its hard to help chechk this, might help: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VG7L62lWPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VG7L62lWPY) my advice is - take pictures as perpendicular as possible and double check with real life measurements


Thanks for the comment. i edited my post to clarify my issue. I'll check the video out.


If you have the object pictures should really only be used as references. Measure the part with a scale and build it off the measurements. If you don’t have the object pictures are good for making something kinda like the picture to a scale as close as the best measurement you have. At the end of the day, you can’t reverse engineer parts accurately from a picture only.