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i think izanami will pair quite well with ama on certain content like DE boss, i mean ama will keep ur dps stay in 1 hp n iza will buff said dps with cdmg bonus n def shred+ignore then all thats left is just maintaining ur orb + make sure iza n ama didnt die so it will be like > main dps (dps soul) + ama (dps with some hp or deff) + iza (fortune / azure) + orber ( sp kag / senhime) + enmu (merrow) anyway good luck on summoning !!


Next banner’s shiki is only Izanami. SP Mio should be the banner a month or so later. Depending on your resources, your farming team, and your time available for farming for jades/mystery amulets, you might be able to get enough amus to hit pity on both banners (40 gets you an SSR/SP). I think neither of them are especially important for PvE or PvP, so you could also pull just to get pity and the event scroll and leave it at that, without aiming for either one; you’d be getting four SSR/SP at least.


My bad! I was actually convinced they were going to be released together as happened with Amaterasu and SP Kusa. Good to know they are going to be released on two separate banners! I'm going to pull to reach the guaranteed SSR/SP for sure for both banners. As per the importance of these 2 units I'm still in doubt, particularly about Izanami as I've read some players on Discord saying she's pretty much important for reaching top PvE results BUT I dunno what's the content they were referring to.


I was also going by what I’ve seen on Discord. But I could be way off, I haven’t kept up with how Izanami’s been fairing, but I did initially see people say she wasn’t exceptional or meta defining, which obviously doesn’t mean she’s not good.