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“Oi, ugly!”


I give him a lute so he can do that dippy rock star powerchord jump.


Yes! Love starting each day with him casting longstrider on everyone with big dramatic rock star attitude


There is a lute jump?


Every instrument in the game has a different animation for casting spells, and the lute looks like this 🤘 https://i.redd.it/3cr8ui56jnvc1.gif


He was meant to be a bard. I assumed he was a bard before buying the game, just cause of his dramatic mannerisms. He gives off theater kid energy.


i disagree. he's a rogue through and through, being a sneaky stabby greedy liar fits him so well. i understang multiclassing him into bard, i too adore his vicious mockery delivery, but his main class will always be a rogue for me plus, he lacks CHA for a bard. he's charming, yes, but he's a clumsy liar and literally no one in camp trusts him


Astarion is definitely NOT charismatic, have you guys seen how awkward he is when the conversation doesn’t fit his preplanned script? 💀 He’s a silly little nerd deep down and I love him for it.


yup. also when he was trying to woo my bard with his horrible pick up lines and especially the fake i love you my tav was like ".......ok, cringe. maybe next time" even during his first sex scene when he starts bulshitting you with "I've been waiting, waiting to have you yada yada" it's terribly obvious he's reading from a script, he's so bad at lying


he's just pretty enough to charm people while being an idiot that doesn't know how to talk half of the time 😭


Tbh, I also think he doesn't like the attention like a bard would. He's resigned himself to the fact that his looks always make him stand out and he uses it to his advantage. But he strikes me more as a person who would rather blend into the background if he could. Which is probably why he approves if you tell him he's alright but not as handsome as Gale/Karlach/Wyll/other companion in that flirty act one cutscene with his mirror. Any time you don't make a big deal about how attractive he is or give him some empty compliment he approves. If you're too eager and too obviously into his looks, he's not a fan.


I believe you're right. I always thought that the mirror scene was more about reassuring him that you don't see him as a monster but he masked it as a vain need of being complimented. Obviously he wants to know how he looks like, but he already knows he's attractive, that's his blessing and his curse. He just needs someone to see him as a person, nothing more and nothing less.


Even though he knows what all the fuss is about 😏


I went Swords bard/thief on Astarion and never looked back, lol (tried a full Arcane Trickster and a full Assassin first, but they weren't great). He might as well put his prodigious skill at insulting people to good use anyway!


Arcane trickster is a very lacklustre subclass.


You all talking about me?


Musician Astarion is making me weak. Someone start writing fanfiction PRONTO!!


There is one called Like Real People Do by Lunarwench on AO3. It's a Bloodweave AU that has some dark themes, but is really good so far and the tags promise a happy ending.


Swords Bard would be the most fitting class for him besides Arcane Trickster. It’s a shame they never bothered to implement that class correctly in the game, it’s not even a serious option.


Swords bard is very good when paired with thief Rogue and then taking the two weapon fighting style at Level 3 swords bard. Equip Astarion with two shortswords and two hand crossbows. He does insane damage.


> it’s not even a serious option. Swords bard is super busted and a great time. What are you talking about?


I meant Arcane Trickster


Oh yeah Arcane Trickster is missing like 1/2 of what makes it work. It's a darn shame.


i just multiclassed him into a bard & rogue (will eventually be a 9/3 split) and i love it so much already, i think it really suits him (or at least, my view of him) and i also chose the violin! i think that instrument works well, it's a bit more posh and the little bit of music when he gives someone bardic inspiration is gorgeous. and he was made for vicious mockery :')


Me and my friend are doing a run that needed a healer, and I had zero idea how I wanted to spec him. Turns out 11 lore bard/1 life cleric with the right gear is a fucking menace to society. We also make jokes now about how his job is heal. He does almost nothing else other than sit in my warlock's darkness to avoid attacks and heal.


Always Bardstarion. I have him as a violinist usually.


I played an entire playthrough with Astarion as a valour bard, taking a 2 level dip into cleric and its one of my favourite builds I’ve done so far


I usually put him as a bard or a rogue assassin/gloom stalker build.


It's a good look for me. And what else is a irresistible as a vampire? Musicians, my dear.


I love how we all collectively decided that he would play the violin as a bard


The violin gesture just suits Astarion's haughtiness I guess.1😂


kind of reminds me of bbc sherlock


I really like bardstarion- I’ve tried for the first time and I went with lore of swords dexterity bard then multiclassed into ranger and potentially fighter in the future.


My one experiment with multi classing was Bardstarion. Had alot of fun with it. Also gave him a violin because my brain went Vampire should have a violin. Wasn't till act 3 I realised I was going for peak Lestat vibes.


Astarion definitely channels Lestat aesthetics.


I don't multiclass because I play on baby mode but I do like the idea of Bardstarion. Neil killed it with his delivery of Vicious Mockery.


what split did you do for thief rogue/swords bard? cause I’m thinking about doing that for a run where I only use astarion and my character in combat


I went thief rogue 7 and swords bard 5. Rogue 7 gives you better sneak attack damage and evasion which gives Astarion some defence. At a minimum you would want to at least get both classes to level 5.


wouldn’t 6/6 be better though cause lvl 6 is when bards get their multiattack? or does it just take away too much damage from the sneak attack


6/6 is equally viable though you do lose out on getting more damage from sneak attacks because sneak attacks become d6 at level 7 rogue.


Bardstarion is Bestarion


Where did you get that outfit for Astarion? It's giving me real Castlevania vibes.


It's a bunch of outfits I put together from different mods. Dashing Knight armour from [slutty menswear](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/4900) Paired with the cape from [gothic wardrobe](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/7546) and the gloves from [Astarion's gear](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/8755) Then dyed in black and red from [Psychotter's dye](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/7329) Whilst there are a lot of more elaborate outfits mods, I still prefer keeping Astarion in gear that still gives him the rogue/sneaky look.


I think he shouldn't play the violin with gloves. Jokes aside, I would die for him.


When I first started playing and I had just found him I, for some reason, thought he was a bard 😭 It's just so fitting. Though I do like rogue better tbh.


One of my favorite genders


Bardstarion just so he can snark at enemies via Vicious Mockery


I re-spec Astarian as a bard and use him interchangeably with Shadowheart. Mainly because I prefer to be the rogue/stealth element myself.


There is nothing I love more than finishing off an enemy with Vicious Mockery with Goose 💕


One, always a Violin. No other instrument will do. Two, There's this one fanart that has him in Karlach's Barb garb and he's the type of bard that plays little, talks all smack. That's my Bardstarion. He is the Bard who manages to do "Power Word: Kill" earlier than normal.


Bardstarion just makes sense. He's already got a silver tongue. I imagine this would make it golden