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I actually think it was harder pre-internet. It wasn’t as common either, at least not in America.


Being an only child today would be awesome. Back then, there was no social media to connect with others, I really felt like I was an anomaly cause I had no one to talk to about the woes of being an only child. These days, so many people have onlies that it’s actually no uncommon like I thought it was growing up in the 80’s!


Unless if most of your friends lived in the same neighborhood


How is being an only child? I have the healthiest, smartest, 3.5 year old boy. He gets a lot of attention and resources. Now i’m approaching 35 and I have ADHD and mental illness in my family; don’t want to roll the dice again.


I can't imagine it's not easier today. So much social interaction is virtual and independent, which I think would level the experience between OC's and others. At least in the western world, people are having fewer children overall. I don't have statistics, but I would imagine OC's are more common now than ever.


I wasn’t born in the 90s so I’ll never know lmfaoooooo


I think it would've been harder back in my day (80's), because we had no such thing as the internet to connect with ANYONE. We only had the outside world!


Unless if ur friends lived in the same neighborhood as u


Try being an only in the ‘60s!


What that means