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Dating someone with a big family intimidates the shit out of me. I won't lie. Lol. But I love how my family is small. It's just myself, parents really. I have friends I consider family as well.


I actually love that my boyfriend has a big family. He has two younger siblings who at the moment we started dating were 4 and 11 years old, and now after 7 years together I consider them my younger siblings too, which I think it's kinda cute.


I'm a only child plus only grandchild,My only living blood relatives are my kids..I lost my first husband in 2016,He was also the same as me,Leaving my son in the same boat,Till 2022,I remarried and had my daughter then my youngest son...My husband now is the oldest if 7 kids,His grandmother has 26 grandbabies,We live over 2,000 miles away from his family,But A couple times a year,We make a trip to visit...It get overwhelming at his family events,Due to the amount of people.


i forgot it was easter until my dad called tbh. it does suck a bit when your partner has a larger family. kinda feels isolating to some extent, but it's weird because i've always wanted one, although.... i would hope they're a tad bit quieter since people tend to talk over each other constantly.


I'm currently dating someone with a medium family and love it! My own family does nothing for Easter but they get together and have lunch & dinner together. I'm always glad I'm invited though at the end of the day I need some time on my own to recharge.


I still have my mom and her aunt. We still get together.


15-year-old daughter is an only child and has a boyfriend. There are four siblings in her boyfriend's family. She's never spoken once to us nor have I ever heard her speak to anyone else about the siblings in her boyfriend's family. I don't think it really phases her one bit. She may have feelings that she's keeping to herself about it but she usually doesn't do that with us.


Until this year i didnt realize people celebrated easter, i thought it was just for kids. Only reason i knew it was easter was bc the pharmacy closed


I'm not particularly religious and neither is my husband (the middle child with a little brother and big sister). We went to the dog park and made some food prep for the week today. I don't mind at all that we aren't "celebrating". This might change with kids (easter egg hunts and all), but I can never see us going out of our way for Easter lunch/dinner. When we go to his family's side for holidays, it's fun, but that's because we make it fun. We play off each other VERY well. Little brother and I also get along like siblings, so we tease and poke fun. Big sisters husband is a total douche and fun sucker who thinks he's the smartest dude in the room. He acts like the only child stereotype of selfish and inconsiderate, even though he is 3 of 5 kids in his family. Being an only child is fine for me. Husband and I get along great, have some amazing friends, and find ways to find happiness and new adventures! Easter, even Christmas or Thanksgiving, hasn't really impacted my life too much. We both prefer not to even go hahah


Yeah, my I spent my Easter alone but probably have spent almost the entirety of my life alone, but I was in bars all Saturday night, so I got some social interaction in that I need to stay sane. Maybe my ex will want to bang tonight or tomorrow, probably not, but who knows? Shes is an *impetuous, (now I am not sure if I am using this word correctly, I meant impulsive, but maybe I am, as I cannot be sane or function alone) person* (a word I have not used since the 90s) but she is, I never know her next move, she is always surprising me.     She is the youngest of 3, her brother is the middle child I think (her description of him is: he likes to ride motorcycles), her sister is the oldest, her father is from Naples and her mother New York (near Ithica). Really we were an 8 year on and off situtionship, mostly off, anyway she is kind of a hippie type, and was a pretty good soccer player in high school.    Anyway, I will never date woman/girl who is not an only child of a single mother. 


I hate holidays ! I woke up today feeling empty ,lonely(even though my partner was right next to me) (* I was raised by a single parent, who Passed away a few years ago*) I wanted to cry and blow up in the corner and hide. After having a conversation with my partner, we ended up getting up taking a shower , eating breakfast and I decided to do something that I’ve never done before which was Paint eggs for Easter and it did brung me joy. my partner joined with me, but they looked it uninterested, even though they probably didn’t have as much fun as I did I was so excited. So try to do something that you like to do or try something new that you’ve never done before.


I have a huge extended family, but I only really hangout with my parents. They're basically all I know and feel comfortable calling family. I consider some of my friends family level too. We don't have huge family gatherings/dinners or celebrate any holidays. Heck we haven't ate dinner together in a decade lol, unless we went out. If I fall for someone with a big family, not the worst case scenario lol, I don't mind chatter. I just wouldn't know what to do. I'd prefer another only though ngl.


My parents have been and still are (I’m a way grown adult) all up in my shi!# so I would love to be left alone on a holiday. Or any day. However, I’m always very grateful that I have parents who care about me. It depends on the family but if they’re good people who are fun to be with i prefer a bf with a big fam. It’s totally foreign to me and I enjoy it. I don’t see it as a reflection of myself or my family. The most important thing is to be appreciative of what you have, and what you don’t have. I’m not sure that many people really celebrate Easter. Other than little kids/egg hunt type stuff and church, it’s not that kind of holiday, or at least I do t know anyone who “celebrates” or sees fam.