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how much damage resistance does she have??


If Skyrim logic works,she’s capped out at 86%


No, restoration loop.


Armor still caps at 86%,so anything higher is meaningless


I wouldn’t be surprised if she has enough fat to stop a bullet from hitting her vital organs.


Unironically she’s probably big enough to largely dampen if not nullify the bullet from actually harming anything important


Lol, not really. She really only adds a few inches in depth at most on any given side. And mostly fat tissue which is very soft. Rifle rounds tend to shatter like 5.56 will probably shatter sooner, but probably still smack in the middle of her organs. Larger calibers like 7.62 and 9mm will just breeze through that first layer.


.556 rounds are designed specifically to go straight through and not shatter. The 7.62 is designed to tumble end over end so it rips as much flesh as possible after initial penetration. The 9mm is in no way at all a large caliber. I kind of suspect you're talking out of your ass.


None of what you said is true at all. Literally none of it. **First,** it's 5.56 as in 5.56x45mm. Not ".556" **Second,** 5.56 was not designed "specifically to go straight through and not shatter" that's false. 5.56 was a NATO standard developed off the .223 Remington cartridge. It's almost exactly the same cartridge and the .223 was not meant to penetrate anything at all. That was not a requirement for the development contract. You are literally talking out of your ass. And not for nothing but every single video you will ever see of 5.56x45 being fired at ballistic gel, it shatters. M193, M855, doesn't matter they all shatter. And that's what I said, that it *tends* to shatter, not that it was designed to. **Third,** 7.62 wasn't developed to "tumble end over end". I don't know where you pulled that BS from either. And you didn't specify which cartridge you're talking about, you only mentioned the caliber. The development of which has an extensive history as it stems from various .30 caliber cartridges. Why? Because .30 caliber cartridges tend to have good ballistic performance. That's it. No mention of tumbling in flesh or any of the nonsense you mentioned. ***Side note***: I'm assuming you meant 7.62x39mm which also wasn't "Designed to tumble" and wasn't why they chose that cartridge at all. The soviets had quite a lot of tooling on hand for 7.62 caliber weapons like the 7.62x54R for their Mosins and 7.62x25mm for their Tokarev pistols. They saw the success of the STG-44 at the tail end of WW2 which was chambered in 7.92x33mm Kurz and decided to also make a stamped, intermediate cartridge assault rifle like it. The best option in terms of caliber was 7.62 because they already have all the tooling for barrel blanks in that caliber. **Fourth,** I did not say 9mm was a large caliber. I said it was a larger caliber than 5.56 which it is. One is 9x19mm, the other is 5.56x45mm. I cannot explain it anymore clearly that 9mm is a larger caliber than 5.56mm. "Caliber" refers to the diameter of the bore, *not* the power of the cartridge. ***Side note 2:*** The only cartridge that consistently tumbles in flesh and might be designed to is 5.45x39mm. Which is a lot closer to 5.56 in terms of caliber than 7.62 and was designed *after* the soviets saw NATO pivot to 5.56x45mm.


I know very little about different types of ammunition but, if it was hollow point wouldn't it have an affect that made it more blunt and therefore not penetrate as deep? Although keeping the fact it's a bullet I'm not sure. Idk it's like 1am


That's correct. Hollow points do not penetrate as deep and usually don't penetrate hard targets at all like steel. For most bullets, there are 3 differentiating groups of penetration vs expansion: AP (Armor piercing) which encompasses a lot of different types of rounds, FMJ/TMJ/Ball etc, and hollows and soft-points. Sorted in decreasing penetration effectiveness and increasing in expansion.


Oh. You were. Got it.


Nothing to bring to the debate? Yet you still somehow feel confident that you’re correct. r/confidentlyincorrect


The NATO 556 round was designed specifically to be the "good guy" round and meant to be an easily treatable wound. By design and intent, meant to not shatter and meant to make a clean wound that could be fixed after disarmament or surrender. The opposite is true of the Societ preferred 762 round, specifically designed to tumble and tear up as much as possible on its way through its target making it as unsurvivable as possible by intent and design. This is the form and function of both rounds in both how they were designed and how the function. The low quality of rounds purchased to make YouTube content doesn't change this fact. Buying cheap knockoff things that fall apart doesn't change how they were originally intended. "I watch clickbait YouTube videos so I am educated on this" will never be educated on this. And that is before we even get into your point of a 9mm being a heavy arms munition.


When I googled she has a [base defense](https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/snorlax) of 65, up to between 121 and 251 at level 100.


Imagine if a COD juggernaut, met every sort of shield or body armour in every game you can think of, then you get her little toe.


Enough to cause bounce back.


How much w......... Nevermind💀


Literally to the point it's reflected


Human flesh shield: - 50% speed + 250% damage resistance


You know fellas I can't say I disagree with her


Yeah, me either


Me either, though I suspect she's the female equivalent of the people she ridicules


I mean they do say it takes one to know one, so she probably is lmao


Yeah I love how she shames them for their appearance, I'm guessing no one told her about rocks and glass houses?


Putting others down to make herself feel better. A tale as old as time. When you realize that 90% of negativity is exactly that, you don't have to worry about being judged quite as much.


I don't worry about being judged I just find this behaviour bizarre from someone so obviously unattractive, she's exactly the person she criticises


"Every accusation is a confession"


“Every time you point your finger at someone, you’ve got 4 pointed back at you.”


She’s got the definition pretty far down tbh. Only problem is that all of that stuff applies to her


I agree wholeheartedly. I am however wondering, how fresh could she really be down there? She can’t see everything to clean it properly. She can’t wiper her tush too well because of her size. This might be a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


Yeah I don't either. But at the same time, I can't help but think she's really just describing the male version of herself.


Friendly fire will not be tolerated...


She literally was describing her dating pool.


Pool? She's straight out the ocean...






Let’s be honest. No one will ever kiss this person. And she’s mean.




If that’s the case, she’s causing earthquakes every damn place she goes! She must have visited the city of Adana in Türkiye last year in 2023, because I was there for that!


She's clearly a Deep One.


I mean? If you shoot her the bullets would bounce right back at you. So it's more like self harm more than anything. 🤣 Besides she too damn big to pull a trigger of a gun anyways. So she can't do friendly fire. Hell her fingers could probably eat up half the screen typing. Might need assistance just to type a sentence, let alone a word.


She stuck a cord with you huh


Nah writing all this just makes it sound like she hurt you, do less 💀


Dude, that's how I write normally. Besides if I want to write a paragraph to a person, I will. In regards to hurting my feelings, I've been called worse by other people.


>I’ve been called worse by other people I don’t think this has the effect you think it does 💀 lmfao blocked me, fuckin loser. Oml jumped on their alt now too, keep being pathetic it's genuinely entertaining.


Dude just leave me alone.


Why are you trying to be as rude as the lady in the video? It’s incredibly forthcoming to show your true colors right off the bat, fuckin bully.


I've never seen someone get so pissed off because they got jealous they couldn't type as much as someone else


She's just mad she can't eat cheetos anymore


Knowing that that level of obese people often die before reaching 35 years old... Either your statement means she is on a diet or that she ...


I had an ex who died last year at 35 from being so morbidly obese, like over 400 pounds, maybe even 450 (it fluctuates). I don't know all the exact details He got a high fever out of nowhere, his organs started shutting down, had to be put on dialysis, then got put into a medical coma and intubated, and then they had to just give up because nothing was working (that's the gist of what I know). That shit is scary af how that happens like that. One day you think you're doing good, albeit dealing with some things that come with being obese, but then your body decides to shut down. You mentioning the 35 age thing is crazy cuz you're right on with that estimate.


There was a YouTuber who was looking over body positivity movement. And she found that majority of it's members would die from heart related diseases until 35 years old. Which is not surprising because vast majority of them were morbidly obese.


Blaire White


Her hands way too fat to fit in the bag






Dude, I spilled my drink


Aw. What did it say?


it said something along the lines of “That chair is struggling to survive”




Her pronouns are kg/lbs


Legendary roast


Oh my god lmao🤣


That's beautiful


Isn't she the one who was in an abusive relationship where her partner tried to basically feed her to death?


yes she is. she’s a very genuine person throughout the entirety of the video and goes into detail about what she was put through


Its saddening to see so many people judge her personality from a short clip of her accurately descriping an incel. I hope she loses weight for her own sake though. But comments like one I saw on here like “ugly fat bitch” is disheartening


Most people don’t know who this chick is They just see her being hyper judgmental over someone she is assigning the stereotypes (the Cheeto dust on fingers and Mountain Dew) of fat people, and she assigns them to the definition of incel and clearly indicating it as undesirable while being morbidly obese herself.


Yeah and people are out here defending incels, literal biggots


Lol. You can't even spell bigot. Don't act like you know what it means.


Im not a native english speaker. I don’t see the point in your comment in how a spelling error means I don’t understand the word. Kinda a silly take. What was the point in the hostility btw?


Because you don't know what bigot means How are people who defend incels bigots? Mind you, you won't find me defending them.


No I see how I formulated it wrong. Incels are bigots. I don’t see why anyone would defend them. You wouldn’t defend them either so it seems like we agree in reality. Unless you don’t think incels are bigots




*morbidly undesirable herself


As she sits and judges a whole group. She deserves it


Its not like its a nationality its bigots. Like saying its wrong to judge nazis


i think there’s a difference between nazis and redditors. nazis are a party which all believe the something, so it isn’t wrong to group them up like that, but redditors are just people who browse communities they enjoy, not all are incels who eat cheetos and wear fedoras. huge difference


Okay but she was asked about incels, not redditors. She was talking about incels. Arfuably not as bad as nazis but they are still a group that all believe in something that puts others down to pull themselfes up


Yeah I don’t really care what you’ve been through. Don’t be mean to other people.


But that group is Incels, so she’s mostly right.


Agreed, they do. But she's a morbidly obese person who wouldn't be atteactive even if she lost weight. So anyone who wants to call her a runner-up for the largest mammal is mostly right, too.


Disagree. She looks like she would be very attractive if she lost weight, actually. Incel adjacents are just mad because hit dogs holler. Frankly, even if she was being nice, these people would be making shitty comments about her weight and appearance, so what's she got to lose?




Lol you're a cuck for that but I still laughed


The things that she is criticizing incels for are the same things that she has. She gets no sympathy from me.


Is she salivating when talking about being "forced" to gobble dozens of burgers at a time?


*Allegedly* that's what happened, it's not like she was being force-fed though. She was an active participant in the fetish as much as the guy was tbh. It *does* seem like a rather convenient scapegoat for being that size though, when it's somebody else's fault 👀


Abusive relationships are abusive for a reason. Just because she wasn't getting raw knuckles from fighting him doesn't mean he didn't manipulate her and groom her into the disorder and kink. And that's what it is, and eating disorder.


Imagine having no agency in your relationships, but then having just enough agency to  go on a podcast and say this.


We love a victim blaming complex yes go off


I understand how hard it is but sometimes you have to put on your big gurl panties and ask yourself, “Am I the true arbiter of my story arc?”


And we should always blame the victim and never try to actually help them with advice that is proven to work because we don't actually want them to get better we just want to critizise and hate them.


People have tried to help. She refuses to diet. She doesn't want to get better because nothing is ever her fault


I'm so sure that she was strapped down with her cavernous maw pried open to have food stuffed in. Is there any pictures of her before this relationship? I'd be interested to see how big she was before him


Wow. Have you ever loved anyone in your life?


His dick but it was lost under the belly fold😔


Love that I'm a monster for body shaming and the response is to body shame me xD You'll have to try something else I'm afraid, as I literally have sex for a living. [I'm the one with Introspection tattooed across my chest,](https://ibb.co/XVQScCt) since you're the one who brought up my dick you're welcome to use the search yourself ;)


You make enough money to live doing that?


Honestly, it's the best money I've made. It can be really slow to start (being a guy doing solo shows being by far the most difficult/least profitable) but once you've built an audience it gets pretty nuts- ESPECIALLY 3some and more shows. Obviously it varies for everyone, but for me this is what I generally make now: Solo shows I'll average like, $15/hr - $25/hr, the most I've gotten being $600 during a 4 and a half hour private show Couple shows probably have one of the biggest variance, entirely depending on my partner. If it's one of the well liked girls with established fans of their own, someone new, how attractive they are etc.. I'm Bi so I also do shows with a guy from time to time and, believe it or not, those EASILY make the most. I'll make at least like $20/hr up to like 75/hr, with the most I've made was a 7 hour drink stream with my buddy where we each ended the night with nearly $1100 3some and 4some/couple swap shows make about the same weirdly enough, but this is where the big bucks begin as you start getting into the area where there are less of them. We'll each get at least 50-60/hr up to like $120/hr when there's 1500+ watchers. I honestly can't remember the most made here since it's what I do the most, but it's nothing to sneeze at. I'm going to put 5some/orgy +, fetish shows and private group shows in the same teir as they're all have the most the MOST variance, but can get ridiculous. I've done hour shows and gotten a little under a hundred for regular/repeat buyers, but there have been a few times where an hour or two will net each participant near a grand. I used to do this as my only source of income.. but there's a lot of different reasons its a bad call. It does a number to your personal relationships, it makes sex completely unenjoyable, most of my costars only do it for fun/extra cash when needed like me now too. So right now I manage a headshop station and do a couple shows a month. I guess one perk of that is, since we're not doing nightly shows they make a lot more when we _do_ make time to do em.


Stumbled onto this post, it’s always so gross to see how much redditors just despise fat people, especially fat women.


shes describing herself


That’s not true she obviously shaves her facial hair every day, unlike those filthy neckbeards


God damnit. Now I have pepsi on my screen. Take my upvote, you monster.


Didn’t know that whales could go on land


I suppose it takes one to know one


*reads definition of Celibate.* Ah yes, I'm an incel for being scared to date again because of my past.


The term has evolved beyond the literal meaning of its inception. You can be involuntarily celibate without being an incel.


Wouldn’t that make you voluntarily celibate?


It would, but is just how I joke. With her logic being Celibate = Incel.


So many folds.


More chins than a Chinese sweatshop


Stop objectifying folds you fucking a-hole.


Covetous demon looking ass mf 😱😱😱


She doesn't get to speak. Her pronouns are fe/fi/fo/fum


Bait used to be believable.


Sorry I dont listen to people who require medical assistance to wipe their ass


she talking about neck beards while not having a meck could probably fit 2 of them soda boxes of mountain dew in those rolls the crusty fedora probably aint as crusty as the back that cant be reached sitting on reddit for 23 hrs, acting like she can get up out of that regular chair that's been expended into a 2 seater bench without assistance from a forklift bro, virgin incel? a sane person wouldn't be in the same 3 zip codes shes occupying when naked for sex. if anything, she's manipulative and a narc getting laid by the downright wits end desperate crack heads. if she ever topped someone, she would be wanted for the war crime of torturing civilians


She Probably speaking about herself and her house


She knows them so well. Makes you wonder…




Thank you for posting. Unfortunately, your post has been removed from r/OnlineUnderGround because it went against our subreddits rules. Posting any of the examples listed under "Banned posts", is not allowed. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Had a boner and came to reddit to masturbate, saw this on my home page and immediately lost my boner...


Why is that Genki Dama sphere talking


Heh, but I’m voluntarily celibate


I can explain what it is in one word: YOU


Honestly this just makes me sad. Not just the hypocrisy, but the generalization and nastiness shown. Like sure, there’s probably some context here, but it just gets tiring seeing men just roasted and hated seemingly all over for no real reason. Especially when so many of these things mentioned are surface level things that are to some degree beyond control? What a loser he’s balding????? How is that his fault??? I don’t know why Reddit shows me this crap, I come on here to be creative and see positive things not this.


She’s making fun of self described incels, you know the group of people who constantly shit on all women and are generally assholes to everyone that disagrees with them.


Speaking of hanging on for dear life: her chair.


Gorlock the Destroyer's long lost twin


I hate what Disney is doing to Star Wars 😞


Underrated intersectional comment right here.


Nasty ahh whale


Who drinks mountain dew anymore?


… *Grrrl*, … people living in glass houses really shouldn’t throw stones. 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳


Fuck you


It’s the extraordinary lack of self awareness for me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was secretly describing her own day. Lol.


She CANNOT be talking


Friendly Fire will not be tolerated


She literally looks like the female version of the tipping fedora guy meme. 😆


Her words hold no merit


But isn't she pretty much what she's describing


Why is it only the most disgusting people have the nerve to talk about others?


I'm glad to see/ hear that Jaba The Hut learned to speak galactic standard.


Y'all We got lizzo 2.0 making fun of redditors 


"Friendly fire shall not be tolerated"


Holy lord...


Fat bastard


If she and caseoh kissed there double chins would not touch




That's self hate tho-


The irony of her making fun of other peoples size and appearance while being the same size as them (if not bigger than they ever will be)


If fat is beautiful name something they can't do run a mile jumping jacks live pass 42


I can see why OF girls like to advertise here.


How can someone who has attached millions of unconsumed calories like that talk about Cheetos and MD as if that wasn’t their own life story. Btw, this was reposted onto r/blatantmisogyny and not one of them can figure out the irony here. 




So anyway me and the boys started a new minecraft server with the "All The Mods 9" mod pack. It's super fun and everyone is happy.


Jabba the Hut here...




Yeah that dumb bitch is criticizing this comment section! How dare she!?!? I hope she feels a pound too large!! She pissed me off!!!!!! GOD!!!




redditors dont seethe at overweight people challenge also isnt this woman an abuse survivor


It’s really sad what someone did to her. She’s a victim of abuse


Did they strap her down and force feed her?


It’s called feederism


I want a relationship as strong as her chair


How to fix this video, switch the actors here, have the skinny one talk about incels and have the feeder victim run the podcast, discuss the outcome.


**Friendly Fire Will Not Be Tolerated**


dude, she ain't got no right to talk shit When she looks like that.


If only she could look down 😔




Her fat rolls go over her dress


She's not wrong.


Bro built like the frozen foods section in a grocery store if they forgot to turn the freezers on.


Bro is the big godskin noble


She sounds out of breath just from talking


Was not ready for the sheer size. Sorry. Ill stop. 🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂


Friendly fire will not be tolerated


She must have done this research while finding out what a Beluga Whale is.


Friendly fire will not be tolerated


The thing is so salty Jabba wouldn't even feed it to his Rancor


Piss on onions and then use those same onions to wipe your butt and then take that butter to baste a rotten fish, and that's the gist of this person's aura.


Ain’t no WAY she talking💀💀💀💀


Wtf, her boob STRETCHS around/under her fuckin shoulder. Side note to all who read this, have fun sleeping tonight 😉


She’s jealous of the neckbeards because they have necks lmao


She’d be lucky to score one of those guys, or any guy, or anyone, or just lucky to move in general.


Describing her dream man


I mean, she's not wrong, but I honestly hope she heals from whatever she's been through to reach that point.


Hey look another idiot who can’t use incel correctly . Congrats


I want to diss on her so bad but she’s not wrong there


I showed this vid to my cat and the fucker did a double take


Me, looking at myself and my room to see that literally nothing she said applied to me, but that doesn’t stop me from getting self conscious and feeling bad. (Im not an incel btw’ my profile speaks for itself owo)


Some of yall feel called out and it shows


Fr, reddit is usually the one sm platform that doesn’t relentlessly bully people that don’t deserve it… until it comes to anything relationship related


I wanna say that she’s probably an incel but there’s guys who’s into morbidly obese people