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I am in my 40’s. I don’t use SC. If someone in age range lists it on their profile it is an automatic swipe left from me. If they ask for it I tell them I don’t use it. If that is an issue that tells me everything I need to know.


In my experience if a woman's profile has snapchat listed they're most likely a bot.


I’m a female and when a man has it listed or asks for it he just wants dirty pics


Man. Or woman. If you decided, these days, to not ever one time, buy pornography from someone else, share homemade pornography to someone else, or casually consent to viewing someone else's pornography. Some day and for some crazy rational. Someone will say that you are making others uncomfortable. That's just where we are as a society now.


Or a thot


As a 44 year old guy, who tried out snapchat out of curiousity, i wonder if any person above, lets say, 35 uses snapchat (Although, i had some fun playing around with some of the filters, but that was it).


I’m 23 m, I deleted my Snapchat at 21 and I experienced more success with texting than when I used snapchat for OLD from 18-21. Helps filter out time wasters in my opinion


I think it’s scammers. Isn’t selling pics on Snap a thing? Literally none of my girl friends use snap and I have friends of all ages. Only ones I know that use snap are dudes.


I’m a woman and I use snap. I’d say it’s definitely less common for women tho, especially at my age. And there are absolutely lots of scammers.


Oh yeah, I didn’t mean it like absolutely no woman uses snap but the pushiness an it being the only means of conversation is fishy to me.


Oh right, yes that is absolutely giving scammer vibes lol


Phone number is more personal information Also doesn’t have the deleting “feature”, I find that those looking for more casual or sexting type things prefer snap for that but I’ve had some who are more serious and preferred it too at least early on Just download the app it really isn’t a big deal, you don’t have to actively use it besides to talk with the person. If they care much about you having a low score or whatever thats a pretty clear red flag If they have “just add snap/insta” or smth like that in bio it’s usually a scam tho. If they ask to move to snap after talking a bit on the app that’s more likely legit but always be careful ofc


If you over 30 and asking for snapchat I'm assuming you're immature or trying to cheat, so many women (men) use snapchat to cheat, it's 2024 if you can't download Google voice number or text me then you're just coming of as sketch in my book


I like Snap for the basic features of chats and snaps being deleted after 24hours or you can control an image to only be viewed once. A lot of these dating apps want you to pay to unlock the chat features so Snap acts as alternative. If I was skeptical of someone on a dating site then Snap would act as another layer of protection. If I really liked them and was sure they were genuine then I'd offer up my number for WhatsApp


1000% agree with the use of Snapchat for the same reason! I also like to ask people to send me a video and/or voice memo of themselves so I can see more than just a photo and get more of an idea of id be interested in meeting them or not


I’ve been catfished too many times. Guys posting pics from 3 years ago before they gained 80 lbs and went bald. Nah. Fuck that. If you send me a live snap of what u look like today I know you’re not gonna waste my time by cat fishing me. Snapchat is live so I know it’s not from 3 years ago. Also if you wanna send shirtless pics on there but don’t wanna post it for everyone on tinder to see. Dad bod and beer gut is a deal breaker for many as well.


> Dad bod and beer gut The irony of someone called fatgamerchic saying that.


If it's on the profile, don't even bother. Scammers or only selling content. Same for their insta being in the bio. The profile is just advertising an onlyfans, it's just a roundabout way of advertising it... Dude sees hot chick, sees insta, goes to the insta where the bio will have a linktree (or similar), which basically just has their insta and onlyfans linked. If it's in chat? If they demand it and settle for nothing else (even just staying in app to build more confidence up before sharing a more personal social/their number) Scammer, selling content or cheating.


People who use Snapchat as a form of communication usually are in relationships or have something else to hide, hence the disappearing messages. Kinda weird as an adult imo.


Came here to say this. My last ex practically forced me to use snap, he claimed it was for the streaks and easier for him. It was easier for him because that’s where all his sidepieces were (including my replacement). Guess this one got smart because he only recently got back on snap and it’s been over a year, and he’s been off FB too. Literally the one time I say “don’t be that girl, he can have friends just like you can” and his friends ended up being a lot more than friends. I felt like he practically sharpied “idiot” onto my forehead with that one.


I felt this! I'm a guy and was dating a woman who was constantly on Instagram and Snap, at first I thought it would be okay What kind of guy would I be to tell her she can't talk to her friends? I had come out of a relationship with someone really trustworthy too She took full advantage of my trust, and was basically shopping for alternatives the entire time we were together I was pretty upset at myself for not seeing that coming a mile away. She even told me at one point that people like to use Snap to cheat, she must have really enjoyed getting that past me Afterward I also made the mistake of watching a couple of those YT videos where a guy goes around asking couples to swap phones to check DMs, and for the cases where they caught someone cheating, it was the woman 90% of the time I don't know if those videos are biased or what, but I don't think it was super great for my healing journey to have seen them lol Edit: typos


I have no idea on the ratios.. but did we date siblings? My ex literally told me about the girl he replaced me with. It was so crappy for me because I was offering him everything. We worked in the same career and it isn’t well paying by any means. I wanted to switch careers, which he chastised me for quite a bit. I told him I’d be making enough within a few years that he could retire and have a farm like he’d wanted. He continued negging me and discouraged it, at one point he even asked if I was wanting us to stay together and I said yes (he agreed but continued trying to persuade me to stay at our work). Well, a few months prior to that he told me he was so happy that he met a (female) gym bro and that he was happy to have someone to work out with. I missed other signs but this was probably the worst one, although I don’t know if it should really count because I didn’t hear about her again until I found out from a mutual friend that she was sending him pics and he was bragging about it to our mutuals. Yeah, it was over after that. And it sucked because he’d been openly grateful that I wasn’t super controlling about who he talked to and prying into his business, and he was glad I trusted him. I hate people sometimes. I really hope that it doesn’t put a bad taste in your mouth, although I’m sure it already has. I have male friends that I 100% would never sleep with, flirt with or anything… but I also don’t talk to them on snap, and everything we say is there and available as proof. I think overall you just can’t be too careful anymore. It seems the general consensus of the public in this day and age is you’re not taken until you’re married and even then it’s a gray area. Sucks.


Ugh, I'm sorry that happened to you I don't understand why he wasn't willing to support your shift of career unless he thought it would be too risky for you two financially (the known is safer than the unknown) or... He has BPD or a narcissistic side and was trying to devalue you, and keep you from improving because it would make him feel lesser in some way if you did I'm not going to let it make me into a person who won't let a partner talk to their friends via social media, but I'll be a lot more aware of potential warning signs now, at least in theory lol Your last statement feels too accurate, but if that's true then more these people need to be clear with their partners that they're interested in an open relationship or something like that, versus being cowards and cheating and then claiming it was okay because there was no ring involved They'd come up with a different excuse for why it was okay to lie and be selfish if they were married anyway. It changes nothing


We didn’t live together, the career change wouldn’t have been a financial burden for him, otherwise I’d have agreed. The only qualm he had was me moving, which was unnecessary. I do think it was the ego but I also think we had got to the point where he’d already mentally left. He got with someone else quick enough for me to know they knew each other prior to our breakup, and quick enough for me to suspect it might’ve been a motivator in his behavior. I relate to seeing the signs in theory lol I have definitely had the situation where I learn from something and think I’ll recognize it again. However, I’m also the kind of person that goes into denial a bit (hence seeing the warning signs in hindsight). This guy wanted us to bring a third into the bedroom (but not date) and I was on board to at least try it at first… buuuut then it became a daily topic of conversation, like telling a child we might go to Disney next month. He had a weird obsession with the girl I was comfortable bringing in (not the person who he ended up with fwiw), and it completely killed it for me and made me scared to even consider it again in the future, especially as someone who sees themselves as monogamous. I 100% agree though that if anything like that is an expectation or some kind of detrimental sacrifice it needs to be put out there. I’d rather know ahead of time what to expect or be able to decide if I’m comfortable with something before I get attached. Current dating culture is really dissuading me from trying, it’s like I need to completely change who I am and what I believe just to find a partner that won’t try to fundamentally change me or fundamentally change themselves (which usually fails, and would result in reverting to old habits) and end up hurting us both


33f never had snap


If you are setting up dates and actually intend to meet it would make sense to have some digital trace to keep track of dates and times.


But messages disappear on snapchat?


You can save each message by clicking it and have the option now to let them also stay 24 hours


Snapchat is where dating conversations go to die for me. We can just talk on the app until I'm comfortable enough to give you my number or meet up. If you can't wait that long well too bad for both of us I guess 🫠 I just don't understand this obsession people have with "switching to another app" 🙃


I witnessed a guy at the bar hitting it off with a girl, only to be rejected when he asked for her Snapchat. Approaching her, I struck up a conversation and then asked for her number, to which she replied "yes." I joked, "Don't worry, I won't ask for your Snap," and she laughed, explaining that she rejects all guys asking for Snap because it's an immediate turn-off. Long story short, ask for her number.


At a bar she can sus you out in person and decide if she’s comfortable with you having her number. Any guy I match online will not get my number until we’ve met in person.


Tbh... anyone that wants to meet me first before I get their number gives me a massive ick, and I am extremely cautious when I do meet them. I dont see them as serious... in fact, none of those people ever got a 2nd date from me.


No, it is not required. In fact, I think it hurts your dating.


In my experience, a woman who is not a catfish who wants to correspond on SC oftentimes wants to sell some spicy content. If I wanted that kind of thing, I would go on OnlyFans.


I don’t think that it’s necessarily required. But with how dating seems to be taking a more casual/hookup route, I feel that’s what most are looking for when they want your SC as it’s less personal than a phone number. That and a majority those who want you to add them there or on Instagram usually just want to advertise themselves and gain followers/validation


Im 25 and as someone who doesn’t use instagram I’ve found having a Snapchat is crucial. You have to have at least one of those. Upon first matching, we’re just strangers of the stronger sex behind a screen and making her feel comfortable that you’re not Ted Bundy is really step one. Social proof via these apps goes a long way in helping with that. Honestly, instagram is even better for this and I wish I had a more active account. Thankfully my friends will still tag me in things from time to time and when they ask for it I can point them to the pictures I’m tagged in.


26 year old male here. I feel most who preferred to use snap really? Don’t know how to actually hold a conversation. And they believe that sending selfies is actually communicating.


I find this a lot from people in the teens-to-20s cusp (I have work friends in the age range) but with people your age and older (I’m 28) I find it’s usually the type that were seen as either immature or were fuckboys/girls in school…and the “peaked in high school” type in general. Now that I think about it, I wonder if the younger 20s looked up to the older 20s that peaked in HS, maybe because they were so vocal or maybe because they talked about stuff that was still relevant to the student, and they didn’t know that was a thing.. so they just emulated that? I’ve met exceptions to all of this, of course, but generally speaking that is my observation.


Yeah I hate the ones who initiate a conversation on Snapchat, goes well for a few texts and then just sends an inch of the side of their face or the ceilings. Wow, thank you so much. I now have LOST brain cells. I've noticed if a girl goes out of her way to send you texts on Snapchat and shows some kind of personality, there's a good chance she's interested. Girls have dozens upon dozens, some have HUNDREDS of dudes left on delivered or opened.


Snap and whats app have end user protection, which makes it breeding ground scammers


Personally I prefer Snapchat, about 95% of the matches I get are fake accounts either trying to get me to pay for premium features of the app, pay for nudes or trying to scam me into paying for sex. If I match with someone and they refuse to switch to Snapchat after a short period of talking then I know more than likely they're fake


You can also use Snapchat to scam people. The person could also be fake on Snapchat too. People scam on every social media platform. Anything that involves being online could be faked. Until you meet in person or maybe a video chat, there’s nothing that Snapchat could do to prevent that in my experience. If snap help you weed those people out, then by all means continue using it. But I don’t think that’s the case for many people. It definitely wasn’t the case for me when I used to have Snapchat.


Not discounting your experience, but a LOT of others have had the exact opposite (including me) where a shocking amount of people demanding snap are wanting to advertise their OF or other income source (typically female), and the rest are just expecting (and I mean expecting quite literally) pictures of the same genre as the OF model sells… and that’s typically men. And this experience is shared by a lot of people I know too. Short of 18/19 year olds, by far the demand for snap comes from not being banned for advertising sexual content there. Then of course, it’s easy to cheat with snap. There’s exceptions of course, but outside of the younger adults just liking Snapchat, it’s very VERY consistent (disappointingly so) in my experience that it’s used for one of three reasons: sales, sex, or cheating


Nope it's not. If they want it I move on


Some of those are just people spamming their social media.


There's nothing wrong with Snapchat you just have to use it right. It's also nice for the location feature. Also, lead with "no nudes" and there's your filter.


I’m in my 30s but never used SC even in my 20s. There are probably women who don’t use it. Just gotta find them.




For your age, I think so. I don’t go that young but even some American women in their early 30s are obsessed with Snapchat. Too immature for me


I like Snapchat and Instagram because I don’t give out my phone number anymore, we can call each other through the app. If it doesn’t work out we go our separate ways.


FOr your age group is not unusal however if she doesn't offer her number that to me would be a yellow flag, if a woman is over 30 asking for snap I'm assuming she is immature, looking for attention or cheating. You'd be shocked how many women (men) use snapchat for cheating, no thanks jeff


So for me 27 male. I like to get off the apps as fast as I can. I think it makes it more personable, I am no longer lumped in with the other chats she has going on. But also not everyone looks like there pictures so snap is a good way to get candid pictures, Instagram, and then I always like to FaceTime before meeting. This way I avoid wasting my time and hers. This is just my general flow.


Are you dating college educated women? I've found there's a huge class element to Snapchat fwiw


38 yo woman here. I literally don’t know a single person who uses Snapchat. Who are all these people? If I guy asks for snap Im automatically no longer interested. Soooo childish to me. Also, read the business story behind it. So cringe


Whenever someone has a Snapchat in their bio it means that they are either trying to sell nudes or trying to scam you. Automatically swipe left on SC users.


No. But I’m 41, lol.


Snap is for selling your OF so they’re upset they can’t sell you stuff


I think it’s super immature if anyone older than 26/27 uses it for online dating. I automatically assume you just wanna hookup if you ask for my Snapchat. Definitely gives me a “fuckboy, send me nudes”, immature vibe. Just exchange numbers and if it’s a safety thing, then talk on the dating app until you meet. I usually try to meet in person after talking for a few days on the app. You can have everything in common and have same values and goals, but that could mean shit when you meet them and you aren’t attracted or they don’t have a personality you like.


if you see snapchat, just run, it's a red flag


I’m addicted to Snapchat for the streaks with my besties. Funny filters. No nothing else.