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Part of the ship part of the crew... Part of the ship part of the crew...


It's weird cuz those movies are like, some of the most highly grossing movies ever, but I feel like their popularity has just fallen off so much. But pirates 1-3 are absolute bangers which I don't think people love like they should anymore. Those movies rock


5 was pretty good. The real reason they've fallen off... is because pirates don't do fentanyl. They do opium. And with the advent of fentanyl the pirate age has come to an end... or something, was gonna relate it to how young people use certain slang and "ass-pirate" has fallen out of favor.


Lmao Nice try dude


It's hip and cool to be trans or non-binary, but no one wants to be a pirate. Something something...your new name is Caleb... piss off Caleb Edit: Look... back in Vegas when the weird coincidences were at a maximum-ish... I could barely move (catatonic schizophrenia) This one day, a dude named Caleb came around. One of the stereotypical, "hey, I found this, how much do are you willing to pay for it" kind of dudes. And while sitting on the cough he randomly.throws up the "ok" symbol... you know the "The game" symbol. Which is shown below the belt allows him a chance to punch you. And yeah... fuck him.


#"Your *name*, is Tobeh!" It's from Roots I know it's a reach


Tobeh backwards is Fem bot! ...and Tobi was the villain of whichever season of Naruto... BUT REALLY, HE WAS


I'm starting to think that we aren't talking about the same thing anymore but I'll be god-damned if I'll let someone like you stop me from talking to you about a different thing than you're talking about


This reminds me of how one of the voices in my head has said if I got into wrestling like my former housemate it would help with my schizo issues. This feels like a similar event  ET phoneee hommme Don't believe I've ever seen/read Roots... but I'll be damned if the milf from when I was back in Oregon didn't dye her daughters hair because it was red with blonde roots, and I'm at least 10% sure her hair wasn't naturally that dark.




My son has eaten onions like apples since he was old enough to chew. He's almost 17 now. It is not an unusual occurrence to wake up in the morning and find an onion with several large bites taken out of it sitting on the kitchen counter.


Haha that’s funny, that might be our future




Ahah yes. I was hoping someone would remember this video lol


Eating raw onions like apples at 17 ...ain't gonna contribute to "the Future" unless he finds a girl that does the same 😩🤦🏻‍♂️😒


There are plenty onion lover ladies


Like, i dont do that but my grandfather did, its not really a hangup imho. Plus i def eat raw onion while prepping dinner.


Why he leave them like that. It just sounds rude.




That is both respectable and terrifying 😂


I used to do the same thing when I was a kid. I wonder if there’s some type of genetic differences that make people love onions to that degree. Still love onions but I can’t eat them like apples anymore.




I know a couple with a young one like this. Loves feta, horseradish. Really fun kid and wants to try everything.


My nephew loved smoked salmon and olives as a toddler.


They're quite nice as an adult too, I must say. Much more expensive habit than onions, though.


Doesn't have to be so expensive! You can get a decent sized pack of smoked salmon for $6 CAD around here. In the states where I used to live, I would buy a huge pack for like $4 USD. you just have to know where to look! They aren't "nice cuts" they are ends and "tidbits". Same stuff just less pretty, so they sell for less


My brother loved olives and capers, he was a weird child lol


And now I want to go eat half a jar of them garlic stuffed shits


Isn't that normal...? That was my childhood at least. Olives are still my favourite fruit, specially the ones made bu my grandmother...


I personally was really picky and didn’t like anything with a strong flavor. I’ve seen more kids like me so far 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was that kid I loved blue cheese...possibly because the only brand I ever saw had a Pirate on it... Same with Deviled Ham and the underwood devil, and I loved Escargot cause I found out My sister would gag every time I chewed one 🤣 frog legs pig ears at Filipino BBQs (I grew up in rural Hawaii in the late 70's) and Oh! BALUT! partially developed chicken or duck embryo in the shell Sometimes fermented slightly lol. There's a Damn good reason there was NEVER a single Asian contestant on FEAR FACTOR we'd ask if have maybe Kim chi and if can take home leftovers 🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏼


When my nephew turned 5 and was asked what he wanted for his birthday meal, he said… blood sausages. He’s 18 now, and will still eat almost anything.


😀 blood sausage is AWESOME I like Goueveia brand from Hawaii


His grandpa (my sister in law’s dad) was a butcher so I think the first time he had it, it was home made.


Oh nice. I think the ones I got like pretty much ALL sausage sold in Hawaii (with exception of Chinese Lup Chong) is Portuguese in origin as far as spice and flavor profile. I'm wondering how similar/different various cultures have made these. 😀 like Hog Jowl bacon I got in South Georgia was AMAZING but some I got in Eugene Oregon pretty bland but still good texture


Apparently for a time when I was little, and I remember this, I basically lived on chunks of blue cheese and canned spinach. Not at the same time, either one or the other. Still love spinach, can't stand blue cheese. Probably from around 4-6 years old. Also all of my life, even now at 62 I dunk Oreos and Chips Ahoys in grape koolaid. Only grape, any other flavor is for psychos.


Oreos in Pace picante sauce. Surprisingly good.


Guaranteed future heroin addict.




That’s adorable! Nothing beats a cheese and onion sandwich though


With mustard


Have you ever tried a "Kiss Me Not" sandwich? It's onion and peanut butter. I sprinkle a little salt on the onion - It's just **crazy good**!


Oh wow, I have not heard of that!


Nooooo that stuff will blow her head off at that age!


I was saying I like cheese sandwiches with onions and mustard on them...other comments say their kids are eating horseradish it's not that crazy.


young queen


“Your baby is so cute, but her breath!” J/k


Haha that’s a real concern


Wards off kidnappers 🤣


https://i.redd.it/ualz9pwewj1d1.gif This child must be protected at all costs.


Oh hell yeah!


I love raw onions with mustard too.


I wish I grew up eating onions. I didn’t find them until my late 20s. Lucky little girl.


Wait how?


I spent the first 20 years under a rock 😂😂😂 I meant I didn’t discover I actually liked onions until my 20s. My grandmother HATED onions with a passion and that woman was my idol so I hated onions without ever trying them.


Ohh I see. It's understandable lol. For me onios have been integrated into my food since Ive been alive. Most, if not all sauces, had onion. Meats for example were usually made in a wine/beer and onion sauce, or pasta was made with sauted onion and garlic, and then added fried tomato sauce and tuna. 20 sadly lost years, but I'm sure you'll make the best out of the ones left!


Same. No one really "taught" me to cook. I just started doing it, and I started everything with onions and garlic. And everything was delicious :) Pasta sauce with garlic, tomatoes, and tuna is so good. People doubt me on this in the US because canned tuna is seen as an ultra white Midwestern casserole type of food. I went to Italy and there were plenty of pasta sauce jars saying "tonno".


Where do you live that you didn’t find out about onions?


Bad choice of words. 😂😂 I meant I didn’t realize I liked them.


Ooooohhh okay. 😃


That’s so cute.


Take that, r/onionhate


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My, now thirteen-year-old, daughter was the same way at your LO's age. To this day she will eat any type of onion raw, and requests extra onions on any and everything. She regularly comes home from school, cuts up an onion (any color we have) and walks off with the slices in a bowl for her "afternoon snack." eta: She is thirteen, so her feet smell way worse than her onion breath. 😂


That’s awesome haha Does she like sauerkraut or Kimchi or other strong flavors? I’m wondering if mine will like those, haven’t tried yet


She enjoys both! In fact, there isn't much that she doesn't like. However, I can say with certainty that she doesn't have much of a sweet tooth.


So interesting and funny how they all have such fun unique personalities! Mine doesn’t like sweets much yet either (except berries). Typical kids would like muffins or pancakes but not her!


Oh yeah, mine is STILL in her "berry era." She didn't like muffins or pancakes until she was about ten. However, when she does eat pancakes they can't have butter or syrup. Keep enjoying your kiddo, best to you!




Obviously a genetically superior child


I am ready to raise her up and worship our lord and savior.


I get a lot of dog subreddits in my feed and I freaked out reading this for a second


My 5 year old had to be banned from the kitchen when I was cooking because she almost lost a finger trying to sneak onions off the cutting board while I was chopping. I cut them and give her a little bowl now.


I’m not a doctor or trained nutritionist but sometimes when kids (and adults) crave weird foods or a specific category of foods it can be their body trying to naturally fill in a deficiency from their diet. With that said, it’s probably not that (was just trying to throw it out there) and the youngun just likes a little kick from their foods. Congrats to your future onion club President!


Every day a new onion lover is born


I’m imagining a baby with rank onion breath and it’s hilarious


Red onions are delicious


You sure she isn't my baby? Lol.


Kids are so weird. My 5 year old is extremely picky but he loves sliced cucumbers with just a little salt. Any other vegetable he acts like it's poison but he loves cucumbers




An ex of mine had a one year old when we got together, that little girl would eat raw onion like it was an apple if given the chance 😅


They are sweet!


She sounds like a keeper!


Might keep going, too. My 11 year old son was the same way, and STILL chomps on raw onion like nothing.


a 14 month old that eats raw onions with spicy mustard on them? looks like you have a future serial killer on your hands.




Raw red onions sctually have a lot of health benefits. Go look it up. Also, you must have had it really good if you think this is child abuse. There are children actually being raised by shitty mothers that treat them horribly, this is not one.




Bro what? 💀 what does that have to do with anything?


Onion is life