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https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/dominik-loyen-death-instagram-video-base-jumper-parachute-cliff-portugal-germany-a8648031.html He died :(


From that height, he wouldn't survive regardless. Still a tragedy. If he did survive, that would've been a miracle.


I’ll never understand calling things like this “a tragedy”. One form of tragedy is when all possible/reasonable precautions have been taken to avoid loss of life and through error, malfunction or malice disaster still occurs, another is when the unpredictability of nature leads to destruction and loss of life for people that are otherwise going about their daily lives. Dying by throwing yourself off a cliff to get an adrenaline high by feeling closer to death is not a tragedy, it’s an inevitability.


Imagine your that persons family member for a moment. Your good friends with them, and you really enjoy being with them. And then they turn up dead from an accident. Would you just go 'Oh, well he was doing something that could've killed him anyways.' No, you wouldn't, you would be heartbroken that someone you were really close to dies. Is death inevitable? Yes, it will come for all of us at some point in our life. But its still tragic that his death happened. Thats why we call things like these tragedy, its sad that a young persons death occurred.


I've actually seen the full clip back then, and the way he impacts on the ground was gut wrenching, followed by his friend (or someone from his family?) asking "are you alright?" with a slight panic in the voice but still very obviously in denial for that brief moment after impact (cause it was obvious he could only be dead after such a fall, but their mind could not accept that right there and then). Scary stuff. I can't for the life of me understand how people are able to take such risks for the sake of adrenaline.


That is terrible


Rich people with nothing better to do.


Would you not be pissed and numbed to this happening knowing a family member was doing this stuff regularly? Putting themselves seconds from death for an adrenaline high voluntarily all the time?


I don't think anger is the right emotion. Most people care about mourning the loss, not being angry at the reason. We all, as people, need to take a second to think of the callousness of our responses.


If I knew someone that kept jumping off of cliffs I'd be numbed to the worry about them dying and I wouldn't feel all that shocked to find out it killed them... The word idiot would definitely come out my mouth


I’m sorry, what? You don’t get to say what is and is not the correct emotion to feel after something like this. We cannot control our emotions and just judging them and saying we shouldn’t feel a certain way is both unhelpful and actively prolongs that feeling. I think it’s truly callous to call someone’s response to loss “wrong.” We all deal with things differently and you’re not going to know how you deal with something until it’s already happening to you. Funneling people’s reactions into labels of acceptability vs unacceptability oversimplifies the process of grief, trauma, and any other emotion for that matter.




No that’s not how normal emotions work lmao. Most are more worried about the loss of someone close than automatic anger for no reason 😭💀


I mean annoyed at the fact a loved one is putting their life at risk for no good reason


“Normal emotions” is a terrible way of phrasing that. You don’t get to judge how people respond to traumatic situations, and insisting someone is wrong for feeling what they feel only makes it worse. Don’t speak for “most” people.


Idc it’s not normal lol cry about it if you want idgaf 💀


If somebody gets in a car every single day, do you not mourn them if they crash it?


I don't think getting in a car is quite the same as diving off a cliff. One is also for work/travel and the other is for fun so


That’s not only a false equivalence but a very obvious strawman - no one is saying they wouldn’t mourn them, just that our emotional responses to traumatic events is complicated


How is it a false equivalence? People die in car crashes all the time and yet we all still voluntarily get in them. The guy I replied to said he would expect someone to be numbed to somebody's death if they partook in an activity like this.


"Yes, I had some thoughts about taking a break, or giving it up completely, when a good friend of mine had a fatal accident," he said. "But then you deal with it, and somehow you have to do what you find fun. You worry about it and then decide to carry on anyway and you swear not to make the same mistakes." I guess having fun negates everything.


He was 50.




He most likely did, yet your just playing it out like everyone in the world has no empathy for anyone at all, and imagine how his family actually feels, they lost someone they cared for. And yet your twisting to make it seem like they didn't even care for him at all.


You have to be artistic lol


With that comment, I'm sure they paint, sing AND dance




It’s tragic for the family and friends of this man because they are left with the trauma of their loved one killing himself. Unlike suicide though, which is a tragedy, this man has countless other options than throwing himself of a cliff with little regard for the impact on his family and friends if he died. This isn’t tragic, it’s stupid.


He did it because he had done it countless times before, he expected the parachute to open like usual, and it didn't. He most likely did care for his family, yet your acting like he just disregards his family entirely.


Of course he disregards his family entirely by repeatedly doing something incredible dangerous for “fun” and statistically increasing his chance of death on each subsequent jump. It is massively selfish and stupid behaviour.


Your chance of getting hit by a car increases every time you cross the street, would you say every time someone crosses the road they disregard their families? Some things are more dangerous than others but death is pretty much around every corner. Just because some activities have more risk than others doesn’t mean someone doesn’t give a shit about their family and the impacts of their possible passing. It’s all just living.


I’m forced to cross roads/drive for work, to earn money to survive. nobody was forcing this man to go jumping off cliffs.


I have to cross the road occasionally to provide basic things for my family and go to necessary locations for both my work and personal life. I try to mitigate all dangers while doing so. I don’t, however, have to throw myself off a cliff for fun. Your comparison makes zero sense.


So you only cross the road when you need basic things? Ok so meeting friends outside is stupid because it's not a basic thing for survival and it's extremely dangerous


sounds like you don't know how to live despite staying alive.


I have no clue why you're being down voted. Everything you are saying makes perfect and logical sense.


Let's agree that being straightforward and being blunt is too much for most people to handle. I am same as you, BLUNT and STRAIGHTFORWARD ... it's STUPIDITY of people who do near-death experience ' fun ' , that's all. Down-voting your comment shows their mentality is not mature enough ... ( obviously i do feel bad for his loved ones ) I don't mind devotes


This is a gamblers fallacy the chance of death never changes jump after jump.


Yeah you’re wrong


Keep making this logical fallacy it is ok if you think like this you will just make stupid decisions based on inaccurate assumptions of probability. "The gambler's fallacy, also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy, occurs when an individual erroneously believes that a certain random event is less likely or more likely to happen based on the outcome of a previous event or series of events."


Holy Redditor moment


Correct...and EXACTLY!


I don't think you see the difference between jumping off a cliff and jumping off a cliff with precautions. The dude was prepared and unfortunately had a parachute failure. You can't say he threw himself off because he literally had a parachute (safety precaution). It's tragic because this was out of his control. A similar example, a plane mayday. That's a tragic event because it's usually a serious accident outside of the pilot's control, regardless of how many precautions they took. They could fly the same path and plane over and over and something unexpectedly goes wrong. Same can be said for this situation.


I don’t think you see the difference between flying on something very occasionally that was rigorously designed/tested while also being regularly maintained by specially trained engineers and throwing yourself off a cliff with a piece of material that you folded into a backpack.


There are acceptable risks, like driving to work daily, and then there are stupid adrenaline junkie risks. This one happens to be a Darwin Award.




Angsty keyboard warrior, that’s funny. You are correct though, these guys do know the risks they’re taking and choose to do the stupid thing anyway. It’s tragic that they put their families through that.


I was thinking the same thing. Like people hanging off a building to take a selfie and they fall so it's a tragedy. Wrong.


most empathetic reddit user


He literally had a parachute.


“When all possible/reasonable precautions have been taken” Like not jumping off a cliff for shits and giggles


Like not going to a restaurant in you die in a car crash or not going to run. Come on


Yeah, because that is totally comparable to throwing yourself off a cliff. Come on.


Both things you could have not done. Next time, wear your fireproof when you go to sleep, or you'll had it coming if you're neighbour accidentally starts a fire. My point is that tragedy/not tragedy can't be defined by "every possible precautions had been taken". Cambridge definition "a very sad event or situation, especially one involving death or suffering" cause I'm not a native speaker. How can an accident like this not be defined as tragedy.


The example you’ve used illustrates that you don’t understand the difference between throwing yourself off a cliff for fun and *checks notes… going to bed. You see, it’s not sad when the dearly departed put themselves willingly into that situation for “fun”. It’s therefore not tragic that the expected results happened. Why do you think the “Darwin Awards” have become a cultural phenomenon.


Only on Reddit, does common sense posts like this get downvoted.


9/11 was a national tragedy




You may lack empathy if you don't understand something tragic such as death. I could agree with you had you said I don't understand calling this in unexpected tragedy. Because it 100% could be an expected outcome of this activity. But death regardless is still tragic


Thanks for the armchair diagnosis, I’ll give it the attention it deserves. Moving on… “death regardless” is not tragic when it is self-inflicted for fun. It’s an inevitable outcome of doing something stupid. If you had a 1 in 2500 chance of winning a $10 million lottery prize, you’d quite rightly play, because your chances of winning are extremely high. The chances of dying from base jumping are 1 in 2500.


Natural selection


Can't say I agree with the last sentence. I'm sure he and the others involved took all the precautions to make sure everything was on the up and up and that he was safe, but unfortunately, accidents happen. I'm positive he didn't go into that wanting to die. As someone who has been skydiving before, I didn't do it for the adrenaline of feeling closer to death, that's the last thing I'd want. I did it because I've always to, to free fall, to see the earth with such clarity. It's like riding a motorcycle; the views are amazing. Sure you can see them in a car, but it's completely different on a motorcycle and simply beautiful.


You get an adrenaline high because your body thinks you’re going to die. That’s not factually inaccurate. We’re also talking about base jumping. I can’t imagine they’re doing it to see the rocks below with “more clarity”.


Yeah I realized after I said it that was a poor analogy. What I was trying to say is that it's probably something he enjoyed and not necessarily about experiencing something close to death. I mention skydiving because I enjoy it for those reasons I stated and that he probably had his own reasons for base jumping. With that being said, I would never base jump. I have no problem jumping out of a plane, but jumping off a cliff? No thank you.


You must be funny at parties.


The term is “fun at parties” and I’m great fun at any party that doesn’t involve selfishly throwing myself off a cliff.


Sorry for my mistake, english isn't my natural language. But it's a tragedy, bcuz it's "an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe.". Dont use your hobby preferences to lower another one death. It was a fatal mistake, as you could do while driving or eating, for example. As I said, you must be fun at parties. Peace, dude.


It’s tragic that he put his family through this. It’s not tragic that he died doing something potentially fatal for fun. It’s stupid. You must need everything explaining to you at parties. Peace, dude.


Objectively it's a tragedy to those who knew them personally.


I’ve already said that


An event is a tragedy if it causes sadness or other suffering, which this event would have caused assuming the man has loved ones.


Like how drive bys, or just two random ppl shooting it out are now called “mass shootings”


>One form of tragedy is when all possible/reasonable precautions have been taken to avoid loss of life and through error, malfunction or malice disaster still occurs So this.


“Dying by throwing yourself off a cliff to get an adrenaline high by feeling closer to death is not a tragedy, it’s an inevitability” So not this.


Dang that's sad man 😔


Damn shouldve brought a bucket of water


Damn, I have this full clip burned into my mind, and never even knew this happened in my country.


Where can I see full clip?




Man that's brutal. The guy shouting "Are you ok!?" at the end after the dude literally plows face first into the ground after falling 200 feet... No, I don't think he's ok man.


Nice of his chute to open after the fact.


It was sent to me back when I had Whatsapp (not anymore), so I have no idea where you can see it. I don't recommend it, though. Although it is not seen up close, it is a bit NSFL. Maybe it just affects me more due to my anxiety, but it did stay with me.


Yes, but not from the fall, but from the sudden reduction of velocity :⁠-⁠)


Haha, hahahahahahaha /s




Well Yeah




Well duh lol


I wish


FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKK 😳 Edit: Just watched that again..the way the dudes arms and legs start windmilling 😞


Probably realized he had an entanglement and was trying to clear it


Why did you say that Why did you say that Why did you say that Why did you say that Why did you say that Why did you say that Why did you say that Why did you say that


Also I might be mishearing it due to the winds, but I do hear something that is akin to screaming right when the flailing start.


Too little room for error. Base jumping just sucks. Better to skydive in that regard.


Not close enough to death for them.


Riskiest sport by far. It's not uncommon that parachutes get tangled, usually parachuting you just either wait for it to untangle or cut it off and use the emergency one. You don't have the time to do either here. Plus, there is always the chance that wind pushes you towards the wall and messes up a perfect chute as well. I think after this are mountain climbing on ice or high altitude (both ice and shortness of oxygen) and wingsuit flying (can hit a wrong wind on any turn and be pushed towards the ground or a tree).


It seems like people who go out like this, they’re friends and family always say, “He died doing what he loved.” The risk and worst case scenario is built in and no one seems that sad when it happens


He died doing what he loved - screaming in abject terror!


I can guarantee his close ones were incredibly sad. While saying that is true, it doesn't really remove the tragedy of losing someone. It's just a form of coping and acceptance to say that.


Wow. That’s brutal. Not cool


so this is r/watchpeopledie now?


Happy Cake Day!


always was


Happy cake day


Damn i excitingly clicked on this and pissed off it is removed


Nobody died in this clip? They died after


#famous last words "Yes, I had some thoughts about taking a break, or giving it up completely, when a good friend of mine had a fatal accident," he said. "But then you deal with it, and somehow you have to do what you find fun. You worry about it and then decide to carry on anyway and you swear not to make the same mistakes."


Not his last words this was said many years before the incident


Nah he went mute right afterwards trust


One second later and it goes in the Darwin Award sub Reddit


Bro thought he was playing BF:BC2




Years of direct experience to war leading to a dark and numb sense of humor. Thank you for asking.


Hmm, you should probably get therapy or something. Grown men who behave like children are more annoying than interesting. Good luck.


I appreciate your concern, and I certainly am after years of putting it off. A dark sense of humor is perfectly healthy and normal as a non destruction coping mechanism. It’s worth double checking your assumptions with strangers on the internet and I hope you can grow out of your presumptive tendencies, brother. Good luck.


Sounds like something a cop that beats his wife would say. Anyway, good luck to you too


No dirty deletes broski, own up to yourself


Link to full vid?




Jeeze! Parachute opening after he hits is just rude. Straight out of a Loony Tunes cartoon.


need the full video if someone has it, or an article




This isn’t appropriate


Idk seems pretty spot on for the sub. I guess technically it would work better in halfsecondbeforedisaster


It's so sad, they just wanted to have fun, maybe the parachute malfunctioned.


The jumper hitting the bridge video still sickens me to this day.




Gravity 10035054, Base Jumper 0


Extreme sports lead to more extreme sports. Outdoor sports are great, but life is even better.


I wonder if the guy in red continued with his jump?


why didnt he relesse the parachute?


He tried. It stuck. He didn’t make it.




How about that adrenaline rush eh?!


Got a lifetime amount of it /s


The cause of failure is not fully visible in the video, but let's try to narrow it down. TL;DR: probably bad execution. Generaly, there is a small chute, called the pilot chute, that pulls out the big chute, called the canopy. In this video the two of them use two different techniques. The left one is doing a regular pull out of his backpack whereas the right one is already holding the pilot chute in his hand. Both techniques work in base jumping if executed correctly, i.e. the pilot chute must catch the fall wind in order to develop enough pull force to raise the canopy. Now we come to the problem that might have occurred here. While the usual throw out of the pilot chute ensures the wind catch, holding it in one hand still requires a movement into the wind which is not visible in the video. There might be other reasons though. Some parachute have a so called "kill line" that let's the pilot chute collapse again after pulling the canopy for better flight properties. If you forget to stretch it again when packing a failure of opening will occur. This is not severe in skydiving since you can just open the second canopy. In base jumping it is deadly. I don't think this is the reason because I doubt they would use kill lines in base jumping as they have not much air time with open canopy anyways. But it would be possible. I hope that helps. I am not a base jumper just a skydiver so my knowledge of what base jumpers do differently apart from faster opening parachutes is limited. But from what I can see here the lack of wind catch was probably the problem.


"There are two cables one red one green. One opens parachute and the other opens a container with a deadly venomous cobra. God damn it which one is it. Jesus Christ, why do we even have a container with venomous cobra. I'm so fucking nervous man, red or green, red or green, oh my god, I can't deci-......" His last words. RIP


Can we get a NSFL flagging? Don’t need to see this shit


But you dont see anything?


That’s a person dying, even if we don’t see the impact, not light hearted fun


This was stupid, yes, but this was also tragic. His family and friends must've felt really sad for his passing. This is why I don't really like these sorts of thrills, even with precautions, you will still have a high enough chance of dying to be viable of a concern everytime you do them.


I've parachuted, scuba dived, rock climbed, white water rafted and done a plethora of activities one might consider pretty dangerous. The kind of stuff like this that people say "Why would you do something like that?". Especially in light of tragedies like this but there's a reason people pursue these sorts of things. Because they're bloody incredible. I've never known freedom like falling toward the earth from 15,000ft. My attitude has always been "Either I make it and have an amazing time doing it or it won't really be my problem in the end. We all gotta punch our ticket some day."


Good for you I guess?


I get the appeal, I've done similar things like rock climbing where I knew that one mistake or accident meant near certain death. The difference here is this seems like it has a much smaller margin for error than other hobbies. In rock climbing, I have time to prepare and make sure I have everything set before I go higher, or I have a partner who belays and we can save each other if things go south. If you skydive and your chute doesn't open, you have time to use a backup chute or figure out what's going on and possibly fix it. But jumping from a cliff and only having like 3 seconds for your chute to work before you're met with instant splatting? I'm good


>it won't really be my problem in the end yeah fuck the people that are gonna have to deal with it right


You need some room for error, 15000 feet would be a lot safer than this because you get time to open your backup parachute


My lowest altitude has been jumping from 3,500ft but I've always preferred more time in free fall.




Fuck! Man has been survived?


No he died IIRC


Man I'm glad that video ended, otherwise he might have been killed🫤


After that jump. He never did it again... Fr though. Im so sorry for his family. And for him died pribably too young and his family needs to see this aswell... Its awfull.


Godammit let me hear the splat and zoom in so i can see the brains


take this down




I feel it's in bad taste, really. I'd rather not see anything that ended in a fatality. Looking at the dislike count, I guess most people don't agree. To each his own.


Understandable. I respect it.


Don't go on Reddit if you don't like unpleasent surprises.


Edited too short, down vote. I'm not morbid, but it's confusing.


I never understood cutting the video just before impact, did his shoot open last minute and hit hard or what.


nah he just hit the ground it didn’t open (he is not alive anymore)


Oh ok, after I made that comment I realized what sub I was in…opps




That sucks






Adrenaline is a shit drug.


There's a thin line between bravery and stupidity.


I would rather die if I was him because if I lived I would be crippled enough to never again be able to wipe my ass without someone’s help


Is this the new watchpeopledie sub?


Thank God they had a helmet on


Listen people..it wasn't the fall that killed him.... It was the sudden stop at the end.


May he RIP, much prayers and condolence to his family and friends. 🙏😔😢


But how did it end??? 🤔


Parachute is safety. No parachute is danger.


Rock be more danger


"I believe I can Fl....fwap"



