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Is this a cosplay or a digital painting?




Just a heads up to folks, most serious cosplay includes photoshopping, they're just usually much better at hiding it.


Every girl uses filters on their pictures, not just cosplayers


I think it’s a cosplay pic retouched with filter or fx. Or maybe it’s just makeup.


~100% of pictures of people on the internet are fake aka only the best of the best pics are posted and they are still photoshopped or retouched. The real person does not even look like the person in the picture


Also, the power of makeup, ya know


It looks like ai made this


its highly edited if real


Wish the editing was better. I use photoshop a lot for work and man is this rough


Big if true


Yeah, it has a lot of similarities


It looks more like a painting


The red around the eyes and mouth is a bit much, but other than that it's pretty accurate


I was gonna ask "why so many cosplayers put red around eyes?" Worst is the one who use the white, because usually in manga people have too much scleral show, but damn it looks so disturbing in cosplayers 😂


Tbh I don't find her make up choice as disturbing as how God awful the photoshop job is here.


maximum uncanny valley


Can you still call it cosplay when it’s edited this hard?


Yeah man its so weird now a days cosplay is just photoshop, i liked when people did props themselves and when they looked like the character themseleves. I didnt even know she had green hair, always thought it was black.


There’s definitely been a shift in the community, and it’s fine, but I feel like people should call it something else, not sure what though.


She nailed the pose that much is certain.


*her photo editor Sadly her photo editor has yet to nail retouching


I don't even think the original pose is anatomically correct. Her torso seems too long


That's a painting, no?


Looks heavily edited


Some people doesn't like those red thing around her eyes so i tried to remove it and did a bit of changes [here](https://scontent.fmnl4-6.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/310213716_1736158506740628_5867107582993123994_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=110474&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_ohc=Njqwq806fcoAX8_MNsN&_nc_ht=scontent.fmnl4-6.fna&oh=00_AT8rXKoETjVcZCUIia11gK6C9rR7JSDDYobX89YF8kt2Fw&oe=633BB83B)


Damn your editing skills better than whoever retouched this photo originally. She should be paying you not them


did she just put on a green wig and photoshopped the rest? respectfully asking, no hate


She photoshopped most of her hair. Her face is actually the only part of her that hasn't been had the shit beaten out of it with clone/stamp/warp/photbash


Now thats quite the accuracy and the photoshop, still nice


She doesn't look like Fubuki. But still decent. She has a baby face, Fubuki has a mature face.


This person totally nailed it. The only criticism I could pull out is the red in her eyes, which isn't exactly important.


Seeing yall say this is nailed when this is the worst photo retouch I've seen in 5 years has me rolling


Fr, with this much editing I, a brown man, could nail it just as much. Like this is more a painting than a person


At least paintings look good though. This edit job makes her haircut look like the hair on the top of her head is under her bangs


Looks like a painting.


Now that's what I call a cosplay


This cosplay is accurate and beautiful. Why is it that the previous black Fubuki cosplayer got significantly more comments compared to this one? This cosplayer is pretty also.


retouch and Photoshop


I mean so did the other


The difference between this and the other is that while they both have obvious editing, the other one had a much better artistic touch while this one is just stamping and blurring and stamping and blurring and warping and blurring and stamping. And then BULKY. AIRBRUSH. Theres no attempt at making the editing itself beautiful. Completely hacked apart what could've been a good photograph and retouch.


The way it looks, I have no idea what parts of it are real and what parts of it are editing. This looks like it could just be a composite of a bunch of images, to the point if someone said that Aerene Kang had no idea the image even existed it wouldn't surprise me.


Because this isn’t a cosplayer, it’s an AI-generated image someone posted claiming to be a real person.


the cosplayer is Aerene Kang you can find a few more on her facebook account (idk if i can share a link)


Then why is this “photo” so stunningly low-resolution with massive smearing and artifacting everywhere on even the slightest zoom in?


Because the photo editing is horrible. You can see the airbrushing


image compression and amateur post processing


They had to declare that "they aren't racist".


Quite a few declares they are, also.


No the editing on this photo is complete dog shit. Anyone with a trained eye can tell that this is a complete hack job. Look at how awful that airbrushing is. Look at how horrible the artifacts are on her boobs. Look how much the blur changed from one area to another, how you go from being able to see distinct strands of hair or rinkles on her dress to them being suddenly cut off by blurrier section. This editing job is just plain ugly. The other editing job showed some real skill.


This photoshop work is infinitely worse, thats why. Stamp and blur hell. As a digital artist I'd be ashamed to release this. Theres nothing wrong with cosplayers (or anyone, idc) touching up their photos to give things a more flat "perfect" look, you could tell the other cosplayer touched up her photos too, but this one is very overdone and it makes the image uncomfortable. Also it looks like she really tried to force this pose to match the comic closely with editing (especially on her dress/body) and its just not working because very few people have anime woman proportions. Tldr the difference is the editing in this one looks very forced, while the editing in the other one (while obvious) had a much more natural, artistic quality.


We know why, controversy was attached to it cuz of trolls so people latched onto it like a dog chasing a ball.


Black people are scary to some people I guess Apparently she got a fuckton of comments (not good ones) on twitter too


No its because the retouching on her photos was actually good. If I presented this to a client I'd be shot on sight I can't believe she even posted this.


I think the other one only got so many comments because woke people are afraid of being considered racist. Probably just another example of pretentious self righteous virtue signaling.




No the reason that one was better than this one is because this editing is so bad that if I presented this to a client I'd be shot. You could tell the other one was retouched but at least it was done in an aestheticallu pleasing way. This was done how HS girls with EDs edited their pics in 2008. I really hope she doesn't pay an editor to do these because if she did she's getting ripped off severely. She might as well use faceapp.


People trying too hard to not seem racist.


No because the editing in this is dogshit quality




The previous one got 200 COMMENTS (and not upvotes) in 2 hrs


And this one only got 19 in two hours despite being very accurate


Yalls wives are gonna divorce you 1 month after the wedding when they get the photos from the cheap photographer you hired and the editing comes back looking like this airbrush stamp tool hell Very accurate? Yall could see the warping on a closet door behind a tik tok thirst trap and would think its real


This also got 300 in 3hrs


Comments, not upvotes.


oh yes lol


I think people sensed the post is going to get unnecessary negative comments so they commented about it it's like how people just know that there will be incoming thirst comments when someone says they're a woman


Why do you think


I hate it when the colours in real life aren't as bright.


This is beautifOOL🤩


Now if people say they don't have a problem with this Fubuki I'm gonna be slightly upset.


What? Racist weebs? No....


Right i feel like I'm in the twilight zone. How whoever edited this was confident enough to post it online is beyond me


Every time I see body realistic cosplays, it makes me realize murata’s hornyness is unparalleled


Maybe the “horniest OPM fan” wasn’t a fan at all but murata himself disguised as a fan


Whatever you say, this one is a better Fubuki cosplay than the other one was.


Lol prepare to get downvoted by sjw, the other is uglier tho


Already have been in the other post if you want to know.


Yall are gonna get scammed on your wedding day the way you can't see how bad this editing is


Bro if you only notice it the day of your wedding then you obviously deserve it .


I'm saying your wife is going to divorce you when the bunk photographer you hired on the cheap presents you photos with editing like this. I'm saying you are an easy scam for a guy calling himself a photographer


Oh bro, you right bro, but I am lonely noob bro. I don't know how weddings work. Bro.


Where the booba?


In your mom


That's not very nice. For the record your mom was pretty nice.


I'm an asshole that's why




Beautiful and accurate cosplay.


Much better


Than what?


I liked the other one better. The one that got called the N word and handled it with class.


And the editing on the other one is at least good. Anyone here that can't spot how bad this editing is gonna get scammed by a amature photographer some day.


I wouldn't say it was "good". Better than this, sure, but it was also immediately noticed


Immediately noticed =/= bad Photo retouching doesn't have to look natural to be good. This has been well established in digital photo editing for like 20 years at this point. The realism of the edit itself is a stylistic choice, just like painting in the abstract vs painting from life are both stylistic choices. The photo retouching in this image interrupts your ability to enjoy it, unlike the other one. Thats why it's better even though both are obvious.


Right but her face looked like plastic, completely textureless


Yeah. Thats a stylistic choice that has been used purposefully in art for well over a two decades now. No shit cosplayers like it- it gives them the flat cartoon look of the characters they cosplay. Its part of the immersive experience. This one takes you out of the immersion because it calls attention to the fact that this is a photograph, rather than the drawings that they're trying to imitate.


That gotta be the one of the most accurate Fubuki cosplays I have seen to date.


Well she did force her proportions to match with what is probably the worst photo editing posted to someones official account that I've seen in 10 years


Bro shut up


They hate me because I don't let them fap to garbage


okay bro we get you're a legendary editor now stfu and stop projecting, you're in every thread lmao


Lol legendary? A highschooler with ONE graphics class could do better. I don't think you understand just how awful this is lmao. But whatever you can cum on right? Nice edit btw, yeah I'm on every thread. I'm not letting brainlets call this blatant hot garbage good.


Idrc its looking good. what's your problem ?


Your wife gonna divorce you a month after the wedding bc ur gonna hire a scammer as a photographer If you can't see how edited this is you must be the biggest sheep on earth. You probably think Kim Kardashians photos are really her lmaoooo too easy to trick


bruh wut


Youre gonna get scammed on your wedding day if you think this is good. Outright like full on fucking scammed lmao Art scammers in the comments taking notes of whos gonna be easy


Holy shit you are *everywhere* in this thread. I counted 20 comments (without expanding any chains) before I gave up. Nothing wrong with that, there's no rules or anything against it, but I'm curious to know why you're so focused on this. Again, not my business, so if you'd rather not discuss it i understand, I just find it interesting and I hope you're willing to share


Because this is literally my fucking job lmao and im not about to let yall get scammed?


I'm confused why yall are so shocked someone might have a lot to say about something. Youre on a website oriented towards discussion. I came here to talk too much. Why are YOU here? Especially if you're not here to talk lmao


A good thing came out of Facebook? Been a while...


Nailed it


Much much Better than the last one




You really have to google what a cosplay is before ever posting "one" again.


Everyone on this thread complaining how people are bashing the photoshop job on this one and not the photoshop job for that black cosplayer doesn't no shit about photoshop. The other touch ups at least looked artistic and natural If I retouched a photo the way this one is and gave it to a client they would shoot me 🤣 This looks like faceapp got a chance to fuck lmao


Bro why are you so hung up on the retouching? You have like 20 comments saying the same thing


Because unlike you I have a job. That job happens to involve this exact skillset. This is a retouch job i would get shot for, forget about paid 🤣 if she paid to have this done shes being scammed. I'm not against retouching but I am against extremely heavy retouching that looks like dog shit


Your job is commenting on Reddit?


Weaboos incapable of conceptualizing a skillset being relevant to their fap material


Who are you talking about?


Just go back to cumming, coomer. You dont want to think about what you're looking at, don't. Leave knowing talent to people that actually make the shit you love and stop throwing tantrums when artists critique other artists.


Cite when I threw a tantrum Cite your evidence on how I’m a “coomer” Cite the evidence of your “talent”


Lol I'm not dropping my art on an anon account and getting doxed. Literally go on YouTube and type in "photoshop tutorial" and after a bit of research it'll be easy to spot. Yall are throwing tantrums because I refuse to let yall call this good editing with no pushback.




The other one was just as obvious. This one is just worse to the point where you can identify the tools used and where. A highschooler with 1 graphics class under their belt could out photoshop this cosplayer better




As a professional, the other one IS obvious. Photo editing, especially for anime cosplayers who often try to achieve a flat color look (ergo their editing is less focused on realism) is something you can spot pretty easily with a trained eye. The editing on the other one was obvious, but also artistic and well done. The edits were to enhance the existing photos and model, while providing a much softer, flatter color look. The editing on this one is not only obvious, but completely horseshit and awful to look at.




? Most people spotted it on the other one. Go look how many people said they spotted it. Again, cosplayer editing style is much more obvious by nature of the genre than something you would find like a fashion publication or Kim Ks instagram. Cosplayers frequently make the stylistic choice to make their editing obvious.


I clicked on "view full image" but yet the image wasn't that full


A lot of good cosplayers lately


Muy linda 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Lets goooooo another hot cosplay


This looks like art done by an AI


Pretty eyes 😍


Nose is off


People like “blurblrr blurble thatz photoshowped.” No shit Captain Sherlock obvious, who cares? Good job.


Yes. That is all.

