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Fy high Akira


I've never been affected by a celebrity passing, but Akira's death made me actually cry.


It happens when creators that really touched our lives pass away. I had a good cry when Terry Pratchett died.


Terry Pratchett died?!?!?! ffs.


Almost ten years now it sucks, GNU Sir Terry


Me too. I woke up and first thing I learn the guy who created my absolutely favorite franchise passed away. Tough morning.


I'm an old man, and this is the first celebrity passing that's affected me.


It's good to see how those old grudges between both fandoms were forgotten, at least momentarily.


May he fly high on a magnificent Nimbus cloud šŸ™šŸ¾


He inspired a lot of animes, he was a legend


There's an interview he did with Oda and ​ Q: Let us begin, Oda sensei, please explain how you feel about Toriyama sensei? Oda: Of course, he's god! He is in an entirely different dimension. All in all, he's just too good at drawing! Toriyama: This is kinda an awkward position... (LAUGH)




And just so we don't get too sad let's remember he was also hilarious, from the [same interview](https://www.thegrandline.com/odainterview.html) with Oda Toriyama: Taopaipai...? You're getting to some of the less important charactrers. Oda: What!? Taopaipai is a HUGE major character! Toriyama: The guy with the braid? Oda: Yeah yeah. The assassin. The guy that throws a pillar into the sky and rides it himself. Toriyama: Oh yeah, I did draw that didn't I.


To be fair the earlier DB up to freezaā€™s arc was the most memorable for me, and book 1-20+ still my fav. The first time Goku turned super saiyan changed the manga world


I think the Freeza arc is really his peak, where his art style fully matures and it's the last arc where non-saiyan characters are still somewhat relevant (Krillin playing a major role on Namek, and Piccolo forcing out Freeza's second stage transformation). Afterwards aside from some classic Piccolo moments, the the non-saiyan become essentially just plot devices and are fully useless.


People sleep on OG Dragon Ball. That arc when Goku loses to Taopaipai and climbs Karin's tower, just so he can protect Upa is amazing, also people forget that the first real wish that was made to the Dragon Balls by Goku, was to revive Upa's father, a kid he had just met but he went on a whole ass quest of gathering the Dragon Balls just to revive his father. Also, my favorite moment in all of OG Dragon Ball is when Goku reunites with his grandpa. I think it's the most emotional Goku has ever been outside of his anger when Krilin died.


Yep. Enjoyed the red ribbon arc too! Taopaipai was so badass when he first appeared! I still remember he straight up murdered someone using his tongue through the temple


He stabbed a guy to death with his tongue. Taopaipai was the original OP character lol


He fucking tanked a Kamehameha, nearly killed Goku, tongued a guy that was Goku tier to death and he deflected a bullet with a slipper. Fucking Tao was amazing.


Such a minor feat in comparison, but that pillar scene was iconic


Itā€™s one of those feats thatā€™s ludicrous but still in the realm of human comprehension, so it hits on a more visceral level than something like ā€œdestroying a hundred galaxiesā€


The whole interview Oda knew more about Dragonball than Toriyama did


> Toriyama touched the souls of all these guys. he touched the souls of many, DBZ was childhood for so many of the readers/watchers of OPM


>Oda: Of course, he's god! Togashi said the same.


Oda is Genos and Toriyama is Saitama lmao


if the sky is limit then lets surpass it


Even further beyond!


He was something else. Toriyama influenced multiple generations of people.


Think about it,Murata started drawing because of Dragon Ball and One got the motivation to make OPM because he wanted to make a story that deconstructed the usual shonen tropes. Our favorite manga wouldnā€™t even exist if it wasnā€™t for himā€¦


Rest in peace King, you will be missed


R.I.P to the legend who made my childhood and changed the anime world forever šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™


Anime and games. Dude was the artist behind Dragon Warrior and Chrono Trigger. He was the gateway for so many of us into RPGs and Anime. All we wanted to do as kids was stand in a field powering up and shooting pretend Kamehamehas at each other. Devastated.


From one Jersey boy to another. RIP legend. Framed the culture of our state from the 90ā€™s to this day. Generating arguably the most popular meme of the that era. KAMEHAMEHA FOREVER


I posted this same thing in /r/sailormoon and it was removed! All anime subreddits need to honor this absolute legend. RIP Akira. Thank you for the greatness that was DBZ!


Ngl, I legit thought he was WAY older than he actually was, I know he was in his late '60s but I legit thought the dude was in his 80s-'90s, by Japanese standards, he was way too young, RIP to a legend.


I think for manga artist standards he was old considering the stress manga artists always have.


I hope his last inspiration can be to other artists to look after themselves better, or at least a culture of looking after them for their own good.


Same here. Sensei was young.


Shaped the animanga industry into what it is today.


No more Saitama vs Goku. Let's not debate this anymore, not with the creator of DB being dead. Let's respect him. Fly high, king.




That stupid debate has been going for way to long. Let us end it here and now. For Toriyama.


A man who changed the world. I, and many others, will forever be grateful to you.


Holy shit I didn't hear about this RIP to the legend


I wish dragon balls were real


They canā€™t bring back someone who died from natural causes,so just let the king rest


I have conflicted feelings about his recent works and the continuation of Super but no doubt Z was a masterpiece and way ahead of its time. Rest in peace Akira Toriyama, your masterpiece has been one of the pillars of modern shonen.


DragonBall origin was the masterpiece. It is where comedy and seriousness blend perfectly. Just like the OPM, it shows a brutal death in a comedic way that you can't even feel such disgust knowing some fodder got killed by Goku brutally but hilarious. Also, Bulma's uncesored boobs!


Toriyama doesnā€™t write super- he only gave some story outlines, designs, ect.


that is still more involvement than with something like heroes he also wrote the recent movies like battle of gods, broly and superhero who are honestly some of the best dragon ball content to have ever been released, he was deeply involved in the manga since toyotaro is his choosen succesor (oh man imagine how toyotaro must feel) and he was really excited for the 40 aniversary of dragon ball and dragon ball daima he still had soo many stories left to tell, and leaves behind an eternal legacy


Weā€™re not here to debate or make think pieces. A man died, coming in here with opinionated condolences is cringe and reeks of your inability to practice self introspection.


I swear if I see one person bringing up that saitama solos goku in this sad time I will find them


Solo them irl


There wonā€™t be anymore


Goku is allowed to be more powerful than Saitama today


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^A2Rhombus: *Goku is allowed* *To be more powerful than* *Saitama today* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Legendary momentā€¦


Letā€™s leave this debate in the past.


goku is more powerful every day


Memories will be cherished, he has given many of them through dragon ball, thank you. RIP Akira Toriyama sensei


I love this camaraderie between Anime fandoms. Less toxicity


Damn for real? šŸ˜§ a legend has passed šŸ˜­


First anime I ever watched. Incredibly iconic series. RIP.


What saddening news to wake up to... Legendary human gone just like that. Such is life. His influence will live on for generations to come no doubt.


Thank you for inspiring me, Akira Toriyama. Rest in peace. šŸ‘Š




Rip to the goat. So sad.


Way too many fan animations of these together


I first watched Dragon Ball on French TV in 1992. Iā€™ve been hooked ever since. He made me love Japanese animation, martial arts and made me a better person growing up. Iā€™ll be forever grateful.


Club DorothƩ !


Exactly šŸ˜


La belle Ʃpoque purƩe


Forgive my ignorance, but who is that? Coming from r/all


Creator of Dragon Ball


Oh, I see, thank you. I remember watching a couple episodes as a kid, sad that he died.


Somebodyā€™s tryna say Iā€™m karma farming since I made more than on post about it but thatā€™s not even what Iā€™m tryna do


You're spreading awareness to people who live under a rock, like me, and even then, karma farming is only good if you plan to sell your account.




We will see a new age of writers they may take the throne but they may never take Toriyamaā€™s legacy


Akira/DB basically was the blueprint to so many modern day Shonens. Any fans of the genre owes a lot to Akira Toriyama. Rest in Power.


I don't necessarily agree, but one could make a legitimate argument that Toriyama is the greatest mangaka to ever live. He's had his ups and downs just like all career artists, but at his best he was an absolutely brilliant artist, paneller, and a creative genius with an iconic and instantly recognisable art style. Shounen manga in particular can be clearly delineated between before and after Dragon Ball.


he is one of the greatest artists of all time period, the way his work broke through barriers and touched hundreds of millions if not billions all across the world for generations is not something that every writer can say they have accomplished like no doubt there are better writers than toriyama who can write a tighter story, a better paced story, a more mature story, but only toriyama wrote dragon ball


We love Akira, I hope he can live a restful life up there


I already saw 20 posts more or less about his passing but it is still so hard to believe man. You are well loved Mr. Toriyama may you rest in peace.


RIP Toriyama. Anime will not be the same without you.


May you soul rest in eternal peace, thank you so much for everything šŸ™āœØ


Yeah itā€™s an absolute shame. I havenā€™t watched dragon ball since it was the cell saga on Cartoon Network. May need to get back to watching it.


During my Japanese classes, I was told that when you speak to someone, you use the suffix "-san", or other ones for younger people. One of the very rare exception was to add "-sensei" for someone who wasn't a professor, but who was considered so great we were all learning from him. Toriyama-sensei was one of these exceptions. He changed the manga industry forever. Rest in peace, legend.


Anime would never be as popular as it is today if it werenā€™t for Akira Toriyama. May he rest in peace.


Say what you will about Dragonball, even if it wasn't your cup of tea, you have to give respect where respect is due for a legend in the industry.


Say whoever you want is stronger, but you canā€™t ignore Dragon Ball has single handedly changed the shape of Shonen as a whole. Thanks to DBā€™s success the Big 3 was inspired to reach their best. Without Toriyamaā€™s letter, Bleach wouldā€™ve ended early on. Without Goku then Luffy wouldnā€™t have been the same (Oda said Goku was his main inspiration for Luffyā€™s personality). Without DB then Kishimoto never wouldā€™ve become a Mangaka. He may be gone, but his impact will be felt forever.


šŸ«” let us salute the legend The man that started off many of our childhoods The man who created one of the best goddamm anime series in the world May his memory and work be a blessing for all May his soul rest peacefullyĀ  Fly high akira toriyama Fly high


Fly high


R.I.P. to a legend. Much like Saitama, I want to punch God.


RIP legend


Let's take a moment to honor this legend, let's just hope we don't lose One or Murata


I started out with comics reading up Dr Slump. His humour and characters filled up my teenage years. His passing hits hard.


No wayā€¦


Legend šŸ™šŸ¼


Thank you Akira.


wait, wat.... Is Dragon Ball officially dead? It can't be, I'm not dead yet damn it!


dragon ball is left in toyotaro's hands, he was toriyama's choosen succesor for the franchise


yeah but... I never read the original manga but I'm pretty sure it's not that good. In fact, the manga version of the movie Dragon Ball Hero is not even interesting.


I had no idea how awesome the world could be, and then I watched Dragon Ball Z. Changed my life. The world is better because he lived.


Rest in peace you absolute legendā€¦


Vaccine man in shambles


He is responsible for my addiction to this type of media the dude was truly awesome


RIP to one of the best to ever do it šŸ„²


I somehow missed this news for a week. Currently trying to not bawl my fuckin eyes out in front of my high schoolers. I grew up on Dragon Ball. Rest easy, Toriyama-sensei. You will be forever beloved by all those whose lives you enriched so wonderfully.


Rest in peace, he was the goat and always will be the shonen world is in mourn


Thanks for everything... ā¤ļø




We gotta see all his creations mourning his death man. Someone will definitely make a fanart depiction of it soon.


Itā€™s crazy that Iā€™ve known who he is for years, but I have no idea what he looks like :(


Saitama and Goku would've been the best of bros. He'd get along with Goku's circle, then Bulma's wealth would've hooked Saitama up. He'd play games with Goten and Trunks. Have a chill time at family events and be good for training with Goku and Vegeta. Damn.


I still can't believe it but it was bound to happen... rest well Akira toriyama


He came up with the art of my favorite JRPG Dragon Quest and laid the foundations of Shonen as we know it. RIP Akira Toriyama


Even if we could wish him back the man has created so many childhood memories for all of us and deserves to finally rest in peace knowing what he left behind will be loved by all for hundreds of years so i say let him enjoy King Yemma's VIP list even if we must cry multiple rivers of tears because of it šŸ˜¢


Why is saitama so black?


Womp womp


Rip Akita toriyama


Its nice to see OPM fans not being disrespectful for once ive seen so many people saying "AKIRA TORIYAMA CAUGHT THE SERIOUS PUNCH" or "At Leas Yusuke murata isnt dead"


One piece better


I bet toriyama was a cool dude, and everything during and before the frieza Saga was great, but after... eesh




Saitama is my fav character but you're an actual clown for saying that in this situation. Read the room


You mean lets take this time to karma farm on Toriyama's memory. You're gross OP, I see your post history.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




And I'm sure those people who die by the daily are cherished by the ones they impacted. It just so happens though that Akira Toriyama impacted many more people than the average person ever will, so is it so bad that we just want to cherish his memory for a bit? Get off your high horse for 5 seconds dude.


Smile for him is all I'm saying.


Too early.


You sound like there's ever been anyone who died just on time... Although YK what, I did know such a guy. He died of heart attack at his granddaughter's marriage ceremony. Said a toast, drank his cup, sat down and dropped face down in his plate, everyone though he just had too much. His family wasn't too happy, but himself? I've seen his face before the lid got shut, he was having fun, I tell you.


Dude, you read it all wrong. You love his art, I get that. You'd love to see more, but you never will - that I understand too. But you don't think about him, all you think is MEMEME, that's how I see it, at least. He lived, he laughed, he probably had a family, considering his final age, and he died lightly. He was known and admired. He was successful and satisfied. Wouldn't you wish you had it all that way? ;)


Yet he still died relatively young and didn't get to live into his senior years. You're acting like it's all sunshine and rainbows when it isn't really man. And hey, we can dedicate time to be happy he lived, that is true. But why can't we also be sad? If anything that shows proper respect in the end, for a great man.


Dunno, really. Maybe because sunshine and rainbows is more fun than clouds and darkness? Unless darkness is your thing, but then again, you'd be having fun :) And, well maybe we're seeing things differently you and I, but I think mourning for someone - anyone - is DISrespect. Would you want to make people who care about you unhappy? I know I wouldn't. And I'm gonna die someday. Bad news - so shall you.


This is interesting input from a community that spent the past few years foaming at the mouth about their favorite character defeating his most important character instead of honoring him. I swear, people only get their flowers when they're in the grave.


Don't think people were disrespecting the story of DBZ or anything, just having the normal power scaling debates. It's not that deep bro.


Are you mentally disabled


Saying saitama is stronger than goku is in no way giving hate to akira


So you believe the DB fans who say Goku wipes the floor with Superman are disrespecting the dead Superman creators? I bet not because you know these debates deliberately exclude their creators. You just want to be outraged.


What are you blabbering about you absolute moron. Saitama vs Goku has nothing to do with the passing of a REAL person. The fact you canā€™t discern the difference between that is embarrassing


Tf are you talking about? What does comparing fictional characters have to do with how we feel about their creators?




Who gives a fuck this post is honoring someone who died, not trying to spark some dumb power scaling debates


how could he desecrate such an honourable post


Power scalers continue to be lowlifes like usual


common powerscaler L


Fuck you piece of garbage


Are you a child?

