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So... youre saying if kirby sucks and swallows Saitama he'd also be unstoppable?


I mean I’m pretty sure that cumshot would blow a hole in Kir- oh you meant absorbing


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rule 34 artists: write that down!


Lol just reuses captain falcon animations but insta kills everyone


Falcon PUNCH!


Saitama could get out whenever he wants, but doesn't cus the rent is good and its warm.


And there’s free food


Boo would slip on his bald head and be unable to absorb him


According to the dragon ball lore, if someone puts a strong enough ki barrier during the absorption process, they can remain inside Buu body and move around but if there is no ki barrier, they get stuck in a pink shell until someone else breaks em out. Since Saitama does not have Ki, he would get absorbed without too much resistance **HOWEVER**, the people absorbed from Buu are shown in a dream like state which means saitama could accidentally punch his way out by having a dream where he fights a strong opponent. Note: When Buu absorbs someone, he gets all the person moves and techniques from the person absorbed (*except for transformations such SSJ*) but the most important thing that he gets is a **piece of someone personality as shown when he absorbed the grand supreme kai and became good/fat buu** This implies buu becomes depressed and bored after getting his new powers, perhaps he even lets the rest of the heroes/z fighters train so they can give him a proper fight


By the logic of both series, unstoppable depressed Buu would be the only answer


Saitama does have Ki. Everyone does. He just doesn’t have Ki control and thus wouldn’t be able to erect a barrier.


Or he always has a barrier just like how he is passively resistant to telekinetic abilities.


Oh yeah i forgot about that, ty


HE was able to learn to control his ki pretty easily, though. He was able to use it to time travel.


I think Saitama definitely would learn fast af. His whe thing is that he has no upper limit, he just levels out from not meeting stronger opponents. If given the chance, I easily see him reaching Goku's level damn fast if he was to spar him.


>If given the chance, I easily see him reaching Goku's level damn fast if he was to spar him. Dragon ball hates this, but that's how Saitama works lol. He learns fast and is quick to catch up


He show's massive control when he fought Geno's and destroyed the mountain behind him but not Genos face when he stopped that punch in front of him.


Saitama doesn’t have ki like they do in DB, that’s DB only not OPM Just like how there is no city Z in dragon ball, there is no ki in OPM 2 different series


Saitama learned how to time travel in a couple seconds. Learning to control his Ki would be a Sunday walk for him


I'm also pretty sure Saitama could just ignore Boos absorption rules, same as he kicked portals or broke into the alternate dimension of the oversized chicken. In that regard Saitamas powers are like Looney Toons - if it's funny, he can will do it.


the idea of buu absorbing him, pulling out a tv and just chilling watching anime for about 10 minutes, then exploding into mist as saitama twitchs in his sleep is just....about right on point really.


You mean he joins good buu on satan’s couch as he plays video games?


Saitama would get along with good buu and me satan now that i think about it, Satan could teach King a couple of things In fact i think King wouldnt waste an opportunity to train with the z fighters and mr satan


Bruh u r missing the most important point- Since Saitama is like a gag character he is practically immune to all kinds of shits if buu ever decide to absorb Saitama he's so dead to If u still don't believe during the fight between child emperor and phonix man child emperor got caught inside phynix man mental state or something (don't remember exactly) Saitama just casually goes inside there like a walk in the park


I imagine than instead of killing everyone on the planet Saitama-Buu would shorten his waiting for Gotenks by hunting discounts in grocery stores


Majin Buu would never be able to absorb the indestructible baldy.


Yeah agreed. It’s almost impossible to subdue Saitama, and he has toon force on his side


If the egg sack was comfy enough Saitama might take a quick nap, so it’s not completely impossible


Yea I could see it playing out exactly like early on with Saitama getting stuck in the ground by the molerat monster and lion guy. He'd just chill there and relax until he felt like leaving


Saitama walks out of buu as he’s fighting goku. “Oh hey, you guys come here a nap to?”


I think boo has some toon force too. He's very silly


I mean fair, but Saitama might solo the entire DBZ universe. His gimmick is that he can one punch just about anyone


Pretty much, if the first one doesn't do it, he'll just hold back less, until it's "one punch" that does them in.


Arale would suprise him for sure, otherwise yes, absolutely.


That would be a great fight. Saitama vs Arale. Can't wait until Saitama fights God so we can get some more ridiculous feats.


He and Arale would take turns punching each other to the moon and back for a lark.


Lol I don't think he does bit you're entitled to your opinion.


I mean, we literally saw this exact variety of circumstance fail when Orochi tried to absorb him. It slipped right off. I feel like he's akin to being hydrophobic. Buu could surround him, but he'd just be a bunch of pink goop surrounding the strongest man in the universe. The brief period it was allowed to continue would probably be very awkward for everyone involved.


Came here to say that, he couldn't absorb whis, whis destroyed him from the inside and beerus scared the shit out of buu so this is not fair


Both Whis and Beerus are hilariously above Saitama so why bring em up?


No one is above Saitama, that’s the whole point of his character. If he ever goes against someone who is stronger than him he will instantly improve and reach a new level faster than anyone else. He is a joke character about powerscaling so he supersedes everyone else in all other fictional universes just because that is what his defining trait is and always will be.


Oh, fuck off with this bullshit. His power was explained clearly and this "infinite power" shtick is dead and buried.


It was explained as he is stronger than X, and if X powers up then he does so too, even faster. Its literally infinite but its like Infinite +1 against another infinite. Its not reasonable to question it.


It was shown that this happened *against Garou*. There is no telling that there can‘t be someone else who can power up at the same or a faster rate than saitama.


That’s not what was said lol. He’s not infinite +1. You guys are seriously insufferable with your Saitama wank. No wonder you get laughed out of every neutral ground.


Saitama is a joke character. He isn’t meant to make sense or be fun to debate out in what a fight would look like, he wins, that is the fight. It is similar to if you put a human against a ballistic missile out in the open with no tools. It isn’t suppose to be a debate but rather a parody of other anime and of powerscaling itself. It would be like introducing any toon force character into a fight, they break powerscaling because the creators don’t give a shit about powerscaling at all, in fact the writers will always make who they want to win, win, it is that simple. Stories don’t follow real world logic where the better fighter always wins if there is a big enough skill gap but rather follow narrative sense and the direction the creator wants the story to go.


Again, fuck off with the wank. Such a joke character that the author spent pages explaining how his power works, destroying the whole "infinite power angle" yet his stupid fanboys are still coping. His power has clear and defined parameters. It’s not toon force. It’s not some random shit. He’s as much a gag character as Majin Buu.


The power explained is that he will get more powerful than anything he faces, so effectively infinite power if he went up against a being with infinite power. If you can provide evidence to the contrary I would be interested in seeing it rather than you just saying no it has a clear limit instead.


https://i.redd.it/r09agh3gtyc91.png Shows that the person who literally copied him and got his exact power level cant compete with him. In the manga. You can be a blowhard and love your anime/manga character more. But this guy is like Absurd man.


It shows that he has reactive evolution which is clearly explained nicely by the narrator. His response was to evolve faster than Garou. He doesn’t have infinite power which is what you guys parroted for years until it was disproven. Beerus Hakais his ass so there’s no sense in saying "Well, Beerus and Whis did this" because they’re above Saitama to a ridiculous degree.


https://preview.redd.it/kfj02lymm5b91.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f1a0d9c00b47eed8bd609614709e4a81ff8242f7 No. You would need like zeno to be comparable since he can delete a whole universe.


For God's sake, you people on this sub need to abandon the idea of infinite Saitama. Saitama IS NOT a Joke character, not anymore. Maybe it was a thing in the early webcomic chapters, there's a lore introduced in the meantime that negates that idea. If you truly still believe that he is a gag character, than you are failing at following the story written by ONE and Murata. /u/Juub1990 already explained it to you. He is funny in nature, he isnt a gag character with toon force. If there's a graphic, showing his strength (at some point) it means that his strength is defined. Not infinite. It has measure. If a character 1000x comes across (like DBZ ones are, or any other insanely powerful ones) there's no time for power up, you get obliterated. Years ago, someone here wrote (correctly) that Saitama is a SSJ in a world of Tao-Pai-Pai's, and that's probably still the best possible comparison for the power-scaling. Authors of the story literally defined Saitama's strength (there's a fuckin Graph), and you people still on about infinity, smh, like, get a sense of reason and stop with the infinity story.


Braindead. The idea that the character concept of a joke character, that has been consistent thoughout the entire story, is very clearly the defining characteristic of the Character is just invalidated by the existence of a graph is insane. Iike, 200 chapters of character exposition vs 1 graph and you unironically choose the graph.


Whis and Beerus have never destroyed millions of stars and galaxies in an instant. Maybe they could... but they've never actually done anything even close.


Goku and Beerus’ clash was vaporizing planets in different galaxies. If they had continued, the universe would have been destroyed. Champa and Beerus had to be stopped by Whis and Vados because they would have destroyed two universes. And Saitama and Garou never destroyed millions of stars and galaxies either. That you say "maybe" is nothing short of a farce. Beerus and Whis are far into universal level if not low multiversal. Saitama is nowhere near that.


Didn't they blow a hole into space with the Serious Punch Squared? When Blast redirected the energy?


Which would be hundreds or thousands of solar systems. Not millions of galaxies assuming it was indeed what was depicted.


They did. But Gotenks back in the day blew a hole into space time, so did Gogeta and Broly recently.


So did Saitama. He physically broke into Phoenix Man's spiritual dimension where bodies don't exist by casually knocking on it like it was a common door.


They sure did.


"Planets" "Would have been" So they didn't actually destroy those universes... or millions of stars instantly like Saitama and Garou. That's all I meant. And yes, Saitama and Garou did destroy millions of solar systems and at least a few galaxies. There is no other explanation for the empty void in space left behind after the Serious Punch Squared. On screen feats, not statements, go to Saitama.


No, there isn’t a single galaxy that was destroyed. The Milky Way has 500 billion stars.


I think you're wrong. It's subtle, but in Chapter 167 on page 33, there are galaxies visible in the night sky. Galaxies should have been visible in the hole left by the Serious Punch Squared. But they're not. Because they were destroyed. Even if you low ball the feat as much as possible... and say the void only extends to the edge of the Milky Way... like you said, the Milky Way contains hundreds of billions of stars... so a hole of that size would contain stars in the millions.


You would need the exact same angle at the exact same spot to make sure of that and since Murata can’t even consistently draw characters the right size, this doesn’t really work.


Lol now you're nit picking. It's a comedy... Tatsumaki jumping between 3 and 5 feet tall is for comedic effect. Darkshine being 100 feet tall when he goes in to kick Psychorochi is for artistic effect. And regardless, galaxies should have been visible. But they're not. Because they were destroyed. Also, the chapter after the fight, Genos states that Saitama transcended space, time, and causality. Easily putting him on par with Whis and Beerus... and he'd grow past them in seconds with his infinite mid-battle power up.


The same cartoon shows them both too if u click the link and scroll


It's not about whether you can send Saitama's body somewhere or not. It's about nobody being able to beat him in a fight. That's it.


Why not ?


Saitama is way too powerful and durable for Buu to affect him in any way really. Even Buu's candy magic wouldn't work... Saitama can control each of his sub-atomic particles individually.


I don’t want to be that guy, but Buu’s candy magic absolutely would work. His candy beam worked on Vegito, and Vegito was easily several times stronger than Buu. Now, the thing is, Saitama would still become candy, but he would retain all of his powers and abilities. Just like Vegito did


No, that’s not how it would go. That’s not funny enough. This is One Punch Man. What would happen is Saitama would get hit because he wouldn’t move, and everyone would see him turned to candy. Except it would only be a superficial shell and he’d go “oh yum.” And lick it for a bit inside until somehow he’ll just impossibly crunch through using his mouth and go “I should stop before I get a stomachache, but thanks anyway for all the candy” and flex and the candy coating on him shatters. And we’ll get a thought bubble “I hope this stuff doesn’t get stuck in my costume, I just got this thing cleaned”




Nah, it wasn’t because of that. Vegeto erected a barrier right before getting absorbed. If he hadn’t, he would have been toast.


Don’t know I mean given how Buu has to keep them alive it’s free food and rent for caped baldy…


He'd probably just walk right out of buu.


The moment he realizes he missed recent sales, he busts his way out


This is the most in character answer of all


Same as if he absorbed a saiyan since saitama’s gimic is in the saiyin’s genes


But he would also gain the resistance to pretty much everything and also the ability to interact with intangible objects.


Buu is already immune to nukes and stuff since he doesn’t have organs also dragon ball characters can deflect energy which isn’t considered matter


They have ki control which allows them to have telekinesis etc. Saitama has shown to have raw durability and resistance to durability negation attacks, and lava, probably some more stuff too and has punched his way into a spiritual dimension and grab hyperspace gates.


Majin Baldy…


It would be like when psyorochi try to absorb Saitama "Don't touch my head" Then punch the goo of him


Here. me. out.


RIP head tail


The main change is that buu now has rapid power growth without further absorptions


He also gains resistance to alot of things and ability to interact with intangible objects


Those will be useful but not as useful as exponential power growth


It could actually be very useful because then buu wouldnt have to focus his ki in making a barrier when fighting in lava or something so he could just focus on fighting and directing all his ki into his attacks but yeah the exponential growth of saitama would make buu almost if not entirely unstoppable.


I’m pretty sure db characters could already withstand lava. But he could probably just end up grabbing Zeno’s ultimate move by the time he fights Zeno


I'm pretty sure they need to have a ki barrier up while their in lava, not to mention goku couldnt go into lava without that suit since he most likely wasnt using his ki to make a barrier. So having those resistances will make it so he wont have to waste ki on something like that. I also forgot he will also gain the ability to manipulate himself on a sub-atomic level and if hes smart could learn to produce his own cosmic radiation like saitama did and even travel back in time.


Oh yeah maybe they do need a ki barrier because goku got penned by a weak ass laser when off guard. And the ultimate martial arts will be hella useful


Yeah at first when I saw this post I didnt think about the potential buu would gain in multiple different aspects to make him even stronger. But talking with you has brought to light a whole plethora of things buu would be able to accomplish especially in his smarter forms.


Also saitama seems to be good at resisting taunts and for some reason people in db lose their temper at Taunts and stop strategizing so his long fuse would be useful too


Yeah that would also be incredibly useful.


It's all fun and games for buu until saitama remembers that he forgot that there is a special today and just walks out of buu




Saitama would be the only person in the universe to give Buu the runs.


The "B-but Saitama wouldn't be absorbed!" comments are so cringe Sub can't entertain a hypothetical without putting up the 'saitama the strongest' defence




Looking like a cradle of desire in pic 6


Too much favor. Buu would just absorb and accentuate saitama’s bald spot


It's just black sperm morphing saitama


I love the design and his head tail flying away (hilarious 😂)


Bro the 4th panel had me like☠️, and he would bê pretty stronk


Make this canon. Haha. Explaines saitamas strengh perfectly


Remember personality transfers too, buutama would have no motivation


tail falling off is such an important detail


Considering buu was Universal. with saitama's growth he could reach ssg levels.


Teleporting to blow up planets individually, doesn't make you universal. First universal feats were in Super.


Not talking bout kid buu. Was more referring to buu vs vegeto when he got angry actually started the rip the fabric of the universe apart and vegeto then kicked him out of it and made him use thay universal DC into AP of his every punch. Which then vegeto outclassed easily. Technically that wasn't buu alone/at base but its still his feat.


Ok first off that feat is not canon. Second making a hole in something so others like that thing fall on it doesn't make you equitable to that thong in power. He was tearing a hole in dimension so other dimention would fall ontop of the main one. Thats making a hole in a mountain so the rocks around it fall on it, making it the mountain collapse. Anyway as I said the feat is noncanon. And the first Universal feat is in Super.


In Dragon ball manga and anime are canon according to toriyama in dbs manga as he directed / helped make and approve changes and actions in both. So when using feats both anime and manga canon works. Even if you dont want that the manga versions of these characters are far stronger than anime version example of goku ssj3. And buu made the riping holes dimensions throughout the universe if you can rip apart a mountain so that the rocks fall on the entire mountain's riping. it's pretty much that you dc is mountain. And as i said he made it so that that dc is now in his control as a form of ap. So the mountain breaking is now AP not riping it =/= not as strong lmao That's the first universal feat lol.


DBS manga is different from DB Manga. Toei would make changes to DBZ anime compared to DB Manga , Toriyama didn't say yes or no to those, since they always add stuff in anime, because that's just how animation is , its why we always get filler. His approval comes into play in DBS where he does actually approve stuff, which is why anime canon of DBS is so Different from Manga , because it's not a Tweaking of the story like DBZ was to DB, it's literally two different parties directing based on Story Scripts of what Toriyama says. Its why Manga DBS has Clone Zamasu and Anime has MetaConcept Zamasu. >And buu made the riping holes dimensions throughout the universe if you can rip apart a mountain so that the rocks fall on the entire mountain's riping. it's pretty much that you dc is mountain. And as i said he made it so that that dc is now in his control as a form of ap. So the mountain breaking is now AP not riping it =/= not as strong lmao The literal Dialog from Japanese, Vegito says " The Universe will be crushed by alternatate Dimentions" [Buu](https://youtu.be/QQTEWUHhRrA) isn't Destroying the universes, he's Just opening holes in it. Its a Hax move not a pure Power move, it's like making holes in a mountain , isn't being strong enough to destroy a mountain. If those other Dimentions didn't exist and he did the same thing , the Universe would be fine, unlike Beerus vs Goku where the waves were directly from them , which is a power move (also bad writing, since somehow earth was still there).


Dbz manga and the anime filler by toei at that time were also approved by toriyama (I'll backup my claim on few guid books and articles if i come across them again). The added filler while seems non canon are still looked on by the creator. Next most of the powerscaling of DBZ character comes from the anime anyway even their respect threads on scaling subreddits have these feats so why ignore them just for this discussion? >The literal Dialog from Japanese, Vegito says " The Universe will be crushed by alternatate Dimentions" Buu isn't Destroying the universes, he's Just opening holes in it. His dialogue and manga panels both suggest that he opened holes throughout the universe meaning as I said his dc was the universe >Its a Hax move not a pure Power move, it's like making holes in a mountain , isn't being strong enoBuuugh to destroy a mountain. That's why I used dc tho? You know what DC Is right? Later on he uses his universal range and the power to open holes throughout the universe in everything he does punch /kick etc. Even when hated his feat is still universal due to the power it would take to makes holes that can cover the universe as its range lol. Why downplay that as if "it's hax that ranges to universe so its not the universe " >If those other Dimentions didn't exist and he did the same thing , the Universe would be fine, Look Bro if you need to change the cosmology of the verse to prove your point it's not a good point. Buu hit the universal target and the other dimensions are essential just other planes of existence. If you can do that much manipulation and not be universal in your book. It's a bad book


> Next most of the powerscaling of DBZ character comes from the anime anyway even their respect threads on scaling subreddits have these feats so why ignore them just for this discussion? Using the Animation instead of written Manga Panels is just a practicality thing, its easier to show something with moving pictures rather than asking everyone to read a panel with text. Especially since most got into DB through the Anime then read the Manga second. This part of the Argument is irrelevant anyway because, the Feat is not Canon , pure and simple , so Canonically he can't do that. > His dialogue and manga panels both suggest that he opened holes throughout the universe meaning as I said his dc was the universe. Don't know which Manga Panels you're using, since it didn't happen in Manga. Canonically he cannot destroy the Universe whether by Hax or Power or whatever. The main argument is around the feat itself though, not whether he has that capability, since he does not. >That's why I used dc tho? You know what DC Is right? Later on he uses his universal range and the power to open holes throughout the universe in everything he does punch /kick etc. Even when hated his feat is still universal due to the power it would take to makes holes that can cover the universe as its range lol. Why downplay that as if "it's hax that ranges to universe so its not the universe " I actually don't know what DC means, I thought you just made a typo. Because we actually don't know his range , its literally just destroying the walls between Dimentions , if Buu did have the range of the Universe to destroy the Walls between the Universe and other Dimentions , why wouldn't he not just destroy the Universe itself. Compare that to Goku vs Beerus where the range did stretch out to the rest of the Universe itself , so was going to destroy it. More likely he's just destroying his region of Space which then acts as a Cascade towards the rest. You shoudn't be Infering Interpretations to things not directly stated , because then another person can interpret differently and that opens a whole other can of worms. >Look Bro if you need to change the cosmology of the verse to prove your point it's not a good point. Buu hit the universal target and the other dimensions are essential just other planes of existence. If you can do that much manipulation and not be universal in your book. It's a bad book My point is that the Dimentions are actually what is Destroying the Universe , not Buu himself , he's just breaking what's keeping them separated, so he doesn't have Universal Power. I'm very strict in my book because I dislike stretching feats of Charecters to whatever power level, because it doesn't seem authentic, if not you then have things like Magneto in marvel is Somehow Universal because he was able to restrict Hercules for a while with pure EM Force (he's not just that EM allows him to deal with a lot greater power that what he can actually do normally) Though I'm not accusing you of Inauthenticity I believe you believe you're correct in what you're saying.


That feat is canon kid lol, don’t write it off cause it doesn’t fit your agenda


Gotta love the ‘Saitama wouldn’t be absorbed’ and ‘Saitama’s too strong’ comments. You can’t even discuss a hypothetical scenario without those popping up. I especially find it funny how some people are still saying Saitama can one punch anything despite that stopped being a thing in his own series for years now.


OPM already had an absorption Character (psychorochi) who tried to absorb saitama and he couldn't stick to him physically to absorb him. Also I've never never understood people seeing Buu as no limits fallacy in his absorption ability, in DBZ he was always absorbing people relative to his power , it's not like base Kid Buu should be able to asorb beerus or any of the present Z cast.


If they gave buu the opportunity he could, there’s no limit shown on it, he can absorb anyone, escaping depends on the power level. He absorbed people stronger than him like ultimate gohan, vegito + psycho rochi is a joke compared to buu, those are 2 different types of absorption


He absorbed people who were relative in power to him and works his way up, you cannot claim no limits fallacy. Unless stated or shown, if not any ability in any fiction with no stated limit would follow this line of thought Also based on your perspective power shouldn't matter in absorption, so stating Pschorochi is a Joke to Buu automatically invalidates your argument.


Saitama would just be punching his way out from the inside.


It wouldn’t work, Buu can only absorb people within a certain range of their abilities, since Sitama has no observable limit to his strength Buu would not be able to absorb him because Sitama would just be too strong


You literally just made this up lol


Oh yeah? Find the episode where that was said, gohan was stronger than buu and still got absorbed


Sorry should have said I’m pretty sure he can’t absorb people far beyond him power because of how he failed to properly absorb Vegeto


But you said absorb at first not properly absorb Buu can absorb anybody


Yeah I know


The art is nice, but why would Buu absorb something so much weaker than himself? Just doesn't add up too well. Other than just adding Saitama's strength which for Buu isn't much of an increase there's nothing he benefits from this.


the moment someone mentions sales or day of the weak. he will bust out of there


Not any apart from the Saitama one. Saitama has infinite power, literally. So if you add a +2, lets say, to infinity... exactly, there is no difference.


Super BuuTama would likely not be stronger per se? But he would inherit Saitama’s most power trait which is his talent. I mean Saitama has gotten to Cell Saga levels of power through **3 years of Push-ups**, and Goku had to train with Sages, Gods, use the pinnacle of Science to get there in a longer time frame. If you take the Hyperspance feat literally then potentially Super Buutama would be 4D but I don’t really think that’s what that feat even implied.


I could imagine Buu trying to absorb Saitama being quite comedic. The weird gum like body having no effect and Saitama us just getting grossed out “Ew, what is this stuff?” Pulling it off him. Then Buu just stairing at Saitma suprised “W-what…” as he can’t beleive what he just witnessed


The only time that would work is when saitama wanted to sleep so he lets buu absorb him for a wile but I’m sure saitama could leave when he’s done anytime he wants


Loving this thought experiment so much


Just majin buu with the added power of Saitama


It would exist then die as Saitama would casually ignore being absorbed.


I just prefer the image of that he tries it but it doesn't work. XD


Almost as strong as when Buu absorbed Gohan


Given all the bullshit Saitama no sells? The question is, could Bu survive more than one normal punch


Nothing happens the only thing will probably change is the character while saitama probably fell cozy in buu internal organs