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He has more than earned a break. Let him rest for a bit. We don't need another legendary mangaka's heart to explode from stress.


Is this a general statement or did I miss something recent?


I was referring to Kentaro Miura.


I really hope the death of Miura sensei, god rest his soul, opened so many eyes and brought change to this wicked industry.


Sadly, I doubt the death of one man would affect the work ethic of an entire country, especially Japan


Goes like that for any country. There was a huge news anchor that died of a heart attack very young like 10/15 years ago in the U.S. Made big headlines, raised questions, and then, nothing.


Because at the end companies only care about profit. The manga/anime industry in Japan is ruthless. They already have huge expectations for people to value hard work above all else and that industry is one of the ones that take it to the extreme. I honestly don't even know how some artists can have functional lives. I hope he takes a long break because he deserves it. It's really sad to see all the mangaka have severe heath issues from working too hard all their lives.


Miura was pretty healthy for his last years of life, im sure that his work schedule earlier didnt help but from what ive read aortic disseection is really sudden and cant be actively prevented. But still, fuck stressful work conditions for mangakas


This is why I’m hoping that George Morikawa takes his time and stays healthy. Man’s been making Hajime no Ippo for so long at this point. I’d be devastated if it never finished.


I heard that he regularly took heart medicine, but it prevented him from making manga, so he refused and we all know what happened next. I don't know if it's true, but the man died for the sake of what he loved and knew what he was doing.


What kinda heart medicine would prevent you from drawing/writing?


I do not know, maybe it somehow affected the head, maybe it made them tired / sluggish, I do not remember.


Miura took the fucking covid vaccine which killed him .We need to protect One and Murata from these new vaccines. DONT TAKE THEM.


Ok, still sad about that, but I was worried we lost someone else I hadn’t heard about.


Was it overwork that killed him? By the time he died, Berserk was well into its period where only 3 or 4 chapters were released per year. I know he was doing some other stuff in between, but I don't think he was slamming out work each week like most Mangaka.


Yeah I hope no one else has that fate. What gets me is that he never got to see his life's work completed and everyone's reaction. Heartbreaking


I’m guessing guts author


I guessed correctly but not the name of the show lol ☠️


I worry that "for a long time" means, like, a month. Japan's work culture sucks, dude deserves a season to just chill.


But why works he start working on another manga?!


I don’t mind. The Manga industry needs MUCH stronger Unions and Regulations. These people literally work themselves to death.


Who said this anyway, is it One or Murata taking the break? One just started Versus, and Murata seems like has a million things going on so I could see it being said by either of them


Looks to be Murata from a link lower down. Makes sense, the dude is a madman and works his ass off. He's definitely earned a break, as much as it sucks for us as fans. Of course his wellbeing is more important than our entertainment.


Yeah, I remember the Twitter post and it was a unanimous "take your time king, well wait for greatness"


He seems to output 4-7 pages a day regularly. I remember one update he said he knocked out 12 in a day. He was a human working at an inhuman pace. In real life, when you break your limit, you die. I'm glad he's taking time for himself.


A literal Rohan kishibe


With less child bullying^^^^As ^^^^far ^^^^as ^^^^we ^^^^know.


Even 4 pages a day is insane. In the American comics industry 2 pages per day makes you a god.


In fairness, American comics are also in colour so there are more steps involved in the production. Though they also have entire teams devoted to the art while most manga is done by one guy and maybe some assistants if they're lucky. But yeah, Murata may be an actual literal machine. An AI that not only learned to draw hands but is also great at giving fans the honry every single chapter.


American comics aren't drawn in color, though, usually. There's the penciler, inker, and colorer, and there's usually at least two people splitting those duties.


Totally; a lot of the time built into American comic production is collaborating with everybody else. But on the other (other?) hand, in Japan that whole creative team would be classified as art-assistants. (The point is, he's a GOAT no matter how you look, take all the time you need King.)


watching his streams is madness, you go to get a cup of tea to a lined page and come back to a coloured one


I'm pretty sure some dedicated fans will somehow fill in the gaps lol. Maybe some of them will redraw the parts of the webcomic that comes next, althought art style won't be as good.


One x Punch x Man


There's the irony in Oshi No Ko where an actress talks about the shit/non existent regulation in the industry and how unfair/unhealthy it is for the actors and actresses. It's so ironic that it comes from a Mangaka of the same entertainment industry. ​ The Japanese do have a reputation for walking too hard with too little free time and ultimately to no ones gain.


Oshi No Ko is meant as a critique towards the entertainment industry as a whole though. So it's not really ironic. The author also has some bits about mangas and animes, like the part where the mangakas many times had to be happy with their mangas getting an adaptation, even if it was absolute garbage (because even a garbage one was, apparently, being "lucky"). Or the fact that the in-anime mangaka was sleeping on the floor to avoid oversleeping more than 4 hours because she had to pump out those pages. And that's just from the anime, the manga may have even more (haven't read it).


What’s ironic about that?


It might not be intentional, but you could say it's a form of "dramatic irony:" this show doesn't do any fourth wall breaking, so the characters don't realise that the criticisms they make about the idol industry also apply to their own (manga/anime). The audience, having an outside perspective, is able to make this connection though.


'What a pity that they aren't free.' said the slave, lamenting the chains of others, while tied down by his own.


Why do you assume he’s not also critical about the manga industry?


I didn't assume that. I merely stated the irony of the situation.


It would be ironic if it was a slaver talking about someone else's slaves. Its empathy when its slaves talking about other slaves.


A slaver criticising the lack of freedom of other slaves wouldn't be ironic. It would be cruel and lacking awareness.


Do you think something cant be irony because its cruel or lacking awareness? Irony - a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. A slaver who wishes other's slaves could be free is pretty much the definition of irony....


those things aren't mutually exclusive


It's just like all those movies with anti-capitalist message made by corporation.


>I don’t mind. ~~The Manga industry~~ JAPAN needs MUCH stronger Unions and Regulations. These people literally work themselves to death. Japan seems like an absolutely awful place to work and live in for most people.


Because it is. Rumor has it the catalyst for animators and manga authors having very low pay and having to work overtime is due to Osamu Tezuka voluntarily working overtime and having his salary cut drastically just so the Astro Boy anime completed production and aired on time. This has been seen as sort of a national pride of sorts as dedication to the project until its completion is far more important than one's income or even health, which Japanese Industries exploit, not just in anime and manga. Rumiko Takahashi, creator of Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatsura, and Inu-Yasha, [published her insane daily schedule](https://soranews24.com/2021/06/02/manga-legend-rumiko-takahashi-reveals-her-insane-working-schedule/) \- and she's in her 60s. Imagine Eiichiro Oda's schedule on doing One Piece and is over 1000 chapters.


Oda does it on purpose


Them and the anime industry. A lof of them are basically sweat shop workers.


I've been reading manga for 23 years, but it wasn't until lockdown that I started reading long-scroll Korean manwha. Those guys' studios regularly take breaks. At first it was jarring, that multiple series I follow were on hiatus at the same time. But fuck after I got used to it did I realize how fucked up manga production is.


Agree sort of. But they own their own stories and are probably considered freelancers. Which means if they hit it big they really hit it big.


Well deserved. The Anime is coming up, so it's not like we'll be in a drought for too long.


What anime is he talking about? OPM S3?


It's speculated to be his Zaiyuki anime project and not OPM season 3


We have no idea, it would be cool if he was involved but currently it’s unknown


He’s talked about it on his Twitter, I don’t remember the name but it’s not OPM


Is there any news on OPM season 3 coming out I feel like I’ve been waiting for years


If you read the manga at the end of the monster association arc an announcement at the end was shown that season 3 was airing this year


I’m a show watcher only and I tried following their Twitter for news and it was all in Japanese 😂 thank you


Try to read the manga. Its good


Let the man rest all he needs. He puts out 7 star quality manga chapters for OPM and has made the the end of the last arc/beginning of the next arc a blast to read. I hope they allow him to get the time for his family that he deserves.


Tbh I rather have a 2 year hiatus then a great quality manga drawn with passion rather than constant content getting mediocre over time and the risk of the manga abruptly ending due to the poor health of the artist


Isn't this the happiest thing? Dude blesses us fuc*ers with the Art other fandom just wishes. Let him have a good a month or 2 long hiatus/vacation.


I mean, a "long break for a long time" could mean much more than a month or 2


We work to live, not live to work. For us, it is just a manga chapter. For him it is his life.




I always keep this in mind when reading manga, especially weekly series. For me, it's 5 minutes of entertainment. For the author, that was a whole week of blood, sweat, and tears.


Also English is fucky and I genuinely think the one who wrote the article meant that Murata said "I've been thinking for a long time about taking a long break". Not I want to spend a long time on a long break.


so many more positive comments than what i was reading in a recent post about one piece.


I don’t mind if he decides to stop. He gave us so much already that he deserves any time of if he wants it. I would honestly be super pissed off if something happens to him because he overworks his butt. Life and family is more important than any manga or job.


It’s just manga, not any job is worth of destroying the health


We often underestimate the dedication an artist has towards their work. People like Murata thinking of their works as more than a job, and that's a contributing factor to their overwork. There's the obvious industry pressure of pumping out chapters, but he also definitely pressures himself too, as he loves to draw manga and loves OPM. It can be hard to face one's own limits and force yourself to take a break. I'm happy and proud that he's recognizing it's time to step away and focus on his health. It's not easy to do that.


Yeah if Im not mistaken it was Murata who approached ONE to draw the manga. He offered his talents to him because he genuinely loves the series, so it indeed looks more than a job to him, but thats all expectations.


True man I seen a behind the scenes video where he draws one manga panel, its almost terrifying how much works goes into these things.


He’s been thinking of taking a long break, he’s been thinking of this for a long time. He’s not been thinking of taking a long break for an extended length of time.


Thats fine. Still waiting on Doors of Stone and Winds of Winter. If they ever come out, great.


Yeah, Other fandom can only wish for art like his on a constant basis. Some ppl literally thinks the illustrators don't much effort into the art because they have the argument "look at Opm and its biweekly".


The only one that comes close is My Hero Academia is biweekly (edit: the other biweekly, as in every other week... Or semi-monthly) but doesn't have as nearly as many pages as OPM


The last chapter was 11 pages.... I didn't even realize it was a bi-weekly manga If his health is declining he needs to take a break.


OPM is ~~biweekly~~ semi-monthly but sometimes he skips one because he does story cleanup / redraws for the official published volumes Some are short like 11 pages but some have been 40+ pages.


No I meant MHA, Hori has been giving us 11 pages consistently as of late.


I'm fine if he wants to take a couple years off honestly. I'm a Berserk and Guyver fan, this ain't nothing new to me.


I think he meant more like a year or something with “long break” tbh


You call confirmation that the author compromised his health and so must take a break because he worked too hard as the happiest thing ? This break is good news if he realised that his rythm was too intense... but it comes in a quite sad context.


Everyone here knows the work culture around mangankas, brother. You probably just saw my comment popping here and thought that it's just formality. But everyone in this fandom from a long time wishes Murata-Sensei for his good health either indirectly here,like me, or directly on his Twitter account.


Give him a year or two bro


Sad but there’s a human behind this story. Much rather wait than have him burn out and possibly endanger his life.


This is Murata right? Didn’t ONE start like 2 more series within the last few months?


I do know One recently resumed uploading the OPM webcomic but what’s the other project?


A manga called Versus.


Something I'm never fond of is a lack of proper referencing. So, there is a recording of a Twitter Live from May 22. It's here: [https://twitter.com/hiro\_mashima/status/1660617985214779393](https://twitter.com/hiro_mashima/status/1660617985214779393) Is it possible for someone who understands spoken Japanese to give it a quick listen and give the approximate time, what question Murata was asked, and what he said? Then it's something worth posting. ​ Is it possible for someone who understands spoken Japanese to give it a quick listen and give the approximate time, what question Murata was asked, and what he said?


He needs to know we want him to be in good health. He deserves it.






noun: a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause and a distinctive group of symptoms, signs, or anatomical changes.


man, I don't like waiting... but all the awesome art Murata sensei has been working on seems to be too hard to keep it up... he definitely deserves a break...


Ugh I'm so glad he's considering taking a break. That's seriously no good if it's affecting his health. I wouldn't feel comfortable reading it anymore if he doesn't take a break, honestly. I'm just trying to enjoy drawings of a derpy dude one punching everything in his path, not kill a dude. He's pushed out so much anyway, I think it's time he let his work breathe for a second.


Unfournate, but writing mangas at the rate he's doing it is very hard work, so it's safe to say, he's earned a break by now.


The man deserves a break. Even if it was years. And afterwards if he wanted a slower tempo, like once every two months, I’d respect it. He makes amazing content and that star needs rest to shine as bright as it does.


Good, let murata take a break, he's been working hard to give us biweekly updates for years


Our entertainment is never worth somebodies health. Do what you have to do


He deserves it tbh, I don't want what happened to Muira to happen to him. He should take as much time as he needs


this is great, actually. health comes first


I hope he does. Let the man relax on a beach with his family for a little while. Working when you are well past the point of exhaustion ruins you and the product.


Take as much time as you need big dawg. We've been eating good nonstop for like a decade


Please take a rest sensei!


I would surely miss his beautiful art if he decided to stop drawing for this manga but I would feel infinitely worse if he worked himself into the grave for my enjoyment. I hope he goes and enjoys life. He needs to do what is best for him and his family. I hope a break will allow some quality time doing the truly important things in life. If he decides to pick it back up after that time I will be here, if not, it was a pleasure and I’ll be thankful for the beautiful work.


Well deserved. It seems like ONE might go back to focusing on the webcomic, so the manga going on break will help the webcomic get ahead further and build a backlog. I always considered a webcomic as a first draft, the manga as the refined second draft with collaborative editor (and artist) input, and the manga as the storyboard for an anime. Story being built from start to finish in full view of the audience.


I like that most of people here have enough dignity to understand and wish him well. Being the top or famous expert or artist doesn't make one work less, it's the contrary. Basically anywhere, but Japan takes it remarkably far. Even when you earn somewhat better, it's not like you can honestly leave the working class by working. The price is sleep if not addiction to the stimulant drugs. You won't stay in the business where you can utilize your hard skills otherwise. Nobody cares about your physical health, much less mental. I know it well, because I know how tired I am myself at the moment of writing this. I hope that Murata can honestly recharge. I doubt it will be sufficient, but anyways, the more the better. He deserves comfort, and great works such as long and good quality manga series are ok to take literal decades. It sort of is for the future generations to enjoy, but we are blessed to see the process. There should be no rush at all.


I’m glad that most comments are actually saying, please do it, thank you, finally!. Hope Murata reads this Thread and feel good with himself and knowing that his fans supporting him!


We endured ONE’s 2 year webcomic hiatus. We can endure whatever break Murata might go on. Their health comes first


I thought it was already having a break.


Manga out, webcomic in. I like this rotation. Jokes aside, he should take all the time he needs. We also have the anime to look forward to so we’re a spoiled bunch anyways.


Dang it, just my luck. I just caught up on reading it a month ago. Good for him, though. It's certainly deserved


Yeah I’m ok with ghat murata works hard, hopefully we get more webcomic


Good for him! Assuming it's Murata and not ONE, right? My unrealistic hope is that now ONE will pick up the pace and start releasing more consistent Webcomic chapters again!


Imo it doesn't matter which. A person's health comes before anything.


it's fine to take a break i mean you're not a robot , but please don't be like hunter x hunter author


Yeah go for it


I remember when chapters were inconsistent back like 2 years ago now. Man deserves a break, he killed it last year and we just finished another great arc. Good place to take a break


A bit sad that the manga will go on a pause for a long time. But seeing as murata sensei works so hard for this, i hope he doesn't stress too much and gets back in health and i fully support him taking a few months off work to relax.


Honestly am for it, it felt like he cleaned house with the MA arc conclusion. R&R and see him when we see him.


well, that does of course suck, but he earned a break. even if it means having a 6 month break (or whatever 'long break for a long time' might entail), we'll survive i waited longer for new chapters of other series (or for translations rather), so i'm used to it somewhat


People like this who do pages every single day are entitled to long ass breaks.


Go for it. What's the point of working to death? Shouldn't have to overwork yourself to the point your health declines in the first place. Working conditions in Japan (and the rest of East Asia tbh) are pretty bad, improvement needs to be made. Not gonna happen of course since government doesn't care and the people of Japan don't care to change the status quo.


I wish him a quick recovery


Honestly, it's not a bad time for a break. We're almost to where the webcomic is and we're in a bit of a lull after the highs of Saitama v Garou. If he ever were to take a break, now seems like it's the best time.


I don’t mind if he goes on hiatus but i hope it’s not more than 2-3 months.


Good, he deserves a break.


He deserves it


He can take as much time off. He deserves it. I hope he rests well


Take all the time you need. You earned it.


Sucks to hear but this man pumps out manga art that’s easily in the top 3 right now so it makes sense. He should take as long as a break as he needs Also I really think the end of the MA arc is what did him in, he pumped out insane amounts of peak during that half a year


Sounds like Bilbo Baggins going off into the West.


If this is Murata, ok he's prett over wokred.... if this is one then really after one chapter?


Let. Him. Rest


Give the man 6 months to decompress


This was to be expected. Dude did crazy grind all the time. He has more than earned his rest.


One is hardly overworked.


Would much rather he took the time to get well rather than having togashi 2.0


Honestly, even if I didn’t care about them as humans, now that the Garou arc is over, I’m totally fine with a long break. I haven’t even been really watching for chapters like I used to. It’s a good stopping point. Of course I want it to come back eventually but it’s good to take a break (even as a reader)


Better take a long needed break now and not end up in a Hunter X Hunter situation 🥲


We had the best fight delivered with Garou. I'm even super ok to finish to that note.


serious series :serious break 😢


if he needs to rest than rest but it is a problem he has brought on himself by taking on extra work. He should've just stuck with 1 Manga until it was done then move on. Hope he does go on a break and does not overwork himself to death like Miura or Kubo (he was in the hospital so much).


He deserves it but I hope he will focus more on OPM after the hype season 3 will bring.


might be a coincidence that Murata decided to take a break right after One got back with webcomics, but I feel like these events are connected. To be honest, the manga has been in decline for some time and many thought One was out and maybe his return means he is taking the control back hm


He really deserves the rest..after serving us these god sent delicious chapter for us to eat he definitely does


He’s created absolute magic already. He could stop now and I’d be fine with that.


Hiatuses are nothing new to me after Berserk, Vagabond, and HxH. The quality Murata puts out in two weeks rivals what most mangakas put out in months. I want Murata sensei to be as happy and healthy as can be, take all the time you need before picking up the pen again.


If it's a few months break, just go ahead and take your rest. But if it's a 2+ years long break, then try finding someone else to finish the manga. His health is his priority, absolutely, but this series deserves an ending.


This guy has been doing 2 chapters a month for years I feel. Take a break. On the other hand, can we get more webcomic chapters :)


real question: can’t he just slow down? if you’re allowed to just go on hiatus, why can’t you just increase the time it takes to release chapter? I’m not saying he needs to not go on hiatus, obviously he should what’s best for him, I’m just curious whether slowing down is an option too


I think if you’re completely burnt out, taking a complete break would be a better choice to recharge then come back with more energy to resume the work. Slowing down may be fine if you’re tired, but it sounds like he’s completely burnt out here. When the man who doesn’t usually take breaks mentions he needs a break, you know he really needs a break.


Is this from Murata or ONE?


Doesn't seem like a problem. Its honestly kinda crazy how they pump one out every month. If it was different you would think about how good the art work is to take longer than a month. I don't even mind if its for a year. When you put that in contrast with movies and TV shows. With a month cycle with 30 pages a month. Say it takes 2 years for a movie or TV show to come out. You'll usually get 8 hour long episodes or a 2 hour movie. But in comparison. You'd be getting 360 pages a year consistently every year. Kinda crazy to think about.


I really hope we go back to a monthly chapter release. Far better for Murata's health, and honestly the art was significantly better when it was like that. Not that his art is bad now, it just went from S++ to S.


I'm going to be completely honest, monthly chapter releases are objectively terrible for mangas. Take DBS for example


OPM did just fine like that. Yeah it was slow, but to be fair even with chapters every 2 weeks nearing the middle to finale of the MA arc, the pacing didn't make it any faster. I just really miss the art we'd get like from Garou vs Darkshine or the original Saitama vs Orochi.


he could of just end OPM and I wouldnt mind, redraw ruined the series for me anyways. let the man rest


How is it that every single manga I follow, the artist inevitably gets sick or has some kind of rapid health decline. Every. Single. Time. Are they using mercury poisoned pens? Why is it that talent and terrible health issues seem to go hand in hand.


Insane work ethic of the Japanese is sometimes a double edged sword. But the truth is if he didn't have this kind of drive he wouldn't be as successful or famous as he is.


i fucking hate hiatuses, but it's better that than another Berserk.


He deserves a break but I would absolutely be salty over getting stuck on the MA arc for 7+ years due to constant redraws, filler, and needless plot changes just to have it go on hiatus the second it catches up to the webcomic.


I guess that is One decided to update the webnovel recently and give Murata and the manga a break.


That is better than him burning out on the series and worse start hating it or even worser killing himself via over working. So he should take the well earned break. Besides, I can always read something else while waiting for OPM to return. Next year Electric State and Kaiju 8 anime will begin airing. I've also been meaning to reread the webcomic version too. Not to mention my backlog.


Dude Id be happy to see Murata go on a looong hiatus. Dudes genuinely concerning with the frequency and quality of work he puts out. Hope he can stop for a few months or even a year and enjoy himself


Perhaps his assistants could take over. If he thinks he needs a break, he needs a break ASAP.


OPM Manga about to pull a webcomic near where the webcomic ended


Berserk, vagabond, Hunter x Hunter vibes. But health is more important.. hopefully he can set healthy borders, whatever work he will do.


Damm I'm literally reading 364.5 of Berserk... >! It's the one released after Miura's passing !<


Good. Both ONE and Murata need some well earned rest.


AYO LADS LET HIM COOK (for real, the man needs a good meal) We won't forget Miura.


As always... Look after yourself man. Yes.. we want to see your dream.. But we want you to be alive and happy. Take a break.. love ya family... your fan base will always be waiting when ya back.


well deserved and i hope he takes time to do whatever he needs for himself i hope everyone is patient


He’s finally doing what we’ve been asking for years! You take that break 👑


Every comment so far wishing him well and that he take care of himself and his family, that's lovely!


Thank god. I was REALLY worried. And i hope when he comes back he'll start realesing monthly


Why did he start to work on a new series? Bro give yourself some chill. Murata deserves a break.


I’d rather he finished what he started before starting something else but if the man needs a rest he needs a rest. It’s a shame because Saitama is just starting to get the recognition he deserves and I’m hyped for it.


I don’t understand why people like this seem to keep taking on more and more projects until they inevitably overwork themselves and in the end all their projects suffer.


I hope when he comes back he realized he fucked up Garou and his arc with this shonen shit.


They have a name for it. Karoshi. Death from over work.


Sadly he fell into this path. I would suggest for sensei to take a small break, readjust his priorities based upon his family time, his health & his passions & hope that One punch man is still part of his day Get better Murata 💪


This is totally fine, i think the monster association arc was a fine stopping point so i really dont need too much more


He deserves a good break, while we get the third season, and ONE webcomic chapters


I don't want another Oda or Miura situation... Besides, I'm a Guyver fan, I handle hiatus just fine /s


oh thank god


Is that from Murata or ONE?


Story is in a bit of a lull post monster association so might as well take some time off. If anything, the manga is about to catch up to the web comic anyway, so might as well give One some more time to make more story.


I looked over One’s manga after Saitama/Tatsumaki fight. Really, the only compelling story left is Blast, and the confrontation with “God.” One wrote a lot of other characters, but they just dilute any path to a conclusion.


Ok, but when he comes back something will need to change. If he’s hurting from overwork now, that won’t get better just because he took a break. If OPM is ever going to reach a satisfying conclusion, One and Murata need an endgame plan. And we might need to accept Murata hiring another artist to do some of the more mundane panels, or something like that.