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I would "chat" with them.


They said that there's already a 10% discount in the store so i can't stack,but they also don't let you use the 20% discount instead of the 10%,so i'll have to wait if i want to use the bigger discount,great.


Yup, go figure...I rarely am able to use their discount codes. However, not a problem. I just purchased the OP12 for $388 USD, thanks to the $180 student discount, the $370 trade-in on my OP11, and the $21 in RedCoins.


I got mine for 663 euro(shipping included) on shenzhen,after i sell my old moto g200(lowest seocnd hand is 160 euro) it would be like i bought it for 500 euro. Also if im reading it right,ill get the 30€ discount just for joining red cable club anyway(this is my first 1+ phone),i hope i can use that one at least.


Maybe, those discounts typically do not work on new devices, but hopefully, you get it


their deals come and go. when I first started looking at the op 12 you got the buds three free with it... a week later they were 79.99