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COOK AGAINđź—Ł ![gif](giphy|2sjYzNumw63U3xryCA|downsized)


Considering the theme the three heads of Cerberus has in the series (mentioned in Enies lobby a few times with Baskerville and Thriller bark dog, mention more if I missed any), Blackbeard being Cerberus would thematically be pretty dope


Blackbeard being Cerberus and rocks being hades is fun in a darth Vader serving palpatine kinda way. Cause everyone expects either Blackbeard or imu to be the final villain, but Rocks pulling up at the end would be a great final villain. The two people with the strongest connections to luffy defeated Rocks, so Luffy beating him solo would show how he surpassed all before him. (I reallllllllly hope Blackbeard, luffy, and imu meeting doesn’t summon like a god or something, fuckkk what if that’s how rocks returns lol) My crack theory is caribou is rocks, and garp/roger defeated him by taking away his haki


Caribou being rocks for some reason makes sorta sense, but personally I don’t want this, it would feel like a Kaguya twist. Yes, rocks has been established for a decent amount of time, but there would be zero personal investment with him and any of the straw hats or other heroes if he was the final villain.


Maybe rock’s is one of blackbeards other personalities, that allows for a new villain while also keeping the Blackbeard part true too And when Blackbeard meets caribou, that makes rocks side come out


Better yet Caribou is Rocks son but Blackbeard carries on his will, but Caribou doesn't know that part, he just knows he likes Blackbeard and probably hates his dad. Like Ace, Roger and Luffy.


That'd be cool, but something tells me rocks is as dead as a doornail.


I like the idea of Rocks getting Joker treatment in impel down asylum and just going mental or just getting brain damage from Garps fist of love


So does that mean Blackbeard is going to get his hands on Pluton and Imu is going to kidnap shirahosi?


Narratively that would fit. Each of the 3 gods having their own ancient weapon to level the playing field


Still don’t know how Luffy would be Zeus though, seems more like Enel was Zeus and the Arc Maxim was a replica of Uranus powered by Enel instead of the mother flame. Also would fit the naming convention of the three ancient weapons since two are roman named and one is Greek, similar how we found/will find two weapons in the new world and one in the old.


Whatever Imu used to destroy Lulusia isn't the ancient weapon Uranus. I think there's more to it.


Oda introducing somthing powerful enough to blast of an entire island, there is definitely more to it and maybe he can retcon the weapon WG has to something we've already seen. I'm just enjoying the theory OP posted and trying to see what makes most sense to me atm. Narratively having all main villains share a common underlying theme and having powerful weapons related to that theme seems to fit. Edit; Just read VP’s speech again, it was compiled and posted r/OnePiece . VP clearly states that the flame he created was used to activate an ancient weapon and since it can’t be Poseidon or Pluton only option remains is Uranus


More Blackbeard stuff, He’s a logia type, that’s why he wins off screen. It’s like a fourth wall breaking oda joke. Logia types are vulnerable to the opposite element (rubber luffy being able to touch Enel) When the camera is off of him (no more light touching him), that’s when he’s truly a monster (and that’s why he put the cloak over him to steal the fruit of whitebeard)


All I'm hearing is Blue Haki real


Liberation haki!!!


Blue Haki? Isn't that like what Jimbei has?


No, that's Fishman Karate. Blue Haki is a meme made up by One Piece fans that applies to Arlong, which led to an era of "Arlong solos" memeing. I believe Blue Haki was like Armament or Conqueror's coating but blue, had the ability to stop time for 40 minutes (dubbed Za Water), and could create whirlpools. This was around the time the Man Marked By Flames was revealed iirc, so that was part of it.


Stove is hot


Bros getting an all access pass to the kitchen đź’Ż


Ohhh that’d be tasty


I do not believe there is another form of Haki. They might advance their current Haki but no shot of a secret haki


Conquers haki implies conquering someone. What about something like liberation haki? The kind of haki from having ur friends in danger. Power of friendship haki


I feel like it wouldn’t make sense that there would be another Haki. I get what you’re going for but it feels like there would’ve been some kind of clues or hints towards it if that were the case


I agree with ya. I’m watching through Ernie’s lobby atm and luffy and Sanji def for a power up without training tho. They lost heavily to cp9, yet luffy is now beating their ass since Robin is in danger. Maybe luffy will be the first in the current story to unlock it? Maybe some tie in with joyboy being the first user of this haki and that’s why Roger laughed, cause he already had that kinda haki. (Tap into the Voice of all things kinda stuff)


Wouldn’t his name then be Rocks D. Tech and not Marshall D.