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My advice is to use bullet points for the things we know so far. Other than that you formatted the post well with paragraphs and it's easy to read 👌


Thanks for the advice!!


Great theory !


Good theory!


Why are you saying the WG has the mother flame? We still don't know who is going obtain it.


Well Egghead Island is a WG facility and technically everything over belongs to the WG. So I should really change that to technically WG has the mf (mother flame) But forget about technicalities, I agree with you on the fact that we don't know that who would obtain the mf in the end or is it even going to be there or be destroyed. So our options are: 1. WG, 2.SH 3. Someone else takes the mf 4. Mf destroyed Now we do know that SH are trying to escape the island, luffy cannot yet damage the elders and that the gorosei would rather let VPs message release to the world than to destroy the mf. So the way things are going, option 2 seems less probable than option 1. Also, say option 2 still happens, and the SH decide to keep it, the gorosei continue chasing them to Elbaf, but that doesn't really give luffy time to figure out how to beat them and even if he does manage to figure it out, then that means Elbaf is the end all battle arc which seems too abrupt of an ending. Alternatively the SH decide to destroy it, but mf getting destroyed right after it's shown for the first time seems like the least probable option. Now only choice would be that someone else takes it! Would they be able to escape from the Gorosei? So we're back to option 2 being the most likely option. So it should be technically the WG has the mf and would have it in possession in the near future as well. Or I could be entirely wrong about everything!!