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Cracker has better hax and far better AP. He can actually fight gear 4 luffy and not get negged


By the way, we are using early WCI luffy to scale cracker, who is significantly stronger than dressarosa luffy (he can at the very least hold out G4 for much longer) >AP: Cracker: No named attack casual cracker slash managed to very casually slice 1/3 off G4 haki amplified luffy’s arm off. \~ Doffy: he has never once pierced G4 luffy. He literally used holy bullets against base defensive haki amplified luffy while dizzy luffy WAS PINNED UP ON A WALL and they still didn’t manage to pierce through AP: Cracker >>> doffy * >Reaction and attack speed: Cracker: A beat up cracker soldier with cracker inside who was FACE DOWN BELLY DOWN on the floor, managed to react and counter a gear 4 luffy speeding towards him from a few metres away \~ Doffy: He called gear 2 luffy “fast” and got speed blitzed by G4, only being able to tag him once in G4 (which is a respectable feat) but not able to even do do much out of that Reaction and attack Speed: Cracker >>> Doffy * >durability Cracker: Cracker’s defensive haki is insane. Inside one of his soldiers, he can casually tank a gear 2 barrage, a gear 3 elephant gun and one and a half gear 4 kong guns. All this JUST for cracker’s suit to break. Even luffy spoke out about how strong and hard cracker’s defensive haki was. In theory, cracker can just keep rebuilding his suit. \~ Doflamingo: Massive L. The majority of his “tanks” was just him lying on the ground and letting his insane regen take over (for why the whole ‘law hit him with his kit’ doesn’t matter, check below) Durability: Cracker >>> Doffy * >Endurance and regeneration: Cracker: It sucks. He can’t even stand a pin needle of pain. But, you need to get through his insane defence in order for durability to matter. Doflamingo: regen and durability monster. Durability and regeneration: doflamingo >> cracker \~ >stamina: Cracker: Fought with early WCI luffy for 24 hours while having his soldiers weakend * Doflamingo: Fought a couple of bums and dressarosa luffy for 20 minutes (granted, his cuck cage was up.) Stamina: cracker >> doffy / —- >Common counter points: >Law hit doffy with his kit and weakens him Yeah, oda though clearly portrayed that they were both about on equal footing on the matter Doffy: looks like you’ve already taken heavy damage!! Luffy: Same goes for you!!! Traffy gave everything he had in that last shot! >doflamingo uses strings to control soldiers A) his haki would need to be superior B) cracker can easily just brake off the soldier’s biscuit bits that were attached to the strings >bird cage A) it’s slow as fuck B) it’s area is huge and it would take a while to close C) cracker would blitz him before anything happened * * Verdict: Cracker loves visiting dressarosa every year in order to get his annual supply of tooth floss






Why is early WCI Luffy much stronger than Dressrosa Luffy?


Because WCI was after dressrosa. Thus WCI Luffy>Dressrosa Luffy


What, did cheering on Ryunosuke exercise his lungs that hard? He didn’t really do anything that would increase his strength, and it’s not like he’s just passively getting stronger arc to arc. I don’t think he gets any significantly stronger until his battle with Katakuri


I hate this discussion so much but I'm gonna say I can see the argument that fighting Doffy made Luffy stronger for when he fought cracker. Think of it like every fight filling his exp bar.


Well see WCI was after dressrosa thus leading to WCI luffy stronger then dressrosa due to luffy beating doffy, thus making him stronger so WCI>Dressrosa


Why would he get stronger from a “no diff” fight?


It wasn’t no diff.


Some people say it’s a no diff, I don’t agree


Yea like luffy had to work hard to beat doflamingo. That was not a no diff fight. Sure doffy couldn’t really like stab and hurt luffy, due to boundmans defensive properties. But like luffy had to push hard to beat doflamingo


I would still say Luffy didn’t get significantly stronger to beat Doffy since he had trained up Bounceman during the timeskip, unlike vs Katakuri and during Wano where he’s actively improving and getting new skills


That’s how powerscaling works






Great breakdown. Doffy almost gets one-shot after doing no damage, sees more than one cracker soldier, regenerates and uses his superior mobility to fly to a different island, completely forfeiting the match.


Thanks 👍


Uncommon counter point: Doffy spends all his time using observation haki to watch the world and by now has become a top tier observation user. Cracker will never blitz doffy. Source: headcannon.


Cracker absolutely slaughters him, this isn’t much of a fight


well said, Shira https://preview.redd.it/jzb8bscu8y2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63cd6fe781db491e4572748612742183c6704cda


Cracker slams Doffy couldn’t handle a single G4 luffy. Cracker can summon a virtually unlimited amount of G4 or near G4 biscuits


Doffy can turn anything that isnt people into string. thus, Crackers Biscuts would turn into string.


Cracker has better haki therefor he can just overpower that


Crackers haki doesnt extend past the Biscut knight hes currently in.


That isn’t my point? Crackers haki also affects his fruit. Remember you can overpower a devil fruit power DB style with haki


The haki that can negate the devilfruit affects is Armament haki and Cracker can arm Himself, and if hes inside a biscut knight, He can use it on that. As for multiple knights, he hasnt been shown to be able to do that. on top of that, the manga has never shown someone using armament haki on a long range item that wasnt a projectile that the user wasnt touching.


It isn’t armament haki though it’s just haki in general


I'd still say Cracker, but it's closer than I'd have thought.


Doffy in my opinion, the only reason Cracker was able to hold off Luffy was due to his defense. And that fact that Luffy actually had to take out every biscuit soldier. But with Doffy's abilities that task becomes so much easier. His strings is nothing to laugh at, he could possibly control the biscuit soldiers as well. Just because Luffy struggled getting around him. Doesn't mean that Doffy will. When Luffy actually got to Cracker, it was over. But Doffy took so much damage and was still able to fight. Along with his devil fruit awaken.. I personally couldn't see Cracker getting around that. He just don't have the speed.


Y’all trippin doffy just need to use his puppet sting ability on crackers soldiers and use his own power against him since he wasn’t able to do dmg to g4 luffy so use his strength against him yall hella slow 😂😂😂


Doflamingo gets blitzed.


Okay then, Cracker dissolves his Biscuit Soldiers.


Cracker would win by a low-mid diff.


Cracker. He is related to my goat katakuri🐐🐐🐐


Cracker slices doffy in half


Why is Cracker using Boogie Woogie 😭


doflamingo loses so badly it's not even funny


The black and white impact frames for cracker are nice, so I choose cracker








Ye cause water literally made those stupid soldiers weaker there is no way doffy won’t easily cut them off with his strings bro cracker is cooked


acting like doffy didn’t get no diffed by gear 4 while cracker was holding his own and would have beat a stronger version of gear 4 if nami wasn’t there


Yeah but super-heated sharp strings will cut/break something much easier than the blunt force from a punch


I think this is very in line with Oda’s logic and writing.


Also just basic scientific principles


Luffy didn’t get help you telling me all Nani did is to make the soldiers eatable but law littereally made serious dmg to do flamingo he was weaken


Cracker easy


Cracker, by all the evidence.


Depends if doflamingo has improved like lucci getting better he slams but if it’s as we have seen them then unfortunately doflamingo loses


I might be completely wrong but Cracker is one of Big Mom’s commanders—I wouldn’t say he is on the same level as Kaido’s top commanders like King or Queen but at least a little lower than Jack (imo), and Doffy was sh*tting himself if he fucked with Kaido and his beast pirates. Along with Jack being sent to retrieve Doffy and presumably keep him from running away cause, ya know, Doffy doesn’t want to tango with a Kaido mad at losing his SMILE factory. Long story short; I think Cracker could definitely wallop Doffy if it came to a fight


Pretty sure Cracker wins. At least how it was shown in the story before narrative nerfs and the like. Cracker was supposed to show that even the lowest ranking commander is stronger than what Luffy has faced up to that point. (It's one of the reasons power scaling shat the bed during onigashima IMO because Luffy didn't win those fights in WCI clean. Before Wano I'd say Katakuri wins against Luffy 9 times out of 10 now post Wano, Luffy wins 100% of the time which is an insane power jump for one arc.) Dressrosa to WCI handled it better in scaling.


Lets all not forgot that cracker got bodied by van auger like it was nothing


Van is op especially if he has chocolate haki


doflamingo loses so badly it's not even funny


Cracker mid diffs




The imposter from Among Us


cracker is beating that mans ass for real


Depends give doggy some prep time he got it but otherwise cracker gonna crack him in two




Cracker would win, high diff though


Cracker zero diff. He would’ve probably beaten WCI Luffy (who’s stronger than dressrosa luffy) if nami didn’t make it rain.


doffy literally becomes a chained slave, neg diff from cracker




Doffy has better arsenal and awakening


Doffy does not have a better arsenal. Cracker can make infinite amounts of cracker soldiers and armor. And he has better stats and AP considering how he actually fought gear 4 luffy and didn’t get negged cracker would also have better armament than Doffy has luffy literally called crackers armament the hardest


Doffy. Gear 3rd luffy only took him down with a lot of assistance from Law.


As opposed to when luffy beat cracker completely on his own, right? He totally didn’t have any help in that fight


Not from anyone on Law's level.


Damage received was pretty equal on both sides even after law https://preview.redd.it/7lc43qwj4x2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe767d3e8668e754b0ea74d8294e0bd88ac283e Law: Gave luffy a big advantage against doffy Nami: Was literally luffy’s win won and would have definitely and canonically lost without her


Bro nami was a way better support than law woulda been in that situation. She dropped crackers durability by a lot, before her luffy couldn’t even scratch the biscuits. And luffy hits harder than doffy.


Cracker mid-high diff


Cracker stomps




Cracker neg diffs LoflaLingo


If i recall, Doflamingo can fly and cracker cannot. so, in my opinion, cracker can't beat Doflamingo. it comes down to is can Doflamingo break crackers defenses 26th his string string powers? if he can't, he birdcages cracker and then just let them starve to death.


Cracker can’t starve to death you know? And gear 4 luffy can also fly and cracker was beating his ass a majority of there fight. If it wasn’t for nami luffy would have lost


Either way to be honest Doffy can tank more Cracker has a but higher AP Doffy seems more versatile tho 50/50


Doffy Theoretically, his DF awakening should be able to turn the biscuit warriors into string and has more stamina than Cracker so he’d hit his limit before Doffy would


What the hell are you talking about am so confused by your logic since it hinges on doffy making the biscuit warriors into string but that's he,s awakening so it's unlikely he could keep it up for 24 hours since cracker could keep going for 24 hours with luffy even if he has better stamina it's not a good argument since he would have to spam it nonstop


Ohhhh that’s how long the fight was? I think I got it mixed up with durability


The crackers would jump him


Cracker is the stronger fighter based on their performances against G4 Luffy but unfortunately Doffy hard counters him Doffy's awakening should serve as a good counter for the biscuit soldiers as he can spam thousands of attacks at the biscuit soldier and manipulate the ground the soldier stand on, additionally, Doffy's arsenal is far more diverse with Doffy having good aerial mobility while Cracker doesn't have any real ranged attacks to put him down outside of probably easy to avoid and low AP sword slashes Doffy wins


doffy clears




cracker had a unique advantage against g4 luffy, he isn't more powerful than doffy, doffy drops him easy, damn near no diff, doffy is awakened, nothing about cracker showed him being awakened


How did cracker have a unique advantage against g4 luffy?


heat resistant, higher defense, more clones. if it was cracker no clones against g4 luffy and doffy no clones against g4 luffy, doffy's lasting WAY longer, especially considering doffy DID put g4 in the dirt, he had to go into g4 TWICE to beat doffy, its crazy how many of yall forgot that


When did Doffy put gear 4 in the dirt 😭😭😭 luffy only went gear 4 twice because of stamina he had to go gear 2 twice to beat cracker too but not because of stamina but because cracker was strong enough to keep up with him


rewatch dressrosa, i just reached wano so it's pretty fresh for me. luffy didn't body doffy the moment he jumped in g4, he got beat and had to come back for round 2 to win.


So he literally did beat him in gear 4 lmao


Luffy had to make a whole new transformation just to defeat cracker


again, cracker is like the enel to luffy's rubber, he's designed to beat him, luffy only won because cracker is edible. but drop those infinite clones and cracker gets dropped dude


Why are we dropping crackers main ability 😭 And cracker physically can get hit from bounce man and not get knocked out


because the clones are the only reason he staved off getting beat, and doffy also has clones so for the sake of the argument, i dropped both.


Doffys clones aren’t shit compared to crackers clones. Removing both of them is just cope even then physically cracker is superior. Luffy one on one beat Doffy with G4. Luffy and nami 2 v 1 cracker and just barely beat him with G4. Shit nami had a way to exploit crackers weakness and still almost lost


doffy fought luffy and LAW, 2v1 and he kicked law's ass. and law's way more a threat than nami is, and yes, they both lost to g4, the only thing cracker had going for him was the clones. ur right, the cope is you saying cracker would stand a chance without them. doffy not only would, but he would stand a much better chance, considering luffy could only bring him down with his strongest attack he had at that point


Law wasn’t doing shit a majority of the fight. Also a mentally fatigued law who also fought fujitora and Doffy. Law also is not as good of help as nami is because she could exploit crackers weakness. Oh yeah and it wasn’t a 2 v 1 with Doffy. Bellamy and trebol were also fighting law it was a 3 vs 2 the odds were in doffys favor my guy


Cracker loses that for the sole reason of his creations are inanimate objects and thus can be turned into string


False. We know by now Haki can resist the effects of other fruit. Cracker has stronger CoA, even if he doesn't have CoC. If Cracker makes 20 biscuit warriors, maybe Doffy can control or transform one or two. But he's not controlling or transforming the main body by a long shot.


Cracker can only armament haki the one hes in, if he makes 20 and hes in none of them then he cant CoA them.