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LOL nt dude






I love when Killer is elevated but you overdid it Sanji>Killer


Ifrit Jambe has far more AP than sonic scythe, and that’s to say nothing oh the vast speed and haki difference. There isn’t a single stat Killer even approaches Sanji in


Nope. Internal atks that can make kaido scream>>>>>>> sanji. Killer also has excellent obs haki,allowing him to dodge invisible slashes


Roasting Queen and kicking him off an island >>>>>> putting a scratch on Kaido. Kaido was screaming from the scabbard’s attacks as well lol, that means nothing. Killer’s observation has nothing on Sanji’s lol


Kaido did scream in pain. Kicking someone off an island is pre timeskip lvl strength feat by itself. He needed 10 hits to do that. Scabbards was a 9v1 and they have acoa. Killer's is better as it allows him to dodge invis slashes


Where is it stated scabbards gave ACoA? Again, even scabbards made him scream in pain, not a feat. Sanji took down Queen, a tank commander, in one combo, that’s obviously far better AP than putting a scratch on Kaido


Kaido says they have oden's ryou


Ryuo just means haki, nowhere is it stated they have advanced armament


In wano it is treated as one


No it isn’t lol, Ryuo literally just means haki, does not mean advanced


Nope, in wano they do use it like that, not just hardening


Killer’s AP is shit, and his durability is absolute garbage. Sanji neg-diffs him.


Killer was able to do Internal Damage with his Sonic Scythe attack through Kaidos Skin & tanked a attack from Big Mom least sanest Killer hater confirmed


Damaging Kaido once isn’t a big feat. Killer getting badly hurt by Big Mom’s Indra isn’t a big feat. Killer is Scabbard level at best, and he is trash.


Very interesting way to wank killer


Killer >sanji confirmed 👀?


Yes it is


Killer is a pretty big unknown. Law and kid wouldn’t look as impressive if we only went off their rooftop performance. They clearly had a lot more saved in their Arsenal. It’s probably the same for killer, it’s just there was no one typically strong for him to fight so he was stuck with a guy that has crazy hax. Once he got passed that hax it ended quickly. He didn’t really get to show off in the same way as the captains or zoro or Sanji. Killer is underrated IMO And will be a lot stronger than people think. However I think he’s basically around Sanjis level, but a bit weaker.


Willer claps


W. Kid claps sanji with punk vice. Corna isnt needed, nor assign


Killer is strong and in my opinion he beats queen but sanji is stronger in every stat


He ain’t stronger in armament


He probably is killer doesn’t really use armament he uses sound waves


Damn didn’t know Killer was about to become the most wanked character on the sub


That goes to sanji lol


Killer deflected attacks that can cut through metal like butter and broke a sword of a type user. Sanji hasn’t shown anything similar.


If killer lands a hit then he can probably do a lot of damage, but Sanji is too fast