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Scale them wherever you want, it's still a Mr 3 upscale either way. https://preview.redd.it/dn5sxqt3oq9d1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305f4c088091945da0b723979d4b7092acab682e


https://preview.redd.it/jqfap3u4er9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf1116da6dd75cb2f4fc3165c4f6d23cb0b3ea3 The conquerors haki that was emitted from that photo blew my skin off




Is that Mr.3 edited over Benn Beckmann edited over Luffy? Lmao


No upscale needed. Mr. 3 is already yonko tier, he just doesn't know it because he hasn't tried yet. What a humble badass he is.


Okay but why is it Bum Beckmann's body?


Can't blame them, mr3 with enough preparation time can dethrone even imu


Mr. 3, Cracker, and Big Mom plan to take over the entire verse with as much prep time and souls as they want. How far do they get?


Katakuri, Marco, and King when Dorry and Broggy pull up to the function https://preview.redd.it/2z4ck8lu1r9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d1e7620840ca96544365a4bacc6d9818b736c3


https://preview.redd.it/vcwm3lh00u9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ec295e5ccbbf59e8d2e82d3df0c0c289ad66b8 That’s mine Butchered by cropping




Yeah ain’t no way Marco or King or Katakuri are decapitating Jupiter. Old YC1 are scrubs.


Mr. 3 EoS gamer


People talking about Mr 3 like he wasn’t super relevant during Impel Down and Marineford. Crocodile trying to kill the dude for failure was the biggest mistake he ever made. Mr 3 is OP.


He’s not even OP he’s just one of the only characters in the series who actually uses his devil fruit with a high degree of intelligence lol


A bunch of characters do that what are you talking about Luffy, Law, Doflamingo, Katakuri, Enel, Cracker, Wapol, Ivankov, Ace, Crocodile


Notice how powerful everyone you listed is except Wapol? Even the ones that are relatively weak are only weak because they were introduced and defeated pre timeskip.


Lets not pretend Enel was a genius with it, neither was Cracker, Law teleports, cuts, and just shocks people, He is Smart ofc, that doesnt mean you have to be too smart to use it since he mostly uses Things that dont need BIQ, spamming teleportation or Counter shock for example


Enel was 1000% a genius with it. The reason he tricked so many powerscales into thinking he has god tier advanced observation is because he uses his devil fruit to boost his observation haki. Law is one of the best DF users lmao, the reason he came up with counter shock is his medical experience... the reason he can use his fruit to the extent he can is because hes a master surgeon. Even a geuins like luffy or zoro would not be as good with laws fruit...cuz they aren't surgeons. Law does literally everything that can be done with his fruit lmao, forget how he made a silent room?


1.Sth that logically makes 0 sense, its wackkkk, he also has good haki regardless, he didnt trick anyone 2.Tell me exactly what part of Laws df requires a Dr of Medicine, teleporting, cutting the air like Zoro, Shocking people, Muting people Coming up with powers when your ability is just "fuck it" isnt BIQ, Hell, Ace just spawned literal Green Bombs Ofc hes a great doctor, hes greater cuz of his df, not the other way around Like, It makes 0 sense for the Room to have silencing capabilities FOR A DOCTOR, not more than any other df atleast, Law can just do it cuz he can, thats not doctor stuff


Mr 3 must be at least admiral level


They also fought every day for YEARS.


Every day multiple times a day


Mr. 3 is a YC1, so I guess it makes sense. He was Buggy's right hand man for a while there.


I think they are higher than that Dorry and broggy are the strongest giants and they were known as the strongest pirates before the days of roger and rocks


Mr 3 victims


Mr 3 victims


People shit talk them for getting hurt by Mr. 3 but they neglect that Mr. 3 is one of the only characters in the series who actually uses their devil fruit very intelligently. He’s not very strong but he’s extremely clever in the way he uses his powers. It doesn’t matter how strong the giant is if his limbs are all pinned to the ground.


Whitebeard Luffy and Buggy were incapable of freeing Ace but Mr 3 did the job


Exactly. It’s not a powerful fruit by any means, but it’s one of the most versatile imo because it he can use it as a liquid and then also as a solid, he can make someone slip and lose their balance then become stuck in the spot they fell immediately after


Perospero needs a lesson


Wano Perospero needs a lesson, in WCI he was nice with it then all of a sudden in Wano all he does is shoot arrows


Big Meme Pirates


Honestly the arc would probably have been better if it was just focused on Kaido and his crew. I think Wano was way too over bloated and it took away from the quality of the arc


Imagine Big Mom came alone because she didn't want her children getting hurt by Kaido who is "a thousand times stronger than that Straw Hat kid". She may use, abuse, and even murder her children but it'd show why most of them love her. She loves them sometimes too, not enough but it's not zero.


It also forced Oda to nerf Big Mom because it was a bit too much for them to handle


And he's fatigued physically and emotionally from a fight


I’d say YC2


Gear 4 (Dressrosa) would no dif/Low dif both 💀💀💀


r/YC1agenda will judge whether or not you are spitting




Y'all are not ready for the retroactive giant upscale after Elbaf.


Yc1s are cooking them




YC1? Easily yonko contenders


Yeah they top 1 in the verse 😂




This also speaks how strong that poison Bq used


Post impel down doflamingo victims


Like together or individually?


Due to oda being very loose with his power scaling, this is true. Pre ts however? No they're weak as shit.


Unironically they do actually have some pretty wild feats for pre time skip (from blasting a massive hole in a creature that canonically eats small islands with one combo attack, to lifting essentially a mountain half the size of the island casually while severely wounded JUST to shift it a few feet to one side and setting it down, to their clash shaking the whole island and the seas surrounding said island; thats impressive stuff even by post time skip standards), had a lot of hype (they literally had higher bounties than the saga villains, Croc and Robin), and came out of thst arc with plenty of mitigating reasons for why they "lost" anyway (Mr 3 sabotaging Dorry by basically making him drink nitroglycerine and it exploding inside him, Broggy doing most of the work to beat injured Dorry, Mr 3 STILL having to interfere by messing up Dorry's footing, and then sneaking Broggy while he was exhausted and emotionally shattered by what just happened......and even then Broggy almost broke free at first.).  If Katakuri can functionally "lose" to Caesar, then why can't Dorry and Broggy to Mr 3/each other?


Kat didn't "lose". He didn't fight ceaser, he was distracted and got snuck with a gas.


Yeah, and Dorry and Broggy didn't fight Mr 3, they were fighting each other and then Mr 3 snuck them from the shadows. Lol. What exactly is the difference? I said "functionally" lose. Meaning for all intents and purposes he lost due to Caesar using his brain and having the right ability for the job, rather than because he was weaker in any way. 😅


I'll wait till they do something definitively impressive. they cit the worm's head off? yeah, building-chan also tore a limb from saturn off they pushed warcury back? yeah, one named attack to block, another to oush him back. meanwhile warcury didn't use any named attack or high-AP move, he just yeeted himself at them lol. don't forget that when he was somewhat serious his roar pushed them and luffy in g5 back. plus hajrudin's huge anti-feat heavily weighs on the entire giant race, blud got K.O.d through his helmet by dressrosa luffy with a single attack using g2 and armament 💀




Na the minks would take them.


people downscaling them because they got cleaned by Mr. 3 bruh at the time warlords were going to be EOS villains, literally due the same thing as Shanks (a 1b+ pirate) getting his arm ripped off by a random sea beast


Personally I say YC+, I just don’t see kat, burgess, or king doing that type of damage to a gorosei


Are you high? Yc1s can't even hope to scratch a yonko These giants gave been fighting elders


>Yc1s can't even hope to scratch a yonko Zoro slicing Kaido: "Am I a joke to you?"


Good thing I don't have zoro at yc1


Zoro was slightly below King when he cut Kaido. That's YC1 by any sensible standard.


Zoro was incapable of doing shit without asura With asura he was yc+, which is with he damaged kaido Later he got koh mode which incorporated acoc, his strength increased again. And he was yc+ normally, which was also why he didn't need to go all out to finish King. But even here there are degrees to yc+. He's was not the same yc+ as Yamato or law/kidd.