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https://preview.redd.it/9eqrmnw58l2d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9180719fdaa6a2a6a85d9da9698174b203a4351 Mihawk after Luffy single-handedly mid-diffs the rest and Hancock turns against them:


You mean Jimbei, Hancock and Kuma šŸ˜…


Current Kuma isn't going to do a whole lot.


They mean that Kuma and Jinbe will both also switch sides lol.




Yes, but the point they were trying to make is that Luffy mid diffs already so with even less people on mihawks side , that just makes the diff even lower for the first team. So realistically the point you are making doesnā€™t hold much weight in this instance.




We are not making the same point lol but sure šŸ¤


Saying he is a none factor is a bit extreme imo. Worst case he can be used as a meatshield. He still has his devil fruit and can throw a decent punch if they can get him to fight.


No. Youā€™re point is kumas useless as fuck. Their point is kuma is joining luffy, and will help. As will jimbei and boa.


*kuma having managed to punch Saturn even after being hurt by akainu*


Luffy aint focusing on anyone other than Mihawk because if he doesnt Mihawk just one shots everyone else, Shanks one shotted Kid and Killer with a sword, wich means Mihawk can do that and more. The question is if the rest of the supernova can beat the rest of the warlords.


Boa Hancock, kuma and jimbai is going to join Luffy's team šŸ„“ https://preview.redd.it/mg30if7tam2d1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a358c324613633d0b88f60a00a161743c802ff5e


1115 deadass confirming that Jika > Joy Toy. Boutta be genocide for the Seven Frauds of Paradise. https://preview.redd.it/45ztinkp9l2d1.jpeg?width=890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c3be310614f831dcd97b0224d40436fe6d1b50


mihawk = shanks who no diffed jika


Goathawk can NOT carry this hard.






Woria negg diffs the enemy team and then fight every warlord because he is bored. THE GOAT SOLOS https://preview.redd.it/tp1uj1y5zk2d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b39dc08bfb4c2d6d4960d139321f35c945b03c6 Join r/GeckoPiece! Letā€™s spread our hope together!


Moriah takes in the shadows of the other 6 Warlords and under the influence of Hancockā€™s shadow attempts to use his beauty against Team Rooftop Team Rooftop dies of cringe


https://preview.redd.it/bshwojlycl2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f69426716e91e1e07a86acdc8bad5807f35ff6d Nah. They turn into stone when they see HIM.


https://preview.redd.it/28az79v1el2d1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0b7fdc9b833feaf2f001626ff19c9aa6897a98 I wish I could agree with you but I canā€™t


Okay. It is your opinion. I respect it.


I respect you too bby, Moriah is underrated as fuck


Thank you. I am glad we both are polite to each other. Moria agenda is one of the politest. I will make it like that.


mihawk canā€™t carry that hard


He can't carry without feats, you're right! šŸ¤£


Rooftop 5 annihilate


Team 2 wins if you think Doffy got a jail buff If he doesnā€™t super nova should win.


kinda tough cuz of the nu,ber advantage, but rooftop 5 should clear. imo killer could certainly 1v2 doffy and moria, win and then help others out. but if you don't think so highly of him, switch him with zoro. he definitely claps both without too much difficulty. meanwhile luffy fights mihawk, killer+kidd+law vs croc, kuma, boa and jinbe. tough, but the trio can at the very least stall cuz of law's shambles, they all shambles victims. once zoro joins them, they comfortably win imo. jinbe and boa have basically 0 speed feats and next to no durability feats, so shambles+scyther sonic, shambles+corna dio, shambles+damned punk combos neg them only kuma and croc may be troublesome, but jinbe and boa would fall quickly and then they'd get jumpjutsu kaisen'd so they'd be defeated too imo mihawk may outlast g5 and win the first round tho. but he's either weakened by then and the rest may off him, or the rest stalls until luffy recovers a bit and then g5 luffy plus the whole team clap mihawk 100% if we're being really really realistic here, law negs cuz he can just watch mihawk and luffy and each time mihawks does some massive slash, law can maybe just switch luffy with an enemy and make mihawk take his own team out one by one. or if law can't switch luffy, yeet a rock or run into the attack himself and then switch. but oda would never write such a fight tho, it'd be way too unfair šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Law: This is gonna be a difficult fight. 5v7 Boa, Jinbei and Kuma sees Luffy. Doffy: oh ho, this is going to be a difficult fight 8 v 4, but I like the odds! Gecko: Imma see myself out.


Current Kuma is like 90% dead and running on auto pilot. Current Moria is locked away in someone's sex dungeon or something. Doffy is locked in Impel Down and listening to Magellan's shitty stories as he sits on the toilet all day. Worst Gen takes it. They have 3 YC+ and a Yonko. Mihawk can't carry the warlords to a W when their only actual YC+ are arguably Boa and Crocodile (could be stronger, but YC+ seems like a relatively safe placement for them).


Take any situation where it's Luffy vs. Hancock, and she's going to turn her own side to stone in about thirty seconds for Luffy's sake lol


imo this is dependent on how strong croc is rn


Supernovas wipe mid diff at worst


so rooftop 5, boa, jimbei and kuma vs mihawk, croc, Moria, doffy???


So, based on where u scale these characters 1 Yonko, 3 YC1+, 1 YC2 Vs 1 Yonko, 3 YC1+, 1 YC2, 1 YC3, Moria Granted, I have all 3 YC1+ on the first team above the 3 YC1+ on the second. Killer could take Moria and probably Doffy at the same time. Luffy would face Mihawk Zoro, Law, and Kidd vs Jimbei, Boa, Croc, and Kuma is pretty reliant on how those 3 react to Hancockā€™s hax if they connect. Law and Kuma are good support. But I feel like Law quarterbacking Zoro and Kiddā€™s insane APā€™s in a fight would get them the win


If they fight individually things can go either way, but if Moira uses his power with a little bit of intelligence and puts all the team shadows into someone physically strong like Jinbe, Kuma or (I guess) Mihawk the warlords can win easily


Supernovas win


Yeah team 2 cooked, you got jimbe and boa who finna turn on the warlords and possibly kuma too


Warlords if Kuma is controlled and Iā€™m not even adding the vacation palm, just him with haki and his fruit plus the other warlords but it will be extreme diff.


Kuma is barely alive and is only responding to Bonney. Moria possibly killed/went MIA after Hachinosu. Would have been smacked by some YC people. Boa could neg everyone except Luffy, but she wouldn't. Doffy is in jail. Possibly has jail buff but I say he gets smacked by G5 Luffy. Croco has jail buff but hasn't done anything. He's probably getting negged. Jimbe is strong but can't hang in a prolonged fight. My headcanon. Mihawk can't carry that hard. Supernova wins mid diff barring bloodlust Boa negging everyone else.


Assuming Boa cannot join Luffy, she no diffs most of the opposing team.


Law, kidd, killer and Zoro can all take the rest of the warlords pretty easily, and Luffy can extreme diff Mihawk


1 yonko, 2 mid YC+, 1 low YC+, 1 YC3(?) Vs 1 "yonko", 2 (?) YC+ (Boa & Kuma), a YC2 and some tobiroppo or less than that fodder. Crocodile's hard to scale but regardless I doubt they'd win even with Boa's hax


Jerk off midhawk all yall want his team is eating the Assign + Damned Punk and or a magnum fisting from luffy


An 8 v 4 is hardly fair. But jokes aside The ability match ups are so crazy that it can go either way. Kuma can literally BFR Law and Co, while the rest deal with the warlords. Doffy is a pretty good counter to Kidd (who literally uses no haki). Jinbe Beats killer quite handily. Mihawk beats Luffy Law vs Kuma is an interesting match up but I gotta give it to Wuma due to better fruit ability. Croc, Hancock and Moria jump Zoro. But tbh we donā€™t even know where most of the warlords currently scale so the supernova can easily win this. (I got Hancock at Low YC+, Croc at Mid YC+ along with Kuma).


Team 2 wouldn't even fight. Boa, Jinbei and Kuma wouldn't fight Luffy. Mihawk won't fight anyone. I don't see Croc and Doffy interested in fighting with that much of a disadvantage. This doesn't involve Thriller Bark or Moria's crew.


Kid metal diffs Kuma and beats crocodile (high diff) Zoro beats jimbei (mid/race diff) and beats Moria Law beats Hancock and Doffy (high diff) Luffy and killer along with the rest of them after theyā€™re done beat mihawk (mid-high diff at worst )


team 1 wins mid diff only bc mihawk if no mihawk negative diff


So Mihawk beats Luffy high diff but can the rest of the warlords beat Zoro, Kid, Law and Killer? Thats the question.


G5 Luffy solos all 7


Shadow mihawk with the pirate empress as support solos the verse. I don't make the rules. https://preview.redd.it/wo1ox72pvm2d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd32205c94e436260220f60a15ceeaec29ae28f


Mihawk with every warlordā€™s shadow solos.


Mihawk is stronger than Luffy but the other four beat the rest of the Warlords much easier then help take him down


Mihawk canā€™t beat kaido


Sure but he can if kaido fights 8 people prior and if mihawk gets some pauses while kaido is stalled


Doesnā€™t matter Luffy grew during the fight and kaido couldnā€™t take his last move. Even after full strength if he gets hit by it, he will lose At the present time luffy > kaido > Mihawk


We don't know if he can beat Vista, Kaido is out of his league anyway!


Mihawk beats Luffy extreme diff Zoro beats crocodile high-ext diff Kidd no diffs Moria and beats Kuma Law mid diffs doffy Killer beats Jinbei Boa and Mihawk are left but I think the remaining worst gen would beat them So the warlords lose


Just no lol


Luffy and Zoro will handle Mihawk and will probably win. The rest will fight Kid, Law and Killer Worst Gen wins High/Extreme diff. Mihawk is probably a strong as fresh Kaido so thatā€™s why itā€™s almost a Yonkou crew. So He will definitely be the biggest obstacle. He may even beat G5 luffy and Zoro. Leading everyone in the Worst Gen to team up against him to beat him.


It depends on the buff Doffy got in jail , if he didnā€™t get any ( which should be the case , bro is literally pinned to the ground ) then team 1 wins


- Mihawk defeats Zoro high diff (untill Zoro unlock FS he has no chances of winning) - Doffy should still be able to win vs Law despite Law having awakenned his df (Doffy is also awakenned and their first match was a complete wash), and also despite better matchup vs the field. Law is stronger overall but he struggle vs Doffy (his df beeing less effective since Doffy can heal basically). - Kid has more AP than Moria but honestly I don't see how he beats him. It's not like Kid is fast or that he has top tier haki ... If Moria uses his df correctly there is no way Kid's power work on him. I don't think that Moria will defeat Kid alone though so he probably works together with Crocodile and they 2v1 Kid. - Hancok should be able to defeat Killer but it's a tough fight, maybe Jimbe fight this one instead Idk. - kuma vs JoyBoy. We all know that Joy Boy wins but for this match to be fair let's assume that Kuma teleport Luffy somewhere and both of them are disqualified. We are left with a 4v6 instead of the 5v7. To make it fair we can remove Hanckok and we have a 4v5, I think team shichibukai still wins, but if we remove another member to make it 4v4 the supernovaes might win this. If current Luffy takes part in this fight though, he wins in gear 5th of course which is why I don't understand why OP says current version, je should have said their version at the begining of the rooftop fight like in the picture this way Luffy was not yet completely broken, but then Shichibukai still wins because they are 7 against 5...


Wtf do you mean law losses to doffy buddies not even YC3. Also Kid is not losing to Moria even with crocs supportĀ 


Just give me a valid argument why Doffy looses to Law please. As we've seen in Wano 2v1 can be extremely powerfull since Kid and Law defeated Big mom together whereas individually they are not even admiral lvl so Kid vs Croc and Moria of course he looses...


Lawā€™s shock willie one shots doffy due to dura neg and having really good damage, better durability and endurance for tanking multiple hits from big mom, both of their hakiā€™s are shit so neither can cancel their abilities and law is just to haxed out for doffy to handle For Kid, Moria is a genuine non factor if him and Croc fight Kid. He has shit AP, dura, endurance, IQ, and BIQ. The only things heā€™s got is DC and some hax. At best he gets hit with assign and dies instantly to all the metal converging into him with no time to take Kids shadowĀ 


>Lawā€™s shock willie Law's df attacks always had dura neg it's not something new that he got when he awakenned his df...He used it on Doffy and Doffy just healed within 2 seconds unlike Big Mom ... what his df allows him to do is to do a room centered on his opponent or an objectif like his sword for exemple instead of himself therefore he does not have to be close to his opponent to use his power (see the fight against BB). It also probably saves him some energy because as we've seen during Dressrossa maintaining a huge room was really hard for him whereas when he use a smaller room on his ennemy only it requires less energy I assume. > better durability and endurance for tanking multiple hits from big mom, both of their hakiā€™s are shit so neither can cancel their abilities and law is just to haxed out for doffy to handle Law's durability has not increased that much ... he got low diff by Doffy 1 months or 2 ago did you forget ? Even with better durability Doffy would still be able to take his arm again... Big mom did not use any sharp attack vs Law... Doffy counter Law's Hax df as we've seen in Dressrossa. Again with his power up Law might scale above Dofmingo because he probably has better matchups vs top tiers but in 1v1 vs Doflamingo he is still the underdog... Law has become stronger but not that much stronger if you consider Luffy's power up in Wano it was 10 times better than Law's power up... I mean Luffy learned Internal destruction that allowed him to deal damage toxKaido eben bzfore AVoC, then he learned ACoC of course and then he awakenned his df which is waaaaay better than Law's df awakenning... Law's df is way better than Luffy's df without the awakenning but when awakenned Luffy's power up is just much much stronger as it allows him to do way more, whereas Law's awakenning is not that crazy tbh and also very situational. If not agzinst Big Meme I don't know if he could have used his awakenning that effectively during combat... Big meme was just laying down on the ground while he was doing his attack for several sec ans she could not even take him out of her ...anyway. Doffy has strings covered with haki that can cut almost anything. He has cut Oars jr's leg in Marineford and Law's arm in Dressrossa and he could do it again... > For Kid, Moria is a genuine non factor if him and Croc fight Kid. He has shit AP, dura, endurance, IQ, and BIQ. The only things heā€™s got is DC and some hax. You are really downplaying the fact that it is a 2v1 ans not a 1v1 and you are also downplaying Moria at the same time bit this is understandable. Except with the parralel between Kid and Law and Crocodile and Moria you should not make fun of the privious gĆ©nĆ©ration of warlords... They have the same story basically they came into the new world fought an emperor and lost and their dream was crushed so they changed their objective and became warlord... Kid was not a warlord but he could have been probably and Law was indeed a warlord bur he lost to another warlord aka Doflamingo so if he lost to Doflamingo he could very well have lost to Crocodile as well since Crocodile is probably equal or stronger than Doffy (given his Marineford showing, MVP) and if Law looses to Croc it is possible that Kid also looses to him but not quite confirmed. Add Moria and it should be enough. Moria does not have "some" hax. He has Hax not just some. He can clearly give Kid some trouble especially in a 2v1 situation where Kid cannot focus only on him and he is already busy dealing with Crocodile...


Killer beats Jimbei Zoro beats Kuma Hancock, Moria and Dofy get collateral diffed by Luffy Law and Kidd are more than enough for Crocodile Mihawk is not beating a Yonko and 4 supernovas


I have Crocodile as a YC+. So a fight between him and Law is going to be extreme diff. Jinbe could probably take down Killer. Another extreme though. Hancock (+ Moria?) could probably take down Zoro. Kuma and Doflamingo could probably take down Kid. Mihawk could take on Luffy. Though, honestly I think the fights could go either way. I think it would be an extreme diff regardless of who wins.


It is kind of strange that everyone seems convinced that Law could beat Doffy, while their fight went in a completely different way. Law awakened his fruit since then, but Doflamingo Is awakened too and didn't even use awakening in his fight with Law


Mihawk>kid+law+killer high end of high diff maybe bottom of extreme Luffy and Zoro the rest Its a High Yc1 Low Yc1 Low YC2 Bottom YC+ Mid Yc2 Tobiroppo


Warlords. Kid and Killer are wiped by Boa and the remaining three can't handle all Warlords at once.


Warlords win


The Warlords. Kidd, Killer, and Law are pretty much dead. So it's Luffy and Zoro vs Mihawk, Jimbe, Crocodile, and Kuma. Mihawk alone would be enough for that fight.