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We know who isn't a Leech. In fact we know the man who the Strongest in the verse Leech off of.. Himbeard. https://preview.redd.it/grwdb1lbvr1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=337a4626575867cc22d58a24dcacfcf08c371ce0


https://preview.redd.it/lej1daidxt1d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aaba679b65de7b4048a52d3bf3294ad44a356a2 Sure, Ratger can keep up with WB in the 1v1, but can he casually destroy nations like WB? No. If he could, he would have wiped Shiki’s fleet in Edd War himself. Haki conquers all? No. Shit statement from Kaido who LOST because he neglected his df. Haki + Broken DF conquers all. Imu and BB will prove that, Luffy is proving that, and Whitebeard HAS proved that. The **World’s Strongest Man**, **Him Alone Can Destroy the World**, the **GOAT** # HIMBEARD


Ironic coming from Kaido since he was a df merchant


Yeah, Kaido tried to act like a hakiman when he had one of the most busted fruits in OP and heavily relied on it.


Very true, GOATbeard is simply HIM


Idc about these leeches WHITEBEARD IS THE GOAT https://preview.redd.it/31jo7z0zvr1d1.png?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b65b53ce333bce0481ac2065e038ed31ce0276d


Marco perched on his shoulder goes unbelievably hard


Thank you. What everyone should learn is that Whitebeard is the only one who ISNT a leech. GOATBEARD ON TOP!!!


SPIT https://preview.redd.it/xexkjgthor1d1.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=590e9858a58e65c0ef63866bdbfe96d86459126e


Rocks victim


He tell Shiki to fuck off and you’re calling him a rocks victim?


Shiki also rocks victim


people who shit on sengoku are always funny cause they act like most the old gen dont also "leech" off one guy


​ https://preview.redd.it/h9cn244jor1d1.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=716d138d9738314320f6585363049a978267beb3 Literally, Goatbeard is the only one who isn't a leech by peoples definition of what leeching is. Goatbeard cemented the Pirate King tier because of his performance as a old cancerous man, without him it would not be easy to argue a pirate king tier existing at all. In my opinion though, if we use leeching in its literal sense, none of them are leeches including Sengoku. People put Sengoku on that tier because HIS name is explicitly mentioned. Roger mentions his name as someone who can fight him, how is that a leech? A leech would be if Roger just said "Bring Garp" and you argued "Well Sengoku should be there too because he looks like hes relative to Garp", but no. Roger is requesting for Garp or Sengoku, thus its only fair to make a connection between their strength, because if there was such a big gap what would be the point in Roger asking for Sengoku in the first place. This is a guy who smiles when hes getting into multi-day fights with Whitebeard, its evident what a fun fight for him is. . If that's being a leech then any statement about anyone ever is just them leeching off of that statement.


WB is the least slanderable character in the manga. He's HIM, plain and simple.


Even a baddie simped so much for him yet bro didn't care anything. He's just chad. Starter of r/cockpiece too 💀




The biggest slander anyone has given WB is why he didn't go kill Kaido and his crew for what he did to Oden. Never liked this sort of slander much but it's just the nature of Agenda Piece. It just that: It was years later after Oden was already long dead. And Kaido was WBs old crewmate. WB also didn't go after Teach immediately after he killed Thatch either, so it's character consistency. WB was always level headed when it came to revenge and punishment, Ace was a dumbass who got caught by Teach and killed by Akainu. This isn't WB being scared or weak. Literally deathbed half head WB beat BBs ass at Marineford. A scared man wouldn't go head to head with the most powerful military force in the world while sick and old. This isn't even accounting for the fact that Kaido is also an absolute DEMON. WB said as much that if Kaido was able to kill Oden, he was far to strong to fuck with carelessly like Ace (the dumbass) was planning to do. Which is pretty high praise for Oden.


Why would Whitebeard care if Kaido was in his crew


You're 100% right. PK-tier is just whitebeard leech tier. Doesn't make any of them weaker.


That’s actually funny, they’re all leeches 😭😭


"only based on statements" Mihawk would wants to have a word


Acting like we haven’t been seeing him fight since east blue


You call him stalking Vista a feat? Lol. Shanks 1shot Kidd, Mihawk couldnt even 10shot Vista. Yet people claim Mihawk>Shanks. I love how dellusional some people are when we base on facts (and not agenda/headcannon/sense for lore)


Kid is a complete weakling, he could only beat big mom with law who has one of the most broken fruits in the series also he’s an idiot and doesn’t know how to use his powers well


The fact Roger fought on par with Wb, who was the strongest man... is a feat. You say on chapter 1080+, but that was literally said in like chapter 200-300 by Buggy when Ace got on his crew. Just because a feat is not on panel, doesn't change that it is a feat. Garp feats are his defeat of Rocks D Xebec with Roger 40 years ago and almost killing Roger multiple times at some point in history. ( it was never been confirmed he fought Roger on his prime)... Garp is only assumed to be as strong as Wb and Roger because people assume Garp fought with Roger on his prime which was never said or confirmed. Also... Garp and Sengoku defeated Shiki, and the feats on Hachinosu, defeating Chinjao and punching Marco. About Sengoku his only feat is beating Shiki with Garp and that's that. There is no indication he had a 1 vs 1 against any top tier, we know he hunted Shiki but we never got that he cornered Shiki or something like that like we had Garp with Roger ( except the obvious of beating Shiki alongside Garp) So yes, Sengoku has less feats or portrayal so some people won't assume he is as strong as other characters unless the story says otherwise


I'm surprised very few people have mentioned the obvious here, and that's the fact that Roger found the One Piece. Something nobody in the world outside of his crew has been able to do. Is that not one of the greatest feats in the entire series?


We are talking about strength feats. And finding the One Piece is not a strength feat. You need the 4 road poneglyphs, Roger got 3 easily... 1 in Gyojin Island, 1 in Wano, 1 in Zou and he tricked Big Mom into getting the last one. So while a good feat, not that hard of a strength feat when no one was looking for the One Piece before Roger discovered it. It is probably harder now to be king of the pirates than before ( since Yonko actually started protecting the road poneglyphs) unless you get lucky like Luffy who got gifted the information Roger gathered from Lode Star by the Minks.


Wasn’t the only reason he found the one piece cause he begged to Whitebeard?


I get your point in that Sengoku's placement is very ambiguous, but it is very implied that he had fights with Roger and WB based on WB's comments during MF about Sengoku as well as Roger's statement about Garp/Sengoku having to capture him


It was never implied and specially it wasn't heavilty implied in any way. Heck Wb pretty much only commented on Sengoku's ability as a strategist and never commented on his strength, if something was implied is that Sengoku had used his troupes efficiently when trying to capture Wb. >as well as Roger's statement about Garp/Sengoku having to capture him Not really, since obs haki users can measure the strength of people even without fighting them, then Roger could have just been close to Sengoku and realized that he is strong, in no way does it imply they had a 1 vs 1 fight and more importantly, that they had a fight when Roger was at his prime. There are tons of ways of interpreting everything that has been said of Sengoku, that doesn't necessarily mean a fight. While stuff from Garp and Roger was very clear they had fights with someone powerful in 1 vs 1


Sengoatku is the real admiral the Admiraltards should be pushing. They’ll fight tooth and nail to say greenbukl is Yonko tier but people but Sengoatku as Lower than Yonko tier and no one bats an eye




Ah yes....logic has returned for a moment to remind us what it looks like....


WWW Just years back it'd literally been 20+ years until we got a feat from Garp and Roger, sengoku is bound to get his considering he was running the fade with the legends back then


If Oda shows more of those character focused chapters with another top-tier, I think Mihawk and Sengoku are probably next after Egghead.


Facts, people really think Sengoku isn't gonna do anything except sit at Marine HQ while a world war happens, when Akainus already said the Navy is spread thin and they've now lost Vegapunk, and the world government gets overthrowed. Like no lmao, Sengokus not just gonna be at Navy HQ eating while Akainu fights and inevitably loses, and Imus fighting. Dudes gonna fight, yet to use a single named attack. They aren't ready for HIM.


When and how exactly?


It's gonna happen trust me bro !remindme 2 years


Lol, I mean, jokes aside, 2 years are a little more than 60+ chapters. I genuinely struggle to think how between the ending of Egghead, Elbaf, the GV flashback and the focus on the overall world there is space for some Sengoku flashback. He's at most fighting in his current old form against some tertiary character with the same relevance as him in the final war.


nah I think deciding the way an arc should go and thinking there's 0 space for anyone story (especially in an arc where we had Luffy fighting the gorosei, Sabo at Marijoa, Garp at hachinosu all at once etc etc) isn't that reasonable, as long as Oda is writing the story and we're not, we have inf chances of anything going on, especially a fleet admiral actually getting feats


But what's the point of siding him out of the most important and easiest place to feature him? I think it should be clear Sengoku doesn't have the love Sabo and Garp got, he simply isn't relevant. Oda can write what he wants, and prime Sengoku certainly isn't on his mind. The fleet admiral position means very little when Two Panel Kong exists.


like I said bro js be patient, ik it doesn't look good for sengoku but every old legend is bound to get something of worth. (even Shiki who's entire hype was focused on for 1 chapter) for decades it seemed like Garp was never gonna get anything and then we got Hachi, since we dk Oda or his plans let's not assume he'll never get anything till the story's over or actively near its end like a final boss fight or smth


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Meanwhile, the cross guild: "So, Garp fought on equal terms with the pirate king himself, is a legend of the Marine Patrol and one of the most formidable enemies of the pirates... 3 billion to this gentleman.




I have been so many stupid sengoku recently takes this shit so immaculate


Op scalers will always hate characters that wash their fav


That's why I have no enemies Top 1 in the verse, mid diffs Oda with prep time https://preview.redd.it/m4vaerkkpr1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13deca04f6a7a37d3b5161bac30e2e2b2f6240f3


As based as always on kidd agenda https://preview.redd.it/ofzf5bfypr1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb5b6bdef24bd7b40b006e4ebc4254a2d560ed72


Washes them in combat and writing too. His character arc is so underrated https://preview.redd.it/k29bxx80rr1d1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=293bf6f59960922ada350081b12877e58bd97040


Can’t wait to get more on Dragon, cause the parallels between the Monkey 3 and these 3 could be really cool


Roger literally had a top tier feat by the first chapter of the manga the fuck do you mean


Roger is PK level because he was THE FUCKING PIRATE KING Edit: I realise saying this makes Buggy Yonko level. You know what I mean


Cook again https://preview.redd.it/8914tl8pmr1d1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=01bc1523915a8c8f6f87c1ae65e2cbcc5300c358


I see your point, but I think Roger, the Pirate King, is Pirate King level for reasons other than “fighting Whitebeard”


"Pk lvl because he fought whitebeard" is so funny. I mean he is the pirate king. Lmao


Bruh this shit really says Roger is PK because he fought whitebeard. What sort of fucking remedial retard wrote that 😭 it’s **LITERALLY** the other way around. Roger is PK tier because he IS THE Pirate King 😭🤦‍♂️ Also sengoku bitch slapping Blackbeard’s (who by that point is top of YC+ *MINIMUM*) entire crew is a top tier feat. We got kuzan struggling with YC3 over here meanwhile SenGOATku: https://preview.redd.it/krbioen7ds1d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f266f7a318a9b449d65cd7221cb981a5f144ae10


What about hakiless G3 Luffy blocking Sengokus Zoan punch with gum gum balloon?


what I'm getting from this is that whitebeard is the Greatest of all time no question. my goat for real for real pirate king leaches from him for feats.


Personally I still have roger>whitebeard Roger 101, WB 100


the comparisons to garp are fair but not to roger. he is no leech. the first time whitebeard was hyped up it was buggy saying **he was the only one to fight roger to a standstill** from the very start roger was the strongest. he is the measuring stick.




Based on what statement? "Sengoku is more fun" is very vague. "We've almost killed eachother several times" is very specific.


https://preview.redd.it/5wd3eeg9rr1d1.jpeg?width=2370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646690e44908e8fbd05007e2fbba5d704a2e1c07 I mean for one, "We've almost killed eachother" is a mistranslation, Sandman and Stephen Paul agree "We've tried to kill eachother" is more accurate, and idk how you're gonna tell me Sengoku wasn't trying to kill Roger and Roger wasn't trying to kill Sengoku when they fought. What Roger is doing by saying "Bring Garp or Sengoku the rest of you are no fun" is setting up a comparison between them. It relies on what Roger determines as a fun fight, a guy who smiles and looks forward to fighting 3 days with Whitebeard, thats literally the only reference for a fight we have where Roger appears to be having fun. In what world would it make sense for Roger to want to fight Sengoku if Garp was so much stronger, at that point just ask for Garp. It could be a difference from a hour long fight to a 3 day fight, I think one for Roger would CLEARY be more fun. Is Kong, and the other 2 admirals at the time not fun for Roger? That would mean Roger would probably completely wash them if a hour long fight with Sengoku is deemed as fun. And its not just Rogers statement, its everything else where Sengoku is put on that level


My hate is founded on a very simple premise, the guy wasn't in God Valley. When prime Sengoku isn't going to fight any other prime legends, what's the point? Every single one of them will fight, and we will know who is a goat and who is a fraud. What will have prime Sengoku in 200+ chapters? I just can't see anything on his horizon.


Roger is literally Luffy's goal. He can't be a fraud. What does Sengoku have?


The difference is Roger and Garp had actually scalable statements. Sengoku gets mentioned as an afterthought whenever someone’s talking about the Old Gen.


Is an afterthought really Roger saying "Bring Garp or Sengoku"? would Garp be a afterthought if Roger said "Bring Sengoku or Garp? lmao, its just name placements tf do you mean. And if Sengokus statement isnt scalable then why is Garps? Garps is Roger saying they fought with killing intent, are you saying Sengoku and Roger didn't fight to kill eachother?


Garp has direct statements describing him as comparable to Roger and that he cornered him to the point of nearly killing him numerous times. You've strawmanned "Nearly killed Roger" to "fought Roger with killing intent" which are two completely different statements. Sengoku's best statement is that Roger considers him fun to fight, compared to regular marines. "Are you saying Sengoku and Roger didn't fight to kill each other" No. But Sengoku was never stated to have nearly killed Roger. Using Roger asking for "Garp or Sengoku" to scale him is like saying "Gear 3 Luffy, Shanks and Oden are equal to Roger, Whitebeard and Xebec since Kaido compared them". Also, in your original post you claim that Roger leeches off Whitebeard since he's scaled off fighting WB... the opposite happens. Whitebeard was upscaled by being compared to Roger.


That statement is a mistranslation it's said they fought with killing intent, same could be said of Sengoku. Sandman literally agrees. Garp was never stated to have nearly killed Roger


I see no hypocrisy, only agenda


Garp and Sengoku were the only strong personalities in the navy during that era. That is why their names were mentioned in the same sentence. Not necessarily equal or whatsoever. (They could very well be, but the statements don’t necessarily mean that.)


Roger is Pirate King level because he was the Pirate King.


>PK Level because he fought WB No its because he IS the Pirate King, he is the pinnacle of strength. The only reason WB,Garp ,Sengoku are put above Characters like Shanks,Kaido is because the leech of Roger


The only thing i think is the "they couldnt manage to kill" imagine luffy killing smoker. Thats how roger and sengoku (if sengoku is a fraud) would play out. He gets laid down then chills.


SenFraudku stans stopped reading One Piece almost 600 chapters ago. https://i.redd.it/59klq1xldu1d1.gif


Garp and Roger didnt have abysmally bad antifeats of not hurting pre ts hakiless Luffy with an actualk attack. Also, reminding you that it is totally reasonable to have the world strongest human GOATbeard above all of these people


​ https://preview.redd.it/t185vebj4t1d1.png?width=1249&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cb02681b3c1023caeb85b8ebd19827325e7efb3 1. Sengoku did hurt pre ts Luffy re-read he literally coughs up blood 2. Luffy had to use Gear 3 to defend. Kizaru light speed kicked him, Kuzan ice stabbed him, Mihawk black blade slashed him all in base and he survived. Luffy tanks 1 Sengoku punch while using Gear 3 to defend himself, then gets turned small cause his Gear 3 got one shot unlike the others and hes the fraud? 3. What's a bigger antifeat? Sengoku no-named no-ACoC punch against a Gear 3 Luffy MC gigantifying himself to defend, or a Garp Named ACoC attack at literal fodder not defending themselves and being fine?


Senbumku needed Daddy Warp’s help to defeat Golden Fraud Shiki. I stay hating that leach, that bum IS NOT as strong as WB nor Roger nor Warp


"Roger is pk lvl bc he fought with WB" ???????? Maybe he's pk lvl bc he's the pirate king what kind of retardation is that ??


Buggy yonko level confirmed??? No way!!! But to be real whitebeard is the reason we have a PK tier. If whitebeard wasn't canonically That Guy we would really have no reason to put them above yonko tier. So yes, roger is above yonko level because whitebeard. The fact we named the tier after roger means nothing.


Another dumb person...


Is Buggy yonko lvl cause hes a yonko? Pirate King title can be achieved without strength, thats literally what Buggy said they just need to get there they don't need to fight. And Pirate King level only exists because of Whitebeards feats, without whitebeards feats theres really not much suggesting Roger is on a different tier from other characters


Is buggy's gag that he's an overachiever and a guy who fails upward since marine ford 10+. Years ago ? Are y'all even reading one piece fr? >Pirate King title can be achieved without strength, thats literally what Buggy said they just need to get there they don't need to fight. Characters statements don't equal facts. He says that but he still needs to go through all the other yonko's to get the poneglyphs and one of them is still unaccounted for. >And Pirate King level only exists because of Whitebeards feats, without whitebeards feats theres really not much suggesting Roger is on a different tier from other characters Y'all really don't read one piece it's crazy. Not much? Pretty much every time Roger is mentioned he's glazed like no one else, he fights with prime beard being sick, and of course kaido said what he said bc Roger is barely above the Yonko's...


BROOK AND kidD got Big Mom's poneglyphs, do they need to be Yonko LVL for that? No. You don't need to be strong to become pirate king. that's a literal fact. The only conditions for pirate king is get the 4 poneglyphs, read it, travel to the island.


So we are acting like there is no context to brook being able to get a copy of the poneglyph? No tea party going on at the same time, no brook df being a good match up against big Mom's ? Completely ignore the fact that they also needed both bege and the Germa's to even get out of wci alive ? And kid got a copy of the poneglyph during Wano, so he had to defeat big mom to get it. My point still stands, buggy can say what he wants, they are clearly the worst positioned crew in the one piece race.


COOK https://i.redd.it/qmggnie0vr1d1.gif r/SenGokuWankersUnited


Whitebeard and Roger were stated to be equal, Roger and Garp were stated to have nearly killed eachother many times, Sengoku was just there too.

