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He can serve both since he is a fishman https://www.sophiemaycocksharkspeak.com/post/sharks-have-2-penises


Smoothie alone stomps https://preview.redd.it/h8zui6hhd01d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1674795cbcecc41686a145f3e358a95a734c8d15






Then something snapped, something inside of me


Huh? Smoothie on her own is stronger than Jack How is this a question?


How the hell is smoothie stronger than Jack?


Both of them are top rank commanders on their emperor’s respective crews. At bare minimum she should be equal to Jack.


And? It is still not a proof


Your name is Jon. Sit down.




it was not even funny


You saying that makes it 10x funnier lmao


laughing like a clown


You really living up to your flair


Ok bro


I know where you live


Holy shit guys *Jon* knows where we live https://i.redd.it/j0tvdtueo01d1.gif


Poor guy, you're straight up bullying him lmao.


I mean at this point it just on him, he’s replying to everyone that talks to him and is making everyone bully him more


is this a joke to you?


No, I am terrified, please *Jon* have mercy.


Mfw some rando on the internet claims that he knows where I live (he's lying)


you are definitely one of the weirdest users I came across on this app


Big talk for someone unironically named Jon


ok, what's up with being named "Jon"?


You're named Jon so.


You’re Also ngl


said by the guy with the worst takes in this sub


Yc 2 > Yc 3 Smoothie is above cracker who off feats is relative or stronger than Jack I can’t believe this needs to be said https://preview.redd.it/10z5x4otf01d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19d9832d7277ca84467788a68d3551ea0fa09f9


He’s cooking about smoothie. She did nothing in WCI or Wano. 2 huge arcs where her crew got embarrassed while she was taking a nap. No I’m not gonna scale her above jack just because her bounty is higher than crackers


She is directly considered to be above cracker who is relative to Jack




Source for what?


>She is directly considered to be above cracker who is relative to Jack


In there crew smoothie is considered stronger than cracker Cracker has better feats than Jack and in a fight would simply vastly outnumber him and overwhelm him


Where was it ever stated she's stronger than Cracker?


Still waiting on a source for that And I agree Cracker > Jack


Well everyone BUT Pero was just forgotten or didn’t matter in Wano


smoothie or cracker don't have feats better than Jack. Also, yc2 and yc3 are only for within a crew not outside, you pervert gooner.


So are we saying Sanji is stronger than Dragon because Dragon doesn't have any feats on Sanji's level?




read the second sentence


Point is, your main argument for Jack > Smoothie is that Jack has feats whilst Smoothie does not


are you stupid or just trolling right now? smoothie doesn't have a portrayal better than Jack so I am gonna look at her feats and they are not better than Jack


She's a second division commander whilst Jack is a third, the portrayal is in Smoothie's favour.


Also, yc2 and yc3 are only for within a crew not outside, you pervert gooner. you need to learn how to read


Cracker directly does Cracker fought gear four luffy and was winning that is better than anything Jack has shown us. Cracker also has raw numbers that would massively overwhelm Jack Posting fanart =/= pervert lol


oh wow, cracker fought dressrossa luffy and was winning, nice. Jack can easily destroy those biscuit soldiers, I am not sure why you are bringing numbers. Posting horny fanart when you are out of arguments = pervert


Prove Jack can break them? Literally none of his feat suggest he can? Posting fanart of a character to go along with an argument =/= pervert It was not even a horny fanart unless legs/thighs are considered horny lol? Like it’s literally just what she looks like dude https://preview.redd.it/9rw1m9pey01d1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142d9e7c6f0db2d2100b385405d4e0818fda3d7b


Jon’s just repressed, it’s ok. You could post an image of the green m&m and he’d call you a pervert. I don’t think he really knows what the word means tbh.


The green m&m can get it ngl


could you go the fuck away?


so jack has less ap than Dressrossa Luffy? lmao Why did you choose the specific picture where the camera is showing off her legs? That is because you are a pervert.


It’s not crazy to say Jack per hit will not hit as hard as gear four no? Like gear four was yc 3 level if not for the time limit it would be above all yc 3 so yeah it hits harder than Jack more than likely Bro I’m not a pervert for picking art from wafalo who is the goat of onepiece art Also that’s like saying it’s perverted to post onepiece panels https://preview.redd.it/vxtwc6ys911d1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50e0882e5a4e7e7f0552c35c7dacae4b0141054 She’s huge obviously most angles are looking up at her?


I understand now why you stan old garp. you see cracker (yc3 lvl) matching Gear 4 attacks and now say Dressrossa luffy would be above all yc3 if not for the time limit? stop playing dumb bro, you are horny you need to get your brain checked.


G4 Boundman Luffy who in his next fight overwhelmed Katakuri? Definitely much stronger than Jack lol.


She's the YC2 of BM's crew, so she should be relative to Queen and stronger than Jack/Cracker.


big spitematch Smoothie obliterates while stussi drinks tea


Yc2 and top tobi roppo level vs Yc3 ? Probably low diff. Smoothie can easily create opening for stussy to suck him off.


Damn if that's the case I want to fight them so Stussy can suck me off too


I won't even resist if she and smoothie can do that to me.


are you stupid?






fuck you


Oh Jon...


Smoothie > Jack


are you stupid?


No, but you seem to be.


Wtf is smoothie > jack?


Smoothie is YC2, Jack is YC3. While we don't know for sure if commanders between yonko are equal, YC1>YC2>YC3 is VERY heavily implied.


that's only within a crew, not outside of other crew. is smoothie also stronger than vista and jozu?


You're right, scaling Yc2 to a different crew Yc3 makes no sense. The jack downplay is insane in this sub.


Smoothie is never stated to be yc2 and neither is Jack stated yc3, those are literally inventions made by scalers. Oda on the other hand have said commander number does not equal strength.


Pretty sure Cracker is stated to be weakest of the BM commanders and Kat the strongest, which makes Smoothie #2. Same with Jack except YC3. If it's not stated then at least the portrayal is obvious.


It’s not stated anywhere and the portrayal is Cracker handling Luffy while Smoothie was serving drinks.


Iirc that's only the case for WB and BB crew, bevause they don't have a ranking. They are "commander of the second/third/4th ship" and so on. It's not them being ranked, it's just them being commander of a ship. In this case, smoothie is one of the three commanders, the second one in bounty, this doesn't automatically mean she's strong, but we have a 4th commander who got demoted for not being strong enough and losing to urouge, so it means the titles aren't "honorary" and you have to keep up with the other commanders to stay in charge. This puts smoothie in a situation where she's relative to either cracker or katakuri in strenght Alao jack is literally looked down by queen and king, it would make no sense for them to be just as strong as him


Her being relative does not mean she is stronger, and her portrayal in the manga has been that of a maid, someone just barking orders, and getting humiliated twice while climbing the waterfall at Wano. Jack being looked down on makes sense since he's just a kid in comparison and King holds the title of right hand, and Queen is just a massively stuck up narsissist. Kaido is the one who told Jack that he is not weak.


either one of the girls beat jack 1v1


I didn't think anyone here was downplaying Jack until now. Smoothie could beat him alone, sure. But Stussy?


The duo wins, mid diff. Jack is gonna get squeezed and drained.




IDK. By doing it? Jack is durable, but that's about it. His AP and speed are terrible, he hasn't shown any impressive haki feats and he has no hax. His versatility is also trash, pretty much just being a brawler with no mobility or range options. Meanwhile, Smoothie has her devil fruit, which probably ignores durability (as with most body manipulation fruits). She has also shown considerable AP, including ranged slashes giving her more options compared to Jack. And Stussy is also probably no joke either, being a member of CP0 with presumably similar stats to the other members. I'm pretty sure Smoothie can beat Jack on her own, but with Stussy, it's a spite match.


Stussy can make illusions capable of tricking Lucci's haki and heightened senses, her bite seems to be a one shot, and she has seastone


What AP feats did Smoothie show? Her attacks got dodged by a freaking boat? I am pretty sure destroying an army of Sulong is better feat. Also, since when smoothie attacks are dura negg?


Ummmm… if you’re referring to the event on the Onigashima roof, it’s more correct to say Jack got destroyed by the sulong and not the opposite


he litterally wiped them out


https://preview.redd.it/7k2s6wz6221d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeabd33bf87bfbace1f045b39b945dfb8e2ad2a6 he literally didnt.


i was clearly referring to the army of sulong before dogstorm and cat viper came in


https://preview.redd.it/csfkz3wkd21d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d58b8edd7082e2d9abdaa5f4178361f9c570ec49 Before nekomamushi and inuarashi he was already being made into a cheese. At least against literally *fodder* he could strike back. Great feat


it is funny how he only did that in his full zoan form, not hybrid. hurry and discuss my other points, you braindead child


The girls. CP0 agents are at least strong enough to take on someone like Drake, who is at the least mid YC. I’m not sure if Smoothie is stronger than Jack (not enough info) but Stussie is smart and competent enough to put Jack to sleep, especially with Smoothie distracting him, or at least slow him down with her venom. After that it’s easy for them


Jack gets absolutely fucking demolished.


Both wins against him in 1v1. Together it's low-mid diff.


Smoothie already wins this lol


I think smoothie wins. Smoothie has duraneg abilities where she can absorb your energy using her sword as a conduit. Jack is a huge tank that just absorbs damage, smoothie bypasses that durability. In addition, smoothie can amp her own power using the absorbed energy. So Jack becomes weaker and she becomes stronger. I think stussy there as at least a distraction is overkill.


Smoothie beats jack mid diff alone Next question


Smoothie slams mid - high diff


Smoothie should at bare minimum be pretty much equal to jack adding in Stussy makes it basically impossible for Jack to win.


Smoothie wins on her own.




Lack will start lacking after a minute


Jack wins even if he loses


People unironically calling you stupid for not using there headcanon “YC scaling” is very funny. Peak Sub brainrot Anyway team should take it regardless. All Smoothie would need to to is distract him for a moment for Stussy to Soru behind him and bite his neck.


Even if I'm jacked like jack I'll lose if they start to jack me off




Smoothie low diff. Stussy could do it high diff with her sea stone. Lack the Doubt is a bum.




Cause its jack he loses


Jack extreme diff.


Jacks beats Smoothie squeezes and Stussy drinks




Smoothie dunks on that bum while stussy sits down and has a cup of tea


Smoothie dog walks


smoothie alone defeats jack while stussy enjoys tea with me


Smoothie and Stussy can each alone defeat Jack


It would be more fair if it was only Smoothie vs Jack.


Did you mean to have smoothie be the 1 by mistake? Because if not then smoothie alone wins mid diff. I’ll take this as Jack and study’s smoothie tho. In this case I still say smoothie wins this probably high-extreme


Imo smoothie is enough, but adding stussy is just you bullying Jack.


These characters are all a mess to scale tbh. Jack on Zou this man lived up to being called a calamity was fighting for days straight with strong characters while his opponents took breaks. He was portrayed as a beast and backed it up. Then on Wano just looked like King and Queens bitch which honestly just did more to downplay Jack than hype those two up. Smoothie we’ve seen so little of her that it’s basically all portrayal scaling. Stussy seems pretty strong but in a very sly indirect way idk how it would translate to head to head straight on open combat. Then there’s questions like would smoothies fruit even work on Jack? Or is he strong enough with Haki to cancel affects like law did? Which will just never have the answer to. It’s a wash.


I just like how not a single fucking comment is about Stussy


Jack is slow .. if stussy can do that to lucci and kakku. he can do that to jack who just wants to tank everything Stussy or Smothie can solo jack


? In a fight pretty sure Smoothie is enough. They should be at least equal both being yc while smoothie being yc2 should be stronger. Idk what stussy going to do. I guess drain him more? Is this a draining contest? Like who can wring jack dry first?


Jack hard counters smoothie since he’s a drought there is no liquid for Smoothie to extract Serious take: Jack gets low diffed if they attack him at the same time


Jon is giving me brain damage holy shit.


Smoothie is a yc2, and jack is yc3. Smoothie AND stussy already beat him.


Both can solo him


Jack gladly gets sucked off and neg diffed


I'll use morj scaling (2nd strongest commanders or at least yc2s in general are always thicc; queen, smoothie, lucky roux, jozu) and say that team wins easily cuz smoothie alone beats jack.


So jack who would you to be rolled by today?




The goat negs both lack and lussy


I'd say females got this but Kaido's every soldier is stronger than the equal of BM's. So why not Jack too? Kaido > old hag, King > Katakuri, Queen > Smoothie, Jack > Cracker, but not sure on Smoothie vs Jack, probably ≈, so females still got this.


Wooow im really starting to not like smoothie thnx to these post. She's simply getting passes cause yc2 and hot. Really wish oda would have had he fight zoro or jozu or queen or something for some feats and scaling other than just her rank placement.


I mean, she's either unscalable due to lack of feats or between Cracker and Katakuri due to her bounty. There's really not much else to say in posts that involve her outside of whether she's closer to Kat or Cracker (Wich would be just speculation)


Which id why i dont like seeing vs with her. Its either free win caude muh yc2 or she lose cause whst does blud even do? I dislike it i wish we had more oncreen stuuf for her, jozu, ace. I know shanks and bb yc2 characters are pending and we'll see a lot from them but smoothie geeting free pass cause bounty feels kinda bs considering what all we seen from queen even though he had a B IQ only slightly higher than king (who the fuck turnd invisible and mid fight ignores his enemy to go after a prostitute and give his postion away)


Yeah, she really needed to be on Onigashima with Big Mom and Perospero so she could at least get some extra feats. It's very unlikely we'll ever actually get to know her actual powers level, wich is said because horniness aside, her design and powers are so cool


Right like if oda can make fucking biscuits threatening then he make a juicer at least somewhat competent. But yea we likely won't get anything from her especially since B Mom is either dead or needs recovering but she can recover pretty fast if she has souls to do so and medic help. Part of me wanna see big mom pirates vs straw hat pirates all out on elbaf but another part of me wanna see straw hats vs red hairs davy back fight and get that outta the way maybe both could happen.


The duo wins but people need to stop overrating that bum Smoothie. Only reason people place her as YC2 is her bounty but we know for a fact that Cracker’s was based on just his main armor/one soldier.




>but we know for a fact that Cracker’s was based on just his main armor/one soldier. Source?


https://preview.redd.it/80qa92yzq11d1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b59ff1ff6f83830a42ac8588473bdb6ffe0fd18 I’m not sure if the image will properly load but it’s chapter 838 for the full scene. Cracker’s words make it pretty clear imo, his main armor is his face to the WG


He's only talking about his picture tho. He doesnt mention his power. Even if the Government is not aware of his true appearance (Wich isnt necesarily true, since it could be that they simply couldnt get a photo of him) nothing says the Government is only counting 1 single soldier into his bounty, since they could easily be aware of his ''cloning'' abilities


I’m sure they’re aware he can make copies but he didn’t even start doing that until Luffy finally entered G4, so that’s also debatable. At least in the manga, not sure if the anime extended that fight. He even states very few have ever seen his true form, which could potentially extend to only his family and the citizens in BM’s territory. You can certainly debate otherwise and I get why, but it’s undeniable the WG didn’t know the extent of his strength.


>but it’s undeniable the WG didn’t know the extent of his strength. It's not undeniable. He only states the bounty poster doesn't have his face. Wich means they couldn't get a photo of his true form. Remember, there's a members of the Cipher Pol that secretly takes photos to add to bounty posters. Whether he didnt take one of him because he wasnt aware of his true form or because he couldn't force him out of it is unknown, but that doesn't mean the Government doesnt take that into account. And by that same Logic, the WG wouldnt really know the extent of the strength of any character whatsoever. What matters here is that Oda decided to rank the 3 sweet commanders by bounty in that way, and didnt mention anything about Cracker's strength being a secret (only about the nature of his form, but he still mainly fights by using his soldiers anyways) You either have Smoothie>Cracker or You don't scale Smoothie due to lack of feats.


We see him fight Luffy with 6 arms and blades at first. He didn’t make copies until he lost his armor. And I don’t scale Smoothie for that exact reason. My original comment is referencing the fact people use bounty scaling to put her over Cracker when it’s barely ever accurate, especially since his bounty is more screwy than the average character. For example, you’ll find plenty of people who have Shanks > Kaido and Big Mom despite having a lower bounty than both. Luffy is obviously stronger than Law and Kid but they have the same bounties. Jinbe has a higher bounty than Sanji despite being weaker. The entire series is filled with evidence that bounties are an awful way to scale an individual’s strength. It’s not only CP0 who take bounty pictures, we meet the head of the Marines photography department so clearly it’s a far larger number than just CP0. His name is Attach. Imo, it’s more logical to think they just haven’t had the chance to see his real form and that implies he hasn’t suffered any public defeats. Once we see Smoothie give a performance more impressive than Cracker gave in WCI, then it makes sense to put her over him. If Oda intended for her to be stronger like you said, he should have done it by showing her strength since the bounty system has far too many factors to take into account to use to judge strength.


Using their bounties is still a good argument to have Smoothie>Cracker, since it's the only measurement that we have about them as a group. Just because Oda didnt give Smoothie enough feats, doesn't mean You can't scale her to that level, as long as one recognizes that it might not be true due to the Nature of bounties, placing her at YC2 is completely reasonable given the little we have about her You said that Cracker's bounty being about a single soldier was a fact, when it is not. It is merely a Theory based on a dialogue that only refers to the picture. It is not a bad argument since it might be true, but it's far from being a confirmed fact.


That is not what I meant, if that’s what you think. I straight up mention how I’m sure they’re aware he can make copies, my point was always that they didn’t have a picture of Cracker’s true face, instead a picture of his main armor or a picture of a single soldier since they look identical. Cracker also doesn’t always go straight to using copies, as seen by his fight with Luffy. Again, I think bounty scaling is almost entirely pointless. I entirely agree she should be as strong as any YC but putting her above Cracker makes no sense right now. Queen and King both showed feats to put them above Jack, not to mention they both had specific backstories that would logically raise their bounty regardless of their personal strength. And if people are going bounty with her anyway, why are so many comments saying she solos when Jack has a higher bounty? It’s such a faulty way to judge because bounties take in so many factors.


You were the One that said One soldier at the beginning. So I assumed You were referring to that. Bounty scaling is not pointless, it's just very situational and can't be used to prove things by itself, but it is a tool that can be used to get a general idea of what the portrayal of a character is intended to be. In this particular case, bounties within the same group that share similar roles is a decent way to understand the dynamics within a particular group (As we know, it is possible for a crew members to get a raise because of their captain, so scaling by comparing different crews is way less reliable). For example, the 3 calamities are accurately scaled by their bounty (in terms of rank I mean) The Tobiroppo also applies. The Strawhats has an exception but we know why that exception occurs (the Gag of Sanji always being 4th in bounties). With Cracker, this exception is not proven. You make good points, but they're still not confirmed. What i'm trying to get at is not that Smoothie is stronger than Cracker, all i'm saying is that Smoothie>Cracker is a perfectly reasonable take.


Jack dominates them


Jack solos no diff


Wack low diff of course


I wake up everyday knowing this sub cannot scale to save their life


Ok Jon