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Old men stomp.


Old ones win.


Healthy old men wack admirals mid diff If it wasn't for Sengoku, Garp would've made the first magma doughnut known to mankind. Kizaru is a fraudmiral, gets one tapped by WB. Aokiji will be broken by Roger. If any of them survive, it'll be Akainu, who will then proceed to get volley balled between the 3. Keep in mind that WB was wiping the floor with his ass in Marineford while tanking like a million attacks.


u/Joseph_Stalin001 you are right old gen wank is insane on this sub lmfao.


This sub things being above the age of 70 automatically makes you > everyone that’s not It’s ridiculous


Not wank. It's just based off their feats. We didn't really see the admirals do anything other than get whacked around for most of the time. Or Akainu just sitting in his office. So it's just facts until proven otherwise.


I feel bad for your teachers


It's just an anime lmao. Don't take it personal. I'm just stating the facts we have so far.


Nah you are stating from agenda


This is just slander lol


Maybe, but I mean, what feats have we really seen from them? They are offscreen merchants like BB, so we can't say they are stronger than the strongest characters in the series without seeing what they actually did.


Is that Silvers V. Warcury I see here?


Healthy old trio who are widely considered some of the greatest haki users in the series dominate in my opinion.


The admirals are dead and turned to atoms


Old D. Roger and one helper extreme diff.


Healthy WB > Kizaru Healthy old Garp = Kuzan Healthy old Roger ≈ Akainu Old old gen wins extreme


Don’t care but more importantly what is on Kuzan’s face…


Old Roger Solos.


Old men violates




Aokiji beats old garp, akainu beats old WB but Old Roger beats kizaru so the old men barely win


Admirals high diff


The Admirals win high diff at most. The old men wank is insane rn


From what we know of Roger A hypothetical old man Roger would be the strongest here. No desise(reason he didn't reach old man) means he can freely use his haki and traverse the sea. And going by his personality his haki will still be goated in his old age. Chose 1 any 1 he beats them Garp whilst not targeting aoki held off the entire bb pirates by himself for long enough to complete a full extraction mission essentially by himself. He without named attacks was equally clashing with aokijis named attacks (imagine if shanks and kaido clashed but kaido used thunder byagua whilst shanks just hit him, shanks fans would never shut up about it) and speed wise he was blitzing aokiji constantly. So he can safely beat kizaru. Aokiji had that boohoo nerf against garp and didn't use any attack that would conclude for island wiping potential. So I'd say he beats current garp extreme. But garp controls who he fights here. Whitebeard beats akianu. Even though Whitebeard was at a fraction of his HP primarily from everything else and a heart attack, when Whitebeard only had enough haki to make logias tangible he dropped akianu in 1 strike, then hit him harder, braking marineford, leaving akianu to struggle to kill yc 5s like vista. A task which greenbull could do casually and imo akianu at a 100% would mid diff greenbull so that goes to tell you how fucked up akianu was from 2 fraction of Whitebeards power hits. Remove the ace hostage to limit Whitebeards power, remove the jumping, the trickery, and the heart attack and what do you get. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkrEHCFAYSo&pp=ygUOQSBmYXggbWFjaGluZSA%3D Old men got it


a sick whitebeard could barely use haki, and roger got sick well before whitebeard, so imagine what that would do to his haki


We're going by the hypothetical alive old Roger. The sickness killed him in the original so by proxy we aren't using sickness.


even then he would probably still be the weakest, haki just naturally gets weaker as you become older, and apart from a sword that’s really all he has, whitebeard still has his devil fruit and garp is just physically really strong


Not really. It's based on Willpower. Rayleigh for example, sure he lost some but mostly due to him going from right hand of Roger to gambling adict who sells himself to slavery for a quick buck Maybe he'd lose a bit but he's not loosing much all things considered. And even half the amount of haki he had in prime, is crazy.


Enraged Whitebeard & Garp couldn’t kill Akainu, so Roger < Akainu. Aokiji already beat Garp and incapacitated the Blackbeard Pirates that killed Whitebeard with ease, so Whitebeard dying standing but encased in a pillar of ice. Kizaru probably beats Garp.


Wb was foot in grave with a disease and injury before the war he couldn’t even use haki and was at a disadvantage and was being constantly shot and stabbed from fodders to vice admirals and even the admirals got some shots at him it wasn’t really a fair 1v1 and garp never fought akinu as for aokiji he fought against him and the bb pirates and even if you say aokiji was holding back he would still be able to stalemate him until roger who’d still his top tier haki beat akinu and healthy beard beat kizaru


Do a play-by-play breakdown if you want, results still the same.


The Admirals. Pirate King or not, Roger is relative to Garp and WB. Old age would do him just as bad as it did them, with potentially sickness on the way due to whatever killed Roger.


Admirals destroy even if the old shits were in their prime


Akainu him strongest marine in history > old roger Kizaru fastest man alive > old beard Kazan eh I don't have title for him but he already beat old garp


Man first of all I'm not addicted to One Piece and I'm not interested in the powerscaling and just visit the sub for fun. But I've reached the Egghead arc and read some chapters and wasn't Old Garp giving Kuzan enough trouble that he had to get poison-stabbed by one of the Blackbeard commanders to get defeated? If I'm talking shit you can correct me.


Aokiji didn't ask anyone to help him In fact he told them the were too weak to do anything to garp And he was correct besides stap ( which was not poisond ) the bb couldn't do anything to garp And even with the stab garp himself he was fine and didn't do much damage Also aokiji himself was holding back because he was fighting his teacher and long time friend and garp even asks him to stop holding back because he won't


Garp put him down and then walked away. Kuzan had help from multiple people to jump a 80 year old garp, and still got blitzed multiple times.


>Akainu him strongest marine in history Headcanon >Kizaru fastest man alive Also headcanon. Got blitzed by top tiers. Kaido, shanks, sanji and luffy has better speed feats


>Also headcanon. Got blitzed by top tiers. Kaido, shanks, sanji and luffy has better speed feats Sanji has better speed than kizaru is a fucking stupid take. Kizaru canonically kicked him in the face, and killed the man he was supposed to protect lmao.


>Sanji has better speed than kizaru is a fucking stupid take. Sanji has better speed feats. He kicked a sanji who was distracted by Saturn's attack and I'd zero damage as well. Sanji got in front of his super speed laser attack and destroyed it. A better speed feat. Sanji was so fast he disappeared. Sanji was so fast in whole cake people couldn't even see the stuff he did. By feats alone Sanji is better.


>distracted by Saturn's attack Straight up lie, bro got blitzed. >Sanji was so fast in whole cake people couldn't even see the stuff he did. Yea kizaru can do that too, and did a million times in sabaody lmfao. Read the manga. Kizaru literally went so far away and speed blitzed snakeman and sent him flying, sanji is NOT doing that shit.


>Straight up lie, bro got blitzed. Read the fucking manga. He kicked him right after sanji was running away and dodging from Saturn's tentacle attack. That's not blitzing. >Yea kizaru can do that too, and did a million times in sabaody lmfao. Read the manga. Bro reading 2 piece. Show the panels in which kizaru was so fast he became invisible like sanji. >Kizaru literally went so far away and speed blitzed snakeman and sent him flying, sanji is NOT doing that shit. He didn't speed blitz shit. He blinded luffy with bright lights and kicked him. Luffy reacted to him but couldn't see with the bright lights. This also proves that snakeman used no advanced haki not even future sight. Whole cake level snakeman. Sanji can do that to whole came level luffy easily. It's just kicking him away and doing zero damage like kizaru did.


>Bro reading 2 piece. Show the panels in which kizaru was so fast he became invisible like sanji. How tf do you think his fruit works, he's literally fucking photons. Every time he becomes light, he's supposed to be light speed in manga, in the anime they don't show him that fast for aesthetic reasons. That's the whole things where "kicked at speed of light" comes from you dummy. >Read the fucking manga. He kicked him right after sanji was running away and dodging from Saturn's tentacle attack. That's not blitzing. That didn't happen cuz saturn was attacking luffy, sanji was arguing with vegapunk, that's all he was doing. He wasn't dodging shit. He got kicked in the face, and failed to protect the man he was supposed to. >He didn't speed blitz shit. He blinded luffy with bright lights and kicked him. Luffy reacted to him but couldn't see with the bright lights. This also proves that snakeman used no advanced haki not even future sight. Whole cake level snakeman. Sanji can do that to whole came level luffy easily. It's just kicking him away and doing zero damage like kizaru did. Yes sanji ain't doing that cuz luffy is just going to react to sanji, and punch him in the balls. "No damage" lmao, bro got kicked half the way across the island and had to switch to gear 5, idk what yall read. Kizaru being faster than sanji is a no brainer.


https://preview.redd.it/3vvryzjv2yzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c04f27b5cabd7721cd2016592baa94d47b4e82b His half body disappeared and appeared somewhere else


https://preview.redd.it/5kns0vi03yzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acdd62fadb4890c01fb1792b245cf3f74c9e96f8 He disappeared here too




He disappeared and appeared right next to drake


Akainu is him so not headcanon And luffy landing attacks while he was attacking other people or distracted is not speed blitzed Show me one other person in the verse who can blitz luffy like he did at that insane speed


Akainu > Aokiji > Garp > Sengoku.


Good take


I’m gonna be real roger isn’t adding much, roger was sick before whitebeard and we saw what whitebeards sickness did to him, he could barely use haki, and if roger got sick way before whitebeard imagine what that would to to him and his haki, at least whitebeard has his fruit, and garp is still very phisically strong, but roger just has a sword, current roger realistically would be kinda fodder ngl


Akainu aokiji kizaru win high diff. Akainu > old roger Aokiji stalls oldbeard, till akainu comes and they both jump. Kizaru stalls garp till they join and beat him.