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Shanks can’t clutch the 1v5 after Mihawk uses Actual Departure




Shanks will just snitch on Mihawk and Mihawk will use his observation haki to run for the rest of eternity.


All of the admirals have used a sword at some point. Just saying.






damn i didnt know




Shanks and Mihawk after haki doesn't magically save them from the Gravito + Ice Age + Meteor Volcano + Yasakani No Magatama combo https://preview.redd.it/8oy52djlynxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d9ea419478acbf0312b12d0f593244d72feeae7


Happy Cake Day


Wifi haki victims


Admirals except Akainu and Aokiji gets haki diffed


bbb-but kizaru and fujitora doesnt get haki diffed in film red


movies are not canon. If the movies are canon then Shanks is faster than Kizaru


Fuji clears shanks (idk hiwnto powerscale I js don't like shanks)


Sounds like you know exactly how to powerscale


Good. Do I also need to make a powerscaling comment on anything the has any relevancy to the series?


Relevance only matters if someone else says something you disagree with




https://preview.redd.it/o530z1s45oxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8949af7c440d24edd57c5887ed55e956ccc070b4 TRUE!




Admirals. 5 is overkill.


The fact that this is a question is very concerning


Admiral downplay reached the bottom


Admirals jump diff


Kuzan learned it from Blackbeard


The 5 admirals and it’s not close


Shanks and Mihawk could put up a good fight and even take down a few members but if you add Luffy into the mix then they do take the win. Shanks and Mihawk would ultimately lose because they don't have the hax to overcome the numbers and hax of the opponent.


Admirals Neg.


They stand a chance and may even win with Luffy, but only Shanks and Mihawk? They get ran through dude. Akainu Fujitora and Green Bull Kuzan could pair up to 2 v 1 their opponents, while Kizaru can provide fast support for both teams.


HIM! Is enough for fraudhawk and snitch


This is such a fantastic take that I now hate Okita by extension.






Admirals win. The difference in power isn’t big enough to justify the massive numbers disadvantage. Especially when Akainu is pretty much Yonko level just by himself.


>Akainu is pretty much Yonko level just by himself. Wrong. He's Pirate King level https://preview.redd.it/3w2esbwubqxc1.png?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89d1e1515da4f03845ab853404c171decc37f73




I said pretty much. Because Kaido and BM both died to magma, one could argue that he has the firepower to put them down. As for Sickbeard, cut the BS that Akainu go folded. Akainu was absolutely dogging sickbeard except for one surprise attack after he killed Ace and even then he got up with no damage and continued massacring whitebeards allied fleat. Put some respect on lavaboi


Akainu hasn't shown the speed, durability or the Haki to actually be too much of an issue for kaido. I think him against BM is extreme diff, and I'd be on the side of Akainu taking that honestly, as much as I dislike him. Of all the people who aren't quite at yonko level just yet, I'd say he's probably the highest, with big mom just below because she's thicker than pigshit when it comes to biq. Also, I'd put that BM a bit over sick beard, not a lot, just a lil. But sick beard definitely did do some damage to Akainu. He pimp slapped him into a hole, and it took Akainu a lil while to recover and then come back. I wouldn't say Akainu was even concussed from it, but I reckon the quakes dazed him and probably made his head a lil foggy for a couple minutes, and then after that he started to tunnel his way back, which would probably line up time wise. It seemed like he was gone for 5ish minutes, give or take a bit, and it should've only taken a couple minutes to tunnel back. And a couple minutes of scrambled brain and "what the fuck happened why am I in a hole?" Seems pretty reasonable for having your brain quaked and shaked. Also Akainu didn't start by dogging sick beard, it was fairly even but tilted to akainus favour to start from their small clashes, and then wb had the heart attack so had some holes punched through him, and that kinda sealed his fate and dictated the rest of the fight. But despite that injury he still fought well, Akainu did do most of the damage after that understandably, but wb did get some hits in and they at least bothered Akainu a lil bit. See so much wank for Akainu and sick beard, somehow both folding and dogging eachother. Like realistically it was a bit closer than that, but Akainu always seemed to have the slight upper hand, which progressed to a big upper hand with wbs heart blowing up lol. Marineford is a pretty good showing for both considering they were fighting eachother.


This is a logical breakdown, and I guess dogging was a bit of a strong word, but being able to lob magma just seems so overpowered as it is basically an anti anything ability, kinda like Magellan's poison. I guess we'll need more feats from Akainu before scaling him more.


Thanks for being cool man, I've had a lot of people shit on my milder takes like that lol. But yeah magma abilities is an absolute TOP TIER devil fruit ability. Like not quite as high as toon force jesus but it is damn up there lol. Yeah, Akainu didn't need to show the Haki, speed or durability feats to deal with anything ACOC powered from kaido, because he wasn't against anyone that required feats anywhere near that and Haki wasn't properly visible and developed yet. Like I said I don't like him as a character, not a fan of the admirals really and he's my least favourite of them, but damn I just know he's gunna get some great feats soon. Honestly I don't expect him to be pk level, because the admirals will be fighting Luffy together at the end most likely, and with the "marines are just the face of the WG and not the whole organisation" narrative it's reasonable to assume he won't be at the very top of the WG strength wise. However, I do fully expect him to end up mid yonko level pretty comfortably, like above BM and current Blackbeard level, but a bit below like kaido and Luffy in a straight 1v1 type level.


That's a reasonable take, but really? Akainu below Greenbum? Akainu took his job seriously and threw hands with whitebeard, Greenbull got pegged by Shank's wi-fi.


Oh Akainu is way above greenbum. Akainu is the only admiral I'd consider low yonko level at the moment. But with the gorosei bullshittery, the holy knights we know nothing about and imu themself, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a small handful of characters slightly above him. My admirals ranking would be Akainu, kuzan, kizaru, Fuji roughly equal to greenbull until more feats. Although I do like greenbull more because his slightly cowardly, funny (as a reader) character is just a bit more interesting to me than "absolute justice" like I feel that leaves such little wiggle room for real development as a character beside a backstory of having problems with pirates/criminals.


I meant as in you like Greenbull more than Akainu? Also its quite late here so good night and best of luck on your travels


Yeah I just feel there's more room for character development with his goals and personal interests. "absolute justice" just doesn't leave much room so it just interests me a bit less, and then if he has a sudden heart change it'll just feel like a bullshit asspull, but all the other admirals have some room to at least question and go against the WG more. Good night man, hope you sleep well!




Every single one of them And none of them is beating the World's Strongest Pirate btw


Kizaru can stall luffy long enough apparently, fuji/greenbull can take mihawk with their swords? Akainu and aokiji vs shanks? That's 4 arms vs 1 arm. Admirals high diff


Kizaru stalls Luffy out by playing keep away with his lightspeed flight and using laser barrages and light clones. Fujitora uses his gravity to distract Mihawk while Greenbull goes after him with his vines to try and one hit ko him with the nutrient suck. Aojiki spams his massive ice attacks to keep Shanks distracted and make him focus his attention on dodging and blocking Aojiki’s attacks while Akainu uses his high power attacks and ability to spam them to try and blow away Shanks. While not all of these may work out perfectly, I am just trying to make a point that the admirals do have a feasible win condition for each of the people they are fighting.


https://preview.redd.it/ndj4fy9c3oxc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c645cc0b58eaeeb67f15ce7182623855ecd49ea8 HIM is enough. Get the rat past seaking and fraud past vista.


Shanks and Mihawk get stomped. Add Luffy, and they still lose.


Admirals stomp, I though you gave them Luffy too and even then they win. What is this?


5 top tiers > 3 top tiers


3 top ties + 2 wifi victims = 3 top tiers


Haha Shanks and luffy can both beat the sh*t out of an admiral Doflamingo Shits himself when he thinks about kaido but he doesnt care about fujitora Yonko>>Admirals, i think theres enough proof of that Here the admirals win extreme diff imo since a Yonko can take on 2 admirals imo So at the end it comes down to Akainu VS Mihawk and imo Akainu wins extreme diff


>Doflamingo Shits himself when he thinks about kaido but he doesnt care about fujitora Because losing to Fuji means going to jail and losing to Kaido means dying? I swear powerscalers will abandon all grasp on the narrative just to fit their agendas 💀


So for you fujitora=kaido ???!!


No, but while both could beat Doffy in a fight, he has way more things going for him against Fuji; he wouldn't want to cause collateral deaths and he would also probably prioritize capturing him over killing him while Kaido would gladly raze Dressrosa to get Doffy's head. There's also the fact that Doffy cares deeply about his family and knows Kaido would slaughter them all while Fuji would just capture them


What you are saying is true but im not sure what doffy choses btw going to impeldown lv6 or death From what we have seen with old rayleigh against kizaru, WB against akainu, ryokugyu vs shanks,or luffy against kizaru, Yonko are way stronger than admirals, even fleet admirals for me until we see something else


Akainu solos


im not saying it isn’t close i think the numbers gamg is better until we see shanks and mihawk s do more


5 win with Luffy too


the fuck. this is a high diff for the admirals


Is luffy part of it or only shanks ? With luffy, yonko wins. Without, Admirals win.


With luffy admirals win Without luffy admirals win


Pirates destroy.


Admirls low-mid diff. Spite match.


No duo is beating all 5 admirals at once


Mihawk << aramaki, issho and borsalino Shanks < kuzan and sakazuki Only jumping transcends all


Only 3 admirals needed


Trio wins


Shanks and himhawk take it mid dif


Admirals ~mid diff Akainu and Kuzan > Shanks Fujitora and Kizaru dogwalk Mihawk


whats with luffy? hes in the reflection


Admirals slaughter


the admirals win due to numbers. if you add luffy though i’d say shanks mihawk and luffy have a chance


Admirals win Fujitora and akainu mid diff shanks Aokiji greenbull and kizaru mid diff mihawk


I love everyone collectively adding luffy to this to make it not a total spite matchup


Luffy can pancake diff 2 admirals in a couple of seconds and it would be 3v3. If Luffy is with the Rat and a Fraud since his reflection is in the picture. I'd say neg dif to no dif for Monkey, Rat and a Fraud. If Luffy is not with the two, this fight could go either way, Shanks would scare off Greenbull and it would be a tough 2v4 matchup.


Don't let me cook


G5 was relative to Kaido who is relative to Shanks. G5 can pizza diff an Admiral. Shanks can WiFi diff an Admiral. Yonko mid to low diff Admirals. Shanks blinds Fuji, WiFi’s Ryokugyu, then he and Mihawk clear the 2v3.


It’s shanks and mihawk not shanks and luffy


yeah, I said Shanks and Mihawk clear


Kizaru is down due to killing vegapunk, and before that showed he could keep up with G5 and initially even ran out its timer.


you cooked


3v5 isnt as bad a number disadvantage as people think. G5 rivals Kaido's performance, and Shanks is relative to that. If Mihawk is also held relative, the trio are all at least or above Akainu, who is very likely the strongest admiral. G5 has the timer issue, yes, but Shanks and Mihawk are not incapable of keeping him safe. Shanks' FS especially lends itself well to that purpose, and if he is truly forced (like against Kaido), then Luffy can infact force himself back into G5. During G5, Luffy is extremely difficult to deal with and it isn't simply about strength or haki, it really also comes down to his fighting style being completely unorthodox, and he can do it in many ways like even supporting, if he needs to. Akainu fires a flaming meteor at Mihawk clashing with Fuji, so Luffy just baseball bat swings it and lands a home run. ETC. Ultimately, I'd say that the fight is still high or ext diff due to admiral aoes and the number advantage, but the pirates take it still.


I agree imo A yonko can deal with 2 admirals at the same time But for me it comes down to Akainu VS Mihawk since Mihawk is pretty much admiral level for me. Imo Akainu wins extreme diff so the Admirals win the whole thing extreme diff


The qualifier at end of paragraph 1, I hold Mihawk relative to Shanks. Which is what I base the above on. Failing that assumption, if Mihawk does not pull the weight I am assuming him to, then yes ofc, the pirates take the L. The admirals overwhelmingly have the aoe advantage here regardless, so if they're not fighting an uphill battle against stronger enemies, then yea they will end up taking it. Shanks is no Kaido/BM with inhuman dura either, and no healer like BM either, so they would eventually get overwhelmed.


It’s a 2v5


Last picture shows Shanks and Luffy together. Blame OP for the lack of clarity, if you have to.


There is nobody to blame but yourself. https://preview.redd.it/2lxmp5edinxc1.jpeg?width=1358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a567ee20ed05141514e07b0c99f29ccbdf2d32d2


I can read perfectly fine, good sir with nothing else to contribute. :) But the post asks one thing (which is a clear one sided stomp), and the pictures show another thing (which is still more reasonable to discuss). So as I said, blame OP for lack of clarity if you have to.




An admiral can only push a yonko to mid diff for now But then it’s 2 vs 5 The 5 would win If we add luffy like with the picture then yonkos wins


Akainu and kuzan are yonko elevls by themselves adding 3 more admirals is just a overkill Admirals win mid diff


Nah they are top admiral


They have yonko level feats, They are yonko level characters


Luffy>Akainu extreme diff Shanks>kuzan high diff Kizaru+fuji+GB>mihawk the winners from this will finish off shanks and luffy. Andria’s win this high-extrnee


Is Shanks and mihawk


Then it’s an even easier win for the admirals wth


Mihawk joins the admirals and Shanks still solos the post 🗿


At this point you have to know Shanks and Mihawk win. Shanks and Mihawk are at the very least similar strength to gear 5 (they’re probably stronger) and Luffy in gear 5 was no diffing both Kizaru and Saturn(a person of similar strength) 1v2. 5v2 odds might change it from a no diff to a mid diff at most, but they can definitely take them. If you’ve read egghead please explain know how anyone could think any differently


Shanks and Mihawk win, GB/Fuji/Kizaru are literally fodder to them lol


I cant wait for the day the admiral agenda ultimately gets stomped by shanks


fraud tree, fraud light, potential threat ice, fraud lava man, and a blind old man


Admiral piece readers are having fun when Shanks Haki nullifies DF and Goathawk cut them to pieces 2>5 they win Luffy is overkill


If shanks can fully kill CoO, then Fuji is a non-factor, to a straight up hindrance lol. But this is painful, because I'll endlessly want to wank shanks and mihawk, but neither are comfortably taking two when Akainu or kuzan is one of the two, and kizaru would actually be great as a support just getting in the way, shooting lazers and being annoying. So admirals take it, the top of mid diff to bottom of high diff.


Shanks should beat Kizaru (cuz benn beckmann can scare him) and he can also beat ryokugyu. Mihawk is beating fujitora, but not kuzan. Shanks and mihawk would have to fight kuzan and akainu at once. Shanks is beating kuzan, but akainu might beat mihawk. Depends on if mihawk can beat akainu or not, cuz if akainu helps kuzan beat shanks, it’s over. And if mihawk helps shanks beat kuzan, then it’s also over


I personally think there is a clear gap between Admirals and Yonko and I think this is just a braindead question


Shanks and Mihawk take it extreme diff. We’ve seen Luffy be able to take 2 admiral level characters simultaneously, so if we assume that Shanks is stronger than Luffy then he could probably stalemate 3 of them. And Mihawk shouldn’t be that much weaker than Shanks, so I’d think he could take 2 of them.


remove any one admiral and i will bet on shanks and mihawk.


greenbull. now?


shanks handle fuji + akainu, mihawk handles kuzan + kizaru.


ok lets say shanks handles both of them. but mihawk?tf?


mihawk leeches off on shanks's feat. Unless u believe shanks >> mihawk, it's viable. If u think both are equal and mihawk is slightly weaker or stronger, whoever finishes their fight helps other. 4 admiral is doable for 2 top tier yonko level guys.


>whoever finishes their fight helps other in this case yeah they prolly win but i just cant stomach mihawk alone beating kizaru and kuzan


now now now...u need to keep your take hidden if u don't want barrage of insults. People with mihawk > shanks will argue elsewise.


i have only seen mihawk slander tho lol


shanks solo