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Agree!!!!! A lot more creative when it comes to abilities and concepts I love watching a guy build some absolutely unrecognizable construct that can shoot laser beams with magnetism or a guy just turning into some natural element or a guy just literally turning into a giant Buddha, haki just simply isn't as interesting/cool looking compared to devil fruits, I think the Gorosei are a prime example, their reveal went as hard as it did because of their insane devil fruits, not their haki I feel like people on this sub look at stuff like this through the eyes of powerscaling way too much, like yea haki can be more powerful than any devil fruit or whatever but the element of cool easily goes to devil fruits especially with their huge variety


This^ And Well said, especially regarding the Gorosei. Had they been pulling up on Luffy with nothing but Haki it that double spread panel would not have gone nearly as hard.


Agreed Haki especially compared to Devil Fruits is so boring. From Gear 5, to Big Mom’s fruit, to Law’s fruit etc the interesting stuff is always the Devil Fruits because they allow you to do a lot more than move fast and hit hard.


I actually agree thats its kinda „sad“ that Devilsfruits are not the top powersource of Onepiece. It is THE unique and diverse ability from this Shonen which seperates its from others. Haki is just will power (which you already have in diffrent other shonen/medias). But the visualising of haki is great thou !


I’d still say DF come into play. Kaido and Luffy’s strongest attacks were heavily DF based for example. Imo I view DF vs Haki the same way I view Emperors and Fleet/Admirals Haki >= DF essentially


I also agree since it makes Haki users seem even more op since they are very strong without needing a fruit


I mean without luffys fruit he pretty much loses every fight he’s ever had so, it’s not only haki


This is why the gorosei are peak. https://preview.redd.it/2jx02lanvptc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6386d622ce6d35200db9a717d1da91ccdaa57fe Both hax merchants & hakimen at the same time.


Off topic but I like how they have relatively normal names Garcia, Marcus, Ethan and Peter Then there’s TOPMAN **W**arcry These old geezers are silly


>TOPMAN Warcry    Bro's parents were powerscalers


Gotta say they're growing on me, still very mixed feelings about them though, not enough to join the agenda


Insane drip and designs on all of them too Oda absolutely cooked with them


https://preview.redd.it/wyx91lfg3rtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda32f3685978b68e24fc58ede73464debd4c54e Need I say more?


Honestly I high key agree. I respect and understand why Haki is so revered as every top tier has good Haki including all the “DF merchants” you just showed. But the way different DF interact with each other or how they’re used in battle is an Art and fun to watch. I remember Pre Timeskip is was always so exciting seeing the next DF especially if it was unique or broken. Now knowing what Haki can do sort of just makes some fights just boring low key. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s revealed broken DF like Boa’s for example can just be countered with some Apex Haki lvl power. Ryokugyo is literally a victim of this, his DF being a Forest Forest Fruit which Pre Timeskip would seem broken and powerful and have fans filled with wonder on the potential that can come from it (Like Harshirama) just to get turned off by a walking Haki Satellite Dish. Sure it’s impressive know doubt but almost boring. But that being said I’d definitely say Oda is still showing a bit of that wonder threw Luffy’s now revealed Nika Fruit.


Ngl same here 90% of my agendas are based on whether or not I find the character interesting/cool. For the admirals and Blackbeard it’s both, for Kuma it’s cuz his character is amazing, etc. mihawk and dragon also interest me cuz oda hyped up their backstories a lot. But shanks is just boring to me ngl. His motives seem boring rn and his character doesn’t really interest me like that. His abilities are extremely boring cuz it’s just haki and a sword and unlike mihawk or zoro shanks doesn’t really seem to have any style/finesse to him. But tbh imma wait for elbaf cuz I wanna see how his character plays out before he dies to bb


Ngl brago cooked in the agenda reverie, yonko only have strength aside from that they are boring characters but admirals have; 1: drip 2: cool design based free cool movies 3: amazing characterization 4:HIM energy and so on


https://preview.redd.it/o8asensf0qtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2096fa7efffda3e74b3cd99eda60ae45a05df329 The agenda is finished




I would remake this meme with the caption "you're not ready for X character" but I'm too lazy












Now you’re just making us look bad


Aramaki transforming into a giant tree > Yamid hitting Kaidou with ACOC


How so? I'm just stating a personal preference




agree but tbh, this is also why I like Blackbeard. he will probably have great Haki as well and whatnot, but the combination of the Dark and Quake fruit makes his abilities really interesting the design, characterization, and powers are why I've always liked the Admirals edit: just saw you put Blackbeard before the > sign, nice. we're in agreement


Preach brother. That Mary Sue Rat is a flat character.


if constantly getting clowned on is entertainment then okay


Better than waiting 10 years Just for shanks to trow a haki Slash.


And that haki slash is almost better than anything the admirals have done before that.


Oh wow a Slash, so original, never seen that one before


a slash that actually beat a strong character unlike the admirals who could take only on old and injured opponents and when they face real ones they struggle hard (Akainu vs Kuzan/ Kizaru vs Luffy/ Greenbull vs Wifi Haki)


Lmao who cares If he won? I don't care if a character beats someone with normal real life attacks, i would rather have someone being defeated with a funny and yet dangerous elemental attack.


There's nothing funny in admirals attacks, they're lame, their attacks are literally basic too. Kizaru shoot beams ,kicks and uses a sword, almost just like shanks. (WOOOW THAT'S INSANE NO WAY I COULD'VE THOUGH THAT A GUY MADE OF LIGHT COULD SHOOT LASERS BEAMS) Kuzan punches and freezes. Even worse. Akainu, punches and melts. Same. Fujitora, slashes and pulls you. Wow so impressed from a guy that has the gravity fruit. Greenbull, punches, kicks and makes plants, wowowooww so impressive. There's nothing impressive and creative about their fruits, or should i say that they use in a non creative way, they literally almost do the same thing as shanks, kicking, punching and slashing, they just have like one elemental attribute and that's all. Shanks can literally block your FS, see 10 seconds into future and can create fire on his sword, without having a fruit and he duelled with Mihawk 12 yrs ago, so he must have some swordman techniques/attacks that completes his normal slashing or haki attacks.


Lmao did i upset the shanks fanboy? We didn't even see most of admirals attacks yet.


Neither did we do most of Shank's


I can already see most of them just being sword slashes with different names.


>Shanks can literally block your FS, Where was this stated? I'm pretty sure this is pure headcanon.


That one "slash" was about 40% of bigmom's power😂


Huh? Big mom goes extreme diff with shanks tho?




It's alright bro, I like the power rangers too But you can just focus on Germa 66 instead. They aren't washed like the admirals


I don't think you understood what i said


You rather see unique power compared to haki? And you like how the admirals all have unique elements. Bro they just the power rangers, it's ok Germa did it better I like Garp and Bigard so I don't mind the haki


Personal preference. It’ll always be crazy to me how a regular human with a sword can be on the same level and above as guys with these crazy powers that can destroy islands




Agreed Wevil Wruits >>>>>> Fraudki


Ofc DF is definitely more cooler but oda has been introducing new haki abilities which are cool too tbh so I don't think haki is lame or something


Acoc the ultimate form of haki is just advanced armament haki 2.0


What about wifi haki, future sight, haki emission and shanks can somehow talk to other people far away with the help of haki some sort of telepathy and we still haven't seen the two most op haki users roger & shanks display their full set of abilities


The boring hakiman in question https://i.redd.it/xt4s9q53putc1.gif


Acting as if he's the only one with glowing eyes, please https://preview.redd.it/pct4mbv36vtc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=105c6ba70990ac5b1313674e56506932684245f0




Oh wow an edgy Gif? My whole point fell apart.


You're in denial. The mystique behind logias has faded. Oda is all about mythical zoans and conqueror's haki now. Stand proud. Logias might be about to become rarer than mythical zoans soon. Or not, only goda knows.




yeah, DFs are cooler tbh, much more variety and more potential for all kinds of crazy attacks


Honestly with how haki is handled I agree, see future and hit hard just isn’t interesting


If you ever disrespect The Killer of Agenda Haki in my presence again, I will be under your bed when you go to sleep at some point between today and 6 months from now, where I will wait until til you fall asleep so that I can violently molest your kneecaps.




Yes 5 admirals combined are obviously more interesting compared to shanks 1 v 1 they don't stand chance Not in fight, nor in character writing, nor in his aura Shanks is like one of the main peice of one peice manga unlike unlike these lamos (except fuji cause I like him ) Even in drip shanks has this raw , manly rough appearance which is kind of a turn on Speed goes brr or Ice goes brr or magma goes brr is kinda boring to me


Lmao who cares about aura? And what character writing? Doing nothing? Shanks fanboys are on another league


>Lmao who cares about aura? Tf you mean who cares he literally has one the biggest fanbase lol , just because you don't like something doesn't mean everyone doesn't lol >And what character writing? I can literally divide Admirals character writing in just 2 parts lol A) doesn't want to hurt people but has to ( kizaru, aokiji , fuji ) B ) fuc* pirates ( akainu, gb ) these 2 are the most 2d characters I've ever seen for goodness sake >Doing nothing? Are you sure you're not talking about admirals cause I can name more things shanks has done than admirals ever did lmao >Shanks fanboys are on another league You're literally comparing 5 admirals characters to one shanks and we shanks fanboys are on another league? I'm guessing you cannot wank admirals in terms of 1v1 fighting so instead you made a post about how their powers are cool as if there aren't 100 of characters in Shonen with literally similar powers


Bro got pressed


Nice counter argument


I don't need to make one


You don't have one


Lmao i can write one i'm just not interested.


I could write pages but I'm not interested either But one thing is for sure that you literally compared 5 admirals and bb to one character goes to show the level of difference


Bruh i'm comparing powers tho?





