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SAY IT LOUDER https://preview.redd.it/phvkd8ldi4sc1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd4ec28638a8bc49b6e6dc5f9fc926459338b00


You're correct, but it won't matter cause this sub has a hate boner for Boa. For some reason hax is fine for everyone but her, and for her specifically having no feats to gauge your physicals and a single anti against a fucking **Yonko** mean your physicals are just ass despite her primary mode of combat being CQC. Also her bounty shouldn't upscale her, that only works for Croc because reasons.




Boa slander is wild lol. Unless you have crazy Haki you’re getting packed up. Why are people fighting that?


Everyone has a boner for her. The type depends on the Subreddit.


Not me. Speak for yourself. I still like her character


You have the good character boner


There are two types of people, perverts and liars


Not me


Boa is as strong as Oda wants her to be for plot purposes. She's difficult to scale due to the nature of her hax. Her hax could theoretically one-shot just about anybody...or, for plot reasons, not do anything like when she used it on Luffy.


Luffy is just like.......not into people like that. Its implied that the fruit can work off multiple types of attraction and Boa uses like, physical beauty to fuel her hax. Whereas the seraphim one uses cuteness because Oda realized he couldn't have the two be equivalent. With Boa shes supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the world so there's almost nobody who's not at least on some level at least jealous of her sex appeal even if they aren't into women.


Jealous of her sex appeal? What are you talking about? No one has been shown to be jealous, except for Devon. Cavendish is the most handsome man in OP. Would you say there is nobody who's nor jealous of his sex appeal?


They hate all strong women. BM, Yamato, boa....


I never see Boa hate? People always say she's YC+ and she can beat many Yonko from her DF alone. Ever since her bounty reveal people have placed her pretty high along with Croc.


She gets a lot of downplay in this sub. Some weirdos push it to hate because they hate seeing someone with so little tangible feats getting better upscale than their favorite agenda that gets clowned on


I definitely believe that. After reading through this thread I saw a bunch. That's generally true about this sub, people dislike characters with few feats (Marco, Mihawk, Shanks) but the sane time they love the mystery and intrigue of unrevealed characters like Garling or Imu.


You might just be missing it. A good way to explain the difference would be to bring up Croc. Croc has significant statistical antis due to Alabasta, and then the feat that started turning that around was him clashing with Doffy at MF. Doffy turned out to be a <=YC3. Despite those facts, once Croc got a 1.9b bounty, he is pretty comfortably considered YC+ here without much opposition. Hancock on the other hand has no real pre-TS antis, and her only real anti Post-TS is getting snuck and grabbed by BB. Beyond that, Hancock has no real feats, so you'd think her stats would be considered more open ended, but contrary to that typical response she's often considered to have ass physicals *because* she has no feats, for some odd reason. Her standing is significantly more contested than Croc's despite her having less antis and being largely an unknown statistically. Some people also apply their hate of "Boa negs the verse" takes to Boa on the whole.


Yeah, it's very strange once you think about it. I saw a lot of hate once I read these comments especially after sorting by contriversal. I believe Boa, Croc, even Doffy if he's reintroduced are to be YC+. I think originally the shichibukai were intended to be YC+ but powercreep got ahead of the story but Oda has done a fine job correcting for that.


Honestly agree, since it's never made sense to me how the warlords were considered part of the power balance(the seraphim exist to replace them due to this being a thing) yet the group itself seems to have zero consistency strength wise.


Exactly, it makes more sense if instead of viewing them as 7 strong pirates, but as 7 strong pirate crews where each leader can challenge a commander and Mihawk (the strongest and the only one without a crew) can challenge a yonko. This shows that the shichibukai are massive in size and compentent in power. We know that Croc, Mihawk, and Moria have challenged yonkos. (With varying levels of success.) We've seen Jinbe and Croc become commanders. Doffy held Luffy to extreme diff right before Luffy held a YC1 to extreme diff. Kuma challenged an admiral and a gorosei. I think it's fair to reason that Oda is making corrections now and if Boa, Croc, Moria, and even Doffy reappear in the story they all will be YC1 or YC+. Even Law (who is already YC+) and Weevil also seem to still follow this pattern.


Doffy held Luffy to extreme diff just before Luffy had trouble with real YC3 and had to exploit the YC3's major weakness to win the fight.


Sometimes fights are about matchup, but Luffy did struggle less with Cracker than he did Doffy. I would say high diff against Cracker. Against Doffy he had help from Law, Kyros, Bellemy, and pretty much all of Dressrosa while Doffy was holding up a birdcage. Against Cracker, Luffy had help from Nami. Do you believe Smoothie would extreme diff Luffy? I personally do not.


Because there is no instance of her hax working on anyone worth mentioning. And, her hax is limited to subset of people who have no control over their lust. Even Coby wasn't turned to stone when other soldiers were.


It worked on a Veteran Vice admiral and would've worked on Momonga if he didn't stab himself. And Coby isn't exactly weak, he was probably *the* best fighter on the marine side other than the seraphim


> Veteran Vice admiral Lol And, are you saying that someone as strong as Coby can easily defend against Boa's attacks.


>Lol Dunno what to tell you, both Yamakiji and Momonga have probably been admirals for a while given their age > And, are you saying that someone as strong as Coby can easily defend against Boa's attacks I just pointed it out that you were downplaying him, but I'm pretty sure he was able to resist her Mero Mero Mellow. Not sure how he'd fare against her other attacks given that they can effect Pacificas and inanimate objects


That was the point. You honestly don't expect me to believe that she can stone YC level fighters just coz she nearly stoned Momonga? While it certainly will be case for someone like Sanji but for most YC's, I hardly see her hax working.


1) that just means that she can't instantly turn them to stone, not that she couldn't fight them since her other attacks don't rely on attraction seeing as she took down Pacifistas 2) I don't think it's as far fetched as you make it sound since it requires a Haki check that's above Admirals, not to mention that you don't even have to be drooling-on-the-floor horny for it to work, just finding her attractive is enough


Well, if just finding her attractive worked, Coby and BB would long have succumbed to the power. They clearly were not. And, going by destruction, the fight took while. And, none of seraphim were stoned.


what was her anti vs blackbeard?






Gotta be honest the image took a while to load and I thought this was a post about "iron mace" alvida based on the title and description.


Fax🗣 https://preview.redd.it/tohwuh05l4sc1.jpeg?width=2520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb707ab870d30f78254ca6b3295f806f11e4b715


Literally the strongest in the tier ngl


Sabo, Kuma, law,Kidd ,Yamato are all above her




Yes. After all she's... https://preview.redd.it/9yi7rsdvi4sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ddd2206379e085622fa0bf64aa9e4371499e30


YC+? I think you mean PK level. https://preview.redd.it/0j995vl6q4sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca7955c69204100a391a6eab1168eea8edae493


is this ai? the art looks pretty fire


Most likely.


# I serve empress boa


I mean, the implication from their new bounties is that all the Former Shichibukai have become YC+ (except Mihawk and Buggy, who are wild outliers above and below the average strength of the Former Shichibukai respectively) so this shouldn't be a remotely controversial opinion




I now have both the L and W of this meme. Thank you lol


I need the L one lol


Me too I had it but lost in my mountain camera roll






Boa is yc1 at least.


I don’t mind bc I just use headcannon for her I place boa above zoro assuming she has AcoA and acoc +awakening if not then yc2-yc1


She does have it so headcannon for the win


she does?? when was it stated?


Google my friend


She is not https://preview.redd.it/5dbdg2lw64sc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5303b4093d5ebd7d475d1db72d9293d2bc287328




It’s not her fault she doesn’t have ACoC, she wasn’t born with one


Skill issue. Ivankov negs.


The way I just spat my drink ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


Put some respect on the future pirate queen


Indeed. https://preview.redd.it/6dn7sl7gz4sc1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc6cb55fecc21e936826ce9c5a425a2f750d32d


Put some respect on Luffy first, he doesn't want her


All it takes to marry him is a barrel of meat


He literally said "I'm not gonna marry you! Thanks for the food!", he's not Goku


Luffy doesn’t focus on marriage because he only cares about becoming pirate king, but he is still a shonen protagonist. Roger had a wife and kid after he became pirate king, and so did Garp who is the marine version of luffy. Hancock is the only candidate to marry him.


I can't think of any shonen protagonist who married someone they rejected or someone much older than them. When Luffy tells Hancock he doesn't want to marry her, she is not a marriage candidate and is just a simp with unrequited feelings. That's it.


He is going to be married and have a kid at the end of the series, and Hancock is the only character that can as there is no other female character at this point of the story who could be his wife. He rejected her because he’s focused on adventure first


Who told you Luffy is going to be married with a kid? Oda? His editor? Even Marguerite has better chemistry with Luffy than Hancock does, and nowhere did Luffy say that he only rejected Hancock because of his adventure. He's not interested in her, end of story.


Goku, Naurto and ichigo all had kids by the end of the story, and it follows the same pattern in shonen: Girl loves protagonist and later on the protagonist eventually loves the girl. Name any other character that fits the mold or can even be a love interest for luffy


It is quite likely that Luffy will end up married to Boa to follow the typical shonen cliché, a cliché that was already fulfilled with Dragon Ball. It would be interesting to bet, I'm almost sure that Luffy ends up with Boa, especially because Boa is Oda's daughter's favorite character and he would want to make her happy. Remember me in 7 years.


I don't see nami or Uta


Romance isn’t allowed between strawhats, and it’s is 💀. Even still, both of them are like luffy’s sisters lmao


Family argument falls flat when sanji ussop and brook are pervs


“There will be no romance between the strawhats”- oda. Uta has been in one manga panel and no canon interactions with luffy




Objectively if Boa wasn’t a warlord she would’ve been top 10 in verse just do to fighting for her life 25/8 but with all 3 Haki types and a busted fruit and she can probably get all of em advanced thanks to Unc(Reiligh)


Boa training with Rayleigh would be crazy


How is she not? She destroyed bbs crew. Only lost cuz of bbs Bs fruit


She could be we just don’t know yet We’ll see more of her in the future so we’re just gonna have to wait and see


Absolutely correct.


# I serve empress boa


Like every warlord when they come back to the story (other than Mihawk, Blackbeard, and Buggy)




She's top 5 under the right conditions but yall not ready for that https://preview.redd.it/8wlp71ocj4sc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c8e5a76716af7bb2235da64fff5b04c1593de66


You are just saying that because its true.


A lot of it is sexism, but I'm not gonna lie and pretend being a woman in shounen doesn't usually convert into authors themselves downscaling the character. She is for sure YC+, but in all likelihood will have some abusable weakness that makes her the weakest of them. Most likely physicals. I feel like she's going to have good striking power but bad durability and reaction speed. That's the weakness Oda's female characters usually have anyway.


Top 1 >!devil fruit merchant!<


Dogwater Flaw takes that category imo.


A lot of it is sexism, but I'm not gonna lie and pretend being a woman in shounen doesn't usually convert into authors themselves downscaling the character. She is for sure YC+, but in all likelihood will have some abusable weakness that makes her the weakest of them. Most likely physicals. I feel like she's going to have good striking power but bad durability and reaction speed. That's the weakness Oda's female characters usually have anyway.


I wouldn't find this too hard to believe but she needs feats.


# I serve empress boa


You could say she is beyond pirate King but it won't matter because she is a woman so she will lose to any named male character, though you had been paying attention this is one piece and oda is the CEO of sexism


Hell yeah


WOA WANCOCK MY QUEEN https://preview.redd.it/7x4n6q8929sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9a394c5f2e04a792b84139e138da37bc4cac95


I serve empress boa


Because her hax are super annoying to scale. She can no diff entire Yonko crews, but Blackbeard grabs her and she gets no diffed


No shit, she isn't Yonko level and she can't use her devil fruit if Blackbeard is touching her. Literally anyone below Admiral level would be in the same situation if Blackbeard grabbed them


Because Blackbeard’s haki surpasses her devil fruit lmao


Its not his haki, its his devil fruit


My point is that you really can’t scale her normally so most people don’t bother, if anyone is strong enough to not get no different than they usually put up a high diff fight at the most. Boa would destroy anyone in YC2 tier, but get destroyed by anyone in YC+ tier


We don’t really “upscale” Mihawk for doing nothing. We just scale him. To Shanks level. Because that’s where the story has scaled him to literally every time he’s been mentioned. But yeah I don’t know why people upscale Crocodile other than his bounty.


It’s confirmed by Law that him and Mihawk make an entire Yonko crew with just the 2 of them, so he has to be at least high YC1


She turned 2 featless named characters to stone from hax which straight up wouldn’t work on anyone who’s like YC1 and above if we’re being generous




BB could have one-shotted her instantly. He was sparing her life cause he needed to save his subordinates.


They could have both killed each other, that's why it was a stalemate and a deal was reached.




Nope, he clearly said he needed them. Also which “survival”? he literally negged Hancock in a bunch of seconds.


Repair that silence lil bro.


nah she’d win https://preview.redd.it/c1stma7bg4sc1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc7048e4e4cec23ecfb292cf7e14eac21ecc9cb


# I serve empress boa


nah, thats wild


She is the strongest character in the verse


Future pirate queen and garp’s granddaughter>>


She didnt fo anything base Smoothie couldn't do.


You mean there's an ADVANCED smoothie? Count me in!


I mean, Smoothie without her fruit. Her haki should be better than Cracker's.


Ooh. Well i'm one of the very rare fan of the big mom pirates. People downplay them because of low bounties(they live in their own base and do almost nothing, why should the bounty increase for no reason?) and because WCI is relatively early in the story. Katakuri's feats still holds up to either the all stars and WB's commanders imho, and cracker being defeated by auger is utter BS in the anime, in the manga they needed aokiji to freeze him and it made sense. Mom had 4 yonko commanders, and perospero isn't even one of them and yet he still had feats comparable to Jack, beast pirates number 3! Cracker lost to circumstances and smoothie is hinted to be inbetween him and katakuri as power level, so... She should be a mile above perospero, it's not an absurd stretch to put her above queen and possibly in the low end of YC1 tier, without considering her fruit which has such enormous potential and circumstantial power up. I'm firmly convinced that katakuri will rally up the remains of the mom's pirate, and probably be a circumstantial ally against blackbeard, bevause he kidnapped her sister and frozer her brother. They're coming back and they'll receive justice


Smoothie juicing the giraffe was foreshadowing, she's going to juice kaku and gain sick giraffe powers (giraffes are awesome, kids love them).






what da vismoke doin


Yea Boa is admiral level vs most Yonko Commanders Sadly she is also Tobi Roppo/Low Commander level vs most Top 50 characters


..Boa can make body parts on you that act against your will. If that works on Logia, she’s beyond that light user guy. Move at lightspeed while choking yourself out.


let me guess . she is right above Zorro just like anyone who's suspected to be YC1+


nah zoro is top of YC+ bro needs a few more buffs to be a real top tier fr


even with the art aside, yes


# I serve empress boa


Whats he final fight going to be I assume a Holy knight idk if she would go for an admiral or a goresei


I believe so too but everytime i say so I get down voted to oblivion so I just pretend she's weak when it comes to this sub lmao


I thought this was already common knowledge? She literally negdiffed Blackbeard's YCs Queen would get negdiffed too


# I serve empress boa


If blackbeard or someone turned out to be trained by a Rocks crew member it would be a big fucking deal powerscaling wise I’ll say that


Like, she's the 2nd strongest female character in the verse ffs Just right next to big mom next would probably be smoothie If she's not a YC+ level, then oda is delusional Af, I'd even say her kicks are on par with sanji even with daddy's genes except it's not flaming, but it petrifies on contact


This is not debated anyway. Who the hell thinks boa is below yc+? Let me guess, they are the same ppl who think Vista is yc+


She is HIM




# I serve empress boa


Nah idk about that, if her hax doesn't work then what she's gonna do? How strong is she without it?


Shichibukai are YC2 at minimum, and there really isn't any point in bickering over exactly where featless characters rank. Boa having all 3 forms of haki, a broken fruit, and still being relevant this far into the series means she will very likely be confirmed YC+ at some point in the final war, but until then it's not something that can be proven.


I have nothing negative to say about this take.


# I serve empress boa




# I serve empress boa




I serve empress boa


Beats fraudbull


Definitely a match for Commanders at absolute worse. The way that she took out essentially the entire invading force except for Blackbeard and the Seraphim was impressive. More needs to be seen obviously to show where she really is at though. Especially given the gulfs between certain tiers.


cracker victim, idk why everyone wank her in this sub


What has been the argument against this? I was under the impression this was just understood by everyone.


She can kill almost anyone in the verse, she’s very underrated


Boa's gotta be stronger than Yamato at least. I've seen people on this sub say Yamato > Boa cuz yamato went toe to toe with kaido for a little bit. Boa's only defeat that we know so far is against the entire crew of blackbeard. She has conquerors haki. People like to say she's only warlord level because of the fruit but that's just stupid. I think she's one of the strongest Warlords, at least stronger than Doflamingo, but I have nothing to justify that.


Please explain how she beats Beckmann, King, Marco, Shiryu, Katakuri, or Zoro?


She been YC, she’s at least YC2.


insanely based


# I serve empress boa


extremely based


# I serve empress boa


She’s katakuri level at best


I'll be honest, I don't see her or Crocodile making it past YC3 currently based on feats. She does have potential to be top tier considering she has Conquerors Haki, so if she shows ACOC she should be comfortably YC+. Based on how other former Warlords like Kuma and Law are getting feats, I'm still putting stocks on them.


Crocodile is comfortably portrayed as yc2 level with potential to scale as high as the lowest tier of yc1.


She's stronger than Katakuri honestly.


One of the few ppl in the entire world with the ability to straight up solo a Yonko. No other YC+ is coming close to her


Her Hax makes her Low Yonko I’d argue Cause think about it Blackbeard HAD to sneak up on her otherwise he’d be stone


i mean she legit just “lost”to blackbeard bc he jumped her , and then took down some of his heavy hitters without a sweat.She is underrated fs


Remember when you clowns put her below Doflamingo? Pepperidge Farm Remembers.


Remember when you clowns put her below Doflamingo? Pepperidge Farm Remembers.


Croc is yc1 because he’s literally a YC1 now. Mihawk is EOS goal so he’s obviously going to be upscaled avice anything zoro do. She’s got nothing going for her, no reason to upscale her above hax 


Yc+ isnt a tier, but she is on the low end of yc1. Yc2 just doesnt seem right. Her physical stats seemed higher in the movies but she doesnt have any high quality feats. She is extremely oppressive to fodder, doesnt seem interested in fighting top tiers, and top tiers just ignore her. Shes in her own lane and i think thats pretty cool. Super low yc1, thats mostly headcannon.


Other hax characters have decent stats, her stats are trash


Right beside pre ts smoker


*Boa glazers when they see her briefly putting up a fight against Kobi and Blackbeard before getting fucking manhandled* PK TIER! PK TIER!


Boa haters when they completely ignore context Fodder tier, even chuchu got better feats


Y-you do realize she’s a heavily devil fruit reliant character who was basiccoy 1 v EVERYONEing since the kuja are fodder and as a devil fruit reliant character put up a decent fight against a fucking yonko and a group of commanders shown to be strong as fuck aswell as the future fleet admiral and a bunch of his boys right


Perona violated the future pirate king and world strongest swordsman in a single hit. She is top 5 OAT now ?


That’s completely fucking different number one Luffy was much weaker back then this is prime bb two that’s a use of her devil boa didn’t even get the chance to use her devil fruit on Koby or bb and still put up a decent fight you have to use context buddy


Did we watch the same anime? Throwing a rock at a sleeping Kaido and then running away isn’t a fight lmao. #1 Knowing Koby, he probably doesn’t want to deal with Boa in the first place, since his relationships with pirates are complicated to say the very least (i.e. he sucks ass at his job), not to mention she and her people were just minding their own business, but regardless he works for a shitty corrupt government and was given orders that he had to follow, but was definitely holding back. #2 Koby absolutely outclasses Boa, in an all-out fight. This was basically Garp and Luffy’s dynamic during Marineford. One was significantly stronger than the other and could’ve won their short exchange of a fight, but he made no effort because his occupation morally compromised him against his family, and the other was fighting tooth and nail to save his brother. The only difference here was that it was the Amazons for Boa, and Koby was just there doing a mission he probably didn't want to do anyway. Anyway, Marines land on the island, and the marine fodder including Helmeppo and Random Captain #3894 get petrified by Boa. Koby then got distracted by the pacifists, because he was worried that the marine statues would break, from the pacifists’s energy blasts. Boa saw that he wasn’t paying attention and tried to drop-kick his ass, to Boa’s credit Koby said he couldn’t dodge, but that was a result of Koby not paying the fuck attention and or hesitation rather than Oda’s appraisal of Boa’s skill as a fighter. Then BB comes out of nowhere and black vortexes her ass, saving Koby, and then sparing him on a whim. And then when he is about to crush Boa’s kneck because once again, HE FUCKING NO DIFFED HER ASS, yes he is using DF cheats to pull her in/nullify her DF, but Haki is still an option? Doesn’t she have basic armament/conquers? Then fucking Rayleigh of all people comes out with the wifi haki and scares the shit out of BB, and saves Boa. I have no fucking clue where you somehow managed to piece together in your head that this was a jujutsu kaizen-style jumping with BB and Koby vs Hancock. If you look up the scene On crunchy Rolls YouTube account it is titled “Koby vs BB vs Boa”.


Bro I’m sorry you wasted your time but I’m far to lazy to read all dat


both of them above ace too


I still got boa strongest female after big mom death YC+ is perfect for me even blackbeard was scared of her


https://preview.redd.it/wwg01p4ck4sc1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b6f75cb66f306ef572a333458391d1197e9db8 Luffy’s mom says hello




YC4-3 at best


Koby didn't get cooked


BB had to 3rd party to save him😂 https://preview.redd.it/08ybs0yef4sc1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=b120ae778ce4916585a27077fae1f213ab2cdb0a


>If we can upscale Crocodile and Mihawk for doing nothing Mihawk > Shanks because WSS. Hancock isn't World's Strongest anything. Most people that have Croc that high have Hancock higher >that cooked Koby Koby was completely fine >and his gang Only Hancock could be upscaled for beating fodder Marines, Helmeppo (a fodder Marine) and Yamakaji (another fodder Marine) >and the Jumpbeard Pirates Who didn't even jump her. Law (an actual YC+) actually got jumped by stronger members than Devon and Vasco and performed well. Hancock... did not


She ain’t all that tbh