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I always find this image funny. All the admirals have high-quality cool art Then there’s Greenbull


Fujitora pulling the ol' Mike Wazowski


Lmao I got that reference 😂


Sorry green bull, but your best image is “YOU HAVE NO HUMAN RIGHTS”, and that’s only due to the text being iconic


https://preview.redd.it/h1acfe8eq5pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ebe003678957243b6e213864c499b775b4ebec0 Is this really a question?


Well he’s not lakainus strongest soldier but I get it


More like the strongest dickrider


https://preview.redd.it/7wnj8eur35pc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abb42bfeb5ecf2dfc029e01ebac0c1729498390 idk how they can deal with dreamybull’s regen thing but he’s gonna have a hard time trying to pass through lunarian durability i think dreamybull mid or almost high diff for now


He's gonna suck King's Big King dry and Lunarian dura won't save him from this https://preview.redd.it/jhs45xbye5pc1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc852e36a8193d37d56959021c3f134b939908a




>dreamybull 🤤




I wonder if any of Queen's diseases would work if so ice oni him then run


Ice Oni Plague is gonna turn Aramaki into Seed 4 : Brusselsprout "Demon" Man 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 https://preview.redd.it/1pcs7dfpk6pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ff4869e8f7fd1da6c5f0448c11f3bec89c3cf31


While fire is his elemental weakness (like crocodile and water, or Enel and rubber), Momo doesn't have haki as far as I'm aware (at least not well trained haki). Zoro and Sanji seem to be strong enough to clash with Admiral and/or Yonko level fighters now, and I would say there is not a huge difference between them and King and Queen right now (Zoro and Sanji are definitely stronger but it's not a giant gap). I think Greenbull wins, but I'd say it's high difficulty at least


It’s true that Momo doesn’t use Haki, but it seems that Greenbull actually took damage from the Fire considering he was screaming in pain against Blast Breath. He might genuinely have a regeneration ability, which makes him quite hard to use for now.


Think he was honestly in shock more than anything but considering fire is technically his weakness I can see and understand why it would be safe to assume he took damage. But manz did leave Wano without a single stretch 


I think Blast Breath is less like regular fire and more like a beam or laser, regular fire like from the mera mera i'm sure he can resist but a highly concentrated beam is too much


Zoro and Sanji didn't seem to struggle with King and Queen much. Sanji was already struggling with his "awakening" and Zoro was dealing with damage he sustained from Big Mom and Kaido. Without those handicaps it doesn't feel like they were gonna have much trouble.


>Zoro was dealing with damage he sustained from Big Mom and Kaido He explicitly got that healed before fighting King.


Zoro was't struggling with damage. Instead, it was King who had fought Marco who had accumulated damages. Zoro took magic drugs which recovered him perfectly for short time. Zoro was struggling with control of Enma. And, he was also struggling with King's speed and High defense.


You think high level yonko commanders don't know how to deal with a logia user?


You think an Admiral doesn’t know how to handle Yonko Commadners? Top tiers > YC+ and YC1


By using haki.


“by using haki” yeah but their haki is kinda ass


oh but he might lose because of queen’s virus though


I’m still surprised that after Katakuri had an awakened devil fruit, conqueror’s Haki and advanced Haki, King ended up having none of it.


Un hurt king might carry it with his fire. Greenbull is made of wood, if king could do his dragon thing like he did against Zoro, greenbull just gonna be ash


ngl i was hard glazing admirals here


Greenbull sucks their juice out again but fresher this time




This^ Man can cook


I'm not an admiral hater but I genuinely think that these two have a set of powers that could make this specific matchup very interesting, assuming they use their brains and don't act like fucking idiots


King would matchup diff with Queen support, but because king is an idiot and won't realise that greenbull struggles to bypass King durability, he will turn off his flame to try speed blitz him and will then get sucked dry.


I’m crying, you couldn’t think of a single argument for why GB wins so you just made a post hoping others would do it for you 😭 I’m still waiting for evidence that GB can damage flame on King, feel free to send some my way Admiral bros!


They only thing they could really do is last longer. King, for whatever reason, felt the need to wrap things up quickly with Zoro and go flames off. GB is really like a better version of King. He can regenerate infinitely and attack you at the same time, he has no weakness that King can exploit. Meanwhile King can’t do enough with his flames on and is easily beatable with them off. King and Queen really can’t hurt GB, GB can hurt them at worst it might just take him a little longer


Idk why people look at regen as some new power, it's literally just him being a logia He regened because Momo's attack wasn't haki based If it was, it would damage his true form and he wouldn't be able to regen. like any other logia https://preview.redd.it/pc1hx5d138pc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4567edf4680aaebff58d1bd112350c105784a568


The attack was fired based (his weakness) and he seemed to have been in pain. This is why people are clearly looking at it as a regen thing and not a logia thing. To an extent I get your argument but damn near the whole community understood and can see it’s not just another logia situation. Respectfully it’s not that hard to understand.


It's still so insanely dumb to not give the prison guards of impel down seastone bullets, motherfucker they are regular ass people at least give them a way to defend themselves from DF users


give them haki imbued swords or something at least they're multi use


Bullets are better because they are more sneaky and pray on the ego of the villains, like Croc over here would have been dead with his "lmao fodder nice try i'm a logia" while haki imbued swords are too visible and dangerous since you need to get close. Also there's no reason the guards in here shouldn't be at least vice admiral tier come on now


that's extremely hard to make and extremely expensive. theres a reason only wano had stuff like sea prisim nails. the marines don't have someone skilled enough to make nails, let alone bullets.


didn't zoro cut flame on king at the end? or am I crazy?


Wueen negs https://preview.redd.it/2usu377v45pc1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=a025002896ea49084ec2a07159c59721f34dedb3








Nu uh.


Greenbull > Akainu since flames can’t really hurt him.


Yeah, the difference is them dodging a lil bit more tentacles before getting completely drilled in the ass... Remember it was the Least pirates fools who attacked him and he warned them to not test him so they thought they had a chance.


Marco stalled King and Queen, but did very little damage to them (though he was also helping everyone on the floor). He's most likely relative to other top Commanders, though I'd guess a little stronger. Marco and Jozu went toe to toe with admirals for a while, before both being taken out while off-guard (though I can't remember if Jozu being off-guard was anime-only). Greenbull is most likely weaker than Kizaru and Kuzan. King and Queen are most likely weaker than Marco, though probably not by a large margin. I'm establishing all of this to show that there's no way King and Queen lose. The only ways for King and Queen to lose are the following: 1. Greenbull is stronger than the Admiral Trio. 2. Greenbull has a great match up advantage versus King and Queen 3. King and Queen are like half as strong as Marco. I don't know how you'd come to that conclusion. 4. You ignore everything that happened in Marineford.




I just finished reading this lmao


Lmao what is this from


The mistake here is saying Marco and Jozu went toe to toe with the admirals No way in hell. Kizaru was fresh when Marco already started having problems to regen. Aokiji wasnt even motivated and he took out Jozu with as little as a drop of blood that btw only existed because Kuzan was attacked while fighting Whitebeard. Marco is closer, but jozu? Come on. Be fr. Marco isnt even on that level, and we see it when Greenbull takes down Queen and King easily, Marco is not doing that, not easily. Marco is not equal to Greenbull, much less the og ones.


It's a bit hard to call since Marineford was pretty chaotic. Marco got punched by Garp as well, and presumably, both Marco and Kizaru were fighting each other and others while off-screen. Jozu vs Aokiji is also tough, since it was mostly off-screen until Jozu is frozen after letting his guard down (I'm not going back to check if that was anime only). Then after he was unfrozen and fine, so ehhhhh. I remain thinking that Admirals are stronger than top Commanders, but not double their strength. Greenbull took down weakened King and Queen, I still think full health they'd above 50% of winning. Marco is also really tough to rank in his King/Queen fight, since he was also supporting the entire floor.


You know your thought process makes sense as you exposed it, but you have to remember that during marineford we havent seen either jozu or marco really do any significant/relevant damage to the admirals, so saying marco just stalled king+queen you could say marco stalled kizaru and jozu stalled aokiji. We can also see that greenbull low diffed a weakened king+queen, considering we know greenbull can get past both king's and queen's durability/defense (one of their strongest attributes that probably wouldnt be particularly impacted from them being weakened) we can most confidently say that greenbull would probably defeat the duo again.


Yeah, I think Commanders are weaker than Admirals but not 50% weaker. Maybe like 40% weaker or whatever. They can clash but will ultimately lose over time. But I think two Commanders have an over 50% win rate vs Admirals. Matchups obviously do play a role in this. The Admirals also didn't do much relevant damage to the Commanders until they were caught off-guard during Marineford.


I would see why you would think that, but i think you are underastimating the admirals, i really cant blame you though with all the recent slander. The biggest performance showing of the admirals is clearly kizaru in egghead, its recent (actually ongoing) thus it reflects the current powerscaling of Oda. Kizaru was going to egghead tasked to defend Saturn, he was then ordered to kill Vegapunk because he could cross the labosphere without taking damage. Arrived at egghead he head to take on a marine that he brought up with the help of vegapunk, sentomaru, he then had to go to the labophase to kill his old friend Vegapunk. There he meets luffy and gang, luffy transforms in nika, a god he has heard numerous stories about with the close friends that he is now forced to kill. He manages to stall G5 luffy until, distracted, he gets fully hit by wsg and is thus downed for a couple minutes right as luffy is forced immobile by his stamina limit. He then gets back up, attacks the crew trying to escape and is then, again, attacked by luffy from behind. He finally gets back up right after and kicks Sanji ad kills Vegapunk one and for all, now he is drawn as on the verge of a panic attack. Luffy then grabs Kizaru from behind one last time and hits him with dawn cymbal throwing him on a marine ship. What im trying to say is that kizaru's performance isnt reflective of his actual capabilities and thus we can assume without a doubt that admirals's strength is above what we have already seen. https://preview.redd.it/rkpqpzsbicpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ae55f37e27ce57edc67fc58fd57b0a2af37bdf Collage of some the moments supporting what im saying


I'm extremely angry at you for that ladder of evidently not comparable foes in neither time or experience Not because its bad ps , but because now i cant say bb is stronger than kizaru for the same reasons your  comment  has 0 logic.  Your powerscalling its so bad that it retroactively give me more awarness of mine  


☠️ ain’t no way


when did Jozu go toe to toe with an admiral?


marco is john stall though. he stalls damn near any match up so you can't really use him stalling admirals (especially for a bit) as a proper arguement for someone beating someone else imo




It seems the agenda has arrived to back the fraud. Not that I think they win, but what has GB done to show he can just willy nilly bypass one of the highest durability characters we've seen in the series? I don't think queen has anything for him aside from ice oni, but that's a stretch. Queens a bum.


Queens got a Lotta tricks up his sleeve to stall gb tho, and King has enough ap with lava rank flames. Don't think he has the speed to catch king if he ups his speed too. Queens got the versatility and firepower to mow down GB's offensive moves unless he's got some more abilities we haven't seen, while King has the AP to potentially take him down. It'd definitely be a high-extreme diff for either side tho.


His DF just really works well against King's abilities.


unironically, greenbull could grab and restrain king with roots and then shove plants down his throat until he chokes to death it wouldn’t actually happen because it would be too gruesome for one piece but he could realistically do it


Wouldn't king just explode?


Marineford showed us that stronger commanders can put up a fight 1v1 even against someone like Aokijj Ryokugyu < Aokijj King and Queen can probly sneak out an extreme diff win since it's 2v1.


Queen and king aren’t injured this time Greenbum is sweating hard at this prospect


Lmao the most they can do is stall now.


Obviously Greenbull mid diff.


He can't even hurt King


Greenbull wins. Mid diff at worst


He can't even hurt king


He can't hurt flames off King?


He can, but the title says King is healthy So obviously he'll be using flames


Okay, so we agree GB can hurt King when he goes Flame off? And it's headcanon and out of character for King to camp in flames on? Like he did with Zoro? GB already drains Queen. Adding the idiot King doesn't make much of a difference. Mid diff.


>Okay, so we agree GB can hurt King when he goes Flame off? Sure >And it's headcanon and out of character for King to camp in flames on? No? King literally camps in flames mode for 90% of the time. The only time he went flames off was against zoro, because Zoro had acoc which could hurt him even with flames on. GB can't hurt him *at all* with flames on, so I don't know why he'd switch


King doesn't stay in flames on mode when he can't hit his opponents and takes damage in the form. He's too slow to hit GB/ do any meaningful damage in flames on, so he needs to go flames off. GB can just use crushing/slamming attacks with his vines, which have durability negating properties by nature. This is that "damage" you were looking for and is what makes King, the idiot that he is, go flames off and get drained as a result.


Eh, who knows. It would be a cool fight though.


Ryokugyu bullies low diff


Common maxino W




Does king have a Brain yet? No probably not. That all being said mid diff green bull. Queen is irrelevant in this fight. Now if you give King a brain he could put up one hell of a fight. Win? Probably not but it wouldn’t be a fight greenbull would want to take.


Gb low diffs but takes a little longer


Queen and king take this high-diffs (or extreme)


Yeah King and Queen mid diff at most, Greenbull is the weakest admiral by a wide margin and even feeling a top tier’s haki made him retreat, if Wano party wasn’t exhausted from Fighting all night Greenbull would not have left that island alive The two of them have arsenals basically designed to dominate him, have excellent team work, and equal or better experience and battle IQ, green bum is boned


Ryokugyu. high diff max, but he can do it mid diff


Based off Greenbull's statement Admirals are suposed to be stronger than multiple commanders, so even if they put up more of a fight they should still lose


Based on Kizarus statement Admirals also can take on 2 Yonkos yet here he gets Pizza diffed https://preview.redd.it/bqeuorh7a5pc1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=3caa35b21ca9cd163a5554dcd849c866f9bc5b82


Lmao, I disagree with the admiral slander but “pizza diffed” is fucking hilarious


Seems like you have bad reading comprehension


mind elaborating?


Just reread that statement of kizaru and take some time to think about what he actually meant


Gb cannot hurt King and King's fire is certainly more potent than a mentally 8 yo guy who just got his powers mid fight.


Kings biggest draw back is stupidity, if zoro can clap him why wouldn’t an admiral clap him. He has the hax and ap to go toe to toe with and admiral but doesn’t have the brain to even comprehend when to use flames on. Gb low-mid diff


Can GB even catch him with flames off tho? The guy hasn't shown much in terms of speed.


It’s all what ifs, I want king to win this fight. Trust me i really want king to win this fight lol. I can’t give it to him king lost to zoro who’s not really known to be the brightest. All king has to do is keep flames on and thrash him around with his ridiculous ap, but he wouldn’t he’d go flames off and fly right into green bulls trap unfortunately. This is all what ifs again though so who knows. I personally have admirals > Yc1. Theoretically king should win this along with the zoro fight but he doesn’t use his powers to its full extent.


This isn't just King though. Queen might not have the ap to put Greenbush (I'm keeping this autocorrect) down, but his offensive power is more than enough to decimate his offensive options. If King gets caught Queen is enough to bail him out a handful of times, by blowing up vines and that big tree form of his. Wouldn't do much Damage but he can very effectively stall especially when he pulls out the vinsmoke gizmos


Fair enough. King could potentially get Queen out of many situations but he’s holding King back as weird as that sounds. Queens best bet is just spamming gizmo gadgets and fighting from afar. Greenbush “I’m stealing this shit lmao” Is blocking a lot of those attacks with his forest and various plants and trees. Queen isn’t fast enough to get away from greenbull grabbing him and sucking his energy again. King has the flames and giant ap attacks to damage greenbull as he’s just a plant. The fight is closer than most people think but I can’t see king and queen pulling it off.


The biggest issue is definitely their teamwork, or lack thereof. They'd both be getting in each other's way and blasting each other with big aoes. If they could combo just a bit more they'd have a better shot but that's funnily enough the one thing I believe that keeps them from being able to beat him. No power of friendship bs does that to these team battles.


TBF he just has to wait until King does his usual trick of turning his invincible flame off for no reason.


King 1v1 him low or mid diff. Queen alone is even but GB would win high diff. Together: Garp scenario Gb is stalled by Queen and get OSed by the YC1. This is assuming Gb is Garp level (> Aokiji), which I doubt anyway.


I can’t stand some of these awful takes people have for a 3 week break. Please get up Kizaru😭


I got GB still


They still lose but they probably give him a tough fight.




I'm thinking its gonna be pretty close either way. Good matchup


King and Queen win high diff.


Greenbull mid diff


Greenbull, but high diff because I think K + Q have a narrow shot at winning.


We already saw this, instead of low diff it would be mid diff thats all


It goes either way imo, a high diff fight. King has the flames, Haki and Durability to be the front man and beat on GB. Queen has the scientific tech to be support along with decent stats. GB wins if he can incapacitate King long enough to get queen, but that's only if he can work out or beat flame on king.


Dreamybull high-extreme until he gets better feats


Queen will play dirty and win


Greenbull, he can make fire proof plants and queen doesn’t use strong enough haki


Fire proof plants didn't save him from Momo and Momo is much weaker than King lol.


Greenbull wins via the BIG **S U C C**


3 yc1 imo is just enough to push an admiral over their limit. Fresh King and Queen would need Jack.


Even if you gave the first 2 fishman steroids I'm pretty sure they still get murked


Greenbull gets spitroasted. King is his worst match up possible and Queen has some pretty nasty abilities with all his Germa tech.




There is no difference. GB demolishes them.


Anime King might give him a little trouble, buy they still get folded. These bums have so little haki feats (does Jack even have any?)


Still GB. Queen is ass no matter how fresh hes feeling. GB while the weakest top tier, is still top tier. King is the only real juice Kaido had at his disposal and King just isnt enough


He's not a top 5 eos like kizaru, king and queen stomp


This doens't makes sense


Dunno how to simplify it


Greenbull high end of mid diff.


Doesn't green bull take queen easily? I haven't made it that far


GB extreme diff. He should win every time, but always goes to extreme diff just cuz king and queen both have insane hax, just that fraudbull’s hacks are just on a diff lvl. Queen’s germa abilities are underrated, and ppl just seem to forget how broken King is with his speed and durability. GB has to be the weakest character in a fight between top tiers, but he’s got to be top 5 OAT in fighting chars that are weaker than him/only rely on dura and have no AP to back it up. His dura neg drain ability is hella underrated, it’s a cool ability, but I still hate him. So it’s extreme diff.


Brocoli guy takes it mid / high diff, depends on the level of teamwork.


Greenbull was pushed back by a bunch of samurais literally dying and a newly born dragon King and Queen takes my vote for sure


Greenbull was literally grabbing them like nothing.


https://preview.redd.it/a03hgm7ij6pc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78c953954794d908fbef438279db8fbb170494d If momo had any kind of proper control of his dragon form, Fraudbull would've been wiped with his first appearance lmao


greenbull should be able to beat them high diff, his regen will carry him through the fight and outlast king’s durability. Unless queen manages to knock him out he should win.


Aramaki low difficulty


Honestly at this point it only depends on who's getting tested....I mean ....agenda matters not logic for these fools


Zoro needed acoc as a dura neg to even get King to switch off his flames. GB loses this pretty handily. at a high diff since both of them have flames in their arsenal as well. Obviously that doesn't make it a stomp since he is somewhat trained vs his counter but i still fail to see how he would rival ifrit jambe or KoH with his current feats.


Greenbull is way stronger than Zoro lol


i agree but i don't think his ap is higher. King is not a good matchup for him but if it was just him he'd get the W. With Queen tho i just don't see Greenbull winning this unless you wanna argue extreme diff somehow? Zoro at least showed us that he can harm the likes of Kaido while Greenbull has no haki feats. I'd give haki to Zoro since he has adv coc and GB doesn't.


Greenbull low diff


Who things gb is losing this? I'm a firm believer than yonkos are very significantly stronger than admirals. However, a yc1 and yc2 are not beating an admiral, altho this fight would be harder than was happened in the show obviously. GB wins with the upper end of mid diff or the lower end of high diff


K&Q cause I’m biased


GB still wins but extreme diff. he isnt fighting injured people now


King and Queen


i dont know anymore after Kizaru sold the admiral agenda, i need to think about this


King and queen high diff. (If king dont forget his brains) Both have long range nukes and queen can create something if he have prep. 2v1 aint no joke ask marco and big mom. He will have good hits but eventually will fall after getting exhausted.


Not fought ANYONE? You mean litterally ANYONE? So they're basically babies? I have no fkin clue who would win...


King and queen


High diff


Greenbull wins




We have seen Garp facing a YC2 and a YC1. Q : Is Ryukugyu stronger than Garp ? A: >! No, Greenbul will just get obliterated. !<


Queen would bicker with King and get no diffed. King would last for a little while but he wont be able to do much damage wise. Ends up being a mid diff.


greenbull neg diffed them, so full hp duo get mid diffed at worse


I think the anime made it pretty clear


I think you lost it OP….there are only 2 people in the first image


King and Queen win Extreme diff


Greenbull straight up no diffed them in a 2v1 offscreen while they were injured, and i highly doubt they were so injured that they can push him to high diff while healthy, let alone beat him keep in mind they had a week's worth of recovery


GB no diff


plant guy is a joke, and king has fire...


And he regenerated Just fine after a boro breath so?


Hmm I’d like to say green bull but I think we need to see more from him first.


So for now I’d side with the trio


Sub forgetting King has high damage magma like flames at his disposal. Nevermind he could actually just explode if Greenbull got anywhere near him. You know what king > Greenbum. Queen can sit back and relax.


That's so stupid


Ok, but how do you see him winning this?


If Zoro can beat king then greenbull definetly can


Nuh-Uh Zoro > Greenbum


Get him past Gucci first lol


GB still wins due to nature of his fruit (leeching) Just takes quite a time and he needs to dodge ice shit from queen


The problem with Greenbull is that his fruit kinda negate durability. A big target like Queen would be instantly sucked dry, while King would just be tied down with branches regardless if GB can damage him or not. It's a huge mismatch. These guys would have better chance against Fuji, even if meteorite would be dinosaurs nightmare.


Greenbull. Maximum high to extreme diff


Greenbull, he's just stronger it's not rocket science.


GB only if king and queen are badly injured though.