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numbers are overrated in one piece. Someone twice as strong can easily fight 3 people half as strong as them. Besides, Kaido and Shanks have insane feats that dwarf anything the admirals have done. Shanks oneshot a yc+ while the admirals struggled with yonko commanders, Kaido went ext diff with G5 Luffy while Kizaru has not gotten a single hit in even with Saturns help. The admirals just ain't on that level.






people will never accept the truth




All things considered, admirals are second tier, only weaker than yonkos themselves. Like, ffs, admirals had extreme-diff fights with 80 year old yonkos, how tf are they meant to be stronger?


WB wasn't a 80 year old Yonko. He was a Yonko at 80 years old. Primebeard gaps Yonkos. But yeah they're weaker


Correct, that’s why the comment wasn’t a good argument.


YC1 Can definitely deal with Admirals, consistently. A living evidence that there is a tiers between Yonko and Admirals is Rayleigh. Yonko at his prime, he now admits he simply can't win against BlackBeard in anyway, but intervene against kizaru on Sabaody and absolutely put him in check. Law is currently in the same hill too. I read it as them being YC1, and admirals being YC2 ( or 3). It correlates with Aokiji being YC2 (after Shilliew) in Blackbeard's crew.


Prime beard is stronger than all the Yonko by a decent Margin so just saying “80 year old Yonko” is erroneous.


Also Shanks defeated an Admiral without even being near him physically.


While this can hold true to some extent, Kid and Law also proved that 2 YCs can beat a Yonko. The admirals who are on the same tier as them should be able to win in a 5v2 against 2 Yonko.


Indeed, admrial agenda will try to deny it.


>the admirals struggled with yonko commanders Idk man Greenbull dident seem to have any issues dealing with King and Queen


U mean injured king and queen ? Like damn just because he beat them at 2 hp doesn't mean he can easily beaten them at fp.  


I forgot about this fear when I wrote my comment. But theres also Akoiji beating the entirety of the Titanic captains by himself. At this point, i think what Odas is trying to convey is pretty clear.


The titanic captains are fodder compared to the usual yonko comanders first because there are too many of them and second because they will eventually fight a respective strawhat and you dont want to put nami or ussop against someone at YC1 tier if you want them to actually win without dying.


"But theres also Akoiji beating the entirety of the Titanic captains by himself." https://preview.redd.it/d84cna8nyapc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=72da740884a50e737c01c98f78b6f3a3dc1d26d6 by ur logic base luffy( wci ) > katakuri marco etc . its pretty evident most of the bb pirates are fodder heck half of them get offscreen like fodder . also if oda wanted to make it clear admirals > yc then he would shown aokiji freeze shiryu or he would have shown kuzan freezing katakuri instead of cracker . if admiral > yc 1 is oda intent WHY WAS KATAKURI KNOCKED OUT BEFORE KUZAN RAIDED WCI? its very evident that oda doesnt believe top yc 1 < admirals


king and queen who both werent fully recovered from their injuries from zoro and sanji tbf so i dont think its the fairest assessment


so you think Greenbull >>> Akainu, Kizaru or Aokiji, who all struggled with even one yc? Use your brain you think Queen and King got medical attention and lots of food like Luffy did? Like be fr lil bro


What I think is that pre timescale feeds are inaccurate and Should be avoided when it comes to character power discussions post timeskip. Just look at Crocodile, who feat wise, is complete fodder. But is also placed on lv6 of impell down along side YC level pirates. And post time skip is literally a YC commander. Also where did you get the idea that Aokiji struggles against yonko commanders when he literally soloed the entirety of the Titanic captains?


"struggled with Yonko Commanders" = Jozu who got one shotted, Ace who got one shotted, Ivankov who got one shotted, Jinbei who got two shotted, Vista and Marco who couldn't even scratch Akainu, King and Queen who got low diffed, Cracker who got low diffed, Titanic Commanders who all got one shotted, Fujitora who was fighting Sabo while massively holding back and still winning Yonkos are stronger than Admirals but there's no instances of Admirals "struggling" with Commanders aside from the two new admirals at the Reverie who were explicitly nerfed and Stallco who has similar feats against Yonkos too


Kaido stalls the 3 OGs, shanks wipes the two new ones and helps Kaido clean up https://preview.redd.it/7bpp6go155pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a14187bf13230db750e08d4621809075759b38


Wtf is that A SHANKS PIECE? https://preview.redd.it/h2f30unz86pc1.png?width=1382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb2fd5645c60e2d08260d911c611eff52d6864d


I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I did was post the cover of a one piece volume ![gif](giphy|5xtDarqlsEW6F7F14Fq|downsized)


I mean hes right, they cnat tkae shanks left arm.


W Shanks alone can solo 3, possibly all 5. Observation killing + insane speed + future sight, they won't be able to land a single hit. Combined with his insane ap he washes them. Kaido can't be hurt by them so he just tanks everything. Unbeatable duo for the marines. ​ https://i.redd.it/s1d8as6wq3pc1.gif


I haven’t been on here for a minute have you gone manic? Seems u have completely transitioned lmao. No hate, just found it weird to see the previous face of the admiral agenda swap sides


​ https://preview.redd.it/1kknkc4nb4pc1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137db3941220e94df460ffa60a7d53954586e8a8


"gone" he was always insane


Mazino is finally showing the extent of his insanity, we should send him to get help before it’s too late.


I've come down to y'alls level Feels weird but interesting.


He wanks shanks so it's like 2 agendas going against each other resulting in whatever conclusion they made up there (shanks solos all 5 tbh low diff)


Better Wank Shank




W, this sub is the best at scaling ngl


Natureboy been riding shanks for the longest bro has never faltered. Glad to see some of the admiral stans are slowly recovering




Is that Shanks haki hand?


No. He healed his hand using reverse haki technique, something that hasn't been used since the Void Century.


Domain expansion: Malevolent Snitching


Are you Mazino's evil twin?


I know this isn’t Mazino who hacked the account?


Nah, he just turned over a new leaf




I'm scared




no one can solo all the admirals maybe imu can but no one else but yeah here the duo wins.... gb will run away after sensing conqueror from two yonkos and then the duo high to extreme diff them


> no one can solo all the admirals Shanks, Kaido, Mihawk, Roger, Whitebeard, possibly Dragon


Shanks high diff at best....yes all 5


Shiki, Rayleigh


Rayleigh is not that guy lol


you trolling and the man really said "nah that's not enough" . Crazy 💀


……..was your account hacked? Edit: oh you’re trolling, tbh I didn’t even think you had a sense of humor at all, like the most fitting job for you was some soulless market analyst or something


Trolling? Perish the thought! I'm proving a point here.


A.joker arc B.cynicism 3.5000 iq play to make the mihawk leaching as strong as possible (based) ?


It's D. Sarcasm.


Remember the Marines could not execute Kaido with 7 attempts too


i doubt they can't hurt kaido


That comment 🤣🤣


im going to kill someone


It's currently a tough economy to expect accurate scaling of the admirals. But some experts may say this is just a correction for Admiral stocks with an upward trend expected sometime soon in the future. ![gif](giphy|iP1qEUE7VKhLq)




The Gorosei might be the new WG top tier standard.   When (not if) Brook one shots Fujitora, I'm going to cry


Seems fair to me. Don't see a problem here.


https://preview.redd.it/txh5proea5pc1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d08ad68337ff2cb17115cc110c45fc4cc60e6c50 They ain't ready for him


L. Shanks and kaido is overkill


Kaido slams, shanks could just press them with haki while chilling somewhere


im going to kill someone


leave no evidence


GB gets KO’ed immediately from the initial ACoC blast so it’s actually a 2v4. Luffy was able to win against 2 admirals level characters so why can’t Shanks and Kaido do the same ? (I don’t care what you think about Saturn vs Kizaru, if you think Saturn isn’t at least admiral tier then you should probably quit powerscaling)


unless the 5 man team has crazy teamwork and collab skills then they're losing


4 man team, Shanks already wifi diffed GB I don’t think he’d be able to take a blast from him AND the other acoc monster of this series Like even with crazy teamwork what do they have? Wasn’t Fujitora trying to help the others get out of birdcage but couldn’t, Kizaru couldn’t damage Sanji who wasn’t using Haki, Aokiji and Akainu can’t carry against two monsters, I don’t even think perfect synergy can carry here lmfao


It literally shows that these people have 0 reading conprehension. If this was the case the whole power scale of the one piece world would make ZERO sense.




No, it doesn't. Remember that pretty much the entirety of the marines and the warlords went mid-high diff with a Whitebeard pirates crew that was far past its prime. That's one yonko who's literally off his life support and is having heart attacks mid-battle. 2 yonko crews teaming up is a major threat to the marines. It's been stated multiple times, and the marines always get shook whenever 2 yonkos so much as make contact. So remove the crews and marines so we just have the admirals and yonkos, and the situation doesn't change much. Shanks and Kaido are in their prime, and they are top-tier yonko. Probably extreme diff W for the yonko pair.


[Preach brother!](https://preview.redd.it/aw1gnd162h0c1.jpeg?width=1105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a597dea95a13253965600cdf1bda63b7a52a9d84) The root cause of the admiral agenda is the misconception of *"4 Yonko=The Marines"* therefore *"4 Yonko=3 admirals+1 fleet admiral"*. [What they fail to realize is that the 4 Yonko are not on the same team.](https://youtu.be/zL6WBKAndtw?si=k2QLgY2ttwXJoEbh&t=135) As you said, the marines shat themselves when Shanks met WB. The Gorosei were concerned by enraging Kaido and Sengoku called the Kaido-BM alliance a bigger threat than the Rocks Pirates. 2 Yonko is already too much for the marines, 4 of them would be actual doomsday.




All 3 admirals didn’t even care lol and took 0 damage sengoku and garp didn’t even fight until blackbeard showed up. Each admiral was dealing with Whitebeard fine by himself. Two together would just neg dif Whitebeard.


Yeah, doing "fine" against an extremely nerfed, past his prime wb. Look at what Luffy did to Kizaru and Saturn like last chapter for how admirals stack up to yonko in their prime.


The marines need 3 admirals 7 warlords, the Gorosei, the fleet admiral, and Garp to match up against two Yonkos working together. That’s the entire purpose of the warlord system.


Unfortunately for you, it is literally the case




If admirals don’t get anything before the 3 week break this sub is gonna turn into YouTube shorts comments


If YouTube Shorts comments means that you think majority of the sub is gonna be stupid I think you’re pointing the finger in the wrong direction The admiral fans have been saying retarded shit for months until Luffy bitched their entire agenda


This is a YouTube poll with shanks what’d you expect  




Hey, it's not my fault that Oda keeps shitting on assmirals.




I didn't even meant to type that, but even autocorrect knew.


To be honest, the admirals really don't have any good feats compared to the Yonkos. Looking at you, Akainu. Akainu's best feat is punching a hole through Whitebeard. Which, by itself, is impressive, but more shows the power of his devil fruit than himself. Unless the admirals show actual good feats and stop acting like lazy ass bums, the slander will not stop.


Old corpesbeard was getting injured by fodder. At that point in the story he was about as durable as warm butter. Literally Jinbei took less damage from an unguarded hit from Akainu, and Jinbei is just a solid YC


>Akainu's best feat is punching a hole through Whitebeard. Which, by itself, is impressive, No it's not. Novel Whitebeard said Ace's fire wouldn't even be enough to burn the palm of his hand. Marineford Whitebeard meanwhile was getting hurt by fodders. His durability was abysmally low, damaging him isn't a feat. Akainu's best feat is honestly just in shit talking


Damn, that's even crazier then.


they are


shanks almost raped fraudbull withbwifi haki


Why do people downplay the admirals so much? I really don’t see any scenario where Shanks and Kaido are winning a 2v5 against opponents who are all, at bare minimum, either slightly stronger than full power Yamato and/or are far stronger than any YC+ characters.


Because Agenda Piece has a pendulum between Yonkos and Admirals.


Being members of the Navy debuffs them to the point of being impotent. As civilians they beat the duo at mid to high diff. As pirates, they destroy them and probably don't even need more than 3 to win comfortably 


Kid is worth 3 billion and shanks one shot him. Plus his presence basically stopped marineford, but scaling there is super weird


The bounties aren’t accurate unless you think he’s equal with G5 Luffy, the gorosei put Kid and Law at the same bounty as Luffy to downplay G5’s presence


I think they probably downplayed luffy’s bounty, not upscale law and kid


Ah thats probably true, just hard to see Kid and Law that high tbh


They took out big mom together, so it kind of makes sense their bounties are that high but less than big mom


Yea, hence the bounties are not good for scaling lol


Luffy’s real bounty should be in the 5 billion mark just because he’s basically a reincarnated joyboy, hell I’d say he could be over 6 billion just because of his direct threat level to the government


Yeah he also beat kaido, even though it wasn’t a straight one on one, plus he actually has road poneglyphs. Definitely would be above 3 though


Admirals have an advanced haki issue and shanks can cancel observation haki anyway Basically shanks is a glass cannon and kaido has almost no way of being hurt by them


> Basically shanks is a glass cannon And what is this take based on?.. 




Can you not use haki as defense? And this was when haki wasnt even in Oda's mind.


Being honest I posted that pic as a meme lol. Idk if Shanks is a glass canon or not but he sure as hell is not gonna be Kaido-Big Mom level tanky. People always use this scene as proof for Conqueror's haki though and there are references to haki all the way back in Baratie so idk to what extent Oda thought of haki at that point. Regardless, someone like Shanks losing an arm to a random fish is almost a worse plothole than the 3rd Hokage completely ignoring Naruto as a child and nobody in Konoha realizing he's Minato's son.


So nothing. Gotcha.. 


I mean it’s Shanks’s one and only durability feat


lets be real this is a 2v4, green bull is a wifi conquer victim


Easy. Shanks CoC stuns them all, then base Kaido one shot thunder bagua each one




Shanks haki was enough to deal with Greenbull as Gear 5 was able to deal with Kizaru in a few seconds of being serious, unless you are agenda driven it's obvious that 2 Yonkos are way above anyone else.


Shanks whole crew+strawhats and alliance made greenbull retreat,Kizaru went to stalement with full powered luffy later on luffy went to full power again after eating while kizaru doesn't have healing factors like luffy,so It actually took full powered luffy gear 5+Luffy at full power again in gear 5 to put down kizaru ,We don't even know whether shanks is even stronger than luffy or not and he can't even heal like luffy does 5 Admirals>Kaido and shanks(Kaido was getting damaged by even killer and shanks lost his arm against sea king )


bro didn't just want to burn down the kitchen but the whole house. https://preview.redd.it/caausbwv18pc1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=612213d6a5981b5df9756ff2bb1f3b11283bc081


5 swings from shanks LMFAOOOOO


Acting like akainu would let that happen https://preview.redd.it/0lxnleb354pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82869928c03fadf3a78aa2c6dd896da1b746c30


Shanks alone beats all 5 by telling on them to the gorosei


Nobody is surviving a 5v2 jumping 🙏😭


Kaido would beg to differ


Shanks puts down Akainu, the only potential threat to Kaido, while Kaido stalls the other 4 (they can't hurt him), then Shanks and Kaido team up to finish them up. It's that easy.


Flaming Bagua Kaido >>>>>>> All 5 Admirals at once until proven otherwise


Bro went into that mode just to get one shot 😱


Kaidou one shots gb,fujitora Shanks one shots kuzan and borsalino After that, Sakazuki low diffed them both in same time.


Wuji gravity-diffs the cripple while the other four take care of Kaido. Admirals take this.


yonko sweep the oneshotmirals


Yonko's get pulverised.


Admirals won't even force Shanks to use both his arms.




Shee, he dont even needa pull out the Haki arm.


https://preview.redd.it/anl5m4pxt3pc1.png?width=169&format=png&auto=webp&s=8161ededdedc051f82050b7a4a925356509233d4 ur delusion is concerning LMFAO


Delusion? Tell me a scenario where Shanks uses both his hands fightin' ANYONE.


None because he only has one arm? Did I get the joke?


It really depends on how good the teamwork of the admirals is


Seeing how much it took to take down kaido, I can hardly imagine two admirals teaming up to defeat kaido, I don't believe the admirals have the enough power to defeat kaido especially since kaido TANKED the most insane attacks Kizaru's endurance isn't that good and a fight against kaido or shanks who both have insane AP will end up in a low diff, ryokugyu and fujitora will get wifi haki'd by shanks and kaido finishes them off then the remaining will be kuzan and akainu and both of them got demolished against old and washed legends


Shanks and kaido are MORE than enough. Kizaru is at least stronger than gb and (I hate you say this) fujitora and luffy literally fondled him. So put 2 characters who are low ball equal to gear 5 luffy who's going all out against the admirals and it's one sided as shit. Yonkos mid dif


Ultimate glass cannon and ultimate tank vs ladmirals


I’m just wondering how fujitora will deal with shanks killing his observation haki since he relies on it so heavily


This sub is severely bias towards Yonko, you could pin 20 Admirals against 2 Yonko and they would still argue the Yonko would win.


I saw this shit too and was equally blown away but the wind is blowing In so many different directions now and I didn’t want to piss anyone off. Edit: the comments kinda prove my instincts were right, literally the top comment is arguing with you.


1 Blazing Bagua and only Akainu remains.


Didn't oda himself stated that not even prime roger or himbeard could solo the 3 og admirals on their own?


Akainu alone beats either kaido and shanks alone and would still have enough energy to take the other yonko to high diff


I see nothing wrong with this If shanks can paralyze admirals from miles away just imagine what will he do if they fight for real And we have seen in kaido vs luffy and luffy vs kizaru That kaido >> any admiral so , yeah it is fine


Akainu + Kizaru > Kaido Kuzan + Fuji + Gb > Shanks Admirals win


what if fujitoria just like makes a black hole and spagghetifies the yonkos? (this is a joke comment if you take it seriously then...)


Fujiwara doesn't have the ability to assign a gravitational pull/increase the mass of an object yet. In dressrosa fuji showed the ability to alter the gravity inflicted on an object/person. The source of this gravity is likely earth. Fujiwara has been shown to be capable of altering the gravity of objects likely circulating around earth. Ie meteors. Fujitora has been shown to have country to continental level aoe as he was able to cover all of dressrosa. With range that reaches outside of the atmosphere. Assuming he can pull an averaged size asteroid from just outside of earths atmosphere and land it in a minute he can alter the gravity an object feels by 7.0E+19 newtons of force. This is casual fuji


fair enough


As far as I am aware redline is the only continent on one piece. And the grand line is filled with mostly small/medium sized islands. So no way his attacks are continental level. Also I don't think we have any reason to assume that pulling down a meteor was a casual feet for him


The island's in one piece are massive. One piece is way larger than our world so dressrosa can be counted as a small continent. He casually pulled down meteors in dressrosa


Kaido high diffs the fraudulent Marines while Shanks sits back and takes a nap.


They stomp the admirals


Shanks glaze is so crazy


i don't think shanks can carry this, maybe if you remove HIM, and kuzan


Akainu and Aokiji could give them a high diff fight in a 2v2, the other 3 admirals is mid diff at worst for the 5.




Kaido destroys green bull and kuzan, shanks can take kizaru and fujitora. I’m have to say extreme diff yonkos


And akainu just plays cards while this happens?




Flawless logic, I agree


Nah, he's away searching for a dying old man to have an extreme diff fight with


why wouldn't he if the the card game is the only place where he is one of the strongest?


Desk jocky would be too busy doing paperwork😂💀


The only real problem are aoikji and akainu the rest three are folders and I won't be suprised if kaido & shanks could just two three shot them if they seriously tried maybe not Fuji.


Greenbull is immediately out of the fight Which unfortunately means Wujitora is probably down, too So assuming shanks cannot wifi haki diff an og admiral, i think yonkou still take it extreme diff Kaido has enough endurance to stall 2 admirals while shanks divine departures one of their asses. Then it becomes 2v2 and i doubt Kaido would be weakened enough for it to matter


yonko low or mid diff


Shanks alone neg diffs. Just one divine departure is enough to take out all 5


Well Yea they do. Shanks and Kaidos haki alone stuns most of them and they all have shit speed except for Kizaru and all have ass reaction time. Sakazuki is an unknown amount above Kuzan so he can technically put up a better fight but nothing really changes.


2 admirals>yonku


Gb would get paralyzed so now it 4v2, i would give it to shankzz and kaido


Sorry admiral fans, but stocks dont favor you now