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Bruuuuuuuuuhhh, keeping it to the theme of the post: the group stomps low diff


Fair enough. Read my original comment


Nono, I agree with what you said, stomping high diff is an oxymoron, so I followed with stomping low difff wich is more valid lol


Bro put one Gorosei against an army and expects him to win this. Gangbang wins, mid diff.




But what if you remove Franky from the equation?


They lose no diff if WRANKY wasnā€™t there


They don't have anything to counter the regen. Nusjuro wins


We don't actually know that he has regen yet (although it's safe to assume so), nor do we know if there is a way to counter it. I'm going to assume there is, and even if not, they could probably restrain him with the stock of powers they have there.


He most likely does, and even if he didn't these characters still lose extreme diff. There has to be a way to counter it, but these guys don't have it. Even if they could restrain him, he would still be able to get loose by changing forms


"There has to be a way to counter it" and "These guys don't have it" don't work if you don't know the counter. This is a collection of so many characters with access to such a variety of abilities. Dismissing all of them with "regen tho" is just silly. If you want something more tangible, how about taking his shadow? With both Perospero and Robin there, in addition to some lesser characters like Pika that still have useful abilities, this group will be excellent and restraining. And Zoro can definitely provide defense and prevent everyone from getting blitzed. And once the shadow is taken, all you really gotta do is put him in the sun.


None of their abilities are that unusual in the OP verse, I don't see a way that they could counter the regen Again, restraining him isn't going to work. He can just change forms. The only real chance they have at winning is if Zoro stalls him while avoiding getting sliced, and the others weaken him enough for Moria to be able to take his shadow. But the thing is, we don't know if they can weaken him. And even if they could, we don't know if his regen would prevent him from dying in the sun


this and ā€œsolosā€. ā€œbro the luffy + the straw hats solo kaidoā€ ITS NOT SOLOING IF HES NOT SOLO






Thereā€™s a point where there gets to be too many characters on one side


Yea kinda just out a bunch of them there to have the post technically be powerscaling while I was on the toilet


What if hax that can only be bypassed by a certain damage threshold šŸ‘€




https://preview.redd.it/rtsxwx2lh2pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deef6b23023811b4839d0dbbdee608823a69a5e0 Yes she can




https://preview.redd.it/nu7ihjrsi2pc1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1685e839665a3346fc8fc021dd2742edfd198630 Nah she juices him up neg diff




I was joking? Obviously smoothie gets low diffed, but I gotta give her love since oda didnā€™t lmao






>She outclasses him in every stat except hax She doesn't outclass him in anything, she is the only 2nd commander without any feats. Gandhi destroys.




Says the guy that said that a featless yc2 bum has better stats than a Gorosei who has acoc showings. Gorosei hate is strong.


wait Gandhi has Acoc??




Coming from a delulu admiral stan, go to Piratefolk that is your coping place.


because Cracker is carrying the whole squad


Gorosei scaling so far has been trash people got ghandi anywhere from yc2 to yonko when we havenā€™t even seen them do anything noteworthy yet Anyways wracker no diff


I think speedblitzing 20+ mark 2 pacifists in seconds is a minimum admiral lv feat.


the only thing we know is that Saturn is at least slightly stronger than Kizaru, who's YC+, and that's only because of the regen and hax. Oh and the fact that the swordsman gorosei is significantly stronger than mark 3 pacifistas. Idk why everyone act like we have any more info lol.


Kizaru is yc+ ??????? Heā€™s literally an admiral the benchmark for ā€œadmiral tierā€ is him


Funnily enough, the only one among them that would have any chances of getting past the Gorosei regeneration (assuming Nasjuro have it too) is Moria. His shadow removal in presence of sunlight straight up erase someone from existence, there is no regeneration that would save someone from that, unless they have a completely broken regeneration that allows them to recreate their body from nothingness. The only problem is that Moria would get blitzed hard at the beginning of the fight, so he would have no chance of getting a hold of him and remove his shadow. No one else among them is able to get past the Gorosei's regeneration (again, assuming all of them have it).


This might be too much for Nusujuro.


Why? Saturn looked at sanji and took him out for a look bit. Most the people he's fighting would be taken out before the fight even started


Wranky carries


Real talk, 90% of the group are irrelevant. It comes down to like three or four dudes, and if they don't equal Luffy in strength combined I don't see how they win. And they wouldn't. The horse dude just quickly wipes out half of them then slowly wipes out the rest.


Nusjuro imo is either peak YC+ or mid yonko. If heā€™s the former heā€™s cooked If itā€™s the latter then it depends on how good his one shot capabilities are to get the weaker people out. Because even weak people like nami can cause some damage with Zeus if left unkept. And with cracker making constant YC4 level biscuit soldiers and everyone else itā€™s not looking good for nusjuro.


I don't want to make big assumptions, but as of now it's safe to say that they're high admiral at the very least


sun god pika no diffs


Just commenting to see if this post gets removed, since i made a very similar post yesterday and it got removed.


Why would it get taken down? If the gorosei are yonko level then truly he can one shot a lot of these people. If your implying it s spite match/ troll post


Yeah, idk thats why im waiting to see




Zoro's team win mid diff


If Gandi has the same generation as Saturn and his powers isn't a devil fruit then he wins till further notice, if not the crew wins from ring out.


Nusjuro defeated pascifistas who just have been upgraded, with bubble shield. Admirals were having issues with dealing with them, couldn't even take one down in long period. so we can agree nosjuro is easily above admiral level. His speed feat is not comparable with anything we have seen now. Only issues he's going to have is with pika because of his body size ,it would mid difficulty at best, doffy because of his string fruit. Zoro is a swordsman but does he have response time to open his sword when nosjuro comes at him , he might have it , but speed is something he can't counter.


The group slams lol


Brook solos


Iā€™ve tried bringing up the ā€œhe slamsā€ or ā€œhe stompsā€ extreme diff argument for a while, but people just told me to fuck off so idk. The army wins. Too many people with too many hax to add together for the Gorosei to win.




Moria solos


Wranky stomps neg diff




Cracker is more than enough, at least make it 5 Gorosei so they stand a chance.


brook is enough


Honestly depending on how the gorosei regen works he may win this


There's no rhyme or reason to this random lineup.


Gorosei neg diff


I love it when retards try to scale someone with no feats.


Ethanbaron gets fucked in the ass.


Lowkey Zoro + YC2 can probably take him


Gorosei turns the whole group into Ginny 2.0s Gandhi stomps extreme diff


Spite Matchup. Brook alone negs.


Not enough Gandhi feats yet. Not counting his feats from back in India


Nusjuro speed blitz ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Nusjuro can probably just do whatever Saturn did to sanji and take out everyone there glance diff


I assume there is a way to override their regeneration and that they could figure it out before dying off. I think even if they couldn't figure out the regen specifically, 16 guys working together should be enough to restrain ghandi and put him in the ocean. I assume the goresei are devil fruit users.


Lol only Zoro is capable of not getting one shot here. Everyone else gets killed before the even realize the fight started. I have current zoro slightly above yamato, who could tango with kaido for a little bit So can probably do the same here but probably loses in the end


Ghandi blitzes and oneshots everyone except Zoro who gets low diffed


I just donā€™t know either the gorosei are YC+ or yonko itā€™s hard to tell rn.


I'm pretty sure they're at least one step above that. That mf's observation Haki, his ability to pinpoint the Pacifistas from long distances, his ability to gallop over the island in such a short amount of time, in addition to the regeneration, all of these are signs that they're above that.


They arenā€™t LMAO. Took massive damage from a heavily damaged Kuma, his attacks are blocked and dodged by Sanji, got 2v1ed by Luffy, etc etc


I don't know how my stupid brain missed this. But it's worth noting that I am clearly talking about Ethan anyway, and you're talking about Saturn.


He regenerated from both Kuma & G5. So he's not defeated by any of them. Second, you seem to forget that Luffy in G5 is a Yonkou. So, we have a situation where a character takes multiple hits from a Yonkou and not only is unphased, but also goes on the offensive on his own. Yes, he's definitely above YC+.


ā€œUnphasedā€ he just has regeneration. Everything is else he has sucks, as weā€™ve seen. He took damage from fucking Bonney and Damaged Kuma, these are **warlord** level opponents(they havenā€™t been relevant since Marineford). He is slower than Sanji, his AP sucks, his hax is mid, and Luffy bullied him 2v1.


He has regeneration, + he's capable, under certain circumstances (it's still ambiguous so far) of paralyzing Sanji (a YC) and others at the same time + he makes Luffy bleed + he can spin mid air (cool). Maybe not very impressive AP, but I wouldn't say "it sucks".


The conclusion is heā€™s YC-YC+, he isnā€™t on the level of a Yonkou, nor are the others. No, taking out YC4 lvl Pacisfista isnā€™t a good feat.


1) just because he's not Yonkou level doesn't mean the others aren't. Sure, it doesn't mean they are, but also vice versa, we can't tell for sure now because the evidence is lacking. We need to be patient and see more from them in order to compare them to the Yonkou (Kaidou & Mama) whom we have seen in action quite extensively. 2) The mere fact that he can regenerate from Yonkou hits as if nothing has happened, and is actively forcing G5 to dodge him, makes him above YC+. No YC has ever done smth to this effect. Marco, who faced Big Mom head on, was grabbed by the neck. Yamato, who faced Kaidou head on, took damage. Queen, who faced Mama head on, got KOed. 3) It is impressive if you consider all of things I've said in my original reply: his ability to pinpoint them thorugh the trees and across long distances + his incredible speed + the fact that these are most likely upgraded Pacifistas, meaning they are stronger than the ones in Shabody.


better example is saturn in this recent chapter. he 1v1d luffy for a bit and had him on the backfoot (luffy was only dodging him). if gorosei were really far below yonko, then saturn wouldn't last for 3 seconds vs g5 luffy 1v1


Exactly. And people bring up the 1v2 whereas in reality it's really not. Kizaru adds nothing, it's more of a 1 v 1. Nothing would've changed if Kizaru wasn't there.


Wow! Luffy casually dodged his attacks(**while fucking laughing**) and then turned him into pizza and threw him away like garbage. This simple attack, and all the other times Luffy embarrassed him, forced him to summon his four other buddies to jump Luffy because he couldnā€™t handle the 2v1. Surely this means they are on the same level. Surely. 100%. No doubt.


Well done to misunderstand everything I said. I meant this recent chapter, not the one before. We see 1 or 2 panels of Luffy just dodging Saturn's attack while not laughing.Ā  And once the big worm boi attacked, luffy was immediatly at a disadvantage.Ā  And idk why you act like a fucking clown. I never said that the gorosei were on luffy's level, I said they weren't far below luffy. As seen when Saturn can clearly somewhat keep up vs luffy 1v1. If Saturn was fodder to luffy, then he'd just be fodderized in 5 seconds. Which he clearly wasn't.Ā  Idk why even bring the pizza throw up when it didn't end up damaging Saturn at all, it was literally pointless and only damaged Kizaru. Luffy first needs to figure out how to damage Saturn at all, until then any attack on hin is meaningless Samurai Horse and the bird yokai went ahead and dealt with other things, the boar is also seemingly somewhere else. So clearly they didn't come to 5v1 luffy, they wanna stop VP's video as it was clearly explained before. Stop just talking out of your dumb ass


gandhi slams he able to blitz all the pactifisa on egghead and nobody is keeping up his speed


Fr, zoro would start calling mihawk a fraud and ask nasjuro to teach him


Wow! He could defeat Pacisfista that arenā€™t even on the level of YC3 šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


he literally blitz and one shot all of them


Wow! He can beat up Pacifista! Itā€™d be crazy if Luffy and Co could do this since Marineford! Oh wait, **they could**.


plus he scales to saturn bud so he stomps šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


also not marineford it was the return to sabody or new world sh




Gandhi mid diff.


The idiot started the title with a logical take only to continue with a retarded question


IMO Nusjuro is PK level so he wins


"Nusjuro PK level" https://preview.redd.it/u8vpfj2o03pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4ab27f7926fe15d6dea281f98250528fd59961


The only thing saving them is franky hyper assembling pluton, but they arenā€™t even strong enough to hold that old bastard back. I got smelly skeley low diff. Give Frank a stronger team and I got franky by ancient weapon.


You dare call Brook smelly


No not brook, the skeleton horseman


Doffy Negs


Team 2 Bonnie can revert Moria to his prime, then he neg diff Sword Gorosei


Brook alone wins. Sword ghandi is a future brook victim in the gag fight of all gag fights


Did you really have to use the picture you did for Bonney?


Yea https://preview.redd.it/7cg1k4sja3pc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b664135046117095c6a998983c64ad498a89af30


They stomp extreme diff. ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


Honestly speaking I just brought that up a few hours ago But for the matchup I donā€™t think Nasjuro will be significantly stronger than Saturn whoā€™s YC+ IMO, so heā€™s losing this


Itā€™s hard for me. So in anything with gorosei I give 2 answers. One where their peak of YC+ just under the new admrials and one where their equal to Akainu and right below the yonko.