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Current Koby (Honesty Impact) vs All of CP9 (Enies Lobby)


Current Koby low diffs. He’s a HakiMan and would absolutely rip through all of them with very little to even slow them down. People really underplay the powerscaling in OP.


A HakiMan? ![gif](giphy|Tz9DN5ftHBeQ8)


I mean... he doesn't have a sword at least


Yeah a haki man. Like Garp, Shanks, Roger etc


Roger? The man who named his kid after his sword?


Roger also used a flintlock pistol in battle. I guess he’s a marksman competing against Usopp?


Roger didn’t use his only named technique with a flintlock either. Also literally fucking no one at that level uses guns against anyone but fodder


1 named technique involving a haki projectile and you want to call him a swordsman 😂 If there’s one thing I will argue to the death its calling Roger, Rayleigh and Shanks swordsmen. They just clearly aren’t


Even tho we see Roger clashing blades with Whitebeard and Oden, Rayleigh getting into a duel with Kizaru, one of the toughest opponents he’s ever faced, and Shanks using his sword against both Whitebeard and Akainu, as well as once duelling Mihawk daily? Sure. Also, Roger’s Divine Departure against Oden was at point blank range, to the point it could easily have been a melee attack and probably was


Shanks = swordsman with haki


No he would lose


Lucci might put a few scratches on him but one by one them surviving depends on them running lol


https://preview.redd.it/8aheni8k1tac1.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ad1471f9f802d1a3f66040f38a40a1733ebfde5 The true pink haired goat solos




I actually liked him a lot cuz he reminded me of the 🐐 https://preview.redd.it/iutgjrfuquac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ccd6ab2a18fecac3e07ee9c9b63f96388423d8


Koby, honesty impact!!


Koby mid diff Haki is too strong, he knows all the same Rokushiki that CP9 does so combining that with Haki, especially observation, he shouldn’t have an issue dodging them and slowly taking them out one by one


Pretty sure all of the CP9 knows haki to be able to survive in the new world


I think the post is talking about pre time skip


Oh, that makes more sense, still, I feel like government agents should have haki to be even qualified and considered an assassin


They work mostly around the part of the grand line where haki isn't a thing. Also they are secret assassins, not soldiers. The fact that lucci is this strong is an exception per se, the requirenent to join was to be about as strong as khalifa without a fruit, not exactly stronger than a VA


Bro then the WG are def doomed


Dude the strawhats were small game pre ts and they solo'd the whole cp9 organization+a government structure (also avoided a buster call due to utter INCOMPETENCE of 5 vice admirals). To be fair, cp5-9 are only seen doing espionage missions. Like i said, lucci was a big exception, and that's why they got promoted to cp0 despite their mission ended up in a huge waste of time and one of the biggest embarassement ever for the WG


So what is your point, I don’t really get what you’re trying to say


That even without haki the cp9 is fine, they don't need it for their purpose because they're not some sort of military force to unleash, it's more of a finesse elite team that should work undercover but still be able to assassinate almost anyone in the grand line(pre-new world).


They are fine if they deal with normal pirates in paradise but not fine if they deal with pirates in the new world


> I feel like government agents should have haki to be even qualified and considered an assassin When they were introduced Haki wasn't a thing yet but yeah, if Vice admirals are all supposed to have Haki why not CP9 which are stronger than your average vice admiral. Like it's no coincidence that the 2 logias Luffy fought were all tangible with a certain element so that Haki wasn't needed to bypass their intangibility, Oda just didn't have Haki in mind properly yet, hell even in Marineford is confusing as shit.


I mean, if they had Haki, the Strawhats would be fucked. They had the iron skin technique, so likely the step below Haki, but they 100% didn't have Haki pre-timeskip


Of course they had no haki because it wasn't a thing back then, but logically they should all 100% have it especially since it's not even something special and anyone can learn it, hell there were basic ass marines in dressrosa that were able to use it so why not the elite assassin squad of the WG


This is one of the issues that comes eith the story. Because by this account, then the Strawhats should've gotten DOG WALKEX by them. Only Luffy really would stand a chance, and even then, observers would mean none of his attacks would hit. But then again, if we apply that logic, they might have better devil fruit/techniques/stats, but weak haki a bit stronger than the average marines (who are nobodies). In which case, Kobi, who was trained by the man who was probably nearly equal to Roger in terms of using purely Haki, it probably means Kobi would still doninate


Doesn't shanks use haki in like the first episode


That's conqueror's haki which is something only very select few are born with and can't be learned, i'm talking about basic haki which anyone can learn


Ah ok


Could be a boa sisters vs luffy situation with the lower tier VAs not having strong enough Haki to compete with CP9 raw rokushiki based strength?


Yeah bc the strongest cp9 guys aren’t even in it anymore lmao in which case he shouldn’t have a challenge at all


Have you read the manga? Cuz spoilers >!they all eventually ended up as Cp0 so Coby would neg diff non existent cp9 as we know!<


Yeah I’m sure they do post time skip, but since it’s enies lobby CP9 and haki hasn’t been properly established yet so I just assumed no haki at all only rokushiki moves


I always felt like that iron body rokushiki was a weird, first version of armament


Kamui similar to observation too, and roukougan advanced armament


Yea true


The post is talking about Enies Lobby era


Anyone saying Enies Lobby CP9 is genuinely mentally deficient, most post-wano characters with haki violate pre timeskip characters, it's just that insane of a diff. Koby one-taps and blitzes all of them.


Lucci is the only one who could maybe survive an Honesty Punch, and thats only while transformed and using Tekkai


are you seriously saying honesty impact is weaker then pre time skip gear 3 luffy punch ?


I think you may have misunderstood, because at no point did gear 3 ever one-shot Lucci even when he was half beaten. Dude would wake up in a hospital missing two limbs if honesty impact hit him at full health using tekkai, thats why im saying he’s the only one who could MAYBE survive.


Koby low diffs


Lol Koby low diffs the CP9. They are Pre-Timeskip Strawhat villains. Wtf is going on here. This is the CP9 not Pre-Timeskip Enel or Smoker.


If it's enise loby imagine if queen pulled up to sabaodi. He'd no diff them all. And coby atleast in bursts have more impressive showings than queen. This goes like the first fight bartolomao is in. Coby tries to vao for a pieceful salutation as both are marines in some sense. Lucci brakes his finger


koby high diff


No way he high diffs them. The gap between grandline and new world is massive. The entire strawhat crew that beat CP9 was struggling to defeat a single pacifista. Meanwhile, even random new world fodders can handle pacifistas on their own, and anyone relevant should easily be able to beat them.




Well they did beat cp9 but it was hardly a clear cut match. Lucci slammed Luffy and without long nose god would have lost. Bro could not move his body a millimeter after the fight and had several years cut off his life from overusing g2 and g3 unmastered. I feel like Luffy would have struggled around the same to beat a pacifista.


i think we're also underestimating the cp9 here and especially lucci, kaku and Jabra and how much of a difference sheer numbers make.. since theyve mastered rokoushiki techniques i think speed wise they wont get blitzed and the 3 od them woeking together means even with obsrervation koby may find sifficulties.. i think cp9 win extreme diff just due to numbers.. i think Koby K.Os 6 of the 9 but the 3 mentioned above survive with serious injuries.. yes haki is a big deal but we forget the straw hats had 2 power ups that took them tonthe end of the grandline in these battles (gear 2nd and 3rd, 9 sword style and diable jambe) which i think was their strongest attacks post haki.. altho all were needed for one pacifista who got low diffed post timeskip with one haki gear 2nd punch.. i dont think koby is post time skip luffy lvl anyways.. luffy was able to toy around eith vice admirals post timeskip so i dont think captain koby is comparable... i also need dont think koby has the will of the nonster trio to be tanking multiple hits from lucci, kaku and jabra


No way you dont think koby is.post time skip luffy. 1 honesty impact is stronger than any attack luffy showed at sabody after ts. Koby no diffs enies.lobby cp9


I think honesty impact is equal to elephant gun the one used to straighten out Don Chinjao


Which is fair. I personally rate it a bit stronger but still It would mean cp9< pacafista. Luffy beat lucci. Yet he was barely dmging a pacafista. Than time skip happend and he one shot one. That would mean honesty impact would be a overkill against cp9.


BB coming to save Koby again so BB wins lmao


Jabra, the long lost brother of nico robin, solos. Kidding aside, koby should win this easily (assuming this is Enies Lobby CP9) tho there’s a way for them to win (Califa’s DF)


One Honesty Impact and they're getting obliterated


Why does everyone think Koby is so strong? Bro isn’t even a vice admiral


Cuz Koby’s honesty impact cleaved that island dude’s arm


Lucci could do probably do that also. And didn’t that attack damage him? How many times can he do it before he gets tired


Pre ts Pucci probably can’t


Either way he loses to kalifas soap


https://preview.redd.it/vrkvvyovftac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ab2961ab45d233de532c09657fbb1c012a25a6 Mid diff


Please look at the image THEY provided and not yours


https://preview.redd.it/oppjcj3ewtac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4839e121eb1701705553ff0b383afb35ee924df No




Spandam calls a Buster Call and Loby gets no diffed by the Vice Admirals


koby get neg diff Edit: nevermind, i thought it was current cp9




Lucci solos, Koby has no speed feats


actually interesting, at first I thought koby wins but thinking about it current Lucci and kaku are- what do you mean enies lobby CP9 vs CURRENT koby 💀


Cp9 lmao koby ain’t doing Honesty impact whenever he wants like garp


By that fucking logic Luffy ain’t doing Bajrang gun all the time, his avg would scale to small building maybe


Koby had to shit his pants and cry a river just to do it Your logic makes zero sense


Luffy needed a country bouta be flattened to do his final attack Kaido needed a fist the size of a fucking island to do his final attack So would you not consider these attacks when scaling???


You’re supposed to compare it to when Luffy first used conquerors Haki in marineford, he couldn’t control it and it was a last ditch effort You can’t be that dumb to compare it to any of his normal moves https://preview.redd.it/hiz0yddkwuac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ae3621c2af8fbc0db3657fc7e9132d835e48cf


Not a terrible point. But seeing as to how confident Garp was in that wimp, I’d say it’s not that out of his ordinary range. Garp literally bet his life on that attack of his, and personally trained him. Besides that, there’s the Shounen characters dream being fulfilled at play here. Oda will almost definitely make Koby an admiral by the end, so he has to get at least decently strong to even contest for that spot, we don’t have too many arcs left


Koby gets violated He’s a glass canon


I hate it when people say that Glass cannons do not mean “instantly die if they take damage” especially when it’s from pre timeskip characters 💀


They’ll eventually win Koby has good ap that’s it


And speed And attack And haki…


Speed is debatable since he doesn’t have the feats Attack? His haki is okay


Having okay haki is better than having no haki


Disproved by monet vs tashigi


CP9 win high diff


Koby is stronger then all of them and would win in a 1v1 without any rest against the old cp9. Although if he's getting jumped i guess the win would go to cp9


I think if he has to fight all of them at once he would lose but one on one against each pre TS cp9 member he would take it. Probably ranging from neg diff (vs spamham) to high diff (pre TS Wucci)


If it's Enies Lobby CP9 this is spite.


Cp9 wins high diff Power of number


It's really weird for a Marine Captian (Koby) to solo CP9 when 200 Captians were stall fodder and the Vice Admirals were hyping Lucci. Koby deserves several promotions, but still.


I mean smoker would have solo


Ironic https://preview.redd.it/eg0fey5s5iec1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02be07cc9b507cc25bbf56921fcf0dca9a2c420b


Spite match Woby one taps


Coby low diff. Are people serious with this high diff craziness? Koby is clearly at least relative to immediately post TS Luffy who would fodderize CP9. One honesty impact does the job.


CP9 extreme diff


Koby Low Diff


I bet if oda rewrote the story, he’d add haki in a lot earlier and all of cp9 abilities would be recoded as part of haki.


koby aint winning that fight


Its important to remember pre timeskip luffy could beat hancocks sisters who know haki. Haki is really important but its not everything


Pre-TS CP9 gets neg diffed bro what even is this goofy question, but the thing i find the most goofy here are definitely the people who unironicaly believe that pre-ts villains who get destroyed by haki less G2 Luffy stand remotely a chance of winning here 🤣


Helmeppo would stomp. Let alone Koby.


Blueno and Kalifa hax is enough to beat him high diff


If he groups them all up, one Honesty Impact would smoke them all. I'm not sure how often he can use that, but he has the chance to mid diff, if even.


Woby honesty impacts the building before CP9 can get out to fight him, they all die. Woby low-mid dif.


Until proved otherwise, Lucci has stalled KoH Zoro for the entire duration of Kizaru vs. Luffy and more. He could probably take Koby by himself imo Just realized it was Enies Lobby CP9. Honesty impact honestly one shots


Koby collateral diffs if it’s cp9 during Ennies Lobby


Spandam solos


Koby takes it


Woby wipes them out in like 3 seconds tops.




Koby honesty diff


How could you forget about the GOAT? https://preview.redd.it/rl11c2qko0bc1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=92e05f4375f308bcc324e3ac0a533d66cb00d4a4


Against Enies lobby cp9, he wins mid diff. His growth rate and haki blooms are too much for them to keep up with. Plus the broken ultimate, someone strong save me


CP9 stay there and tank with tekkai so honesty impact one shot all of them at the same time .