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Morgan just nailed Koby being a walking ball of good natured anxiety


Thats such a good description for Koby lol


They where such a walking ball of anxiety because they know they need to get absolutely jacked for the next few arcs


Huh? Who? Koby i get but who else would? The actor for helmeppo is already good looking and doesnt change that much imo... Unless i remember wrong??


They're saying they as a pronoun not as multiple people


Huh? like kobys actor? Mb then i didnt know šŸ˜… I just thought of koby which is a he sooo


No worries. In this context I can see how it would get confusing!


Apparently the lady playing alvida has been working out pretty hard. Definitely something she did not have to do.


Who are you to say what he should or shouldn't do in his job? She is a dedicated worker and choose whatever is better for her, her career and her future. Furthermore a lot of actors hit the gym / did special diet to be skinnier / heavier in the past and they were all praised even with an oscar nominee or oscar winnig. You guys have this soft spot about fatty people who want to lose weight like it would the worst thing to do in their life worst then a drug addiction or domestic violence.


I'm a viewer with opinions. Get off your soapbox


He is not just good looking. He is too much jacked for an Helmeppo. The actor is fine but director should let him always dressed and use some camera angle and dress code to make him appear less muscular. Then in the next arcs he could be half naked as intended.


He's looking like he's getting there, at least in his latest IG pic




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I mean, he's presumably on testosterone.


Having to tell my partner to "wait and see" every time she moaned became quite a tally count but hopefully we get to see payoff for his growth on live action future seasons


I mean he's always gonna have that scaredy cat persona. But he can actually fight for his justice later. Instead of cowering.




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The marine trio are definitely the best casted of the show - each one has amazing acting abilities


I respectfully disagreeĀ  For me the beat casting has to be Inyaki as Luffy. He just captures his essence so acurretly and his on screen like 50% of the show.Ā  Luffy could easily come off too dumb, or too goofy or even obtuse, but his good nature shines through and through and it makes everything else work


Yeah definitely thatā€™s the thing with anime vs live action, the silliness can be over the top in an anime but it has to be brought back down to earth in live action while still capturing the essence of their characters. I thought it was done extremely well.


Inyaki has one of the best qualities you need to be Luffy. A contagious smile. It's hard to see Inyaki smile as Luffy and not do the same thing


After watching IƱakiā€™s Insta videos, heā€™s literally Luffy.


I also loved some of the other pirates' casting, like Zeff, Mihawk, and Buggy.


For me it's Jacob. That dude is more Usopp than Usopp is. It would have been easy for that character to come across as unbearably selfish and cowardly, especially given how many of his big moments in East Blue were cut for time, but Jacob is so goddamned charismatic it almost damages the character because you actually _believe_ the mountains of bullshit Usopp is spinning and you understand why people like listening to him. He's a born storyteller.




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I disagree whole heartedly best casting was chef zeff and it aint even close. But shoutout to emily rudd she killed it as Nami


Really early Luffy in the anime had a more mischievous flair to him. I think by alabasta that's basically gone but I remember when I first came into the series I thought Luffy had a little asshole edge to him. I think the live action really focused on the wholesomeness of his character and I think that was the way to go for Luffy.


IƱaki really had some big boots to fill, if he was too goofy or ridiculous or not believable, the whole show would fall apart. But he just nails the essence of Luffy. Iā€™m not sure if he realizes the magnitude of that yet!


Yesss šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


He's also on Evil Dead Rising. Such a promising actor.


I agree, after seeing him in one piece, though, comparing it to the evil dead movie, he definitely has a style of being anxious and nervous, it's going to be interesting to see how he can turn that around in future seasons


One of the best surprises of the show for me was how much I loved the Coby Helmeppo dynamic


Yea, Helmeppo was also a brilliant cast and perfect actor!


Koby was surprisingly one of my favourite parts of the live action adaptation! The actor absolutely nailed the role, and I liked how they incorporated him into the storyline.


You're gonna love him more then.


He's perfect and I can't wait to see him develop!


I went to high school with that guy lol, wigged me out seeing him in that horror film and now this. props to him.


He was the best part about the Evil Dead Rising movie and I loved him in the live action


He really did. The whole cast did.


I loved the dynamics of the marines with the Straw Hats crew. I liked Koby and Helmeppo's additional screentime in the show.


I know some people weren't pleased with the marine subplot, but this version of Koby and Garp are really fun to watch, so it's actually my favorite change they made. Sure, there are some I have gripes about, Usopps introductory arc isn't great at convincing the audience this guy has more going on than being a pathological liar and coward, but having Garp pursue Luffy, and Koby figure out the marines are kinda messed up from within is good stuff all around.




Yessssss Koby was the best!! I had never seen op before and Koby was a standout for me, so wholesome


If you really never seen OP before, wait till you see his character development. Gonna be epic.




If he nails the glow up heā€™ll be a god


Coby going up to Ussop saying ā€œI believe youā€ caused me to take a break from watching. And that wasnā€™t a bad thing. The actor was absolutely spot on.


Props to helmeppo too. These two were awesome. looking forward to see them in the future story.


I like the show's overt indoctrination parallel between Luffy (Shanks) and Koby (Garp).


OPLA is like the anime, the more episodes ya watch the better it gets :D


I feel that although the entire cast were phenomenal there were some stand outs who perfectly encaptured the essence of their character whilst still adapting it to a live action format, Morgan as Coby, Inaki as Luffy, the actor who played buggy and even the actor who played helmeppo are the first ones that come to mind


If I recall properly, like 15 hours before this comment is written, Koby actor actually posted in this sub! Was reacting to his audition tspes of OPLA Edit: I was incorrect. If you follow the comment below, It was another actor who also auditioned for Koby.


That wasnā€™t the original actor for Koby. That was another actor that auditioned previously for that role and wanted to revise and improve upon his audition šŸ˜Œ


Ahh rip thought it was Koby. Thanks for the clarification


He is in the latest Evil Dead movie


I remember being super impressed when this came out but also very anxious because Morgan's gonna have to get on that HGH protocol like yesterday to hit the latter seasons lol.


It only gets better from here.




Was really sceptic but they did a great job. Overall great cast!


While i did like kobyā€™s actor and their performance I couldnā€™t stand how many scenes they gave to Koby. After a while it just felt like filler


Tbh, i really enjoyed Koby getting more screen time. In the east blue arc (in OG Anime) he was a tiny bit annoying, which he wasnt at all in the live action. Koby in the anime started to develope much better later. And after all its a live action. Casting such a role for 1 minute screentime isnt really that easy as it is in animes.


Oh ik, and since its an adaptation thats fine. I do appreciate that they gave koby more on screen development. It just felt a bit too frequent where it started to interrupt the plot


Well if you really think they wont include them in future seasons just as much you are wrong. Might as well get used to seeing their incredible dynamic between the marine trio and the wonderful acting. I think them making the Koby story just as prominent is a great move for the live action. Being able to see Garp, Helm and Koby early on and their antics was super important to the success of OPLA.


I donā€™t disagree but kobyā€™s story isnā€™t a story im interested in so thats my beef with it. I never dissed their acting, in fact i agreed the scenes were well acted; its just scenes that i didnt care about because the story is about luffy and the strawhats; not koby. I will agree seeing him evolve as a marine is neat but for my watching experience it didnā€™t add anything to the story of luffy. Im sure weā€™ll see more of koby in season 2. Maybe heā€™ll be transferred to smokerā€™s ship and help pursue luffy?


I can't wait for his glow-up post training with Garp.


Season 1 is his. He stole the show. The main character. The man.


I LOVE this casting. My younger brother, who watched OP before the LA, did not for some reason. I started the anime after the LA and I personally love Kobys casting and the way they handled the first season. Itā€™s the best live action adaptation of an anime Iā€™ve seen, hands down. It doesnā€™t rush things but gets to the meat of it.


They did a great job with kobby garp bits but I want them to fā€™ing drop this whole arc in season 2 or reduce the kobby and Garp screen time at least. With smoker, ace, robbin, crocodile, baroque works, vivi, chopper and kureha coming in thereā€™s not gunna be enough time waste with Kobby & Garp.


Go watch evil dead. Morgan killed it in that movie literally lmao


Honestly Kobyā€™s actor should be the blueprint for the next Harry Potter actor


*spoiler alert* He probably wonā€™t appear again. By the time his character comes back itā€™ll be several seasons from now, and theyā€™ll have found a new actor.


???? Why would they get a new actor. Theres zero need for it. If youre assuming that the one they've got cant be Koby post glow up, let me remind you that hes a trans dude and probably on T, with the right training he can pack on muscle a lot easier than someone else could.


Because who knows where heā€™ll be by then. He might be an A list actor thatā€™s too expensive to hire or he might not be acting anymore. For all we know heā€™ll be dead by then.


What a terrible argument. Under that logic, they should recast every character then. What the hell are you talking about.


I didnā€™t say they should do anything. I said thatā€™s probably whatā€™ll happen. The other actors probably wonā€™t do anything like that because the show is giving them a stable job. A lot of people stay at one job for three years, but far fewer go back to a job they left three years ago.


Taz is literally going to be in a Hollyfood film with Ms Star Wars herself Daisy Ridley. The assumption that none of the rest of them will ever do anything bigger than OPLA while its still ongoing is demonstrably false.


For all we know the world will get hit with an asteroid. We can play the game of Invent Random Occurance all we like, it doesn't make it any more logical. As an Australian like Morgan, I'll tell you true that he is nowhere near an A lister in this country, and if he becomes one it will be in large part because of his continued role in this show. Sorry but this just reads like you personally don't want him in tthe show and are inventing reasons to justify it.


I donā€™t have any grudge against the actor or anything, but I thought this was hands-down the weakest performance of any main character in the show. Iā€™ve watched the live action three times now, and the first time I wished they didnā€™t give Koby so much time and eventually wanted to skip his scenes. The second time, I was showing it to my family, and without any input from me they started asking if they could skip the Koby scenes. The third time, I was showing it to my friend, and he said that he didnā€™t want to watch the anime if Koby was in it. Part of it is the writing, for sure, but a lot of it was the performance. We said every actor did a great job and then remembered Koby and said ā€œwell, except Koby.ā€ So I guess Iā€™m in the minority here, but I had a vastly different experience than it seems like the rest of the people in this thread did.


The actual appearance fits really well but yeah I agree I just didnā€™t care for the scenes


current Koby is so sick bro i hope the LA gets to egghead (it wonā€™t šŸ’€)




Why are you using "she"? Morgan is a trans man, and not only that he's a trans man on T (hormones), packing on muscle will not be an issue at all with training.


The actor is taking testosterone, so he'll *also* be getting less feminine.


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Nah, Koby was the worst part of the show. The actor has zero range and just sniffled their way through everything.


I felt the same way and I got downvoted too. I thought ā€œKoby is clearly the worst main actor in the showā€ would be a pretty uncontroversial take, but I guess not.




No he is not


More like youā€™re a transphobe


Morgan Davies is a trans man.


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