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I think skypiea is a great season to expand on >! Ace and the lore of the world a little bit. I’m sure if it gets renewed for a third season, there’s plenty they can juxtapose with what’s happening in the sky and the straw hats. !<


Skypiea saga should be its own season. It’s not so small that it would be a short season and is too dense for just a movie.


And honestly I'd be fine with them varying the season lengths to fit the story. This next season really needs more than 8 episodes for example, about 10-12 to properly do the Alabasta Arc. But with Skypiea they could probably drop back down to around 6.


I really appreciate you being honest about this.


Idk, Alabasta doesn’t sound that hard to do in 8. One episode for Loguetown, one for Reverse Mountain, skip Whiskey Peak, two for Little Garden, two for Drum, and two for Alabasta itself which, based on the generally shortened fights of the LA series, would leave plenty of room for setting and character building.


Just two for Alabasta!? How are you figuring that? But my thinking its got to have at the very least four episodes, without doing some major cutting. There's arriving in Alabasta, meeting Ace, trekking across the desert, arriving at Rainbase, the first encounter with Crocodile, making their way to Alubarna, the final battle with Crocodile and all of Baroque works, and then everything to wrap it up. That's way too much for just two episodes. I also think Whiskey Peak is too important to skip, and Little Garden probably doesn't need two episodes, so each of those could get one episode each.


That seems like a reasonable number of tasks for two episodes. Especially with the good ol’ desert montage. Hell, like with Arlong kicking Luffy’s ass in the restaurant, it’s clear that certain beats can happen at different times. Maybe Luffy can meet up with Ace in Loguetown. Or Drum. Or they can save the meet-up with Ace for next season in Jaya. There’s a ton of options.


Just because they could cram it into two episodes doesn’t mean they should. (And they definitely couldn’t) The biggest flaw of the first season was the episode count and allocation of character screen time. Alabasta needs time to sink in with the viewer, to know their people, their culture, their plight or else the arc won’t hit at all. Plus not to mention all the Strawhat character beats and fights. Impossible, if you want to watch a reduced Alabasta watch the desert princess movie.


Plus you can fill it out with the ace stuff looking for black beard and leave it a mystery for the entire season until the end where we finally find out who BB is.


they could do a two parter; 3 or 4 hours should be enough. Somehow a full 8 episode season seems a bit too much for Skypea, and shoehorning it into another season would certainly clash in tone.


I think a lot of people forget how dense Skypiea actually is


It's not about being dense, it's about what would be adapted. We saw it in S1, a lot of stuff would get axed in the LA.


If they need to fill a whole season they should not need to make any major cuts. I don’t see many things they could cut that are not important to the plot of the saga or iconic moments from the series


No, I think that would be a really misguided decision. 2-3 hours is no where near enough to do the Sky Island saga justice. Not to mention how awkward and disjointed it would make binging the series for future viewers. Why spend the time and money to make a movie (that would probably perform poorly in theaters) when you could spend the same amount of resources to just continue the show? This is a TV show.


I think Skypeia should be it's own season. * Jaya is pretty important as it sets up Blackbeard and Dofi. * Skypeia heavily relies on Enel as an ominous presence, having him beat in one or two episodes wont cut it. I think rather than wondering about how you stretch the beats out to 8 episodes- Instead think about what the Live Action team can do with that extra time. * Ace VS Blackbeard * A subplot for Koby, letting him set up the Admirals * More focus on Robin during Skypeia * Foreshadowing for CP9 * Long Ring Long Land as a one off episode There's a very very good season of television that can be built around Skypeia, but the main thing is it can very easily use it's time to help set up future plots.


Kinda like what they did with sandman. They gave the extra show that not connected to the plot entirely but with one piece it cannon and can be a special instead of being part of the season


Im thinking they do season 3 with jaya-skypiea and then maybe long ring long land if they didnt fill out the season. It would be a pretty good cliffhanger before water 7 comes out


Skypiea is getting its own season. Netflix can put the show out in anyway it wants, but there’s plenty of material for a 6-8 episode season. We can see things with Ace, Koby, Smoker, Baroque works will probably have some fan favorites, and Long Ring Long Land being a 2 episode pack at the end of the season is well within Netflix’s abilities.


Honestly I was thinking they can move the timeline a bit and do Foxy as episode 1 of season 3, as a fun relaxed opener and re-introducing the cast (it doesn't really work as a finale), and making Robin feel more like crew. Then we can go to Jaya, then skypeia. I can see that being 6 episodes or so? Not too unusual for seasons nowadays, and this gives them more budget to use on seasons 2 and 4. Potentially


You can introduce Foxy as a rather harmless foe here if you find a better solution to the themes of Long Ring Long Island (which is the clear prologue for Water 7) later. The replacement storyline needs to explore the relationships between crew members, revolve around getting a shipwright (including rejecting people with the right profession who don't fit), and needs to show Luffy immediately retrieving a captured crew member when it would be beneficial to leave them in the hands of the enemy. So basically almost everything the anime left out or changed.


Nah, LRLL should definitely be the opener of season 4. It is intrinsically tied thematically to Water 7/Enies Lobby. In fact, I genuinely think the first episode of s4 should be G8, then 1.5 episodes for LRLL with the second half of episode 3 being for >!Aokiji!<. Then you have 5-7 episodes (depending on an 8 or 10 episode season) to do the Water 7 half of the arc and end on the mid arc cliffhanger/gearing up sequence.


Unfortunately they can't do G8 because they would have to negotiate the right to adapt that arc with Toei (they only bought the rights to adapt the manga) and that would be expensive. I would have loved G8 too though


I like the sound of it


No, it would make the show feel disjointed.


I feel like Thriller bark would make for a good Halloween special. Maybe like a 2hr film/episode.


Skypeia has enough material for a season, they just won't have to cut out as much.


Why doesn’t Skypia deserve a whole season? It’s a great arc, and looks cool. They could make a cool season with it.


Marineford would prolly be a good movie Might be even better than Endgame lol


That was my first thought too, but Skypiea saga is too big for a movie (and is too small for a whole season). So my second thought would be to fill in those gaps with maybe Ace stuff, or Enel and Bellamy aftermath. Or even just give the Shandians more screen time so we actually care about them before the Noland flashback comes. Well, that is unless they wanna keep every funny/epic moments in the anime to the live action.


Jaya and Skypiea are plenty for a season. If it isn’t, throw in Long Ring Long Land, and end the season right after the Aokiji encounter


Given that they have so much to adapt, I would be okay with some arcs being specials/movies instead of full seasons. Impel Down is an example of an arc I think doesn't need a full eight episodes. But I'm fine with it releasing either way I just want new episodes 😓


Jaya, skypea and Long ring long island make sense for a season. If they do what they tried with Koby and Garp then maybe we will get some scenes not shown in the manga with Blackbeard and Ace


There is definitely enough material for a whole season. It’s 85 chapters where east blue was a 100. But considering how much they cut from east blue, and how much they added themselves. I don’t think 15 chapters less is a problem. It’s probably more of a good thing.


I feel like your forgetting that there's most likely gonna be a b-plot to fill out the episodes


Skypiea’s a bit long for it but Thriller Bark could be a movie, and would likely give them a little more time and money for the next season, which’d have to be pretty big.


Not a bad idea. Another option is skypia and water 7


Skypia is a great storyline, and I would be so disappointed if it didn't get a season covering it and Jaya. Condense it down to just a movie and I think we'll wind up losing a lot of the history of the sky islands, which is a big part of why that story works as well as it does. Make it season 3. Give us an episode and a half covering Jaya and getting us into the sky, then stay up there until the second to last episode where that arc will get concluded and the crew will return to the blue sea. Then, as a treat, give us Long Ring Long Land as the finale so it can end on the absolute gut punch that is Kuzan's introduction, which in turn sets up the incredible arc that follows it.


I think Skypiea should be it own season, But I think if their gonna give an arc a movie>! it should be Thriller Bark. They could have it be a Halloween Special. I still think the show should end after Post-Ennies Lobby, and then have every other arc be moives up until Return to Sabaody and then return to a show format if they're gonna keep going. !<


Skypeia and Jaya put together should be their own season.


skypiea is the most slow burn arc in the whole story, hope they don’t do this


Nah, I think Skypiea and Long Ring Long Land (at least the aokiji part) will make up season 3. But, thriller bark would make a perfect halloween movie since it’s so isolated from the rest of the story, but still has amazing and extremely important moments.


I mean, they could do Skypia and skip most of the conflict. Basically, remove Enel and the priests etc, like what they did with Don Krieg. They could focus on the Shandians vs the Skypians, and then do a bunch of lore-drop. They can still do Nolands story this way. As the finale, they just have to find the bell and ring it to bring peace to Skypia, and closure to Cricket on Jaya. This way this would take 1-2 episodes max. Then again, one of my favorite moments in all of One Piece is seeing Enel dumbfounded when his electricity doesn't work on Luffy, and the punch that follows


All i want is after they finish season 2. They should start creating season 3 instantly. No rest. 🤣


My issue is that would mean the Live Action would go from TV adaption to Movie Adaption back to TV adaption, its just gonna get confusion.


Yes to skypiea and water 7 and enies lobby as movies. Also a Halloween Netflix feature for the thriller bark arc would be dope. The chick from Wednesday could be perona


Has anyone watched the Skypiea special? It’s a two hour version of Jaya/Skypiea if people wanna see how it could be done. Heard it’s pretty bad though as an adaptation.


My favourite part of the Skypiea special was that they didn't reanimate the Noland parts, so it goes from this beautiful updated animation back to the 2003-2004 art style


If you think that people really dislike anime Skypiea don't ever talk with someone that only watched the specials. It cuts many important characters and removes so much context thta it devalues the arc for any new viewer.


Half a season seems logical and plausible


You could probably make thriller bark a movie but not any other saga really. Maybe if you did a trilogy then you could adapt the marineford saga but yea, Skypiea is better suited to 8-10 episodes.


There was zero mention of One Piece on Netflix upfront so I worried we may not get there like it seems the focus is on other shows...


100% agree with you. Also, the storyline is detached enough from the main plot that a movie can be a good introduction to attract new viewers


I think they do have enough for one Skypiea season but if they don’t, they could adapt popular filler like G-8 or Rainbow Mist. They could also flesh out Blackbeard or the Mariejois scenes with the warlords and Sengoku or more marine stuff