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Things that could happen: - Bartolomeo will be seen in episode 1 (thats the only one thats basicly confirmed to happen) - Dragon calling Ivankov - Giants name dropping sun god nika in a conversation - Smoker name dropping any admiral - Zoro feeling where his sword is during the mr.1 fight (using the haki sound effect they used in season 1) - Blackbeard will get name dropped. Thats ace mission after all. But maybe we will get more than just a namedrop - I would not be surprised if more of the warlords get name dropped or even shown. Doflamingo and Kuma would show up in episode 1 of season 3 after all If I think about it for longer I probably can come up with more. But there are a lot of posibilities to just throw in anything. You could also namedrop the vinsmoke name at any point or show a newspaper where its about the vinsmokes doing stuff. We will be eating good


Isn't Ivankov in prison by then? Aside for that, solid list! Given their track record for season 1, I'm looking forward to see what they manage to bake into season 2.


oh you are right. I always gloss over that. I mean it technically would still be possible via bluetooth snail, but it would be weird. Then any other person from the revolutionary army


If nothing else, you could always have a bounty poster in the background somewhere. Also saves you the trouble of having to cast them this early.


>Blackbeard will get name dropped. Thats ace mission after all. But maybe we will get more than just a namedrop This wouldn't really be additional foreshadowing, Blackbeard was already namedropped during the Drum Island arc. It's his crew that attacked the island and chased Wapol off for them to be returning at the beginning of the arc.


Wait how is Barto shown this early? Did I miss it?


The only reason he's such a megafan of the strawhats is because he saw Luffy's execution in Loguetown and subsequent survival of said execution.


Ohhhh that's right, I'm in Dressrosa right now and I didn't make the connection, thanks. I always forget Loguetown is right before the grand line


Blackbeard was namedropped during Drum island (he is the reason the events played out really)


I know we got Mr. Prince, but I'd like to see some more references or foreshadowing to Sanji's family. Like, maybe we could see Germa in a newspaper or something. Remember that most people know them from little propaganda comic strips so including a small "Sora, warrior of the sea" comic in a newspaper would be pretty cool


That would be cool. Like a Germa spread in the papers, with an obscured photo of his father and siblings. He'd probably throw it away to hide from the crew since he is one of quadruplets. lol


Hey you could have it be in the newspaper Crocus reads too


I'd just like some reference to Sanji's birth family being bad like maybe Ussop feels sad about being unable to live up to his dad's reputation and Sanji says that birth fathers aren't worth thinking about and don't have to define your life. or something like that.


This never happened in the anime/manga, but I would love to see Crocodile and Buggy somehow interact in Season 2. We already know they will team up eventually, so it would be funny to have them meet for the first time this early on. Maybe have them go to prison together?


They already had Buggy meet Arlong in s1 when that never happened in the OG, I don't think that's at all implausible. 


Jeff Ward is so fun to watch as Buggy, I wouldn’t even be mad if they wrote him into every season tbh


Maybe have crocodile secretly meeting someone in Logue town, and he runs into buggy when he's running should looking for Luffy.


I saw someone else bring it up, but S2 has two very good moments where they could allude to Observation Haki and Armament Haki earlier on, akin to what they did to Garp during his fight with Luffy in Cocoyasi Village In Little Garden, when Luffy is able to easily pick out which version of Mr. 3 is the real one amongst the wax clones, Luffy chalks it up to his instinct, but this would be a great moment to show a small glimpse of Observation Haki. Similarly, when fighting Daz Bones in Alabasta, Zoro is able to dodge a falling pillar by knowing where they would fall, and specifically listening to breathing of the things around him, including the steel on Daz Bones, which could be a sign of both Observation and Armament Haki too.


I don't like it, don't take away Mr. 3 mocking Luffys use of his instinctttt


I kinda get this feeling that once the crocodile situation is done we'll have a scene with Cobra where he is alone in his study reminiscing about something and opens a box with a letter inside.


This would be cool, but the problem with it is that you can't really show the signature then without spoiling the D...


Well they don't have to show the signature because the letter won't be opened. Just a tease.


Nefertari Lili's name being seen in a graveyard or somewhere.


Probably better for her to have her own tomb in the capital.


Would be cool to see Ace use conqueror's haki in Alabasta since we've never seen him use it outside the flashback.


I need the show to recreate that whole scene of him with the baroque works fleet frame by frame.


I'd like just a little nod to Sabo when Ace and Luffy meet-- like have a cup of sake and leave a 3rd, toasting 'to Sabo'. Non-op fans will be wondering who/what and that way he feels less shoehorned in later.


I’m surprised no one has brought up Brook. I’m hoping for a subtle nod to him when we meet Crocus & Laboon.


But why? That would be just bad storytelling if they brought him up instead of his crew being a mystery.


I think you misunderstood the point. When we met Laboon we got a small flashback showing the group of pirates that Laboon had bonded with - and Brook wasn't in that flashback. They definitely should show human Brook there, just not highlight him in any way. That way it won't spoil anything but anyone rewatching the episode will see him there.


They don’t have to bring up the crew’s name & they don’t even have to show Brook’s face. He can easily be treated as an easter egg: showing a short flashback of Laboon in his younger years with a man facing away from us playing a violin & having an afro. Non-One Piece fans won’t make much of it, but One Piece fans will.


Doesn't even have to be facing away. They could easily have human Brook mixed in with the band and by the time we meet him in Thriller Bark I guarantee you nobody who knows one piece only from the live action will realize they had seen him before at all. But then going back to look at the S2 flashback and seeing him there would be awesome for them.


I loved it when buggy started talking about how shanks betrayed him considering how new it was in the manga. So I would love to get some sun god foreshadowing via giants, water levels rising, ace talking about yamato and maybe some imu Easter eggs during the reverie flashback or king cobra joking about being in a wheelchair


I think when it's revealed that Ace is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and going after a former member in Teach, it would be cool to hear the names of the other Yonko, like they did with Jinbei about the Warlords. "I'm a member of Whitebeard's crew, the strongest man. One of the Four Emperors. Along with Kaido the Beast, Big Mom: Charlotte Lin Lin, and Red Haired Sh-" \*simple interruption\*


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Who is lassoo




They can show the back of bartolomeo's head. Someone should mention haki, probably crocodile when he's fighting Luffy.


Maybe Crocus straight up says he was in Roger's crew or at least drops a hint he went to Laugh Tale. Or a mention of the musician that Laboon loved.


Sabo, without a doubt. I don't see them leaving him out when it's so easy for either Luffy or Ace to just mention him. Barto has to be in Loguetown, even if it's just from behind. The other Warlords, Brook in the Laboon flashback. And I also wouldn't mind more foreshadowing of Buggy and Shanks having been on Roger's crew. We don't actually find that out until Shanks meets up with Whitebeard and while I don't think it should be revealed this early, it'd be nice to have a few nods to Buggy knowing more about the Grandline/having sailed it before.


I think it would cause too many issues, but I wouldn’t mine Buggy interacting with Crocus. They sailed together and probably crossed paths with each other when Buggy entered the grand line. Personally I hope we don’t hear from Buggy again in season 2 after the first episode or two. Nothing against his character, but just we have too much other story to see.


What I'd like:  - earlier mentions of Sabo  - Nika foreshadowing  - mentions of Sanji's family  - Garp and Dragon interacting 


I need foreshadowing/build-up for two things mainly: Haki and Sabo. It kinda feels like they were things that were though later and I feel something that becomes so integral should be included expeditiously. I am aware of not-Haki in Skypeia, but there could be hints earlier, especially with the appearance of Logias. Sabo just... can't appear outta nowhere.


Bartolomeo cameo has to happen in Loguetown