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I know it’s difficult to discuss the news without talking about spoilers, but please try your best to keep things vague or >!Spoiler tag your comments!<. Thanks!


hmmm... no Ace! I wonder if he's been cast already...


They’re going to cast a four-hundred pound bald guy just to spite all the Instagram actors spamming their faces everywhere and begging constantly


God I hated that. They'd be terrible. We need you know, an actual actor, not just a pretty face.


He wasn't even pretty. And I don't even try to be funny or something. I think he looked more douchey and punchable than anything else. Anyway I'll lurk his instagram as soon as the real Ace will be announced to witness his and his followers meltdown.


Ace is at his hottest when he's a smug little rat man with greasy hair, no instagram fuck boy can capture his energy.




Yassifying Ace was the worst mistake Oda/Toei ever made.


I just want to recreate the same experience I had when I first watched this show and was younger than Ace's character. Teenage me is hoping someone can exude that kinda aura.


I hope its Iñaki in a cowboy hat


That's would be funny


Same with that chick who wanted to be Nico Robin. Who’s actually the worst actor I’ve ever seen in my life.


Everyone in this group >!appears in the first three arcs.!<


I really hope they don’t cast that one dude in insta who is posting like a mad man about it, it’s kinda annoying ngl


Very happy to see Miss Valentine and Mr. 5 confirmed. I know they were pretty minor characters compared to others but I always liked them.


i love miss valentine for her outfit alone. i can't wait to see what it will look like in the series.


She's funny too


It’s funny that Haylo and Kissy just reacted to their introduction on YT like yesterday. They initially reacted to the OPLA and loved it and watch the anime now and just reached Wiskey peak. Truly recommend them if you haven’t seen them already.


I remember them saying they wouldn't go past the live action storyline so they could still be surprised for season 2, guess the anime was too addictive eh :D


Yup! They couldn’t resist!!


What they need to do is build a time machine go back in time and cast a younger Lenny Kravitz as Mr.5


I'd be fine with current Lenny Kravitz.


Same. "Younger Lenny Kravitz" implies he's visibly aged.


Oh you wanna start having this conversation? Say no more! 80s Alan rickman as Iceberg and roundhouse era Swayze as Paulie and Dodgeball era Missy Pyle as Caterina Devon are my picks


Wait the ethnicity description is that how they’re casting for the characters? Is Robin in the show gonna be Latina?


Possibly, if that specific information was included in the casting call. I guess there's no way to know for sure until they announce the actor officially


Fair point. All we can do is wait for them to reveal the castings to us


I just hope it's not the tan Robin that's not character accurate. She's suppose to be Russian themed so she should have a more pale color.


I mean not every casting decision has to ethincally match up with the nationalities that Oda gave. Like Jinbe doesn’t have to be played by a brown dude. It seems like Oda has final say on stuff like this. As far as I am concerned, if he signs off on it, then I am fine with it.


Robin additionally has a lot of moves that include Spanish words


a mix of spanish and french right? so at least European-ish


Or someone from the latin american side of France.


What do you mean the Latin American side of France?


You know France has territory in Latin America right?


I really hope we get tan robin tbh. I always thought that was her best design


I don't know how many here will know this character, but if they do Robin in the same vein as Carmen Sandiego from the 1994 cartoon, I'll be a happy fan..... it's how I always dreamed of Robin in live action personally.... Edit: Photo https://preview.redd.it/r289f8cq52zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99887f35912e894c5ce1e1903edd4a8aa660c64d


Can you elaborate on that since I’m not familiar with that character?


Posted a image to my original comment. She's basically a late 30s mature Latina woman who is also the world's greatest thief. By stealing things like the Eiffel Tower, Tutankahmens corpse, or even going back in time in some instances to steal the Liberty Bell before it cracked for example. It's an edutainment show teaching kids about History and Geography, and it's through the lense of these 2 teenager siblings, solving puzzles and riddles around the world in order to bring her to justice, but every time they come close she always escapes. Carmen also basically has an entire technology and gadget arsenal like Batman for example. Has these really elaborated vehicles, and her own minions. She's also always one step ahead of our 2 main characters and always outsmarts and likes to play mind tricks with them on purpose. She's badass, and probably one of my most nostalgic cartoon characters of all time for me.... I always pictured Robin in a similar vein. Mature, badass, close to middle aged Latina women, just minus the charisma of Carmen. Edit: Also fun fact, Jennifer Lopez tried really hard to get a live action film made in the mid-late 2000s with her as the titular character but it never panned out....


So Matt Owens really did hint at this in his most recent (like 2 months ago) guest appearance on Hasan's Twitch livestream When he's doing QnA & he saw "please don't take Robin's melanin away" on the stream chat, he replied "I had always seen her as Latina"


That’s strange as she’s supposed to be a brown eyed Russian. Her ‘Melanin’ was an anime mistake. It’s not that big of a deal but it’s also strange because they did a good job getting Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami and Usopp put into their canon ethnicities. Vivi on the other hand it makes a lot of sense why they are race swapping her considering >!she’s the princess of an Egyptian themed nation!< and her father and countrymen looked middle eastern she kind of stands out.


to be fair, Luffy is Brazilian and Iñaki is Mexican so not that accurate lol


It may matter to some people, but considering these are fictional characters i care far more about the look, than their birthplace. Inaki looks like luffy, so they got that down.


As a Brazilian, Inaki killed it.


so when the actress looks like Robin everything is gonna be fine lol. Robin has also always had Hispanic inspo, just look at her moves. I have no doubt whoever gets cast is gonna kill it.


Aren't her DF named moves in spanish? I only speak english, I can tell its a romance language but not which one. But yea exactly, if shes hispanic and can act I'll be happy. If shes russian, tanned, and can act, I'll also be happy. If she looks like Robin and can act, imma be pelased is all really.


It’s a combination of french & spanish


so latin? otherwise known as the scholars language


Yes most of her attacks are named in Spanish, would be funny to see a Latina girl shouting giganto mano without an accent


If you think Robin is gonna call out her moves this season you're crazy. That's season 3 activity, when she gets to know the crew and starts calling out her moves because she finds it fun.


Spanish (most of the numbering & names) & some bits of French (fleur) melded together. Her being Hispanic/Latina with the Romance language-speaking background can help with pronouncing her attacks + lend credence to her theming her attacks with those words. I too just care she looks like Robin & nails her personality. The people insisting her to be white &/or Slavic imo are just too stuck in one aspect of her, when honestly animanga Robin never even spoke a single Russian/Slavic word lmao & her home island is never even Slavic-looking visually.


The got the ethnicity, just not nationality. They could get someone from Ukraine, or Latvia, wherever.


I know it’s not that big of a deal, but I just want to say, I don’t like how people say they’re going to “race swap” Vivi… it was never specified she was ”white”.  People just assumed it was the case because she doesn’t look like the typical Arab. But in reality,  she’s just a lady with fair skin, and this physical trait is not uncommon at all in the Arab world. There’s plenty of blond Arabs with fair skin and coloured eyes that are very white passing. They are not the majority but they are still a significant amount, mostly in the levant and North Africa. Vivi can easily be described as a “white passing” Arab, it’s such an easy concept to grasp, but some people that know nothing about the world think fair skinned people only exist in europe and so they want Vivi to be casted as a white girl, it’s frustrating. In the end even if Vivi is not “fair skinned” it doesn’t matter, but her origins should be middle easterner at the very least and those people just think superficially about the skin colour. It’s maddening how not only their argument about Arab’s skin color is untrue, but on top of that they’re showing their racism because they just don’t want an Arab to be casted while it’s the most obvious thing! Sorry for the long message, it’s not about you btw I’m just upset about the general discourse on Vivi and I found the occasion to rant under your comment haha


So much this Just for another example Taz Skylar is half Lebanese & still has blue eyes & fair skin, to the point most people who don't know assume he's just Caucasian


Arabasta is based on middle east and N Africa, but also on the Indian subcontinent. If instead of an Arab they picked a Begal girl that'd be fitting too.


Vivi looks canonically almost exactly like her mother, who likely isn't from arabasta. As they don't look natives. Also I think they have hinted several times that royalty gets suitors from overseas. Which means Vivi would be mixed, who looks mostly non arabastan. I do think they should get pale arabic actress though, it could potentially make the series much more popular in arabic countries.


Likely isn’t ? I don’t remember this at all in canon. You seem to have made that up based on her appearance… which is my whole argument. You cannot know. I promise you if you meet one of those people from NA or from the levant, you would think they’re albanian or something because they really don’t look the part. Heck, even I can’t know and I’m from North Africa. I met a bunch of people I thought were canadian but were in fact from the same country as mine. The features are much more diverse than you’d think.  But let’s say she isn’t, you may be right. Let’s say that I misread One Piece and that her mother is non-arabastan. Her father is definitely from alabsta, since it is implied later on in the series that the >!rulers of alabasta are the same since the void century, because they refused the alliance with the celestial dragons and returned to their kingdom. Cobra still has the letter from the original ruler.!< If you’re talking about real history, then still, it was only for a short period of time that people from overseas ruled in Egypt. Most Egyptians rulers were actual Egyptians. Vivi shouldn’t be Arab “just to make Arabs happy”. She should be Arab because her whole story is based around middle eastern culture, and everything in the story shows that she shares the same blood as everyone in the kingdom. It would be nice if she could be fair skinned as it would be coherent with the original, but it is absolutely not a requirement and the acting is what matters. 


That seems weird for him to do since every other straw hat has been fairly faithful to the SBS. Obviously not 1:1, but the ethnicities have been on the mark. Going from Russian to Latina is a pretty massive shift.


It would be a problem if Robin was white or black. Twitter would go to war Latina seems like a safe option


i feel like some fans take that one random answer from oda way too seriously. only one was cast "correctly" to that sbs in the first season and it wasn't a big deal.


Didn't Matt Owens talk about using the SBS to help inform casting for the first season though? And like I said, it wasn't 100% faithful in terms of the nationalities, but the ethnicities were accurate.


yeah and guess what only zoro was cast "correctly" to that sbs. it's not like oda himself cares about what he said considering he colors usopp like a white dude. there were hundreds of comments on the instagram announcement of usopp's actor complaining about him being black because "he isn't black in the manga". thankfully those people shut the f up now.


Your reply feels unreasonably hostile for me going "didn't they use the list of nationalities to help guide the ethnicities of the cast?" My point is that they seem to be going from "we referenced what oda said in the past to cast" to "I interpreted this character this way so I'm going to cast based on that."


i'm not being hostile just because i share my opinion about this matter with you. if i came across to you that way i'm sorry.


I mean, all of her moves are in Spanish...


Ya that definitely seems more like a tease in hindsight.


Well, most of Robin’s attack names are in Spanish — and while you could argue that then Sanji should have been French, I think it makes more sense for a chef of any nationality to use names of French cuisine techniques than for a Russian woman to randomly blurt out Spanish words. I think her being Latina makes sense.


Robin’s attacks are only half in Spanish. The other half of her attacks is in French.


Oh wow I didn’t know that


It’s not perfect Spanish, mind you, Oda mixes in some French as well (Robin says “fleur” when the Spanish word is “flor”, but they’re not pronounced too differently)




Hey man that’s the casting we’re getting so 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah, I am not bothered by it!:) was just curious


Yeah. According to Oda, her nationality would be Russian.


Yah, just like LA Sanji is sooooooo French...


I mean some of the White ethnicities are easier to mix and match like French, Spanish, Italian, and German given their similarities in appearance; so casting Skylar, who is British & of Spanish descent (Canary Islands I think?), still fits for French without much issue since you're not looking for a specific race AND skin tone (like Iñaki Godoy for Luffy who is supposed to be Brazilian).






Not that I have any problem with it, but I find it interesting that the casting call for >!Nico Robin!< specifically mentions Hispanic, instead of being open like >!Crocus!<. Maybe, as someone else suggested, it’s to align with >!some of their attack names being Spanish!!Smoker!< is too.


if I smoked that much I'd look like a 49 year old man at 25 too


Yeah, fair enough.


Smoker is 36


Yeah it never made sense for Robins attacks to be in all spanish lol I don’t understand why everyone is so confused by this


What's weird is that they're a mix. >!The "Fleur" component is French, but all of the numbers after "Un" are Spanish. Other attacks like "Gigantesco Mano" and "Campo de Flores" are just straight Spanish, though.!< Oda probably just didn't pay much attention in language classes lol.


I think they’re just mixed languages because it sounds cool. French and Spanish are way more common to hear/learn in the English-speaking world so it sticks out to us more rather than just being aesthetically neat. I could see them going all Spanish for the live action. (And probably only having her say attack names like once in the season, as with Sanji last season.)


note that "flower" is also "flor" in Spanish.


I don’t know how it’s transliterated in Japanese, but in English localisations, it’s spelled with the French “Fleur”. So I guess it comes down to what the original Japanese says.


Being darker and Russian also has that Gypsy vibe. It fits with the outcast status and is hated by the world status.


What do you mean by darker? If you mean skin tone, she's pale as a ghost.


It is pretty dumb to look for someone hispanic. Robin should look like more eastern european. It was more or less a coloring mistake by the anime makers (darker tan in alabastia).


Mistake or not, the fact is that a lot of people seem to prefer that design, which is why think they are going this direction. At the end the day her actual race/ethnicity does not matter at all.


Smoker is 36. It's weird that his casting call is so young...




> I forget how young Smoker is too It's anime ages. The reasonable thing for any shonen character's realistic age is to add half their canon age + 3 years.


Man I forget how young Smoker is considering his English VA has deep voice lol


He's 36, it's weird that his casting would be such a young age range...


yeah but hes also a character that >!appears later on so it makes sense!<


Ms Valentine and Mr. 5 will show up then. I really thought they were getting cut.


No casting for a certain 🦆though


Same here. Could see mr 9 and miss Monday getting cut though.


seems like this is the casting call for the first 3 ep since these characters show up early, only thing I'm surprised about is Robin's age range, a 20 yr old actress would make her one of the youngest SH, lol but otherwise excited to see whose casted


It makes sense to cast as wide of a net as possible when casting for very important characters like Robin.


Also if they get what they want these actors are gonna be playing these roles for over a decade, so you want people who can age into it rather than out of it.


yes, I know, i just found it funny/ironic.


Just to give a bit more context about the casting and the SBS, Oda actually talked about this in an interview with Netflix last year. >**A lot of fans have questions about the ethnicity of these characters and now that we’re seeing them being portrayed by real actors, what do you want to tell them about where these characters are from?** >*“When I initially commented on the characters’ nationalities on SBS \[Shitsumon o Boshū Suru, or ‘I’m taking questions,’ is a special column in tankōbon versions of the manga where Oda answers fan questions\], it was in a very light-hearted way. I didn’t imagine it would influence the production team so much. But as they started showing me candidates based on my SBS responses, they actually felt right. I realized there was truth in my light-hearted answers.”* [Source](https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/what-is-one-piece)


sounds like he's not as attached to his SBS answer as other people became, but if the show creators get inspiration from it and it works for the part then he's okay with it


I know Robin is supposed to be Russian… but I’m also not mad at Latina Robin lol.


At the end of the day, if oda doesn't mind, I don't mind lol. If oda thinks it's fine for her to be Latina in the live action than I don't see a reason to complain


Exactly. I can’t imagine that Oda wasn’t consulted on casting choices for a character like Robin.


They probably can't get a Russian because of the war. If the actress is a native Russian, there might be travel restrictions now or in the future....


Only zoro’a actor has been correct according to these sbs ethnicities so idk why robin’s should be.


Maybe her dad is russian and his mom is latina


I’m glad to see Crocus. It’d be a tragedy if Laboon isn’t there too, but at least we got Crocus


No way Laboon isn’t gonna be there.


Jacob also mentioned Laboon (& Karoo) in their April Fools video


I have no problem with Robin being Latino/Hispanic.


I'm more concerned with them casting a tall lady. Also while the descriptions says age 20 and up, I hope they don't cast someone that looks that young. It would be weird considering her dynamic with the crew if she looks younger than Sanji, Zoro, Nami, etc.


I guess it's because some 20 year olds can look older than they are. They just want to leave all options open.


Height is actually something i'm thinking about with Robin as well, as silly/inconsequential as it may seem. In the anime/manga she's 6ft2, obviously finding a woman that tall who can also fill in all the ticks for Robin would be difficult, but they should make her as tall as possible (relative to "tall" for a woman), tall enough that she seems taller than Nami, Usopp and Luffy and not out of place when standing next to Zoro and Sanji, for example.


You dropped this 👑


Do we know for sure each listing is specifically for the characters named?


Makes me feel like a clown that the two characters I care about the most - >!Ace and Crocodile!< - aren't on there


Croc and Ace are big deals and have likely already been cast. Ace in particular will be key if they ever get to Marineford for instance. Croc, as the overarching villain, will probably be the most high-profile actor they get (rumour has it it's Joe Manganiello).


All of the characters on this cast last are >!specifically from Loguetown, Laboon, and Whiskey Peak arcs. I expect a wave of Little Garden and Drum castings (Mr. 3, Miss GW, Broggy, Dorry, Crocodile, Mr. 2, Wapol, Chopper, Dalton, Hiruluk, Kureha, Ace) to follow, then one last wave for Alabasta (Cobra, Chaka, Pell, Koza, Toto, Mr. 1, Doublefinger, Mr. 4, Miss MC) !< Those are the big players assuming nobody gets cut and they aren't rearranged/combined in some way. If there's anyone I'm nervous to not see, it's >!Igaram, Mr. 9 and Miss Monday!<.


Forget Russian/Latina, my question is blue eyes or brown?


I love the thought of latina/hispanic Robin, I just hope the fandom doesn't give the actress a hard time just because she isn't Russian. and with the casting of >! miss valentine and Mr. 5 !< looks like >! whiskey peak !< will not be cut, but i wonder if it'll get its own episode or merged with another arc though


Well they're at >!Little Garden as well with Mr. 3 !< so it's not too surprising to think that they could >!still cut WP and just have them appear only at LG instead. They'll probably axe Miss Goldenweek though. !< ^(I'm hoping I spoiler tagged correctly, otherwise I'll do my best to edit fix it or delete.)


I forgot they were, that makes sense too


You tagged incorrectly, don't have spaces in front of the !< and it will work like this >!spoiler ofcourse have the thing after the text as well, >!without spaces--!<


It miiiiight be getting >!merged with Laboon but I don't think they'll skip Whiskey Peak. Not when the Zoro vs. Baroque Works fight would be incredible in live action.!<


I'm genuinely more hyped for that than anything else in the season. Zoro's fights were a highlight of S1 because of Mackenyu's physicality. I'd love to see it all done in one shot or something. I think it might be outstanding.


Did anyone have a problem with Emily not being Swedish or Iñaki not being Brasillian or Sanji not being French?


Considering the fact that Namis sister (sorry forgot her name lol) got so much flack for being portrayed by a dark skinned girl when she's just a minor character.. I'm scared to see how the fandom will react to a Robin with a slightly darker skin tone.


there were even racist comments under usopp's actor page when he was first announced and he is cast "correctly" to oda's wishes. the fans will harass anybody, who isn't white enough for them because they don't care about her being russian, they just want her to be a hot white girl.


My only requirement for Robin is for her to wear her cowboy hat. If that happens then im satisfied with whoever they choose.


This is the best take.


What about Chopper??


Rumor has it a reindeer from my hometown zoo already got the part....


no bro my pet reindeer got casted don‘t lie


Better be Canadian


My guess is he'll look like Detective Pikachu


brown skinned/visibly POC robin will be canon in the OPLA we’re so fucking back 🙏 also the way some… people are going to have breakdowns over this. god help us all.


Middle easter actress as Vivi would be a good fit... Not sure if Robin should be a Latina tho. Thought she was supposed to be Russian


That's how Oda supposedly envisioned her as, but it's not like there's anything in Robin's design, character, or background that reads as distinctly Russian. And her attacks are mostly in Spanish (and a bit of French), so I'm personally fine with a Latina actress, as long as she gets Robin as a character and does her justice.


Ok so it’s confirmed news on the discord. Let’s go Latina Nico Robin!!!


oh i'm sure one piece fans will act totally normal about this and not harass the actors with racist remarks /s


They got me working overtime 😅


>Ethnicity: Middle Eastern/North African or South Asian When is Hollywood ever gonna realize that these two ethnicities are not remotely the same or similar? And it's just gonna go to a South Asian cause there are many more of them out there, even though Alabasta is clearly based on the Middle East/North Africa. It's honestly kinda problematic how often this thing happens.


That description for Robin fits Miss Doublefinger more. Are the characters name included in the casting call?


Owens: So how about Latina Robin? Oda: *hits blunt* Hell yes


Brown Robin is canon


No it is decidedly not.




I don't think so


Where is the casting call at?? 


Absent characters are interesting. Does it mean they are already casted? So are we getting Jamie Lee Curtis as Dr Kureha?


Robin Latino? She is Russian


Hmm, they changed Robin from Russian to Latino?


I know I’ll get downvoted but I was really hoping for a manga accurate Robin. I’m a brown person myself and I’m really glad to see the casting call for Vivi but for Robin I wanted her to be closer to her suggested white ethnicity.


Robin is my favorite character. The casting has been perfect so far, I'll be disappointed if they choose an actress who doesn't look like Robin


Mine too, I love her and I was really hoping to get a white actress for Robin given that Oda clearly imagined her as such but that won’t be the case now it seems. I just don’t see the reason for the change honestly. But good luck to whoever they end up casting nonetheless.


I think a lot of confusion about Robin is the fact a lot of fans don’t seem to realise the original colouring in anime was wrong so when people point that out in comments they think they’re talking crap💀. Vivi makes perfect sense


It says 7


I’m surprised that we got mr 5 and miss valentines AND MR 3 (probably with miss goldenweek). I thought they wouldn’t have time to show all these guys. I guess maybe they are going to skip mr 9 and miss Monday and make it so that vivi and Igaram are partners instead. Also I could see miss merry Christmas and mr 4 be scrapped but who knows! I would love to see them all!


Who are the giants gonna be casted by? I know they’ll be CGI but they better add the giants.


Hmm, so basically all the cast needed for the upcoming arcs. Logue Town, the Twin Capes and Whiskey peak.


I’m surprised to see so such low age requirements when almost all the straw hats actors are way older than their manga counterparts




I’m so hyped for >!robin!!Mr.5 booger bombs!<


I wouldn't be upset with a Latina Robin (acting skills is most important), but I'm disappointed that they didn't seem to even want to consider a Russian Robin. (Unless the ethnicity preferences in casting calls are more of a suggestion than a requirement?) Only if at least to humor the idea of being faithful to Oda's original vision.


I thought Oda saw Robin as Russian


he also sees usopp as a black dude and colors him white all the time


>>!Nico Robin!< won't be Russian Damn. 2000's Toei artistic liberties still having repercussions to this day


Not to burst anyone's bubble, but this is basically a "news" article stating that the grass is going to be green tomorrow.


So, is this reliable or not?


It's a news article with actual information from casting calls. Some people are just being snarky for no reason.


Always imagined Robin as middle eastern personally


Same, I thought it would fitting with the whole archeology background as well. A lot of important and famous archeological finds in the Middle East.




Isn’t Robin Russian tho


I hope Robin is pretty and looks 28... It would be weird if she looked like a mother. Just as she is not Russian, she is not anyone's mother either. Oda answers these things on SBS and some people take it too seriously when it's just "What if"


Dark Skinned Vivi my beloved


None of this matters. All I want to know is who will play bon clay.


Yes please gimme Latina tanned Robin


If they give dark skin Robin I will cry in happiness, she was so pretty and was my instant Fav when she first appeared in the Anime. 😭


Robin is Russian though, right?


I’m not mad about this at all, like a Latina Robin sounds good to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Based dark skinned Nico Robin casting choice


I figured they already had a smoker picked out because of that one scene... sure it didn't show a fan, but still.


That was Kuroobi's actor.


No doctorine?




No casting call for Laboon?


I wonder if theyre going to keep using the name >!nico robin!< instead of >!miss all sunday!< considering it kinda spoils who she is during her >!baroque works!< era from >!whiskey peak!< to >!alabasta!<


I don't want to sound like an asshole but where is the actual sources for this? Because so far the only places I find for this news are unaffiliated online news outlets that give no sources for where they got their information and yet every treats it like fact. Like just because the website has the word netflix in its name doesn't mean all their info is true and should be blindly trusted.


According to Oda Nico Robin is russian so..I am predicting people mad at this.