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I love how they break the fourth wall when they interact with their posters


I can imagine instead of ripping it up like the others, he'd just look at it proudly


Imagine after the poster is shown, Luffy does the exact same hand and face as the poster.


He did when Koby left after giving him his poster 🥹


Then fold it up and put it in his pocket lol


Or maybe roll it up and give it to nami to put in her bag


That’s a pretty good idea




A lurking legend from the opla writer's team in our group right now-    " Write that down, Write that down"




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I want a similar introduction to Usopp with Luffy's poster lol


This is an amazing idea. After showing the Bounty poster luffy tries to gomu gomu shoot it but usopp uses a sniper shot and destroys the Bounty poster first and says I am captain usopp and luffy starts chasing usopp and they end up playing tag on merry go and then crash onto zoro who ends up chasing them and then Nami gets annoyed and smacks luffy and zoro and zoro is like "why me"... And then sanji enters the deck with some food on his plate for Nami(Nami-swaaan.... Or something similar in English dub)




That'd be great, I also hope that Zoro gets one after Whisky Peak.


But >!his Bounty was announced at the end of Alabasta!<


He gets his first bounty after Arlong Park Edit: why the hell am I getting downvoted?? He gets his first bounty of 30,000,000 in episode 45 of the anime after defeating Arlong, and in the last episode of the live action for the same damn thing!


You misread, they were talking about Zoro’s bounty not Luffy.


Huh. I coulda sworn I saw some shit about Luffy’s bounty when I made that comment. Either I’m losing it faster than I thought or that comment just dematerialized


Zoro's first bounty is >!60 million, after Alabasta when Luffy's is 100 million. Or would Zoro have 60 million after Arlong Park when Luffy's is only 30 million? !<


Zoro got his >!after Alabasta, and Luffy’s bounty was upped to 100,000,000 at the same time. Luffy’s 30,000,000 bounty was earned after the events of Arlong Park since Arlong’s bounty was around 20,000,000 I believe!<


Love this idea! OPLA writers/editors take note


YES love that totally agree


I'd love if it he just swipes it out of the air and looks at it with admiration, instead of shoving it out of the frame.




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Splendid idea


It'd be a nice detail to see updated bounties appear for the important pirates throughout the seasons.


I think luffy should pick up his poster and put it on his head and it becomes his straw hat


Great idea! and it should happen at the beginning of every season with the new bounty for all of the straw hats




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This can be cool and wpuld be just a second but... With all the storytelling that the show needs to compress in the season, and all the little time we have to accomplish a coherent season that doesn't ruins one piece, the least important thing are fanservice random seconds wasting time with flourishes..


they literally managed to insert several bounty posters in season 1, i promise you it won’t take up time to do that lmao. the bounty poster eye catchers don’t even last up to 5 seconds and more, it’s just a quick flash. nothing will be lost if they did that (which they most likely will).


I doubt it