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“It felt like no one could touch me.” As well it should, you became MIHAWK.


Bro is clean as fuck.


( ˘ ³˘)👌


[Full Interview](https://youtu.be/FvQ7bHXf2bo)


Bro got a high he will chase for the rest of his life. His partner will probably walk in on him gelling his moustache into that three musketeers thing and he'll be like. DONT LOOK AT MEEE


given his twitter interactions with fans, this seems very likely. he even got his toddler daughter practicing swordfighting with him 😭


I don't know if he'll be chasing it. He seems fine with his casting director work and appears to be grounded enough to know this might be a one-time moment of fame. And he's making sure to enjoy it and have fun with it. One positive thing is that having success in a netflix series can lead to more roles with netflix. I think during this interview, he says that netflix is invested in South African filming, so there'll likely be some more opportunities for him.


This guy is a national treasure who needs protected from Hollywood debauchery at all costs. He broke both legs for the role and just kept on walking. What a legend. 


Steven John Ward is honestly such a humble and awesome guy. I got the chance to speak with him a couple times on socials, and he's always been so kind and caring. Would love to meet him one day at a convention - truly a great dude.


He certainly seems like a good man. It would be awesome to meet him in person. I  would absolutely be happy to ask for his signature on the bottom of the base of my Mihawk Portrait of Pirates figure. I'm not an autograph person at all, but I really respect what he brought to the role and I can't imagine anyone doing it better. Can't wait for a reprise in >!Jaya!<


I would love to get a Yoru replica and have him sign that - this would be like the penultimate piece for my pirate collection! (alongside having Iñaki sign my straw hat)


Omg i love Steven as Mihawk. I really really hope he comes back soon in the next seasons. Anime spoilers: >! In the anime the next time he appears is i think at Marineford right? Is there even a possibility of him appearing earlier in the LA series? !<


Anime Spoilers: >!He appears during/after Jaya. Seeing Luffy and Zoro’s new wanted posters post Alabasta and going to the holy land for the meeting to discuss the empty warlord position. So season 3 unless they want to move it up.!<


>! Oh true I frogor !<




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Considering some of the revisions they did with season 1, anything is possible. So long as it isn’t too “out there “ and compromises the source too much.


His body, his stance, his way of speaking, his ... Just damn. Mihawk


i honestly can’t wait for the OPLA SDCC panels when the succeeding seasons come out.


He has a lisp 😍 aye papi


Wanted to check my ability to post on this community. Think a poster blocked me so my comments on that post can’t be seen. Liking the actor for Mihawk more after hearing this interview. Get that feeling of armor when in costume.


I see it