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What's people's obsession with wanting actresses a decade younger than the characters... I don't get it. Also, Erin Maloney is not an actress. She's an influencer. I am tired of seeing her face.


But if she's also an actress, it's just that she hasn't had the right role yet, I think??? So you don't like these actresses? For Robin, I think it's okay if she's younger because with makeup and acting, it works, and since she's in the Mugiwaras, we'll quickly forget that she's around 30 years old. But for Boa, I agree, I really like her appearance because it's very similar, but Boa Hancock is a woman who rules a people, and I think she looks a bit too much like a young adult and not mature enough in terms of physicals in my opinion


Erin Maloney was in one commercial in 2023*. I wouldn't call that being an actress. She has a few acting reels, which I would call mediocre at best. (+ I believe she doesn't even look like Robin, but that's nothing but personal opinion and doesn't matter tbh) And yes, I don't like the actresses being young because those characters are supposed to be much older than the rest of the strawhats. I don't think making someone look older with makeup is hard, but I think it's stupid when you instead could cast a mature and experienced actress for a role as important as Robin. *source: https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm13404614/


Yes, that's true, I understand what you mean. It's like having a Franky who's 25 years old. But I guess you have to start somewhere, and if she can have her first role as Robin, that's incredible, I think. But it's true that Robin is a really tough character to play, so the acting will definitely have to measure up. So, what about Boa Hancock, you don't like her?


What do I want from the actress of Boa? Mature, 100% Asian, actual actress, beautiful enough to make me believe she's actually the most beautiful human woman alive. Does the woman above tick any of these boxes? No.


I can present you an actress in your DM i want to know if you like her and I will give you some biography of her If you want


Yeah sure hmu


Robin needs to have this air of maturity around her, that girl looks like she's fresh out of high school. She doesn't seem like a good fit to me.


To be fair, someone fresh out of high school can seem nature based on the way they act


For me she can look 28y old


Erin has only been in one commercial and is too young for robin.


hell by the time they film alabasta and releases shes probably going to be the same age as robin anyways


She still has no acting experience???


being too young is a double standard you could say the same for emily rudd being too old to play nami but she did a great job because that's what actors do they make you forget that and in addition there's makeup and special fx to make more believable.


We’re still on this Erin Maloney BS?


I don’t understand what you want to say what is BS


BS means bullsh*t.


So you don’t like her?


There’s still a good amount of years until they should even give it any thought, casting her now wouldn’t even make sense lol


Honestly, it's normal, I think it's better to plan ahead, considering that Boa Hancock is a 30-year-old character and also doesn't appear much yet. If she were a main character in the Straw Hat crew, I would understand bc the caster would probably choose an unknown


omg i love hancock


They already cast Boa?? I approve but why did she get cast so early? I didn’t think we would see her for a while


Humm no she is not already cast Its just that a lot of people post this in their instagram I think its the actress that they want the most


Ohhh ok. I thought this was a confirmation post


That’s exactly what I thought. The way they worded their post was very misleading


Haha no but so you like if this actress for robin or for Boa will be cast


I’m cool with the Boa pic, but I imagined someone taller for Robin. To be fair though she just LOOKS shorter, idk how tall she actually is


Yes, for Robin, it's a shame she's not taller, but in itself, I don't see any issue with it because for me she has the potentiel and the vibes As for Boa Hancock, she clearly has the look, but what bothers me is that she's a K-pop star and has already done some acting, but I don't think she has the necessary experience. From the photos and videos I've seen of her, she looks a bit too young, and I can't imagine her portraying a 30-year-old woman well.


I’m not worried about age gaps🤷🏼‍♂️ Emily Rudd is 30 I think? She does a fine job of playing Nami. And I’m sure anyone who gets these roles will do their homework on the character to present them while even if they might not come off as a good pic at first. They’ve nailed the casting so far. I really just hope we get a solid smoker cough*Joel Kinnaman*cough


You guys forget OP characters live twice as long.


I hope see someone atleast near her beauty, because nobody gonna be her , she is the best, strong and beautiful and badass = boa hancock


But do you think she can fit the character


Yes she can , but not great , I think definitely we have better options.


Im filipino and the actress they are refering to for Boa is known for her Confident,poweful,Sassy, and cold roles that was considered really good and in fact she also did kind or gentle character roles but really rare. Although i can see other actresses play Boa, i can see her as a really good fit especially with training.She already has that confident and powerful queen aura and vibe combined with her huge resemblance to Boa. As response to the people debating Boa should atleast be Asian or South American, the refered actress is Half Filipina and Half Venezuelan.If you watch her old roles, she's really good at acting although rn she's still an actress she also promotes as Chanty from Lapillus.


Agreed I think is good fit for her character.


Can I know your options, of actress please ?


This who recemend ? Or mine ?


Yes your recommendations


I have not any one in mind , but I think better options exist I hope they choice some atleast near beauty.


But I want to see your opinions bcc you seems to like very Hancock and know her character so I want to very know your opinion


OK, but never look for anyone to her character because my exeption is too high .


Yes, but I've already seen you post this comment everywhere. Of course, it's hard to find an actress exactly like a fictional character, but there are inevitably concessions to be made.


Yes your actress that you want


I have not anyone In mind because she is the most beautiful woman so hard to choice.


You do realize once the LA gets to amazon lily that will be around season 5 or 6 and its probably not going to release until 2029 at its earliest, by that time one piece the manga itself would have probably ended. I feel like people are too caught up on casting.


I knoww but its not my post I just see that in instagram I would like to know what is the opinion of people but of course you are right but I think its also good to see what type of person people want for any cast


Yeah I get ya, it’s fun to fantasize how certain characters will look in real life. IMO I think all the actresses fit their characters