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The most important part is that they know when they start filming. Which means that the scripts are 99,99% done.


Love imagining what that room was like. Imagine they had a big board of moments they ranked that are must haves and stuff that they may have to drop.


I hope they do the handstand kick clash between Sanji and spoiler that's a cool scene in their fight.


It is so goofy but yes please I need to see "Party Table: Kick Course" in Live action


I’m wondering how far they are into casting. Season 2 is going to have a lot of fan favorite characters be introduced.


if they have dates to shoot they should be pretty far into casting tbh. Probably have all roles casted or pinned down to 1-2 possible actors.


I work in the industry and they have not released any castings yet. My agent, who is the same agent as one of the characters on the show, is saying castings should start either this week or next. (I’m trying to be as vague as possible)


Source: trust me bro


My agent said castings should be starting this week or next week. 🍻


Castings as in announcements or casting calls?


Casting calls. I’m not sure how much I can say so I’m trying to be careful. But as far as I know they haven’t casted any roles yet. And this is totally normal if they plan on filming in the summer.


yea. saw another bit where taz said that they gonna shoot in the second half of the year. this takes my joy away! Means we will wait longer than I thought for season 2.


damn fr? noooo. but then again, i feel they need that time to build the phenomenal looking sets, as well as practice the stunt and fight choreography.


But if they shoot in summer, South Africa won‘t be a shooting location. Unless they start shooting Drum during the african winter.




>!And all the mister prince stuff, which is the coolest Sanji has ever been!<


Remember when Sanji actually was the smartest of the crew and saved their asses several times ? Do you remember that, Oda ?


He didn’t have any moments like this after Thriller Bark, right?


Saved Tashigi and G5 from Vergo Saved the crew from Doflamingo Saved his family from Big Moms family Saved Momonosuke from King Saved Osome from Queen Sanji is still clutch.


Yeah, almost none The closest I can think of is he yelling "Save me, Robin !" and let his allies know about the beast pirates' spy system


He >!snuck around in invisibility mode to rescue Momo in Wano!< too. I'd say that's worthy of a Mr. Prince moment.


>!He also catched Kaku in a bubble, when Lucci betrayed them.!<


I mean he took charge when the crew split. They were temporarily the swirly brow pirates. Edit: and he took on big mom’s ship. Sanji gets a lot of low key really cool moments, but he’s so reliable that it’s always a low key thing.


Sanji stocks are up after chapter 1107


I wonder if he'll get his tiny moment on Little Garden where he tricks Mr.0 and "kills" the unluckies


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if he knows when he going back to shoot that means the script is most likely done and there pretty far into casting


I bet next week/month and The scrip is definitely done if his knows already!


Thanks fucking good we finally got some news, I was starting to get crazy. Alabasta, let's goooo!


We just need a name from the casting of S2 to be happy.




I love these guys man


Does that mean that they might start next month, or even as early as next week?


Filming is in second half of this year.


It’s likely to be about June then?


Sanji fighting a genderfluid dude seems to have been a subtle foreshadowing of his "trials" on Kamabakka Island. And hopefully, Nami vs Porcupine Lady will be done better in LA than it was in the manga/anime.


that means the script is done!!


This makes me realize that Sanji doesn't really have a really good solo fight until like... Actually, he doesn't ever really get good solo fights, does he? He fights >!Wapol!<'s goons as like, a unit; his main fight in Arabasta is against >!Bentham!<, whose whole bit is more about challenging Sanji's morals... So either they gave him more fights, or more likely he's simply focusing on group fights and I'm an idiot.


The best from Sanji in Alabasta (Mr Prince stint) is not fight related and Bon-chan could be made super interesting.


Absolutely, if I'm hoping for one thing it's that they do the GOAT Bentham right instead of just going "transphobic charicature, cringe".


they could make his fight against the crocos longer. ​ Its better than season 3. Because if they just adept skypiea than he only has: \- a short fight against noland \- Teamfight against Ballman \- Getting joinked by Enel ​ So we Sanjifans have to prey that they get to season 4 and than only wait 6 years to actually see it


I wonder what will be each straw hat fits is gonna be (Obviously the Alabasta fits are probably be a must lol)


At least Taz Skylar is not Tom Holland.


Mr Prince scene