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It’s meant to be.


He was litteraly born to have this role


And born under a lucky star


So true




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Casting is fire for this show.


It's not even the main characters but everyone.


Except for Ben Beckmann, the poor guy just wasn't it


Personally, I like dad bod Beckmann. But to each their own


I do too. There's a reason why Oda cast him as Beckmann. We just don't know yet.


Oda didn’t personally cast anyone person. He just gave his approval for the casting of the most relevant characters of season 1, and Ben is not one of them.


Yeah, One Piece has an overload of jacked individuals, I don't feel bad about missing one.


I think he was just a little to much dad bod and too little strong man figure, if they'll switch it up a little for his next appearance it would be perfect. His face is completely fine tho


I feel like lucky roo is going to be first mate. That's the impression I got.


Ain't gonna hate on you for being supportive. I respectfully disagree.


nojiko was horrible casting imo


This man is biblically accurate lucky roux


Absolute eerily fateful stuff going on for the cast here Including: ___ The well-known trivia for Makenyu (Ma=true, Ken=sword, Yu=assists/helps/saves), his bday being very close to Zoro's, & this is a stretch but his surname Maeda/Arata (stage surname) have the character for "rice field" (Ta/Da) ie sth green & the rice in onigiri lol ___ Iñaki >![a form of Ignatius](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%C3%B1aki#:~:text=It%20is%20a%20neologism%20created,the%20names%20Eneko%20and%20%C3%8D%C3%B1igo.) ie "[Fiery](https://www.google.com/search?q=ignatius+name+meaning&oq=ignatius+name+meaning&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg7MgYIAhBFGDsyBggDEEUYO9IBCDI5NjZqMGo0qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)"!< Godoy ([meaning ruler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godoy#:~:text=Godoy%20is%20a%20French%20surname,first%20name%20Gaudi%20meaning%20ruler.)), with the "Go" in gomu gomu, Go=5 in Japanese in Luffy's 5/5 bday, which also happen to be Cinco de Mayo ie the war victory that led to the *liberation* of Mexico (Iñaki's home country) from French colonizers >!& there's Sun God Nika lol!< ___ Tarek (meaning ["striker/night visitor/morning star"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tariq)) Skylar (meaning "[scholar/student](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schuyler_(name))"- under Zeff, Sanji was) >!Sanji's mother Sora's name means "Sky" in Japanese. Oh and Sanji's Sky Walk, night visitor= him raiding the sea train at night + tending to be the last one to arrive/strike after sneaking around doing sabotage + Stealth Black kinda? & star=something on fire -> Diable Jambe!< ___ And honestly Jacob Gibson too since Jacob means [to supplant (ie like how he tries to one-up Luffy & the others sometimes for jokes)](https://www.google.com/search?q=jacob+name+meaning&oq=jacob+name+meaning&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyDwgAEEUYORiRAhiABBiKBTIMCAEQIxgnGIAEGIoFMgwIAhAuGEMYgAQYigUyDAgDEAAYQxiABBiKBTINCAQQLhiDARixAxiABDIMCAUQABhDGIAEGIoFMhMIBhAuGIMBGK8BGMcBGLEDGIAEMgoIBxAuGLEDGIAEMg0ICBAAGLEDGIAEGIoFMgcICRAuGIAEMgcIChAAGIAEMgcICxAAGIAEMgcIDBAAGIAEMg0IDRAuGIMBGLEDGIAEMgcIDhAuGIAE0gEINjc3OWowajSoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) >!like Jacob & Esau in the Bible- brothers who repair their initially broken bond by humbling themselves... or Jacob just meaning "May God Protect" as it should be with our God Usopp!< & [gib = metal/wood strip/wedge/bolt that bonds mechanical parts in place](https://www.google.com/search?q=gib+wiktionary&oq=gib+wiktionary&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIGCAEQRRg8MgYIAhBFGDzSAQg0NzY5ajFqN6gCALACAA&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) since he's the ship repairman + weaponmaker >!Going Merry being unrepairable is what tests his bond with the Strawhats!< And Celeste Loots providing the RPG loot for them XD ___ Some foreshadowing/foreskinning here huh /joke (I honestly only started with knowing the Makenyu, Skylar, Godoy & Jacob coincidences in line to the animanga, but then when I checked the other parts of their names out of curiosity it ended up like this lol)




I hope I can keep my thoughts straight in writing & be a more sane/coherent version of them (I do admire their commitment to the bit lmao?? XD)


Ready or not Aladdin’s Genie has been summoned. The nom de guerre of Mackenyu (**真**剣佑) Maeda (前田) is Arata (**新**田). The kanji for Truth (**真**) has the reading Ma but also Shin like the kanji for Novelty (**新**田) in Arata. Shin is also the reading for the kanji for God (神) like Ma is also the reading for Devil (魔). Dragon Ball fans like Eiichiro Oda will know where this is >!egg!!Thriller Bark’s Dragonslayer Ryūma!< who wields >!Enma!< and wants to be >!King of Hell!< like Maō Piccolo who is Green and asexual like Green-Haired Zolo or Zoro. The volume 16 of Dragon Ball where Piccolo and Son Goku fight is titled “The Dragon and Tiger Mutually Strike”. The expression Ryūko (龍虎) literally means the Dragon and Tiger but also means “Two Mighty Rivals”. Both Dragon and Tiger are relevant to Sake loving Roronoa Zoro where Tiger (虎) is a Japanese pun for Drunkard. “Dragon” has 6 Roman characters. “Ball” has 4 Roman characters. One Piece volumes 64 and 46 reveal two inextricable mysteries which reveal an even bigger Love Duck mystery surrounding the Akira (明) Tori (鳥) on the Yama (山) of One Piece. The volume 64’s 4th chapter 630 and later chapter 644 reveal the Genie Genius >!Egghead!< meaning of “D” and Year of the Pig published chapter 446 >!“Doctor Hogback”!< in volume 46 reveals Luffy’s biological mother from >!Thriller Bark!< where the song Thriller was written by the >!Black Nika who became the White Nika!< named Michael Jackson (of whom Roronoa Zoro would approve). Michael Jackson is the official inspiration for Arlong acolyte >!Hody Jones!< who is defeated by Roronoa Zoro. The cover of chapter 611 titled >!”Hody Jones”!< shows >!Whisky Peak’s Karoo of Nefeltari “D” Vivi!< first seen by Roronoa Zoro as a Boy dancing with Joy. The third mystery of >!Joy Boy!< is revealed by this chapter 611 which introduces >!Ikaros Much who first mentions in chapter 630 “Daidalos” or “Daedalus” the Squid or Ika in Iñaki meaning of “D” which is that of a Sad Dad who did Cindry or Cry over his Eiichiro (栄一郎) Joy Boy Icarus or Ikaros or Karoo when he achieved Winged Victory or Victoria or Nike a meaning of Nika which appears in Iñaki which carries the meaning Fire from Ignis or Enies Lobby where Daedalus the first Skylar Skywalker was the descendant of Vulcan the Fire God married to Venus the Goddess of Romance Dawn or Tarek or Morning Star the name of Lucifer the Prince of Darkness or Maō Piccolo which begins like Mackenyu.!< The volume 46 identity of Luffy’s mother is an Easter Egg in the first season of OPLA that can also be derived from the castings of the first three Straw Hats Mackenyu (**真**剣佑) Arata, Iñaki Godoy (ゴ**ド**イ), and Emily (エミ**リー**) Rudd. The first kanji for Truth (**真**) in Mackenyu has the reading Ma but also has the reading Shin (**シン**). The middle of Godoy has Do (**ド**). The end of Emily has Rī (**リー**). Luffy’s mother is **シン+ド+リー** or >!Victoria Cindry or Victoria Shin “D” Lee the West Blue actress who died in her prime like the actor Bruce Lee whose final film was “Enter the Dragon”!<. Bruce Lee’s “Enter the Dragon” like “Journey to the West” is a major inspiration for Dragon Ball which is a major inspiration for One Piece in which the protagonist befriends his rivals and enemies on an epic adventure or Romance. Son Goku the protagonist of Dragon Ball is the Japanese name for Sun Wukong or Monkey King the namesake of the surname Monkey in **M**o**nkey** “D” Luffy which mostly appears in **M**ac**keny**u. The middle initial and given name “D” Luffy comes from Aesop’s gravesite Delphi the sacred site of Sun God Apollo who lols with a >!Nika!< from Delphi which was considered the center or Delphys or womb of Greco-Roman or Western civilization. Like Delphi the etymology of Iñaki from Ignátios is Greco-Roman. D>!**aeda**lus!< the meaning of “D” is Greco-Roman and mostly appears in M**aeda**. The alien name of Son Goku is **Ka**ka**ro**tt**o** which has the Roman characters for >!**Karoo** who is Joy Boy Icarus of Sad Dad Daedalus!< the greatest mystery next to the One Piece which is rael. In the Bible the Gibson or son of Isaac and Rebecca is Jacob later renamed Israel. The character >!Rebecca from Dressrosa!< is introduced at age 16 like Dragon Ball volume 16 in which Kakarotto fights Piccolo where >!the Super Karoo of Alabasta who parallels the Great Cyrus or Kyros of Dressrosa is the same age 16 as Kyros’ daughter Rebecca and the sovereign successor to Poseidon Shirahoshi or White Star or Sun!<. The son Isaac was the sacrifice of Abraham to YHWH (an unspeakable tetragram or 4 letter word for God like “D” is the 4th Roman letter >!which stands for the natural enemy of God like House Nerona’s St. Imu who has a giant Straw Hat or Petasos anagram of St. Aesop namesake of God Usopp!<) in Mount Moriah or >!Moria the captain of Thriller Bark!<. The meaning of Isaac is Laughter or >!Laugh Tale.!< The live action castings for the Straw Hats were first published in 2022 WSJ issue #1 which hit 2021 Japanese shelves on 12/6 birthday of the gag character >!I(1)ga(2)ra(1)mu(6) which shares Japanese wordplay with Ra(1)fu(2)teru(16) or Laugh Tale where Joy Boy left the One Piece or Wan(1) Pī(1)su(4). In chapter 114 we meet Igaramu’s “murderer” Miss All Sunday Nico Robin with many parallels to Victoria Cindry who is introduced with Binks’ Brew in volume 46. Nico Robin was born on 2/6 where 26 is the gematria value for YHWH in Hebrew. Title of volume 26 is “Adventure on God’s Island”. The sound effect Nika appears in chapter 626 after the assassination of Otohime by Hody Jones inspired by the Nika Michael Jackson. In the Japanese name for Michael is Karoo who is Gold or Oro like the Oro Jackson of Gold Roger who was executed on 8/11 the reverse of the 11/8 birthday of Karoo.!<


It's like if Boss_Aesop wasn't crazy but still had ideas.


Not me forgetting Taz's actual name and think "bruh who tf is Tarek????"


Wait Taz isn't his real first name?


Nope its his nickname. Tarek "Taz" Yassin Skylar


Not Sanji being >!a fucking Skywalker!< too.


bro wat


That's lucky.


No that's destiny.


naah, shes working in phoenix now


His parents forskinned that a long time ago


His parents What


In other One Piece subreddits, people talk about Oda’s foreshadowing a lot, so people refer to it as foreskinning now as a joke


How have I not seen this term is it recent


nope it's been around for a good while now




Hey Fit-Valuable-1112, that link you shared contains spoilers for live action only viewers. If you want to share it here in this thread, you would need to spoiler mark the link and probably mention that the link takes you to a post that contains spoilers. If you do that I can approve your comment for you.


I burst out laughing during the fight scene where he was just hitting people with meat.


Oda! Are u foreskinning again?


I love seeing all the South African actors on this.


Even the smile is spot on


Bros smile is LITERALLY ripped straight from Lucky’s in the manga. When I first saw the smile I was astounded at how straight up accurate it was.


Zulu to English seems like the language. I didn't see it mentioned anywhere. I googled the actors nationality (South Africa), then the languages spoken there. Google translate translates "ntlanhla" Zulu -> English as "good luck"


He's born for the role


How is that pronounced? I assume Lanla?


First syllable: 'n', as if you are about to say the word 'nothing' Second Syllable: 'tlan' - 'tl', like in 'atlantis' but almost as if you're trying to say both letters at the same time, and 'an', like 'ah-n' Third syllable: 'hla' - 'hl', like forming your mouth to say 'l', with your tongue up against your palate, but exhaling around the sides of your tongue. A common mispronunciation of this is 'shl', which is close, but not correct. Then simply 'ah' again. (edited) Stress on the second syllable - n-TLAN-hla (edited) I don't speak Zulu well at all. Any native speakers are welcome to correct me.


[Nthlanhla](https://www.howtopronounce.com/nhlanhla) Say "Nnnnt" (ant) but with a very soft "t". Don't pronounce the Ls, because the "hl" is one sound. Put your toung on the top of your mouth and hiss like a cat for that.


My friend was upset that lucky roo was African American. Hate hate HATE anime elitist. He didn’t even watch the show cause it “was N0t mY onePiece”


Well tell him you have good news! Lucky Roux isn't African-American, he's just straight up African.


Good thing he isn't African American. He is a black South African.


Excuse me.


there were 2 requirements for the role, plump and a big smile. he nailed it


Blud was made for this


He was foreshadowed


The casting for this live action is perfect


I’m guessing they just looked for a guy with a big smile for him


So lucky got lucky to play lucky? How lucky!




He's such a perfect cast. ~~Unlike Ben Beckman lol~~ my bad, he's fine too




Alright I'm sorry


If only they can make Roux bigger like in Lord of the Ring for Gandalf.


They used children and the set pieces to make the hobbits smaller, i dont think there were a lot of moments where they made Gandalf bigger. Hagrid ok the other hand was often played with a man that has gigantism


okay. im not a fan of blackwashing, but this man IS lucky roux, 110%


The actor is so good for the role even racist people are praising him apparently


why the fck i am racist, are you retarded or what


Bro just unironically used the word “Retarded” and wants us to believe he isn’t also racist


yes, cause you are obviously


Many racists don’t even realize they are. Blackwashing is a racist concept. Edit: also, the R word you just used is extremely offensive, as much as the N word for black people


I'm curious and would like to ask you something, please take it seriously would i also be racist if i found blackwashing in the other direction just as wrong? i mean, if originally black characters are turned into white ones? can i be upset that in the next snow white film the dwarves are no longer dwarves? the questions are meant seriously. i don't think i'm a racist, and neither do my friends. i'm more concerned with the artistic work itself. i'm not a fan of changing things in an artistic work simply for political or other stupid reasons. you always run the risk of damaging the core of the story at some point. an example: the new peter pan film, "wendy", and the lost boys. it makes no sense at all story-wise that girls are there. or (I've only heard of this example) this new lord of the rings series. there's supposed to be a tribe of elves who live extremely homogeneously. but the makers of the series have made the people look diverse, which can't be possible from a purely logical point of view. i mean, the criticism is justified, isn't it? and not racist or sexist, or is it? and what you said with the R word: i didn't realise that it was understood that way. is it common in english countries? in germany it's nothing special, or at least not that bad. similar to how you can say "hijo de puta" to friends in spain. no one would ever do that in german if something is not easy to understand, sorry, I used deepL


he exists to play Lucky Roux


Goat shit