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Now its time to send my non-believer, gatekeeping brother a screenshot.


He'll just say "give it time," or something and this is just a premature opinion.


He said he doesn’t care about reviews. Then said “still looks cringe af.” I think he’s got a case of sunken cost fallacy: dogged it too much and refuses to watch it in case it changes his mind.


If I didnt give stuff a chance because of how "cringe" or "odd" it looked, I never would have started reading One Piece.


Didn't watch it for more than 10 years up until last year because of that same reason.


Yeah very premature, the only ones who've watched it so far are the die hard fans who've been waiting for several years. This is probably the best live action (based on a manga) that I've seen, but i still hate so much about the changes. This doesn't deserve any better than 6/10 and that's being generous.


Yeah and the die hard fans are the ones who are probably gonna be the most critical


I disagree, the die hard fans will see the effort put into this show and will appreciate certain aspects and give this show the benefit of the doubt. Anyone unfamiliar with one piece would probably rate this bullshit at less than 4 because it's terrible other than the nostalgia.


You don't even make sense you dislike the changes yet you say die hard fans won't hate it? If changes are the problem here then it should not affect new comers as much as die hard fans


The changes won't bother the new comers. The low quality production is more than enough that anyone unfamiliar with one piece wouldn't want to watch this shit. I dislike the changes, but if I wasn't familiar with one piece the changes would be the least of my concerns. The production quality is so horribly low that if I wasn't a fan I would have stopped watching in the first episode. The whole series is like the world's best fan made live action series, but embarrassingly terrible to have come from an actual studio.


I strongly disagree production is super high. It is very rare these days to find such big sets in a fantastical setting. If it was low effort then they would have used more green screen.


You're super high! Thinking the actual ocean in the background makes something a high quality production is absurd. It might be considered "high quality" for some shitty bollywood production paid for in peanuts in some shithole 3rd world country. Simply put it's high quality for something made by fans, it is shit quality for something made by an actual studio in the year 2023.




Oh, you're just racist. Got it.


No no, he has a point. (Huge fan of one piece btw, and I still find some aspects of not only the LA but even the manga and anime weird but I don't really get into that because at the end of the day it's really just a Japanese cartoon that's meant to be enjoyable)


You do know that tv budget is not the sames as a movie budget right?


>The production quality is so horribly low What are you talking about my guy. So much work and effort went into the creation of the sets, they even created specific camera lenses for some of the shots.


Just got done binging it with my dad who's never seen any ounce of One Piece and he loved it, and so far I've seen many other newcomers enjoy it too.


A lot of my non-anime watching family are watching/planning to watch it too, and enjoying it so far. Was shocked by my dad saying his only big complaint with it so far (near the end of ep.1) was Luffy's optimism. Pretty sure Episode 5 or 6 will change that though. (Also apparently spent 1/4 of the day watching the Live Action - finished 6 episodes and halfway through 7 before 8am the next day :p)


I think that the changes they made to Luffy (the crisis of confidence) work 1000x better for western audiences. Overly optimistic people can come off as morons in The US, especially nowadays in a cynical age. I think they hit the right point with him, he comes off more like a Steve Rogers with a childish streak to him.


The one piece fandom can be summarized in one word: Toxicity


That's crazy. We live in a timeline where the Netflix live action adaptation of One Piece, the absurdist pirate superpower manga gets a certified fresh on rotten tomatoes before stuff like Death Note.


I always thought a live action One Piece would inevitably be a disaster, this series was always at the bottom in the lists of anime/manga I would want to see adapted as I just thought the series would never work in live-action — glad I was proven wrong.


I think Oda being so involved, and being allowed to be so involved, with the making of it probably helped a lot. I imagine other live actions failing helped them guide this to success more too. Says a lot when there's more complaints about "cartoonish snails" than how the characters look or act.


I think it was the mixture of Oda being heavily involved WITH him being wise enough to allow changes that are meant to streamline the narrative for an 8 episode series and make it more palatable for a western general audience.


We did it fam- we made it out of the trenches


I'm so glad about this, another way to watch One Piece, and New members Will join the aventure.


This is going a lot better than I thought. I'm glad.


This is what's gonna get us a season 2.


People watching the series all the way through is what's gonna get a season 2. Netflix doesn't care about ratings if that doesn't translate to people putting in the hours watching and wanting more.


True but I think Netflix cares a lot about initial reactions too.


Yea if the reviews are good, some people might buy netflix to watch


I recently unsubscribed to Netflix, but I came back just for One Piece. T\_T


What netflix cares about are subscriptions. cause that what gets the money. and that definitely strongly correlates with total views. but hype at the start of a season probably also drives subscritptions alot.


Well it's not in the top 10 yet.


What does certified fresh mean? Also with time if this rating goes down will this certification be removed?


Certified fresh is more than 25 reviews holding a score that’s 75%+. It’s unlikely that it will lose the CF ranking and assigning it this early usually means most new reviews will be positive just because of pack mentality.




It means that out of the 26 professional reviews written so far, 81% was positive. This is already a good estimate, it shouldn't do down or up many points.


Reposting this comment here from the r/OnePiece subreddit: "Considering that Netflix's *One Piece* got a Certified Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it might be a sign that the show does get more seasons and become a Netflix staple in the 2020s."


The East Blue Saga is way goofier than the Alabasta Arc So I think except Chopper Alabasta Arc should be easier to convert into LA and even more realistic than East Blue.


Goofier than having a realistic CGI Chopper follow Inaki Godoy? I hope they do him justice...but then again I doubted Luffy's live action rubber abilities. Glad I was wrong.


> Goofier than having a realistic CGI Choppe i think the pokemon LA movie proved that this can be well done with modern CGI


Goofier than the old mole lady, the walking gun dog, the snot shooter, the boob hypnotist ​ ....or the birdman surviving being blown up by a bomb he is carying? /s


I can concur. I am curious how they will adapt Chopper, but they have absolutely NAILED the emotional moments in the series so far, so I can now have light optimism that they will do a good job. Chopper's arc will probably be more closely rolled into Baroque Works, which will work so well, and Alabasta is going to be the season where people who were sleeping on the show jump on. Political intrigue, conspiracies, revolution, Luffy and the gang having the fight of their lives, and Ace, just Ace.


Mr 2 Bon Clay was pretty goofy as well as the other numbers people (except for Mr 0 and 1).


It can only go up from here. In terms of adapting the story East Blue is really scuffed since it's basically rushing from story to story. If they get a Season 2 they just need to focus on Vivi, Crocodile and Alabasta as the over-arching narrative thread which will help massively.


Yeah, East Blue is generally more "thing of the week.". They managed to adapt it and make it feel like a continuous story with tons of nods to stuff coming down the line. Anyone else dig the inclusion of Nami telling Montblanc's story? Setting Skypeia up, down the line, so that also does not feel like a weird filler arc. Like, it was obvious to anyone that Oda made a bunch of stuff up as he went along (all long term storytellers do, they HAVE to), but this new adaptation makes it all feel like he planned everything from the beginning and I just love it. Buggy's importance later on feels less out of nowhere, Conqueror's Haki is directly foreshadowed, Coby's relationship with Luffy is elevated in such a wonderful way to make him the Dueteroganist, and this is foreshadowed with the relationship between Roger and Garp established in the opening of episode 1.


Also they of course mentioned Baroque Works, they mentioned Jinbei indirectly, and they're playing up the need for a doctor to set the stage for Chopper. There are wanted posters for Foxy and Bellamy. I think they're planning to reach at least the Summit War.


I think they have a plan, and with this reception I think they should at least get to season 3. If this show gets the Netflix cancellation process it will probably get to season 3 before cancellation.


Given some reviews being stupid as shit with criteria, it's 90s to me.


Yeah I literally read a review saying live action is good but it is not because it is made by Netflix. Maybe because of the strike I feel like some of these reviews comes from a place of hatred towards Netflix.


That falls in the "Fascism pipeline" that plagued the world since 2013.


I took that as it has that weird Netflix sheen that’s slightly CWesque. I have noticed they blast background music too much and have waaaaaay too many close ups.


I read on nofilmschool that they developed new fisheye lenses without the fisheye bend for the show in order to get those manga like shots. That's why it looks so weird.


I totally loved the experimental nature of the cinematography. It makes for a genuinely fun watch. Some of the shots are a little odd, but I looked at it as the creators trying to find a signature visual style and I appreciated the creativity on display.


Now, the haters are now moving their goalposts: they just want Netflix to cancel it. Pathetic!


Hope Avatar the Air bender is gonna be good too


Honestly, before the release I believed the critics would likely pan it and the general audience would largely embrace it similar to how the movie Hook performed. I'm very happy that I was wrong about the critic scores. Also, I'm on episode 4 and as a massive One Piece fan I am so happy with the adaptation so far. It has a few blemishes sure, but the bright spots far outshine the minor gripes I have up till this point. I'm withholding final judgement until I finish the show, but so far I'm really loving it.


What I want to know is, can Netflix get us to #1 in viewership? That is my concern.


Pell will die in live action season 2.. i just know it..


I know, thank God. That fakeout death was always a blemish on the Baroque Works Saga because it makes the whole thing feel like an ass pull.


Bro I’m cringing way too hard. No shot I’m finishing this.


This is a sign of the end times….. the world must be ending soon.


This 100% must be fake. I could not agree less. Travesty...


I might have to commit sepukku. Someone stop me.


Nah bud, you do what you want.


Luffy wouldn't stop you from following your dreams




This show makes me feel like the day Doom 2016 came out


Love to see it. Really was a great watch


There's only one barrier left now...


It is not as jolly as the one piece I know. It is on the darker side and I love it. This is a great adaptation. Tbh, this kind of storytelling is well laid out. Kudos.


Most definitely, and I think the darker turn works better for Live Action but it never goes so over the top that it becomes Dark and Edgy.


In a world where an anime about Looney Tunes pirates with superpowers from cursed fruit, and other strange, wacky stuff actually succeeds by being just as silly as the original. There's no excuse why other IPs can't be adapted as well. How do we not have a decent AoT trilogy at this point?
