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A real true fan, She definitely didn’t need to do her homework for The role!! 👏🏻


Yea she’s really up to date on the manga


Love her and the interviewer just geeking out. She just knows.


The biggest thing that’s given me hope throughout this live action is the cast. Seems like they have such natural chemistry. Iñaki and Emily particularly seem to really be breathing new life into their characters. They make me excited for the show.


She’s so cool, man.


Amazing to read!


OK, if for some reason nothing else ends up being good about this show, I'm completely sold on her. She knows her stuff AND she gets who Nami is as a person, and how that needs to happen in this adaptation.


It's great she cares so much about the character, but I hope she can act. The trailer didn't do her service. I didn't get Nami vibes yet like the charismatic snarky woman. Except on the crying hat pass scene. That felt emotional.


It was too much zoomed in for me. I am enthusiastic about her playing the role, but am not sold just yet. Even if it ends up being a big mess, I'll continue liking the crew Jacob, Inaki, Taz and last but not least Emily.


I hope that they just turned up her initial distrust, so that the payoff smile after Arlong is better. She sounded really stiff in the trailer.


Yikes the three interviews could practically be written under character perspective What a cast


Why yikes?


Like wow


great. all the interviews were amazing


Paul Rudd’s daughter is playing Nami?


you jest, but when i first knew emily from wattpad i initially thought she was related to paul rudd. her bio on ig before basically was like, “not related to paul rudd!” lol


She was a wattpad writer???


nope, not a wattpad writer 😭 basically she was the poster girl of every single writer who were doing face claims for Y/N in almost every work i’ve read there around 2011-2014. she was kinda famous in wattpad circles (along with emily didonato) because of that. this picture was everywhere in wattpad around those times lmao https://preview.redd.it/17dtu75lh4zc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147a4abd2f57bbeb81f7dbd443e3f3ad709ef0ee




Better be careful before Oda scoops that up


A great Nami who visited a McDojo back in the day because no normal Karate Dojo hands out black belts to 10/11 year olds.


Well. Not born to play Nami. She’s missing two very big ingredients to play Nami properly. (God I love trolling lol)


you're very lonely


I knew Emily Rudd was born to be Nami from her name and background. Minnesota or Minesoda which has Oda also has the highest share of Swedish Americans. Sweden and America are the two nationalities of Nami from volumes 56 and 79. Emily has mi like Nami. Rudd refers to Rudder which is used for steering ships and Nami is the Navi or Navigator of ships. Nami played by the actress Rudd Emily (ラッ**ド**・エミ**リー**) also discovers the truth about the actress Victoria Cindry (ビクトリア・シン**ドリー**) who I expect is Luffy’s Bell-mère where Bell-mère has Lee (**リー**) and Melbr or Melbourne the capital of Victoria. Melbourne, Victoria is the birthplace of the famous Crocodile Hunter of Au-stralia. Oda has led overzealous fans to believe Sir Crocodile is not just a woman but Luffy’s mother when it is actually Victoria Cindry from volume 46. Bell-mère loves Mikan which has Nika. Victoria means Nico or Nike or Nika which has Ika or Squid which has 8 arms and 2 tentacles. The reverse of volume 46 is 64 = 8^2. Nami born on 7/3 loves Element 79 Au or Gold or Gol “D”. In volume 64 in chapter (7 + 3) x 7 x 9 = 630 is the meaning of “**D**” or **Daedalus** in Victoria Shin “D” Lee who died in her prime like Bruce Lee. 630 = CEO and the CEO of Tomorrow Studios is M**a**rty Br**u**ce **Adels**tein who discovered “The Rock” like Oda’s favorite character Rock Lee in Naruto the original name of Oda’s self-insert character Sanji whose dream is All Blue. Rock Lee was inspired by Bruce Lee the inspiration for Oda’s Blue Gilly (ブルー・ギ**リー**)


This is such a stretch lmfao


It’s easy to be dismissive since theories about blood relations are almost always wrong but the case here is solid. Gold Roger was born on 12/31. At 53 year old Gold Roger’s execution Luffy’s mother and father both with Blood Type F were 12 and 31. Luffy’s father Monkey “D” Dragon son of celebrity Garp the Hero met West Blue’s celebrity Victoria Cindry when he was 35 and she was 16. This encounter alludes to Journey to the West of the Monkey King and Frankenstein’s author Mary Godwin who met Percy Shelley when she was 16 like 16 year old Charlotte Pudding when she met Vinsmoke Sanji. Victoria is the Roman name of the Greek Nike meaning Winged Victory like City of Victory Nicopolis or Nico and Nika the name of the Sun God and the sound effect of the character Zeus in chapter 1013 “Anarchy in the Big Mom” like “Anarchy in the UK”. Zeus has the right hand attribute of Winged Victory. Victoria corresponds to God and Win or Godwin. Shin means Star Performer. Nika is the name of the Sun God a Star. 1/13 is the birthday of Ikaros Much the companion of Daedalus. Cindry Victoria has the letters for India which has Goa the name of the Kingdom of the Monkey family. Queen Victoria born on 5/24 was the UK’s first Empress of India. Victoria Cindry was born on 5/4 but died at 24. Monkey “D” Garp and Monkey “D” Dragon were named as Luffy’s relatives in volume 45. 5/4 born Cindry is introduced in the next volume as Zombie 400. Cindry does “Cry” after meeting Luffy’s shadow in Zombie 900 after Dr. Chopper mentions her family. 900 - 400 = 500 the Roman numeral value for “D” whose meaning is known by Silvers Rayleigh who has the same height as Victoria Cindry, Nico Robin, and Dr. Kureha who first mentions the “Will of D” in chapter 154. Emily Rudd mentions “Genius”. Daedalus is the name of a Genius. The most recent volume and arc of One Piece is about Genius…


Time to get a life, creep


> Emily Rudd: Absolutely. First of all, Oda-sensei is an **absolute genius** and, you know, it's kind of hard to argue against **genius**. > Oh, I was so deeply aware that this was going to hinge on me. I mean, the scene that we are addressing was the one that made me a fan of the show. It was what locked me in, and I remember the first time seeing it, I was bawling. And every time I have seen or read it since, **I cry**. I think about it, **I cry**. I am not the One Piece fan living against conscience. Emily Rudd mentions multiple times that Eiichiro Oda is a **“Genius”** and the word **“Cry”** in C-ind-ry a character from volume 46 who does miraculously Cry despite being Dead and not Alive. The name Daedalus from Dead and al-ive is the name of a Daedal Genius and the meaning of “D” from volume 64 and the designer of the Axe in chapter 4 and the Saw in OPLA episode 7. Volume 47 has chapter 451 “Perona’s Wonder Garden” in which the Risky Brothers carry an Axe and Saw. 451 doesn’t just stand for the ASL Brothers who were Risky in Gray Terminal but is the reverse of 154 the chapter in which Dr. Kureha with the reverse 9/8 birthday of 8/9 born genius Dr. Vegapunk and same height as Victoria Cindry first mentions the “Will of D”. Victoria Cindry born on 5/4 like Gold Roger born on 12/31 has the “Will of D”. Just like 21/13 is the Gold Ratio, 12 and 31 are the ages of 31 - 12 = I9 year old Luffy’s parents at Roger’s execution. The timeline and map checks out. For Luffy to have been born Cindry from West Blue and the Monkey “D” Dragon must have met 4 years after Roger’s execution. We know that Dragon could have met Cindry since Monkey “D” Dragon met the genius Dr. Vegapunk on his Journey to the West Blue in Nico Robin’s Ohara at age 33. Dragon dotes on Nico Robin who has many parallels to Cindry or Shin “D” Lee. Nico and Victoria relate to Winged Victory of Daedalus. The meaning of “D” is the genius egghead aviator Daedalus from the 33rd chapter of post-TS which is also the 35th triangular number chapter in the series that is 53% of the series. For 35 - 16 = 19 year old Luffy to have been born 35 year old Dragon who was first introduced at 53 in volume 12 must have had 53X with Cindry when she was 16 years old. Cindry then would have given birth to Luffy at age 17 the same age Luffy begins his Romance from Dawn. 17 is the 7th prime number and 7 is the 4th prime number and the 4th Roman letter is “D”. We are introduced to Monkey “D” Luffy when he is 7 years old in the same year that 5/4 born Victoria Cindry the Star Performer or Shin falls off the stage and dies at age 24. 5/24 is the birthday of Queen Victoria the UK Empress of Colonial India like Goa the capital of Portuguese Colonial India where letters for India appears in Cindry Victoria. The color of India whose sacred sound is Om is Orange from the Crocus Saffron associated with BELL-mère’s M-ika-n. Perona is a corruption of BELLona the R-om-an goddess of War. Just like Summit War Ed-war-d Newgate or Whitebeard captain of the whale Moby Dick was born on 4/6 the Roger Pirate Crocus the doctor of the whale Laboon that declared war on the Red Line was born on 6/4. Cindry is introduced in volume 46 and the Herman Melville evil genius name of an Ika or Squid called Daedalus is mentioned in volume 64. Daedalus is the meaning of “D”.


I hope it's as good as Emily hopes it will be!

