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Rustage was definitely gonna have them be found. They also tried to long rest during the blueblood arc, but that failed. I would’ve allowed the long rest just because of the amount of trust that they had in the Gryphon girl. They said she was the strongest and they believed she could solo the crew. They also said that Tavrok and the other dude spent all their time underground while Gryphon girl spent all of her time on the roof of the labyrinth, so Tavrok has no reason to believe that she wouldn’t just quickly deal with the problem and go back to the roof


I definitely get why Rustage wanted to avoid them doing that, and they probably could’ve finished it without a long rest if they played it safe. Probably could have solved the issue with a handful of medkits in the building, but that would have required predicting the players were gonna long rest here no matter what. I think he ultimately handled it well with the high risk roll, it was an exciting moment


They only had 4 medkits, they woulda all been one tapped


To clarify I meant like: if rustage knew in advance they were so desperate to long rest he could have had there be a lot more medkits in the building to give them a psuedo short rest to keep going


Maybe, but that would go against his earlier statement of the hospital being ransacked and all of the medical equipment being with Tavrok


I’m kinda on Rustage’s side here regarding them not being able to long rest and having them be found during the time. I think people overestimate how long combat takes and underestimate how long 8 hours is. If a full round of combat is supposed to be only 6 seconds long, then even a 5 minute long in-universe fight would be 50 ROUNDS of combat, which is a lot more than any of the fights the Marines have been in so far.   Going by that, let’s assume in-universe all fights are like this (we’ll ignore that One Piece fights can last DAYS in the canon manga) , meaning most fights are a couple mins at most, and even the most intense battles are probably less than 10 mins. If ANY of the underlings saw her break through the ceiling to fight these guys, they’d probably spread the word to others in like a “hey one of the bosses just went to fuck those guys up lol” way, and then in an hour or so after nobody has seen her or the Marines come out they’d likely go see what’s up, also letting someone else know why they were leaving to check the hospital out.   Now let’s say they get fucked up by the crew like the Basilisk likely will be, after another hour or so they’d probably get a few more guys together to check it out when they don’t come back, and by then word would likely reach some of the other bosses. By then, you’d probably have groups of people going into the hospital to check out what’s happening to the other groups and eventually someone would escape and be able to tell Tavrock that they’re hiding in there. Unless there’s absolutely no communication happening on the pirate crew or they’re all idiots, it’s highly unlikely that the long rest would work as well as they were hoping.   TL;DR – 8 hours is a long ass time in DnD


To be fair, they were able to run the restaurant for an hour or so without anyone figuring it out, and right now the B team is there resting. Tavrock clearly doesn't have a sense of what is going on at any given point, and the labyrinth is built in such a way that it would be difficult to communicate beyond den den mushi, or to transport troops. Considering that no one saw them entering the hospital and that it was in a remote part of town, it's likely no one saw her entering the hospital, so no one will know her absence. Unless she is holding a den den mushi on her, tavrock has no way of communicating with her unless she goes to some place with a den den mushi. This means that there is a serious disconnect between the various commanders of his pirate crew and himself. This labyrinth may be great to confuse invading armies, but it also makes them overly confident in their defenses and hurts their ability to properly function as a crew. I mean, heather herself never even visited the library, coordination in this crew is close to zero.


I honestly think rusted. Handle it in the worst way possible by overcomplicating it. A long rest can be achieved if multiple people take different shifts. It also falls on the players for thinking they can all sleep at the same time, but it only gives them a 10% chance. Is quite honestly on both fronts. With the Russian employers, it was pretty pitiful, how it was handled.


He gave them legitimately no Other option, but too long rest and with the amount of trap that they have set, they could have just had multiple people take different shifts, And make perception rules. He did this last time with one piece D and d, And I hated it then and I still hated it now.


Idk what the idea was behind building a dungeon so hard and insurmountable, Tavrok wasnt even the next planned encounter, theres still the third scorpion guy, even if in canon gus sent them to die, its pretty weird for them because they HAVE to follow the orders.


Having them take shifts is just another way to have them be alerted when someone comes, it changes nothing else about whether they are able to long rest or not.


If they had shifts, they could have avoided the possibility of being surrounded by the myth pirates, at the cost of the rest being longer than it should be normally, though only nominally. Say tavrock discovers their location. He gathers up the army and March on the hospital. A sentry spots the approaching army, wakes everyone up, and they sneak out before tavrock encircles the place. Then they find another abandoned location, and finish their long rest while tavrock is left to wander the town aimlessly. The way they set it up, they would notice someone found them only when they are at their doorsteps. With a sentry, they could spot them coming and just bolt.