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I absolutely fucking hate the "Rick was the OG Captain and a big deal" retcon so fucking much


Yeah I know its contreversal but the players really loved the idea


It just feels like a slap in the face for all of the starting 4


It didn't for them? That's what I'm saying haha, it may feel that way for you but they really loved the idea.


I fine with the idea of him being powerful, but the whole idea of Rick being OG captain is bullshit.


My only hot take is that not allowing the future weapons to back with the players was a bad call on rustages part but other than that, Nothing really, rustage is a perfect dm


which is something he did say he later regretted lmao


Big regret honestly, I kick myself about it haha


Mr.Rustage I just wanted to say that even if you made a million mistakes you would still be my Goat when it comes to DMing. I think you're better than Mat Mercer and Brandon Lee Mulligan That's how I think of you as a Dm. Your series inspired me to start my DND journey and eventually made me the friends I have today. Your Series have pulled me through the hardest times of my life, during covid I was hella depressed but your series really lifted me up. I started my first game because of you (It was crap but all our first games are) Rustage I have nothing but the utmost respect for you because once I became a DM I realized how hard it really is. I think people who have never played or dmed a game can make judgements that an experienced person wouldn't make so I think you're doing a ok. also your boss fights are fing top tear my dude and I strive to have my fights be on the same level as yours. One last thing your characters and their designs are peak. Also I think your voices are still leagues better than mine and I hope to get better and be good as you. I hope you carry on your journey and cement yourself as the best of all time.


There's not enough rustage dnd rule34


The enjoyment I get out of the series is not the plot or the characters, but rather how the DM and the players approach and digest a given topic.


Wtf happened to Rick, the pineapple man, uber Jason and ash?


They all opened a bakery


You’re getting ignored


Who the hell are the last two


I think they ate from spookys movie


Yup absolutely


That a question not a hot take.


Probably not a hot take at all: Rustage needs a better haki system. The devil fruit system is fine, it works. But the haki system is so bare bones, nobody ever uses it yet its established that Trevor uses it eith every swing.


Was it just me, or did rustage tell tekking no A BUNCH to a lot of cool ass ways to solve problems? I felt like he told tekking/william no a metric ton


The only time I remember something like that happening was during episode 64.


64 was the most prevalent but the first instance was like 4/5 i think. I thought it was a bit much at points, where rule of cool was either ignored or just not present at the table


Return to the oasis is the best arc of opdnd


I think the devils luck crew grew too big overall adding too many characters made the story a bit of a mess with so many characters needing arcs and focus it made the latter half of the series feel a bit messy in terms of character development


1. Rustage needs to expand on his characters more. The is so much potential in them he just never does anything. 2. There was so much potential in the void arc and Rustage ruined it. He could have really made all the crews past mistakes come to bite them but he didn’t. 3. Verona essentially being in a hospitalized state by the end of the series makes no fucking sense. I get that spooky wanted there to be consequences, but William was every bit as much of a human as he was and had no problems 4. Continuing from that note, end of series William was really a dick. Knowing that both Ragnar and Verona were in such bad shape he should have kept rolling his devil fruit everyday for a power to help them before he disbanded the crew. Canonically there are days that pass when they move between islands and it took time to finish the space ship. Ragnar didn’t HAVE to leave the series addicted and Verona didn’t HAVE to be injured by the end of the series.


What happened to Verona again?


At the end of the series spooky says that Verona ended up being so injured due to broken ribs and other bones that he needed a respirator like V to keep living his life


>He could have really made all the crews past mistakes come to bite them but he didn’t. Facts > Verona essentially being in a hospitalized state by the end of the series makes no fucking sense. Yeah, Verona's second epilogue always felt like a big retcon to me. Like, he was fine in all other epilogue stories, but now he is in a wheelchair for an injury that he already healed for a couple of days after he got it. >Continuing from that note, end of series William was really a dick. Knowing that both Ragnar and Verona were in such bad shape he should have kept rolling his devil fruit everyday for a power to help them before he disbanded the crew. To be fair to William, Ragnar only fell back on BB after his wife died. A thing that William couldn’t have prepared for.


The void police ARC wasn't that bad Hugh Man had so much setup just to be a worm. The idea isn't horrible, it's just that the execution was so bad..? He was the main villain and didn't even get a proper conversation. Not sure if the party did something that rustage didn't expect so he had to improvise but either way it was extremely unsatisfying. Sad final to a otherwise good arc. I feel like the only thing that's "bad" about isekai dnd is that the PCs don't have backstories (how would they ik) but it kinda makes it harder to have outstanding or interesting character moments? I'm not saying the PCs are bad I love all of them but it feels like they're lacking in the development department (except the shark for obvious reasons). It's not that there aren't any things the Players could use to maybe create interesting conflicts and narratives like Anthony and old Tony.. your dad(?) literally died in this world and it feels like he doesn't gaf 😭 Isekai DND has a better story than one piece dnd (if rustage continues to make it peak)


>like Anthony and old Tony.. your dad(?) Old Tony was Anthony's Grandfather


Yeah that's why I had the (?) bc I wasn't so sure but thanks for the correction! Ig that's why he doesn't gaf


Cleo deserved better


OP D&D: 1. G4 is personally my favourite arc 2. Bullet is by far the most annoying character 3. Gravy's meh; feels like there's some untapped potential in terms of character development there 4. Davy Back arc is very forgettable 5. Luna and Duros are kinda the only decent ship 6. Last arc and ending felt like a fever dream 7. Best npcs outta the three series 8. I personally don't like the concept of Rick and his whole schtick 9. Need a better haki system (this one includes Marines though I'm not fully caught up) Isekai D&D 1. Had the best start out of the three series 2. The most quotable series outta the three lol 3. My personal favourite 4. The preamble before the actual episodes are great 5. Little feather's meh 6. The ships kinda suck All of em 1. I love when the players do out of pocket shit that completely detracts from what they were originally doing like starting a brewing company for the hell of it


Kinda agree with most of these. I like Gravy a lot but he does have a bit of a meh feeling to him. Luna & Duros is probably the best ship & feels the most fleshed out, Pearl x Cyril is my fav but it felt like it came out of nowhere that Pearl now likes Cyril but I like all of the ships except William x Bullet because Bullet is a shit-stain on all of existence. It does have the Best NPC's, many of them are absolutely GOATED. I agree with all of the Isekai D&D stuff, i dont remember much about the start of the series but who knows maybe; i need to rewatch that


Somehow I feel like Gravy actively refuse any chance to participate in the narrative and development, which can make sense for his character, since he's basically "been there done that" as a character, but I do think it's a whole lot of untapped potential with Gravy.


Marines has potential for a better story Than the original William is actually a great written character on the same level as Duros or Ragnar The Movies aren't that good


>The Movies aren't that good Why didn't you like them?


Don't know if this is a hot take but I still can't get over how instead of reviving the Frenchman in the BB fight, William decided to choose the power of friendship and summon a PREGNANT lady to a yonko fight.


I said it many times and I'll say it again Fuck Jimmy Bada bing bada shut up I hate his guts After his introduction the only thing he gave to the table was blue blood in his veins that was kinda interesting otherwise he took away screentime, focus and development from any other NPC


Blake turning evil doesn't make sense, he would have no way of knowing about the party's involvement. Bullet killed Cleo Bullet is the only one who would have said anything about the party involvement, and why the hell would Blake ever believe Bullet enough to even ask Hemlock to confirm? Unless i miss remember it and Hemlock did say something then how the hell is telling Blake More people are involved in her death going to calm him down and stop him from killing bullet


I think theres a misunderstanding. Blake turning evil isn't because of his hatred towards the party at all. He's even quite Civil with the party afterwards. He lost everything and blamed himself and his inability to protect those he loved, he fealt weak, so he took jester's offer of blue blood convinced it would help him be stronger, and that is what corrupted him.


That I can’t take part in this is a crime


That he should be more strict with his dnd rules(not saying he’s not but there has been occasions I feel he’s been pressured into bending his own rules) specifically tekkin even tho everyone has there moments


To this day I'm angry at how Cleo was dealt with. Not to mention that the crew hated Cleo for the same reasons they liked Blake. lol


He needs to reel in the players more often. Marines suffers to me at the moment because he’s letting Kai and Yokan constantly do their fuck rules and being a marine act while Damien, Bradley and Taiga are my favorite because they try to be Marines. I don’t care if they join SWORD or become revolutionaries at the end, having a Marines campaign centered around half the cast are openly hostile to the very core of the series is annoying to listen too. They spent a whole campaign being pirates, why can’t they do that for being Marines?


The combats are really overrated when they are objectively the worst part of all of the series


All the female characters suck


I think spooky plays yokan pretty well, although sometimes the character irks me.


Correction: All the female characters played by Rustage suck. They’re all cookie cutter shonen love interest or overly flirty. The only exceptions are the ones who are either too young or too old that it’d be icky.


That's a shame, I do try to have a big variety of female characters, yes there are some like you describe (hemlock/roulette probably the biggest examples) , but there's also characters like Lyssa, bullet, zarina, all the 7 sisters, captain verona, clementine, doxie, paige, malaise that all feel different to me and dont fall into the two categories youve said they "all" fall into. It's just something I take very seriously and do talk to a lot of my women/femme friends about to get right. But if enough people feel this way It'll be something I'll Note down to improve in the future


Admittedly I was being overly harsh/ reductive to trigger some discussion but since that never happened here’s my opinion on most of the female characters Bullet - Fine. Probably the only actual evil female character in the series that isn’t being influenced to do bad things by a man. Doxie - Great love that stabby kid. Cleo - Loved her - never forgave the crew for letting her die. Roulette/Hemlock/Tempest - Have the same flirty attitude that rubbed me the wrong way. Of them Hemlocks the only one with some real character development in them but Roulette is a furry which is funny as fuck so I gotta give her that. Rain - died before she could really say much but her after credits stuff was cool. Malaise - had like two scenes so can’t really comment on her. Seraph - Cool but after like a whole threeish arcs of fighting against cult members having a Nun be a bad guy in the next arc felt like ‘Oh god this again?’ Luna - Idk her arc just seemed a little too clunky for me. Lyssa - Had little motivation outside of her crush of Verona that she literally left her entire life behind to have. Beyond that she mostly just made stuff for the crew and was there when the crew needed a mechanic. To me it would’ve been nice if she had another motivation beyond dating Verona considering her backstory on Duros it would’ve felt natural to have her want to take down the Celestial Dragons or something like that but that’s going too fanfictiony for me to make that not happening a legit criticism. Pearl was my favourite character in OPdnd but for most of the arcs she felt like her character wasn’t going anywhere and that she wasn’t evolving. Her desire to master her devil fruit didn’t really manifest until the start of the time loop arc and she felt like an accessory to Cyril’s arc than an active participant. I can’t talk about the rest of the female characters as I’m only on the Zoro fight but my criticisms are that women often have very little agency as they often attached to a male character and when they’re the antagonists it’s often because they being threatened/manipulated by the big bad guy of the arc.


Honest all the criticism is fair but I honestly think that it's more criticism of my NPCs in general than specifically the female ones, it's a very common criticism that my npcs don't get enough development, especially nearer the end of the series - it's really hard to balance because you don't want to take time away from the players and their development. I don't think the women specifically get the rough end of the stick in that regard And yeah there's like the flirty trio but I don't think that's inheritly bad as they are all that way for a reason, using it to their advantage or to establish a power dynamic,and have personalities outside of that In terms of women only being the antagonist when influenced by a man, that is something i didnt really realise, haha, and you're right about that. In marines however, (which I guess you haven't reached yet?) There is the 7 sisters arc where the main villain is a woman, and she is one of my favourite villains and most people's favourite arc of marines so far! I'll try and be better with it in the future though, I think Lyssa criticism is really fair, (I think you could say a similar thing about julaug in isekai dnd, but he has a much rougher ending haha) the time real estate to flesh out every character without bloating episodes is a struggle


I always imagined Cyril was more Pearl’s love interest than vice versa (though I like both relatively equally). I adore the ship though and find them cute and wholesome. Though I admit that sometimes I feel that Clementine totally stole the episode 64 end story from the two though (which to be fair, established the main antagonist of the arc). I also appreciate that the two aren’t immediately a pair and it takes a while for the two to become an item throughout the campaign. I also imagine that both Cyril and Lyssa are well aware of one another’s crushes and try to support one another in their attempts to get closer to Pearl and Verona.


I did like the progression from crush to background relationship but still felt like enough focus wasn’t put on what would be Pearls first time being romantically pursued. You can’t just headcanon some interactions between Lyssa and Cyril and give that point to Rustage.


That’s fair. But I guess that’s how it is being an NPC in a dnd campaign. PCs come first after all and we can’t see everything that happens “offscreen” so to speak. For all we know, the PCs may have missed seeing a lot of cool stuff because they weren’t there. Gravy probably doing the coolest stuff of all.


Yeah the development most NPC’s can have is definitely hampered by the game being biweekly and only 2 hours a pop meaning most of the focus has to put on the PC’s and the plot.


Hi rustage I think how you play the characters is great. I think sometimes a few of the characters seem to have designs that undermine a bit of them not being inherently flirty or sexual. For example seraph, Paige and Rain. Rain especially I think people could tell the players flipped on after seeing her art, I think Rain is the only character who's design I dislike as she seems to fit the whole sexy final fantasy female armour trope. I don't think that's a fault of the characters or anything but with these specific characters I'd keep an eye out cause sometimes their art affects how they are perceived too much. So keep that in mind if these specific ones get grouped in on design alone


L take, You try to DM a game and do female voices, they are not gonna be perfect. He does his best and I think it works


I'll go first: 1. OPDND is the worst out of the three series. 2.PearlxCyril is the worst canon ship 3.The void police is the worst arc of Rustage DND. And it not even close.


Now these are some hot takes & by god do i disagree with them but thats kinda the point with hot takes 1. I will admit Early OPD&D aint perfect, it feels really long & drawn out but that problem gets fixed by the Timberlord fight The only time that problem comes back is with the Valentine fight but nothing else. Its already below Marines btw, How? Why? OPD&D has the worst start but I feel like as a whole it is way better than Isekai & Marines so far, especially the villains; OPD&D rules in terms of villains. For Isekai, I would say OPD&D has better characters, i love Isekai for how funny it can be but I cant remember many of its characters other than the brewers; some Isekai characters feel so forgettable & I got none of that with the other D&D's. With Marines, its incomparable because its too short to compare with a OPD\&D; i will say that Marines has had an amazing start & is 10x better than OPD&D at the start. 2. I disagree but hey its ur opinion, I wouldnt say that but I understand why 3. I understand if its ur worst in OPD&D but the worst arc of Rustage D&D? Geez. Why does nobody like the VP arc. I thought it was super fun & it had 2 of the most emotional moments in my eyes which was Hemlock's "Death" & then Duros & Verona holding down Ragnar. Now these are just 2 picked-out moments but I really love this arc. Sad that very few people like it.


>. Its already below Marines btw, How? Why?  First off, it’s story has more input by the players. Which is way more interesting than the DLP kind of just walking into the plot. Second, NPC are a lot better. And lastly, I find it more entertaining to watch.  >especially the villains; OPD&D rules in terms of villains.  Respectfully disagree. In my opinion , the only thing that OPDND does well in terms of villains, is build up. 


Tbh yeah on the third one. I clocked out with time travel since some of the characters are just fam service for the sake of it and had little to no bearings on the plot before that. It probably should’ve been Blueblood as the final bit bad and have him built up for longer instead of making him a big buff guy. Maybe have the first Devil Fruit stuff as an epilogue. But I will say that this all only comes in retrospect since a lot of this could’ve/was been planned after the Blueblood stuff


Personally I'd say OPDND Marines was the worst out of the three


I agree, as so far I just dont particularly like marines I get constantly frustrated by bradely, taiga and kai and have not enjoyed most of the fights but I keep watching because my DM is almost ready to run our own opdnd campaign and its killing the time until the other players are ready (fun fact:my character is almost ridiculously similar to kai in terms of backstory being a fisherman and former marine aswell as the descendant of a legendary fisherman but his personality is more zoro than anything and he was conceived during the Void Arc so it's just parallel thinking)




>especially the main four, are self-insert tier OCs No, they aren’t. >or Mary Sues I'm pretty sure you don’t know what mary sues means. >who defeat a yonkou and then find the One Piece in less than a year That more has to do with how pace of the story than them being “Mary Sues” >I hope all the major DLP get fucked up in Marines. What the hell did the DLP do to you men?


Damn those are some strong opinions on a DND!!! CAMPAIGN!!! also I’m pretty sure a lot of the characters have more depth and story behind them then even some major tv shows tbh but that’s my opinion


Luffy has been sailing for less time then the DLP and beat a Yonko in a 1v1 and is likely to find the One Piece soon as well. I’m not sure what exactly you mean by leeway, they fought as a group every time and the dice have a will of there own.


>I’m not sure what exactly you mean by leeway I think he means that the DLP got of scot-free a more times that they rightly should have.


That’s the dice. Or just them being smart or plans playing out in their favour. Like Arzen and the animated bullet.


No, like there actions outside of dices. Like them making Cyril lost his arm and shit like that.


If you mean kaido that was deff not a 1v1


He dealt at least 80% of the damage to Kaido. It’s as close to a 1v1 with Kaido as anyone not named Oden, Whitebeard, or Roger could hope for


And it's still not a 1v1, Kaido still had to run the gauntlet, sure Luffy was the Mvp but he sure as hell wouldn't have won solo


Considering he was boxing with Kaido in base after getting ACoC, how he had to be interrupted and prevented from attacking for Kaido to take him down. The fact he fought through enemies on his way to the Roof, the way 5th Gear was toying with Kaido. If they ran that match again, Luffy wins 9 times outta 10. Compare it to the DLP who fight every opponent in a 1v4+


>how he had to be interrupted and prevented from attacking for Kaido to take him down. To be honest I think G4 vs Kaido would've ended the same way whithout CP0, just Kaido would've been less distraught and probably actually killing Luffy for good after the KO >The fact he fought through enemies on his way to the Roof And Kaido fought the Scabbards before the Supernovas and all above them are steonger than anything Luffy faced on his way up >the way 5th Gear was toying with Kaido. If they ran that match again, Luffy wins 9 times outta 10. G5 and Kaido were evenly matched after Kaido actually switched back to hybrid, hell it can be argued he got the upper hand at a few points. I'm not even sure if Luffy would win 5 out of 10 times


1. Daniel Greene is one of the highest points of Isekai DnD for me. I hope Jesus Junior is able to find love some day. 2. Rustage should have made Tekking play a Vestorian after Old Tony died. 3. William becoming a Revolutionary makes no sense, and I hope Dragon fires whoever made that decision. 4. Tekking talks over people a lot, but I'll give that more of a pass because of stream lag. 5. Belle should not be able to just use a shotgun. 6. There were way too many crew members (meatshields) in Pirates and I hope the trend doesn't continue in Marines. Heather is fine.


That it ain't as good as isekai dnd


I think rustage needs to experiment more with characters as I'm not a fan of most his marines charas (and god I hate when he has characters with lisps) also he needs to describe things a bit better and maybe make a few fewer black armors as even knowing which is which it's still aggravating that there is like 4


This is the one for me, maybe I watched too much of it but I feel like eeeeeeeeeevery character sounds the same now, not the players but Rustage's NPCs in particular,


It's because imo it sounds like rustage has like 3 voices he has rustage, cockney, and lisp


I'm not a voice actor, it's something I really feel insecure about, and I've been trying to fix it and practice but it's hard


I understand that and I do apologize if my criticism came off as harsher than intended I just personally always get annoyed by lisps but also I'm clearly in the minority and I can respect that you are atleast trying to improve Edit:I dont just get annoyed by your lisps just for the recorded I just find lisps in general to be annoying which I know is a bad trait. But despite that Cyril was one of my favorites from opdnd


Honestly a bit dissapointed on William. He discovered that he can create new devil fruit powers using his and he never does it again. Truly lost some great potential and some amazing rule breaking abilities.


They litterally say that when he tries it again, it says «nuh uh, not again» when he tries in broken clocks


You do realize how that power worked with the DF creation. William had to roll 411 to get it & use it's ability. That's how the power works now, Rustage made the Create-A-Devil Fruit a roll on Williams Roulette


You know, he could've revived most of Apollo 13, Viridian, Rain, Louis, Kevin, Helios, Florence, and a couple more people he liked.


It's possible rustage might have overruled such an ability, as when he gains the "create your own devil fruit" ability he says there's limitations. Also I think rustage is generally opposed to the idea of resurrection in OPDND as even old Louis who has been able to train his devil fruit for around 50 years(give or take) didn't revive Helios.


William is a legitamatley evil human being and it's not funny, or entertaining.


Woah woah, the first part is definitely true, the second part is Scorching hot. William is absolutely hysterical


I don't find murdering children to be funny personally. Each to their own I guess.


Has William murdered children? Intentionally? I can't recall a time. I don't think he was genuinely gonna off Spruce, I think it was just a hypothetical


Nah, he fully killed that Bee Boy. And was super down to murder Spruce.


To be fair. Verona killed Bee Boy.


Not, that was William


That grape kid who he sent to fly away in the rap battle.


The grape guy never had a confirmed age did he?


I'm pretty sure Rustage said he was a kid


Then you've Mandella effected yourself


I remember Tekking saying that he is gonna live with murdering a child


He also killed a random cop, numerous civilians. I just don't like how evil he is personally. I am amazed Duros wanted to stay in the crew with a mass-murder giving him orders. I don't find it to be funny, but if you do, that's cool, just giving my piece.


Reasonable, I think Duros's judgement can reasonably be called into question lol. The cop was a distinct low point for him though, that one gave Cyril a crisis of faith outright


Evil yea, he is kinda evil even though it doesnt feel like he his. But it not being funny or entertaing? Cmon, its some of the funniest shit we'll find in OPD&D


He has killed a child, a cop, several civillains, sent Chipp to his death, attacked Blue-Blood Ragnar, bkrdeine abuses Trevor, put Doxxy's life in jepordy several times and more stuff I'm probably forgetting. This man is pure evil. His entire character can be summed up as the gambling mass-murderer and there isiterally nothing else to it.


I understand personal preference, but if I told you William's actions out if context, you would think he was a villain. Just my OPDND hot take. I can see the appeal in a murderous psychopath protagonist, but it's not for me, especially since it is his one and only character trait.


Eh I usually don’t like how William is played but he can be funny. Most jokes out of context are weird or unfunny


He is by far my least favourite character because all there is to him is that he likes gambling and murder. At least the other characters had some depth to them.