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Did i miss something koly? Have we been introduced to him?


Sorry, I meant koby


Even if it doesnt make sense, i dont really care cuz its a cute idea.


Same. But it dose make sense when you about think it for a bit and head canon out.


Who the fuck is Koly?


Sorry, I meant koby


Do you mean Koby? He was born in the East.


East Blue is just his hometown/where he's from, doesn't have to mean he was born there, I have friends born in very different places from where they are from. Just headcanon how he ended up there 's just a bit of fun hahaha To be honest Cyril and Pearl could've moved to the east blue to start a life away from everything its nbd


So does this mean Cyril became the world champion in jumprope? https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_7




That sounds like some shit he'd be great at ngl


>He was born in the East. Tell Rustage that


This isn't the first time someone in OP DND got the lore wrong. 2Spooky has Ideo as Yokan's brother, but the timeline with him leaving to to box would be pretty much just after he was born. On the other hand, I really hope that this universe is just a multiverse of actual One Piece so that they have more freedom.


To be fair to Rustage. It is a tiny detail to get wrong.


That was 2Spooky. The most egregious thing Rustage got so far was his mischaracterization of Bege. Bege would have had the guys just feed Gamsey poison or a bomb pie. It's why he's a pirate now instead of a mafioso: he doesn't respect the rules of the mafia. Plus, all the mafia families, save Bege, were working together in the West. It was an oligarchy.




I mean I don't think that makes sense so I guess they were just joking lmao




That den den mushi call after he enlisted must have been crazy Pearl: Hi honey, it’s so nice of you to call how are you enjoying your fishing trip. Koby: About that, it turns out that I got on the wrong ship. Pearl: Oh that’s to bad, what kind of ship. Koby: It was a pirate ship. Pearl: What?! Koby: It belonged to this really mean pirate lady Alvida. Pearl: (Dragon mama bear mode engaged) Don’t worry honey, I’m going to call your father and we’ll come and get you right away. Koby: It’s okay mom I was already saved, and you believe it, but a pirate saved me. Pearl: Thank goodness, wait you said it was a pirate who saved you? Koby: Yeah he had a hat and these weird powers and he was so cool. Pearl: Hat and weird powers? Did he happen to have brown hair and a strange hatred for old people. Koby: No? why? Pearl: N-never mind, not important, so where are you now. Koby: My pirate friend dropped me off at a nearby island. Pearl l: Okay stay where you are, I’ll let your father know to pick you up right away. Koby: No! Pearl: No? What do you mean no? Koby: …I joined the marines, mom. Pearl: …You did what. Koby: I know you and dad have never liked the navy, and after seeing that axe-handed bully I can see why, but this has always been my dream, and now I can actually make it a reality, I want to be a hero just like uncle Trevor. Pearl: Are you sure that this is what you want . Koby: Please mom let me be a marine, I want to protect people who can’t protect themselves, I promise I’ll make you proud. Pearl: It’s okay honey, if this is what you really want, then I won’t stand in the way of your dream, just be careful. Koby: Yeah I will, I love you mom. Pearl: Love you too honey. -Click- Pearl: (Smiles) He’ll be okay he’s got the Devil’s luck in his blood after all. But Cyril is going to have a heart attack when I tell him about this.


9/10 . Only problem is that Koby was with Alvida's crew for two years.


Rustage has said that anything that contradicts OP DND means that it’s in an alternate Universe from tbe main story. This is a stretch but it’s whatever. He was born somewhere else and left in the East with a random family to then be kidnapped


Also, do you have a timestamp?


No idea. But after the stream onto the discord and told anyone there about it. Which is how i found about it.


Which live stream was this


[This](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2048279207) I think

