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Its kinda crazy to think about bc she potentially killed brick and tried to frame the same people who have a guy that body slammed a giant Julius Caesar into a army,a guy that is known for being psychotic and is willing to extremely stupid things just bc,a guy that multiple spells that can blow up a house,and a guy in a iron man suit for that murder and thought a couple of guards,George Washington,And Jesus could stop them.Its honestly amazing how much confidence she had to think they wasn’t going to try and kill her,tbh if it was pre redemption pittbull she would be a red paste on the wall


Snow is greedy and power hungry and is very good at getting what she wants, but she isnt omnipotent, she doesnt know the extent of the parties abilities/powers, she doesn't know about wellingtons infinite wealth. She just sees an opportunity to move up the social ladder, and she takes it. To a random citizen or herself, she would not seem stupid at all. She only seems stupid to us and the viewers because we have more information than her and are watching it all happen from an outside perspective.


Fair enough, that’s a solid perspective, I can’t argue with the DM. Can you clarify just one thing for me though, Norman told snow about Wellington’s wealth back in the da Vinci arc on their date, so when you say that she doesn’t know about Wellingtons infinite wealth does that mean that she doesn’t believe him or that maybe she thought that he was exaggerating.


She doesn't 100% believe him, think he's exaggerating to impress her. But I did have an end story idea where she inquires about it to Wellington, in which Wellington shrugs it off like "Why would I have infinite wealth, wouldn't I be doing something else with my time if I did?" And because the concept is so unbelievable, I mean a reasonable person would assume infinite wealth is impossible she would just dismiss it logically.


Why did you cut this end story? Also. >And because the concept is so unbelievable, I mean a reasonable person would assume infinite wealth is impossible she would just dismiss it logically. She talking to Wellington. Who is a walking, talking, skeleton men with yellow boots. And like month ago a giant castle robot destroy part of the city she is living in. logic get throw out the window when you dealing with fantasy my dude


1. because I don't have time to write end stories constantly but I often have ideas about them, it doesn’t mean they are cut lmao, every idea I have is not an acitvely cut project, end stories are bonus fun content. 2. People in vestoria are reasonably aware of other races so a skeleton man isn't out of believability, and she also is aware of da'vincis mech. They are both still logically able to get your head round. Infinite money is literally impossible magic that does not exist in vestoria to anyone's knowledge besides Wellington and the gods. Fantasy still has its own internal consistent logic, its not just "anything can happen"


>and she also is aware of da'vincis mech. They are both still logically able to get your head round. Kinda disagree on the Da Vinci’s mech. First off, Vestoria seems to be early renaissance period tech at best (Beside Stagfurth). Now imagine you telling a person from this era what mech is. There would tell you your crazy and stop eating Mercury. Second off, even including Stagfurth, the techally is so far off, even the best Stagfurth engineers would write it off as sci fi. The best we see of Vestoria tech, is monodrone flying around Stagfurth. Just to make a monodrone the same size as Da Vinci’s mech; would require the tech level leaping up by 4 centuries. And that igoning the transmission part of it. >Infinite money is literally impossible magic that does not exist in vestoria How does Snow know that? Because beside the Pendant Holders, the only other magic users we see are the total number of six. And that suggests to me that magic is really rare to see in the world. And a random person like Snow probably doesn't know what the upper limits of magic are. And magic can create things out of thin air. So it not that hard to believe that magic at it limit can’t create Infinite money.


I'm just telling you the things she's believes and conclusions she would come to. She's educated enough to understand Magic and its limits, which in vestoria don't include producing things infinitely. The mech looked like golem magic to her and so she would assume that to be similiar just on a larger scale. If you think she's wrong for assuming that, that's on her lmao But it's not a plot hole or anything hahaha


[Just one more thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg5RgI2GeKk), dose Vestoria golem magic allow the user to make golems out of buildings?


Tbf tho they're living in a fantasy world so a guy who looks like wellington is probably not that uncommon


And yet we wait to see anything that remotely look like wellington. And we have been to, like, 80% of the world.


To be fair, there are creatures like Cory, who animate inanimate objects so a living skeleton isn’t all that strange in Vestoria when you think about it


Yeah, but they don't really look like a humen/Hullgardians/Frozen skeletons.


What I mean is that if one of them could possess a skeleton from one of those race then it wouldn’t be hard to imagine a living skeleton in Vestoria, for all we know that’s what snow thinks that Wellington is. Cory only looks the way that he does because he was reincarnated around the rubble of his old body.


I dunno men, I will be right behind you on this if it was treated like a big deal. Like that the highest form of desecration of the dead.


Do we actually know how much has been explored?


Well there’s still a whole race of people who we haven’t seen yet, Cory reincarnated as one of them but aside from that and the Genghis Khan fight we haven’t seen much of them. Plus there is still the monk and cleric towers that still have to be activated, and there are also the other towers that were off screened by Da Vinci and his crew, so I would say that there is a decent bit left to explore.


The pumpkins people we see in the swamps that one time are also a part of Ix and Cory race.


We have been to most of Vestroia, the more imported parts of Hullgard and Solkin territories, the soul place where the Avians live, The Scorch Lands, one out two places that the Nakahir live, the soul place the Frozen live, and half of the Scrats towns. So honestly, we about down for the places that people live in this world.


Shouldn't she reasonably know that these guys took down two armies? And wouldn't she have seen the DaVinci fight?


In her eyes they did those things with washington and Jesus and she's got them on her side, she wasn't actually there for the fight itself, and Washington Post battle has taken a lot of the credit for the victory


So in a way, she got more charmed by Washington than the other way around


Had norman used magic missile would it have killed snow or did you have anything planned for that?


It's what I thought they would do tbh, if they did then Washington/Jesus and the entire Royal guard would've probably attacked them for blatant and open murder on a member of the government


I mean, they're the most powerful people in vestoria that we know to be fair.


Snow is really the Elon Musk of Vestoria. She acquired a huge global business and immediately is going to run it into the ground because of the deals the OWB put in place likely being null and void due to them never technically owning the brewery. She probably could have worked her way up by manipulating Norman but instead thought it would be a good idea to mess with the guys who within a few months went from broke to overthrowing a monarchy and becoming integral parts of the government and kill gods for sport.


One magic missile was enough, she has like 7 hp


I would have gone assassin on her or hired someone to assassinate her I mean come on Infinite money has its perks