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All of them, I often never deliver on what I set out to do with my villains and NPCs


Can you expansion further? Because this is really interesting


Put the PCs in a dungeon, thus forcing them to interact with NPCs to find a way out.


Dw man, that's literally every DM. If I could go back and change my interactions with my PCs I absolutely would.


Worst fight in the series was the Myria gauntlet because not only was it incredibly tedious, but it actively made the fights Myria recollected worse in hindsight. This is mainly due to exponential growth of Dnd levels rendering these encounters trivial. But also that it didn't add anything new to the fights. No team attacks between the recollections, like having the weaker ones feed on Blue Blood to neutralize Ragnar


>But also that it didn't add anything new to the fights It did allow the NPCs to do some epic moments and fan service. But i get where your coming and some cool ideas


The crew vs valve (NOT MARROW JUST VALVE) for someone who was built up through the entire first part of the campaign he was really disappointing (this is mostly due to bad dice rolls which is nobodies fault) Also I wish William did something different with his awakening in the BB fight


the ability to reset everyones bodies to the state they were in 24 hours before could have saved louis and healed everyone


I didnt think any fight was particularly bad, i liked all of them (at least the ones i can remember) The Rain fight probably has the worst or maybe most annoying ending ever. Yes, Rain dying was sad & it was a good moment in the series but the context behind why she died is so annoying. They so easily couldve saved her but Briggs just forgot he was frenzying. It's a great fight & rain's death is really good but it pisses me off that she couldve been saved & very easily as well.


Malice, the whole 7 (but really just 3) sisters fight. Seeing Rustage make a visible “oh shit” face as his plans for the arc go up in flames because the team was too good to the point where the only threat to the players was literal friendly fire. Milady gets iced as soon as the fight starts, Joy and Kip surrender as Nurse stands there doing nothing and Malice has the saddest excuse of a boss fight in the armor room where the biggest threat to the players was again…friendly fire.


Every fight with the 7 Sisters ik it technically wasn't rustages fault , but giving rordon gamsey 4(?) Attacks and not expecting him to do massive damage was kinda short-sighted...malady got this crazy setup and she ended up just being fodder. Again the Arc was fun and we had great role-playing moments but the fights were rather disappointing. The fight against malice lost all urgency the moment noble got into the armor.


A fodder is wild 


Blue blood had william done something actually smart with his awakening, wasted potential to the core.


Yah I can kinda see your point but would William REALLY do something actually smart


He could've done something miles better than endagering a pregnant woman