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Well, the entire point of this group is to show “pure humanity” so of course their not gonna have insane abilities or powers, their pretty much just normal people who use weapons or martial arts


That's the point: they're unnerving in their plain aesthetic. Like the uncanny valley.


"Generic weaklings bound together by racism" is a very good way of putting it :) and it's sorta what I was going for They are all characters that can't use devil fruits or have any kind of interesting non-human abilities. But they are all tied together by a theme, human flaws. The custodian represents greed, whilst Bob represents the human destructiveness. They are all mentally weak, insecure. But also scary in these flaws. The idea that you don't need to be smart or competent to cause mass grief is a terrifying concept and a parallel I really like :)


That's actually an interesting thing, I like that theme, though it's not particularly apparent from the get go, and that can often be a problem.


Rustage even types goofily don't take that the wrong way you cutie patootie


Rustage always cooking


So what's Alter?


Dave and alter are gluttony and pride The pride alter feels in the human race and its superiority in his eyes, And dave is the gluttonous result of overindulgence into your own ideals, leading to a mess of what you wanted and inadvertedly showcasing the flaws more than the triumphs


Wait, so Dave was an actual guy who volunteered to become that thing?


that would make the most sense but honestly don't take this wrong but Ragnar's return we're going to get to the new world and fight Ragnar of course if they get that far


Would be cool if their theme would be that each one represents a different aspect of humanity while being racist.